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2019 秋国家开放大学电大专科《英语口语(2)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2147) 试卷代号:2147 国家开放大学 2()1 9 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试题签 学生用卷(A) 2020 年 1 月 Directions: In this test you will hate nn oppivrtunity to dcnxiiistnitc your ability to understand and use spoken English. Vht test Is divided Into three parts. Purl I Rcud M Nhort pa^saue aloud and answer questions. Pnrt 2 Speak on u topic. Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner us your conversation partner^ Part 1 Read nloud the p&irt Ixjtwren the stars ( ■ )and then answer the questions the exuminer you. Victor >5 from South Africa. When he first enme io China nil the wny from South Africa 10 yean* ugo9 he worked as a nunfigemrnt trninrv of A travel ngtncy in LunxboUa During the dcciidc« he has *etn his company grow and now hr is the assistant to the area gtnernl manager of North and Central Wot China. • He need^ to travel a gre^t deal for his job and he likes il9 Wherever he goes, he takes his smarl phones with him— he 1ake^ two of ihem. With his smart phones> he can make calls, surf the Internet, have email access♦ download dtx-unicnts. and sometimes play gameA. The function* he IISC-H mastt however• is not talking to people• or sending messages l>ut taking videos, writing coTnmcnts about hi> videos and then posting them on his blog spnee. He spench ulmost all his spare time blogging. If he JS noi working# he ts hloRginK. Ik hz been making Vidros nboui all A!*pecf5 of life in Chinn for the pa^t two ycar^ He is proud ihat IIIH posts on ("hinese snneks nnd food have hern viewed by thousands of viewers. Part 2 Speak on the following Inpic for about 2 minute "Mztnncrs differ in different countries. " Do you agree with this siatcmcnt? Why or why not? Part 3 Complete a n>le-play task s"h jour cxamincrt Your cunvcrsutjon should last 3T minutes. A met!* B ・ n youn^ English engineer working in China, in a business guthcruig. They nre talking nbout life in Chinn. You arc A ・ You «tart the convenuitinn with B. The following 代 the procedure ynu should follow. • Exchnngvs grecxings with H. . <>ivc your opinion on Bf locnsAing an the inconveniences. • Offer help in BS Chinese languHKr learning. • Respond tn BS rr-queM for help in looking for A Chinese tuion 试卷代号:2147 国家开放大学 2019 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试题签 教师用卷(A〉 2020 年 1 月 Directions: In this test, thv students Mill have an opportunity to defnonstrate their ability to undersUnd and tur spoken English. The test h divided into three parts. Part I Read a short passage siluud and answer questhin^. Purt 2 Spatk on a topic Pari 3 Complete a rolr-pluy task with tbr examinvr as the ctmvcniation p»rtner. Part 1 Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars( ♦). Victor in from South Afriou When he Grst came to China all the way (rom South Africa 10 yoi” atfo< he worked * a management trainee of a iravcl agency in Lnnzhou> during the pain decndct he has seen his company grow and now hr is the asstsiant to the ureu general manager of North and Central West Chituu • He needs to travel n greAt deal for his job and he likes in Wherever he? goes# he Takes hm smart phones with him—he Take* two of them. With his smart phones* he can make mils, surl the Internets have email geM. download documenis^ and sonietime* plfly rhe funrttonA he airs niost^ however• i« not tnlkm« to people, or sending rr 心 w 心 but taking videos• writing comments n(>out his videos and then posting them on his blog spnec. Hr spends almost all his spare time Hoggings If he is not workingt he is blogging. He hA5 been making videos about all aspects of life in Chmn for the past two years^ Ht is proud that his pom on Chinese snacks and food hnve been viewed by thousands ol viewvrs. P ・ rt 2 the liudcut U> 呼加 h on ihv (ulhiwhit topic hir nbont Z mlnuicm "Munhrm differ in different count nes. H Do you ngree with thb h!rirt ・ 1 > kilomrtrw from thr tnw irul ( hitivM:h, llvhtK with ( hhu^r iicltthhuurie <>flrr help in H' 、 Chit»c>r hwiKungr lrnrnifig< 1 hitnk A fnr hrlp« A 让 fur A ' ■ help to fin! 4 Chuu^v tutor. Rt^fNHtd properly. lliMnkAnd Ihunk ynu in od*uncr (or y(uir betp. OK. No prnblrm. 1 undvrwtund. It9 n nice tulklnu lu you. 试卷代号:2147 国家开放大学 2019 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试题签 学生用卷(B) 2020 年 1 月 |n this lest you will hstr nn opportunity to demonstrute your abilih to undcrstiind and use spoken Engl&h. The test is divided into three p^rts. Part I Read a short passage aloud und answer questions Part 2 Speak on a topic. P"t 3 Cnmplctc a roleplay Usk with the examiner as your convrrsnUon P«finer. Part Read aloud the part between the stan ( * > and then mister the questions the exuminer askN you. Mury in one of tho^r who choose io hftvr a DINK (nrnily. BvinR irhil*" <•冲 "E"混 choice. She find her hunbatul have to live 出 different cities moM at the “m hear rhe voicc> nnd -er thr irnngr* ol Incnds ancr in n whilr. • 2 Spnik on the fnllowlng topic for about 2 minutex. Ik,以川 &gnd on public ESpwWi 2 get to and (rum work? I)r“ril>r y“s rxprnrncr in u-»m« public trnrmportation. ,,art ' u 前 Lphiy IUMR with ymir rxamincr. Your ain*vrualhm «huuld hz 3-| nilnMlr«< A rluitx with B. «n Amcricnn friend over dinner. They arc ulkihi:,hmi pUti (ur . new job. You Mrv A, Ymi BIMH thr in nettling down in your hometown and offer hel|K • »"<• H a ainvcnirnf wny/ ways to coniact< End thr eaiwcrmHmL ”试卷代号:2147 M 家开放大学 20 I 9 年秋手学期期末统・・与试 英语口语(2) 口试题签 段师用卷(B) IOSO 年 1 n Directions | hi IhiB tekU the Bludtnh will huve un iip|x»rtuniiy lo(lcin !•> XinjianHt they hntl the mot! peaceful nnd relaxed trnvcl experience thnt thry ever had III China# I hrn WA> no rimh Af thn airport* and they wetr nblr «> bnrunln a good price fur the enbh to then hnlchi They had their firM nkimit expcricncct nnd monQvert they were «blr <0 rnpturc brnutiful •hotA of the! «l«r Itllcd ・ ky. After a bu»y time ol Eglu 心 "lb Miry nnd hrr husband like 10 he chatn with rhrir {rirndw online. It IR good to hear th< VOICCR nnd MCC thr irn^Kct •»( speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes, f>o you depend on public transportation to get to and from work? Describe your rtxperirnce in u the wziy. 1e m thinking of changing my job. 1 had an offer from a children 4 s clothes company io (n Incul to^n ) • Morkinu as mi engineer / uccountanl/ u dr^ijUier Whnl do you think fut it? < iivc your opinion /approval / diwpprtwfll of H taking n new juli tn A chiklrcti ' M ciothc!» company in your hnmrtuwn. In^hl on tnking the job. 1 want to take the job. 1' ni inierestwl In mccthii: the local people and kum abuut ChitiiL Perhaps one du) • 1 will Aturl my own company here. Expre^ ■urpn、。 in H 1 R plftn. Awk B whrthcr B nerds help in settling down in your hometown and offer hdp. Accept A hrlpe that4s wonderful. Can 1 hu*e your mobile / QQ number so thut 1 enn chut with you when 1 nerd your help /advice? B n cnnvrnifjnt w.iy/ wjiyw to ronffict. End I hr convrr^uhorh riuink A for Iwlp. Ihank you. 11、irnll> nice n wet inc you today. Let '、 keep In touche 试卷代号:2147 国家开放大学 2019 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试 成佛单 2020 年 1 月 学号 姓名 得分 学号 姓名 得分 _ __________________________________ 口试教师:_________________ H 期:___________________ 家开放大学 2019 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试评分标准 (供承考) 2020 年 1 月 评分标准 得分 朗次短文,'回答问祯 瘗赏发言 简单交谈 100- 9。 •沿酉.语调正确* •朗读流情,诰淡白然. 标 准, •能在规定时制内正确 回 答 1 个问题.发达 准确, 用词恰当. •随瞬扣所给的诂麒有条 理 地组织自己的讲话 6 •谐言流畅.内容充实, •能够根据所规定的情景 和 角色进行有效交际 8 •语言得休.流助, •能恰当地进行应答和导 人 话题.能主动地僵开 话题. 89—80 •诺吝,语调正跖 •阴读较讯畅.措流较 8 然, •能在所建定的时间内 正 确回答 t 个何趁. •能就:所给的话距有条理 地 沮织自己的讲话; •语言较旅畅,内容较充 实. •大部分情况下可以根据 所 规定的情第和角色诳 行有 效交际, •洒言较待体、流畅 1 •花较主动地展开话咽・ 79-70 1 • ifj 音.ifi 诚基本正确 1 •即 谈兰不流蜗, •能在所规定的时间内 正 礁回芥 3 个间 •基布能就所给的话瓯组 织 自己的讲活; •雨百某本流物.内谷欠 充 实. •基本能根抿所慌定的情 景 和角色进行交谈] •语有基本得体•流幅, •不能主动地展并后题. 69—6。 •语音.语调有一此帽 •朝读其布诡 •盹在所规定的时间内 正 确回答 3 个何现. •基奉旌就所稔的话题期 堤 白己的讲话 8 •语言大能畅.发 g 简短. •茎本能根裾所规定的仍 景 和角色进行交谈. 59—0 •语皆、语调错误严重, • 朗读不流幅, • 2 个(•〉个》以上同 题 回答不正确.答非 所向. •不能就所始的培匙组织 自 己的讲话, •发言荷短□无逢置性. 儿乎 无法交际. 和角色进行交谈.