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国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)》2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156) 盗 传必究 Part I Questions 1—10 are bau-d on L (30 points> 3 point、each) Passage 1 The rnrliesi time when anything like badminton wan pl«ycd w” ^omr two thousand years ago when people in China played a game kicking a kind of shutTlccock around< Much Inter < in the nineteenth century t a game called * Battledore and Shuttlecock w was played indoors in English country houses Thcn> in 1873. some army officers who were staying at Badminton House, a large country house in the country of Avon in Englands named the game * Eiadmintonf. When they returned to tlwir diilies in lndiR< they continued to play badminton and produced the first set of rules for the game, which they played out of doors. Soon> rn 1875, an officers 9 badminton club was started in Folkt^tonr# an the south CO391 of England. By 1893. fourteen badminton clubs h«d been established and together they formed the Badminton Association of England and ugreed on a set of Law、of the Game. Between 1900 nncl 1934 > the game developed rnpidly across Europe♦ Asm nnd the USA. Probably< the mosl influential figure in the spon at that time wns a m»n called George ThDEA— He won 21 /Ml-England titles and over eighty inirrhntional tills. Hr wrote books about badminton and the laws of badminton for others to use< In 1934« when lhe International Badminton Federation was foundedt he became its first president. Thr importance of bndminton as n world sf)on WHS rccognurd first by the nitn>ductmn of the World Chanipionship^t which were first held in Mnlmo^ Sweden in 1977 and then by its inclusion in thr F^ircelona Olympic Games in 1992. Read Passage 1 und complete the following table with (he information from the passngc. Write finsvcrs on your answer sheeL Two thousand years ago People in ( 1 ) ____________ played a game kicking a kind of shunlecock around> Nineteenth century A game caHcd 1 liattkdorc and Shuttlecockf was played (2) in English country houses 1873 Some (3) ___________ who were staying at Badminton liotisr named thr game eBadminton 1875 An officers" badminton club WAS stnrh ・ d in (4)_______________ • (5>_________ Thr Badminton /Xssoctation o( England was lorrned nnd a sci of IJIW$ oi the (lame WAS agreed on> 1934 (6 ) __________ was founded. The first President was ( 7 ) _ _ . Hr won (8) ____________ All-England inks and over 80 mtcrnationnl titles> 1977 The firM Badminton World Charnpionnhipb were held in (9 ) _ • 1992: Badminton was included m (10) _____________ for the fir^t time. Part I| Questions 11—20 arc based on Passage 2. ( 30 points> 3 points each) Passage 2 China has 267 million fzimiiies* About 10 million newlyweds establish new households every year. Many of these new households differ signiAcantly from traditional families. Today women play a major role in the family. The old patriarchal family is being rcplnced by o more or less equal spousal relationship. This change was not simply a result of (JiincM- nwn tliAt Mtipulatc men and women nri equals. Chinm ・ women arr recrivinn more c nrc actively employed nnd ninny will mnrry Motnronr they lovri otherwise they mny choour to rrniAin single. Mont people hope to find n JMHW who IA well rducfltcd and con!«idcrnt(% While they vnhic love in n m/irri/i* most people AIMO coti^idrr thr m/Hrrml well bring the wife been me n member of the hunbund' ec Inmily. h wns even utipulaied by law that A wife mu»t mnke her hunbund'* home her legal rctiidrnce. Thin meant th" it womnn wz trnnftferred from her pnrrnt^v home to her pArcntn-irrlnwfs hurnc# where •he nntiumod A Muliordtnntc position. I hr nrw law WON ennetrd in 19K0# trnditionul eaeme lirR/tn disnppcarinK in I odny <利)。山 hnlf of nil houBcho)d» arc nuclear lArnilirMi thenr hounrhnldi% promote r<|unliiy between rncn nnd women. In rurnl aren* it i» null common for a womnn io move into the m/ir/s home when «hc miirrieB. t.hinc 5c n)nrrin|(c!i nr C. Grandmother controls the family^ D. Everyone is cquiil in the ffttnily. ]3. One key (actor which cmblcs womrn to gain equal status with men in the family is that _ < A. more women enn choose their own mnrriage partner than before B. many women me contributing mure to the f/imtly income C. nwn arc happy to sihare rhe fumily chores with their wives 以 many women huve received college eduention before they get carried 14. In choosing their upouse. people uwlly consider ________________• A. love material wealth C. educational background D ・ all of the above 15. In the Unt two drciides. thr fertility rate hos dropped sharply because ----------------------------• A. most couples are unwilling to have children K the traditional belief o( more children meaning more happinw h ・・ changed C> most urban couples care more about their personal happiness many women Are becoming economically independent I6 ・ Which of the following ntatrrnrnt!i ih FUIHC? ,'• M,)fc yuum louplr^ nrr poNCponing havinw A child to nllow their own pcrMonnl “cwth and enjoynirnt. K In n irftdittonul marriage, the wife been me n member of the hunhmd'ji fnmily. C ・ When sonic couples nre declining to have children, nirn骸 rwndly p|ny an important role. D. After the new law wax enneted in 1980. traditionul rnnrringc bc^n di,叩 pmrm. in nticMw I7. One of the? fcuturen of nuclear fAmiiict is that ______________ . A. hunbnnd A nd wife are rqunl io eAch other H ・ thr wife hnteni* nmrr to her hu<«bHnd the wifr normnlly rnovrn Io her hutthnudhornr l)・ thr wife dor^n*t idrntify hcmeK ns n membrr of the hghsd's hmily 18- Tbr pm <,f m midc Mates thm HChmnS mnrnnMc rate h high.H which implies lhAt__________ , A ・ proplr in rurnl /irrim «cf rnnrricd earlier thnn people in cities rnoal people get marrirtl nt the ngc of 24 (L mrn mnrry Inter thnn women D, moMi people KCI married Mloner or Inter in their lives I9. By companion, thr divorce r«le in China in________________ . A. one of the lowest in tlu world K h・n nrnrH rhnt ol the Eur<)f>rwn countrii^ Cone fifih of the murnngv rntr in the country »• ten timcA higher than it was ten ysm ago Whu h o( ihr following nil” h函 Murnniarizr!! thr niAin ids of tht, PAMA^C? A. Chinene mRrriagca a Chinene fAmilicB Chinrjtc marriages and fnmilics D. Chinese divorce rntr P ・ rt ID True or Fnl«c QueMhms 21 30 arv bawd on Passage 3. (20 |M>inU. 2 points cnch) PUMM好 3 rhunkugiving Ihy i» America S ver»ion of A hurvcsii frMivrtl. The holiday m celebrated on lhc r°UMh 1 hursdny in November, ( hi thin day. m山 ionji of /Xmerienns will join fnmily mid friend * 膈”血血皿 cat • meel with n hiMory that k ceniuries old. Early European settlers in North America held other ceremonies where they gave thanks But what Americans often consider the firart Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony. Today we call it Ma^chusctts. Those seitlrtfi are known as〔he PilRnm5. They held M ihreedny celebration in the fall of 1621. They celebrated the harvest with members of a local Indian tribe. Thr best known food that Americans traditionally ent on Thnnksgiving is turkey. 1 he nntion9s turkey producers arc expected to raise 242 niillion birds thi< yean The giivernmcnl say» that is two percent fewer than last year. Lost year's turkey production had a vMue about three and a half billion dollars. Thanksgiving turkeys arc traditionnlly nerved with a bread mixture that some Americans call stuffing. Others call it drossing. Sidr dishes include cranberries• sweet potatoes and green beims or other vegetables. 丁 he meal tradnionally ends with H dessert of pumpkin pic or pecan pie- Charity groups and rdigioua organizations will be bugy on this day• serving Thanksgiving rncalic to the needy. The weak economy has increased the number of Americans receiving government as^intance to buy food. Read Passage 3 and decide whether the following Matemcnts are True or False, Wrilc 1 for I ruc and F for False against the number of each of Che statements on your Answer Sheet. 2L Thanksgiving [Jay i,.AfnencuS version of a children^ day> 22. The holiday iw celebrated on the 4th Thursday in December. 23. In America many people will join family and friends io give thinks and eat a nival on this day. 2. The first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony which is called Mississippi now. 25. Those ancient pilgrims held a thrre-day crlcbration in the summer of 16】2. 26. The Turkey producers raiac about 242,000>000 turkeys this year. 27. The number of turkeys this ycjir is equal to last y«an 28. The favorite food people eat on Thanksgiving is rabbit. 29. The me^il traditionally ends with a pumpkin pic or a p000 dollars^ and there is a quick response that it has been done. As they watch the screen> Mary orders one of the household robots to make coffee for them. Frank disappears into the study ta join a video conference with his partners around the world. He is a computer engineer, working (or several cornpunies- This is his third job2 he used to be in marketing and then televiaiom Mary has a quick look at the shopping ehunncls — the usunl selection of electric curju household robots and cheap travel offers — before picking up the video phone to talk to her assistant. She a ho has a job and she is doing medical research> Both she and Frank used to have an office desk in London# but in 2014 they decided to move to rhe seaside and work from home- Frank and Mary have one daughter* Loui“・ who also has her own workstation al home. She goeM to school only one day a week, mainly to play with other students. ClasKrooms disappeared in 2030 because there was no longer any need for them: communication systems have made it much easier xo learn at home. Louise, now ihirteen 15 studying Chinese at presentt which has become a world language as important as English. Louise has many Chinese friends. They communicate by computer. According to the family doctor, Louise will live to nt least 130> Her wish is to work for n few decades and then spend her time on music and pninting> Head Pa$sage 4 and then try to give short answers to Questions 31—35. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet 31. Why do Erank find Mary switch on the bedroom computer in the morning? 32. What kind of news do Frank and Mary read? 33. Who makes coffer for Mary and Frank? 34. How does Frank work with others from home? 35 ・ Whai would be the two world languages in 2050? 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Purt | (30 points, 3 poinu each) 1. (hmi 2. indoors 3< army officers L Eolkcitonr 5. (By) 1893 6. Thr Iniernntionwl Badminton Federation 7. (kor«c I homnn 8.21 9. Mrtlrno, Sweden Kh the Hfircrlona Olympic (;nmw Purl || ( 30 point% > 3 pnintu cnch> ILB 1乙 A 13. H 1LI) 15. H U. C ILA 18. n 19.A 20. C Part HI ( 20 pointed 2 points rach > 2LF 22. F 23. T 24. F 25. F 26. T 27. F 28. E 29. T 30. F Part |V( 20 point*« t |M»lnU each) 31. They want to «ci the latest nrwn. 32. Nrw* nbout and 33. A luiUHchald robot dot?象 3奴 Frank works with others by uning a video conference. 3$. Chinr«e nnd Engliah would be the two world Inngunum nt tlwt time. 4 评分标准(敬师 MJ卷时,可普一份试 Bl作 ,一一饰分有】o it a. m小地 3分.共计 30分.枝参*答案阅 e .侮小他做对用 3分•做 懦不得分.评 分怀涉如下, 母分 标漕 3分 阶 rm。*1」■(不定与..兜金一败・表达正■•舞胃及娠点符岭全部正确). 2分 回答比 Xflh者个划调法■«!. 1分 时答,,顶•有较;•「" 偏. 。分 无关系. 对于字母拼财.大小而等精"处扣 0.5分扣分不但 Ml过 5分. 3分 J6H- 30分,按•拿答案阅卷.使小也做对用 3分,做 HI不拇分. 3.第二.部分 lOifi lEWMWrBl.M小 Ift 2分.共计 2。分.枚,尊答案陶整出小 JK做 M拇 2分•做却不得 分. I-第四部分宥 6道向答他.每小 S3 1分.共计 20分.该部分艮体评分标准如下, 得分 标准 4分 回答问 Iffl全面正确(不一定与参考答案宠全 玫,表达正确,拼写及标点 符 号全部正确九 3分 回答比较全面•有个别语法悟误. 2分 回答不鲂全面•有少 18的海法销误」 1分 回答不全血.有较多的 i吾法惜误. 。分 回答完全错误,与问题囊无关系. 对于字时拼邛.大小马等错误土处扣 0.5分.5道地累什扣分不碍超过 5分.
