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国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(1)》2022-2023 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2155) Part I O^citions I — 10 art based oo the follfmlnx comment* on Mime video (30 point*t 3 polnu each). TU/ti ROBOT RABIT Vw fi comment i e The rabbit ta nice. It looks like a kidsv ftamc but ite « actually very chillenginK,I « that come st you hater and fasten They all look more or lets the mime — juAt rumiy blobn. I don * t like the sound eflects either.' Hl/fi MECAUFTMAN U«r'・ comment:eThe characterOK. but whitt he docn isn't vrry interesting. 1 soon got bored with the game, h wa» too ea ・ y. But the graphics arc (nbulous and the music^s terrific| TUhi TEAM SPIRIT U$er'・ commenti e This b R xroH g«rnr| AU the fnmouii fcxitbull players You can choose different teami and have completely different xiimiML I wi.h the grnphics and thr sound tffecU were a bit clearer. 9 Title < NIGHT FLIGHT UMT'・ Comments e Awful! Not intcrcRting Af M. The chaructcrB are boring. In fact# the whole giirne is Btupid and the graphics und music arc reilly terrible too.' T1H<| CRASH Uter'・ Cumnicnti eMy favouritet Super RraphtCM and IDIB of ways of playing. And the Round eWectt arc really rcalisticl' And I love the two clnvcrs! Directions: Rend the commcnti nlxiut lhe gumt» and then decide whether »UilemcnU 1—10 are true or raise. Write T for lr«c and F for false anMinst the niimltcr of thr Item on your answer «hcrU L Music is commented on in three of the ・ hon g 2. Characters in Night Flight are intcreiiting> 3. Graphic* of * Night Flight" are fabulous. 607 4t MSpeed Shooter^ is ■ game of shootingt 5. 'Team Spirit* to ■ volleyball 6. The sound cffectu of MTcam Spirit" arc very clcAr. 7. The user likes the Krnphicn of MRobot Rubbh" very much. 8. "Cr ・ i»h" HI mom probftbly ・ car driving game. 9. 7he uiier doranFI like "Night Flight** at all. 10. The user likes "Cr”h" very much. Part D Directions:Read the following two piusages and read the sutements iiftrr each pasMugc. Then choo«c an answer from A. B and C that can best complele the statemenu based on the informiition you KCC from eweh pnwuige. Write yoar «nswcn on your answer UiccL (30 points e 3 points each) Suipecl cm/ back to T 砒 g" XIAMEN ( Xinhua) — The Chinese mainland Red Cross organisation handed over a auapect in A (inanciAl crimr to ita counterpart in Tniwnn here Iasi Thiinuhy. The repfltriftted man. CAI Zhiweit a 27-ycar-old Taiwnn bank clerk• fled to Hong Kong on 30 Aprilt thia year with part of the 31.44 million Taiwan yuan ( $ L 12 million) he had utolen from cuntomer accounts Mt the bunk where he worked. Cai entered Shenxhen on 1 Muy. cnrryinK A totnl of $ 685> 000• includinK HK $ I million ( $ 1351 )35) tn caxh* A nd the rest in irAVcIler1!! checks He wan held for queationiriK when he cashed the traveller9!! checks at the Bank of China Shenzhen Branch on 5 May. The fundw he deposited in a local bank were also froxen. rhe Taiwan Red Cronii expressed thankn (or the cooperation of its mftinland counterpart and hoped thnt such co oprrntion would continue. The two nidtn worked out A repAtrtation agreement in September 1990 and since then hrtvc completed a total of 14 rcpAtriAtionR of illnpl tmmiKrantn and suspected criminnlM. Queitiocu II — 15: 11. Thin pAsmigc is mostly tn ken form__________ . A. ・ textbookK ■ newspaper C ・ a novel 12. The suspect was handed over to ______ . A ・ a police station in Taiwan B. the immigration office in Taiwan C. the Taiwan Red Cross 13. Which of the following stAtements is true about Cai Zhiwei? A. He in 26 years old, B. He may be involved in a financial crime. Q He is a salesman 14. Which of the following words cun be used to replace the word Mdepositedw in the sentence " The funds he deposited in a local bank were also frozen* ? A. placed. B. drew. G stored. 15. The suspect was caught__________ • Ae in September 1990 玫 on 30 April C. on 5 May Car maker: boy 100 Santanas, get 1 free SHANGHAI — The biggest car maker in China started a sales cumpaign that targets wealthy residents and taxi companies> the two major buyers. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp* which makes Santanas# is providing loans to buyers in Beijing, and is giving away free cars in Shenyang and Harbin. Businesses that buy 100 or more cars get one free, and taxi companies that buy more than 1 >000 Santana cars also get one free. China is expected to produce 450.ODO cars this year. The Shanghai automotive company is expected to control 51 per cent of the miirkcL It plans to sell 230 • 000 Santana cars this year. Enterprises and government authorities are not buying new cars because of tight budgets# so upper-class residents nnd taxi companies account for most vehicle snles^ In Beijingt about 80 per cent of cars sold this year were bought by individuals Santanasi especially the new 2000 models, have become big sellers. In July* the Beijing Astnn Games Village car Market &old 498. 28 percent of itx sales that month. To boost sales in Beijing, the company is providing loans to individual car buyers. Joumnlists get the priority. Hxpcru expect Chim'ii taxi industry to grow 15 per cent annually. The number of tAxis in ( him in expected to grow by 86.300. Amounring to 661 >300 thia yean At the same time. 45.600 old curs will be replaced^ Therefore• demand for taxi* should be 130.000. Rcaliting the market potential< SAK* hnn moved KA focun to taxi compAniea and is providing loans in Shenyang and Harbin* In additiont the compHny i,neitmR up new repnir Btattons And holdinx technology Hcnitnara^ The company> effort* in Heijirg. ShenynnK And Hnrbtn arc n «mnll part of the drive. Promotions in southern cities Much an Wcnxhou nnd Xiamen are being planned. Quewtions 16 一 20: 16. Which ol the following chics in thr biRgcsf car maker in Chin。? A. ChnnR Chun. B. Sh«nR Hni. C ・ Shen Yeng. 17. According to the passage< who Hre the two mHjor air buyrrn? A. Wealthy residents nnd taxi companies^ H ・ Entcrprincs and busineft»mcnt C ・ Banks nnd tnxi companiOe 18. Which of the following AtatementA NOT true about Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp according to the phssage? A. It makes Santanas< H. h provide» IOMHK CO buycris m Shanghai C ・ It gives away (rec cam in Shenyang. 】9. According to expcrt^t chin ・'・ taxi industry__________ . A. may decline 15 prr cent each year B. will Increase 130.000 cars each year C. will grow 15 per cent each year 20, **A” in SA1C stands for___________. A. Automotive H. Automatic C Acudcmic • We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter 8nd summer holidays. • Entrance exams:June 1 and Dec. L • Only 15-minute walk from city centre. Call 67801642 for more information. The International House of English • Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost s 60 yuan for 12 hours per weekj convenient (方便的)class hours: 9 1 00—12 1 00am and 2 « 00—5 « 00 pm. • A four-month evening programme for developing speaking skills (same cost as day classes). • Welktraincd Chinese and foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second/foreign language • Free sightseeing and social @c〔ivitie8(活动). • Very clo^c to the Central Park, For further information call 67432308 Questions 21—30: 2L If you want to learn English at Global English Centre for 6 months9you need to pay 2000 yuan< 22. Global English Centre is locatecK 位于)M 105 Zhongahan road. 23. You can call 67353019 for further inforrnation about Global English Centre, 24. You can choose cither morning or evening classes if you want to learn English at Golbal English Centre. 25. If you want to learn English for business«you should choose Global English Centre. 26. If you arc preparing for TOEFL(托福考试〉,you should choose The 21" Century English Training Centre^ 27. You need to pay more for afternoon CIHSSCM than for morning classes if you learn nt The 21 "Century English Training Centre. 28. There are only foreign teachers at the InternAional House of Englishe 29. The International House of English ia near the Central Park. 30> Evening classes cost the same ns day clashes at the International House of English. Part |V Short Answer Directions: Read the following passaxe and then give ・ short answer to each of the questions 31 — 35 on your answer sheet. (20 points. 4 points each) Liberia Liberia< the oldest independent Negro state in We” Afnca> HAM been strugglinH for survival ever since its (oundaTion in 1822. Progress has been hampered by constant hostility between the American Negroes whose families returned there in the early 19lh century• and — the West Africans whose ancestors never left the continents Though the neighboring states» native tribes, diseaset and poverty have made life dangerous ond difficult The government has tried desperately, through loans and a trickle of tradef to make ends meet. Anxiety about financial matters lessened somewhat when, in 1910* the United States accepted responsibility for Liberias survival. Howevert not until Harvey Firestone9 the American rubber king, decided that the United States must produce its own rubber — with Liberia as the site of the rubber plantations — did Liberia have much hope of paying its debtn and balancing its budget (预算). The rubber induntryt founded in the 1920's and lhe activity that followed it brought bath progress and profit to Liberia. Before thut time Liberia had no road»> not mechanical transport and no good porti its people had little education and few tools* Liberians feel that the country is being ruled by rubber. For this reasonf the recent discovery of iron ore is importAnt. Liberian leaders are trying to moderate the power of the rubber industry and to establish lhe country fs political and economic independence. Questions 31 — 35: 31. Which country is the oldest independent Negro state in west Africa? 32. When was the oldest independent Negro state in west Africa founded? 33. What problems did the oldest independent Negro state in west Africa face in the late 19th century? (Give two examples.) 34. Who is Harvey Firestone? 35. When was the rubber industry founded in Liberia? 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Part | (30 pointst 3 point* each) LT 2.F 3.F and poverty. (Either iwo of these will be OK.) 34> The American rubber king. 35.1n the 1920
