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国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》2020-2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359) Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [10 points.) Questions I —5 arc based on the following task. Choose (he appropriuftr words or c^prwdo 心 from (he box to complete (he tollowinK puragniph« rhcrc arv THREE extra choices that you don*I need. Write ynur answer on the Amwer Sheet. A. but B. i^c(l to G piMt as referred to F> *uch 部 (;. Derived H.-nd Nanotechnology i* rhe science of rhe umall. L________________ from the (ireek word for "dwarfnano is ■ onr-bdlionth unit of mcaMiremrnL 2. ____________________ A nnnomrtrr is A billionth of A nwtere Atul n virus m ncnrly 100 nrtnometrrs acrosju Nnnotcchnology w the term 3. describe A wide array of rhoorelicn) nnd rxperimcntnl approachcn to engineering tiny machines s everything (ram making a mailer microchips > to envisioning molecuhr robots could swim through our bloodsirenm and fight dtsicaiie# People working m the field of ntinoiechnology Today nre divided between two discipline 方 those working from the Mbottom uptR mostly chrmi^th attempting to ertatr structure by connecting moleruleRs 4. _____________________________________________________________________ those working from the top down". enKinerrs taking cxtHliriK device*# 5. ____________________________ mmzcis and ninking them smaller. Part 2 Paragraph Organization and Development 40 points Questtinns 6 8 iirr bnjwd on the following lask> (15 points) Read the following puragniph^ Choose the best answer tn each question. Write your answer A. B or C on the Answer ShccL P»rMgmph A North Amcricnn?i nn(i South Arncncmis have n frw simtlnrilttn in body hingunKCt but mosi o( their nonverbal SIKOAIS ore diffcrcntt For rxnniplr« North AnwncHnit do not niaintnin eye conluct ion4lly. North nnd South Americans nrc mmilur rcgnrding distance between people ftpeakinR to each other. Unlrns it A clomr (ncndxhipt the North and South Arncncnn atnnd about two to three feet apart- Itf n often possibk to know where n person comc» from by studying his or her body InnguAKe. 6. Choose the best topic sentence for thii paragraphe A. The first sentence of the paragraphs The second sentence of the paragraphs C. The 】w sentence of the paragraph. 7. ('hoonr the missing supporting dcfail tn Pnragrnph A. A. People use same hand movement to menn different things. K Different people communicate in different ways. C South Americans use many gestures> Paragraph B (1) My pa rents ployed an imponani role in my educational devcloptnrnt by helping me in both nutcrtNl «nd spirituHl ways to become the person that I am today• (2) They raised my older brothers and sisters in such a way that they would net a good example for me nnd the other younger children* (3) They bought various books fhaf helped me become a hardworking student and a good reader. (4) '「hty aho exposrd me to exprrirnces such HS v&cuttonfi und museum trips that cniArged my pcrapeetivr on life. (5) In addition• they looked carefully at my examination results in school in order to motivate me nlwnys to do rny belt. (6) My classmates always did A good job. so their parents didn'i worry nbout them. (7) In shortt I owe nil o( my positive qualities to the efforts of my parcntH. 8. Choonr the irrelevant supporting detnil for the paragraph. A- Sentence 3 B. Sentence 5 C Sentence 6 Question !) Supply the mining support to complete Paragraph A(25 poinU). • Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use arc In unity with the relevant paragraphs • Write about 60—8() wordn. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet Panigf^ph A Modern technology hat revolutionised our Hven» Life him become very rany. You enn.................................. (Add,upp(W dclielh here ) Parftgmph B However# modern conveniences come at A price. You have to give out information about yourself whenever you u&e these nmazing devicest easy access to persona! information has become A serious and growing problem. It in reported that an e-conimerer grows« mArkcters and busybodies can AcresH more conMumrr (htn than ever beforn II is scary to think that the pcr^onnl private data to get some »ervices can easily be given to somebody we don't know ond without our permission. It is even scarier to know our pcrnonol infornintion can be used ngAinnt IE Panigraph C In spite of all the frightening concerns• you can still receive many benefits from the convenient ticrvices that nre provided online. You just nerd to be very careful. You should know whAt infurrnntion to give# bow much inforrnntion to give, and when nnd to whom to give it After that* you can save time and effort and enjoy uning such conveniences BR credit mrds. online shopping, or prepaid telephone cards. Part 3 Writing an Essay [50 points J Question !0< Wrtle nn ewiy on the following topic A* a child, you probably Admired Mcvrrnl individihil* whom you considered herdcei or role models Today• you may have different individuals you admire- Write nn e»way about the w ・ yw n hem or ro!, ur《山血前 from, OM you currcmly MlEirc AN you dcvrlop your dri/iih for thm consider thr vnlurs you held a» n child nnd the nnrn you think important today* • You ahauld specify your rale models • You should explain I hr ^irntlnntir!i or ddfcrcnccii- • Write nboul 150 一 180 wordn> 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Pari I Vocabulary and Structure「10 points < 2 points each •k H Part 2 Pnragraph Ortnnliation and Development 40 points] Questions 6 8( 15 points. 5 points ruch) BA 7.C &C Question 9 25 points. Marking GuldcllnesC 供# ?) 21-25 内容 WKiiiW 性好 s 语法正确,谱育通溯恰当,基本无语法销误,篇幅适当. 16—20 内容切 JBh 连贯匝校好周育较为通・&含•有少量沿法精幅适当. 11—15 内容句基本建赏『暗言基本通 JH.有少法幡 0L 篇•造当. 6—10 内容不完整 8 俩句欠理 B 1 法婿微较多. 0—5 内容不完整,语言支离破碎■无法阐读. Here is ■ sample. Panigeph A Modern trchnoloKy hn% revoiutionixe to our livc^. (PttrnKraph H and C are Riven on thr test paper ) Panytmpli B Howcvcrt modern convcnienccn come at A price. You have to give out information About yourneir whenever you unr thci»e nrnoxinK clevicr»t rnny ncccs(» to personal infornintion hnti become a neriouii and growiriK problem. It IR reported that an c-commrrce markctcni And buwybodit,can ncrc*A more consumer darn than ever belorr< It is nc«ry to think that thr pcrBunti! private dato to grt some nrrvlccs can canily be Kivrn to somebody wr don't know and without our pcrmiM)on« It i» even scaincr to know our pcrnonAl informntion can be uned ngMinnt ua« Pam^niph C In >pitr of all thr frightening eonccrn^a you can mill receive runny Licncfith (rorn thr convenient ^crvirc* tha1 nrr provided online. You ju8t nerd to br very careful. You should know whn! inforrnntion to Kivct how much infartnAlion to K(ve» ond when and to whom to Kivc it. After thnt• you enn Mnvc time And effort and enjoy u»tng nuch conveniences AS credit cnrdn. onlinr nhopping, or prepmd telephone ciudjc Part 3 Writing an citwiy ( 5() points] Question 10 MarlUng GuldclinctC{it* 46 50 分 内条理清理.文条产 Mhi»文正靖.i»ar 通嘶怆%.旬式川 血者女化•有“㈤光点。# 本 Al HtiliM. 415 分 内条理梅产 Mh 讷法正,确.沼陌通顺恰当少斌 .................................. 4, 31 40 分 内眸 M 本切哽,充 X)条珅 M 本清楚.文帝的构鼠本产 i