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大学生求职英文自我介绍范文 ‎ ‎  大学生求职英文自我介绍范文1‎ ‎  Good morning , ladies and gentlemen ‎  It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. I’m a graduate student from MAOMING UNIVERSITY . My name is ** ,* years old. , born in MAOMING. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June.‎ ‎  In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 2003, excel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.‎ ‎  Although perhaps I’m not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I will satisfy you well.‎ ‎  As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology. I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years. Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits. It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship. My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person. Other than my major study, I have master a great skills in computer operation.‎ ‎  One month as cadet teacher in the March of 2008, not only did i obtain enough first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that ‎ the career I have chosen is sacred and significant. Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible educator.‎ ‎  Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position.‎ ‎  Thank you for your attention!‎ ‎  大学生求职英文自我介绍范文2‎ ‎  General Introduction ‎  I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.‎ ‎  Education background ‎  In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.‎ ‎  At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent Graduation Thesis.‎ ‎  Research eXPerience and academic activity ‎  When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.‎ ‎  In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and eXPerience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.‎ ‎  大学生求职英文自我介绍技巧 ‎  面试在求职过程中,可以说是压力最大的一个环节。面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,如果能回答得从容不迫、简明扼要,恰当中肯,而且合乎老外的口味,那么肯定会大大增加你的录取机会。‎ ‎  事先3项准备 ‎  ■对目标公司所在地、规模、在全球的活动概况等要事先有所了解,包括总公司在国内设立分公司的时间、业绩表现、经营规模,以及今后打算开展的业务等,若能得到业界的评价更好。如无法得到书面资料,也要设法从该公司或其他同业中获得情报。‎ ‎  ■面试时自我介绍内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。‎ ‎  ■准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,最好和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。‎ ‎  谈吐3P原则 ‎  自我介绍时应该记住“3P原则”:Positive(自信),Personal(个性),Pertinent(中肯)。谈吐自信,就是要积极地进行自我肯定,让面试人充分了解你的优点与潜能。突出个性,就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。语气中肯,就是要实事求是,不要言过其实,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及和自己无关的事情。‎ ‎  自我介绍应简洁明了,给面试人留下思路清晰、反应快捷、逻辑性强的印象。自我介绍时间不宜太长,话不宜太多,最好控制在五分钟之内。不要一谈起自己就口若悬河,滔滔不绝,以免言多语失。另外,在自我介绍时应避免过多地使用“I”(我),不要每个句子一开头就冒出一个“I”字,给人留下自我标榜、以自我为中心的印象。‎ ‎  灵活的应聘者往往会把“我”开头的话,变成“你”字打头。例如,面试人说:“Willyoupleasesaysomethingaboutyourself?”(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:“Doyouwantmetotalkaboutmypersonallifeortosaysomethingaboutthejob?”(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题?)这样,你的谈话就把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。‎ ‎  围绕3方面表现 ‎  回答问题时口齿要清晰、语调适中。内容要有条理、避免重复。介绍工作经历采用倒序,从最近一份工作谈起,着重强调有利于新工作的职务经历。最好能说明曾担任何种职务、实际成绩、业绩等,以及自己的工作对原来公司的影响。凡和此次应征不相关的内容,尽量避免提及。话题紧扣以下3方面来展现自己的优势。‎ ‎  能力当你知道招聘单位目前急于用人时,首先把自己的专长讲足说够,然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like ‎ me.(我想,贵单位需要象我这样的人才。)用这样的句式,让面试人认为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的发展考虑问题,于是更容易接受你。陈述自己的任职资格时,可以这么开头:I’mqualifiedforthejobbe鄄cause……(我能胜任这项工作,是因为……)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已不再是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。‎ ‎  业绩外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,为了证明你的能力,你可以把过去的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟现在雇主所面临的类似问题:IexploredShanghaimarketandsold50,000setsinoneyear.(我开发了上海市场,一年销售出去5万套。)‎ ‎  诚意某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句:I'dliketohearyouropinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊敬,很容易使他(她)产生亲切感。当面试人在试探你的应聘诚意时,应该及时表态:Sofarasthatiscon鄄cerned,youmusthaveunderstoodmydetermination.(谈到这里,您一定已经明白我的决心。)问些与工作内容相关的问题,能表现你对这份工作的兴趣。如: Whatotherresponsibilitiesdoyouthinkthisjobwillinclude? (您觉得这份工作所包含的职责还有哪些?)‎