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英语演讲稿1分钟自我介绍 ‎ ‎  英语演讲稿1分钟自我介绍篇一  GoodMorning / Afternoon, My dear teachers ‎  My nameis Wu Yixuan. I am 11 years old, and I am a fifth grade student.‎ ‎  I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well, which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports, such as dancing, skating, biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music, especially thepop music, which makes me feel relax. I love English, too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day.‎ ‎  I have manyfriends. I often study and play with Ke Jingqi and Zhu Si huai. Sometimes, wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me, too.‎ ‎  That'sall! Thank you for your attention.‎ ‎  译文:‎ ‎  老师上午好!(下午好)‎ ‎  我叫吴奕萱,我今年11岁,我是小学五年级学生。‎ ‎  我的爱好很多。我喜欢画画,我画的画可捧了,大家都夸我画得好。我喜欢体育运动,如跳舞、溜冰、骑自行车、打羽毛球。我经常和姐姐们一起打羽毛球,我们都非常开心。我喜欢音乐,尤其是流行音乐,它让我觉得很放松。我喜欢英语,我希望有一天我能到世界各地去旅游。‎ ‎  我有很多朋友。我经常和柯婧琪、祝思怀她们一起学习、玩耍。我们还一起逛书店、逛超市,我们在一起非常开心。我爱我的朋友们,她们也爱我!‎ ‎  我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!‎ ‎  英语演讲稿1分钟自我介绍篇二  Hi, my name is Somin and I am originally from Korea, but I went to college at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.‎ ‎ In college, I studied accounting and the reason I wanted to go into accounting was because I wanted to get a good background of the businesses. I felt like accounting was the language of the business world and I felt like if I learned that well, I’ll be able to not only understand business world, but also know how they work and provide solutions for them in a different way.‎ ‎  大家好,我叫Somin。我是韩国人,我曾在佐治亚州的亚特兰大埃默里大学读书。为了获得一个商科的背景,我在大学里面选择攻读会计专业。会计是商业世界的语言,如果我能把会计学好,我不仅能够理解商业世界,而且还能知道商业世界的运作方式并能以一种不同的方式提供商业问题的解决方法。‎ ‎  So after college, I worked at PWC as an auditor and while working there, I really enjoyed my time especially because they do a lot of teamwork and it’s very project-based, meaning I’ll be doing different things throughout times, so I’ll be learning new things and looking at different industries like I mentioned earlier. And also, getting to know other businesses and how they work.‎ ‎  所以在大学毕业之后,我在普华永道做审计,我很享受在那里的工作时光尤其是因为他们会做很多团队工作并且里面项目化的工作能够让我能在不同的时间里面做不同的事情,因此我能尝试新的事物并且可以观察我前面提到的不同的行业。而且,我还能够了解其他的行业和它们的运作方式。‎ ‎  But one thing that I didn’t like about accounting and the public accounting world was it didn’t really give me much room for creativity and innovation. Yes, there were some aspects of my job that I could apply that somewhat, but in a whole sense it didn’t really give me room to do that in a way that I was satisfied.‎ ‎  但是我不喜欢会计和知名会计事务所的一件事情是它并不能给我太多创造力和创意的空间。是的,的确在工作的某些方面我可以稍微运用自己的创意和创造力,但是总体上来讲,它并没有给我足够的空间去让我按照我满意的方式做事。‎ ‎  So that’s why I decided to come to Fuqua. And after Fuqua I would actually want to get into the tech industry, because I feel like the tech industry gives you a platform to really exercise and practice the creativity and innovation that you have. Specifically, I would like to go to Apple, because I feel like Apple is the company that drives that innovation and drives that creativity into people’s personal lives.‎ ‎  这就是我决定去Fuqua商学院的原因,在Fuqua商学院学习之后,实际上我非常想要去高新技术产业,因为我认为高科技产业给人一个真正练习和实践你们所拥有的创造力和创新的平台。我特别想要去苹果公司因为它驱动着创新和创造力并影响着人们的生活。‎ ‎  英语演讲稿1分钟自我介绍篇三  Respect teacher, dear students: everyone!‎ ‎  Come on when I was thinking to use don't have to do a self-introduction, I think or very be necessary after doing a, first of all, I know people don't have to know me, because I'm not a star, then do a self-introduction one any good? Is convenient in your criticism or critical to name names, not thinking of when I pointed to my nose but doesn't know by name, I will be worried about you. It will be a very painful thing.‎ ‎  My name is xx, not surnamed liu, but the surname field, have a classmate say my mother surnamed liu, I definitely tell you is my mother also not surname liu, said don't understand my mother surnamed liu who are? , of course, if you call me = = =, I will feel hospitable, the title of my speech is the beautiful campus, my home is where I first statement, the following point of view, for my personal identity, if got everyone's identity, my pleasure.‎ ‎  Warm, all things recovery, the river of the branches of the weeping willows stretch opened the yellow green leaves, like a natural barrier at the edge of campus, the river flows slowly, play a QuChun, please we try a ‎ grateful heart to feel the nature has given us all this, also grateful for our school to the picturesque environment in which to learn, because Thanksgiving will have more mining the society, because Thanksgiving will be sincere friendship, in the same way, because Thanksgiving will be the beautiful and - harmonic campus, Thanksgiving is not just a behavior, is also a state of mind. Why do you say so? Below I ask you a question: "the school motto of tsinghua university is a" unyielding and hold world with virtue ", so what is our motto?" Understand please raise your hand! Ok, I'll tell everyone "building new, build industry for fei" and this is our school spirit, of course, you can go to the website login web site inspection.‎ ‎  I think this is also our most students talk about school proud of! Actually put this as a school proud capital, is the school of sorrow! Spring is coming, life, it is a good place for rest after dinner, we also exercise our will, in short I insist every day after night lessons will go around the large training run on two or three laps, not only exercise the body itself, also formed the habit of meditation, and our school dining hall, from 7 o 'clock in the morning to night lessons, as to have a meal at any time, just I love this kind of lining up to buy the rice. And the school's swimming pool (right about swimming pool events, knower silent, said this also don't ask, don't carry forward the spirit of the pursuit of learning) you, cinemas (I promise myself go to the movies once a week, is not, of course, in the net cafe or bedroom). These where you may not understand, but I can very negative duties of say; Yes, it's just you didn't go to the development and utilization.‎ ‎  Finally, a recommendation or advice to the school, the fortunes of a world rise and fall, rise and fall, also is responsible for students, not just at the moment and after graduation is a duty, because you are out of school is ‎ a representative of the school. At the moment I think the school lacks a bit of "culture", the so-called "culture", of smell. Companies have a "culture" to grow, schools have a "culture" was able to do school in one hundred. At present the leadership of the very thought of. Statement again, this view person, such as can get recognized, my pleasure. If there is any dissent, let's discuss in private. Thank you very much to spend your precious time to listen to me this crap, I gratitude not jing.‎ ‎  尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好!‎ ‎  在上来的时候我就在思考用不用做一个自我介绍,我想了之后还是很有必要做一个的,首先我认识的人不必须认识我,毕竟我不是明星,其次做一个自我介绍有一个什么好处呢?就是方便在你们批评或者批判的时候能够指名道姓,不至于在想批我的时候指着我的鼻子却叫不上名字,我会替你们着急的。那将是一件多么痛苦的事情啊。‎ ‎  我叫xx,不是姓刘,而是姓田,有同学说我妈妈姓刘,我明确的告诉你就是我妈妈也不姓刘,真不明白说我妈妈姓刘的人居心何在?当然如果叫我===,我会倍感亲切,我演讲的题目是《美丽的校园——我的家》在那里我首先声明,以下观点,为我个人所认同,如果得到大家的认同,不胜荣幸。‎ ‎  春风和煦,万物复苏,河边的垂柳舒展开了黄绿嫩叶的枝条,似校园边上的一道天然屏障,河水缓缓流淌,演奏一曲春的赞歌,请我们试用一颗感恩的心去体会大自然所赐予我们的这一切,同时也感恩学校为我们带给这个风景如画的学习环境,因为感恩才会有这个多采的社会,因为感恩才会有真挚的友情,同样,因为感恩才会有这美丽和-谐的校园,感恩不仅仅是一种行为,也是一种心态。为什么要这样说呢?下方我问大家一个问题:“清华大学的校训是‘自强不息、厚德载物’,那么我院的校训是什么?”明白的请举手!好的,由我来告诉大家“建物格新,筑业为范”这也是我院办学的精神,当然您能够去网站登录网址查阅。‎ ‎  我想这也是我们大多数同学谈起学校时骄傲的地方吧!其实把这当成学校骄傲的资本,是学校的悲哀!春天来了,花香鸟语,正是我们饭后休息的好去处,同时也是我们锻炼身体的必选之地,总之我坚持每一天晚自习过后都会去围着那个大的训练场跑上两三圈,不仅仅锻炼了自我的身体,也养成了静思的习惯,还有咱们学校的饭堂,从早上七点到晚自习前,随到随时有饭吃,正合我这种不爱排队买饭的人。还有学校的游泳馆(对了关于游泳馆事件,知者不语,不知者也不要问,千万别发扬你们追求学问的精神)、电影院(我保证自我每周看一次电影,当然不是在网吧或者寝室)。这些你们或许都不明白在哪里,但是我能够很负职责的说;有,只是你没有去开发利用而已。‎ ‎  最后,向学校提一个推荐或者说是意见,天下兴亡匹夫有责,学院兴衰,学子也有责,不仅仅此刻又责毕业之后更是有责,因为你走出了校门代表的是一个学校。此刻我认为学校缺少一点“文化”,所谓“文化”这,闻而化之。企业有“文化”才能够发展壮大,学校有“文化”才能够做到百年名校。望在座的领导甚思之。再声明一下,以上观点个人所述,如能得到大家认同,不胜荣幸。如有异议者,咱们私下讨论。多谢大家能够破费您的宝贵的时光来听我这一堆废话,我感恩不荆。‎