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:。 [蜃墅鏊囝 5.When shou1d Susau go tO Ineet D⒈ Brom? Λ。At10∶00. B。 At1α 30. 6‘ How much wⅡ 1the1nan pay1orthe books? A.s200. B。 $150. 7.What docs the nnn have for breakfast? A.Tea,bread and saIad. B。 Mik,cakc and an egg. C. 8.What’ s the boy’ s probIem? A.He doesn’ tg⒍ enough盂eep at Ⅱght. B.He doesn’tget Ⅱgh marks h exa1ns. C.He doesn△ have any close△忆nds. 9.What does the了 nan mean? A.He agrees wi曲 曲e woma11。 B。 They shouIdn△ start no⒒ C.He doesn’t agree顶伍 the wO1nar1. lO。 Whatis s耐ous ac∞d灿吵o曲e womm? A。 The repoi. B。 Ther11an’ sm盯me⒒ C。 B。 听下面 3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题 , 项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍 ) 九年级英语 第 1页 共 8页 At11∶ 00. $100。 Cofee,bread and an egg, 飞 e noIse ofthe Ⅰ、匚 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选 第一部分 一、听力部分 (共 20小题:每小题 1分 , A。 听下面 10段对话。每段对话后有 最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍) 1.What妯m ofⅡh‘ d。es曲eboy Ⅲc? ⒛⒛ z̈O21学年度第一学期学业质量监测试题 九年级英语 2021.01 选择题 60分) 计⒛ 分) 1道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选顼中选出 A. 2.WhΞrs Jane9sa曲m【 sign? A。 3.What A。 4.How C C 瞎 △ 听一段对话,回答第 11~12小题。 11.How long has the nlan been away for a hoIicl臼 刂vr冫 A.A week。 B.A month。 C。 A year. 12.Whatlanwge do曲 el∞al people”由 'A.French. B。 EngIish。 c。 Japanese. 听第一篇短文,回答第 B~15小题。请根据短文内容.选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Atak on what ω do顶曲 the teenage problems T洫 3. Place △Mll be held 10 other虹Ⅱ℃mm住oⅡ ● Gmde9studmts mustaMd⒒ ● EVery smdentis asked to 15 山曲啤 d1e talk △3. 14. 15. A。 曲is FⅡ山v A.h曲e playgromd A.sadness. A.be蕊de B。 next s】 l"day B。 h曲e school haIl C。 next Fo奶 C.h dle c咖 C∶ answer one(i1u∞uon D。 prowss D.No曲σ D。 c(汨oder 铸嶷翻 骸1£擢 吼u咖 16.What咖 ofprom~e o it? A.It晚 TV prop-e. B。 It。 a涮io prom-e. c.△ 、a血汹m蚰 17.How many钔us of1nus℃ are Ⅱ“勿nⅡoned♀ A。 one B.Two C。 hrce C.Apop song。 C。 n山℃. 18.What’ s dle f“ t"∞e you呐Ⅱ(刊o` A.Ch白mse fok music. B。 ABeethovenⅡ ano pii‘ :"(· (f9. 19.Whatk山 Dd ofn“丬h¤g does eachoece of:moc expres四 B.Happmes斗 20.What wilⅡ you硎 out h today’s prow-e? A。 How to choose musⅡc B.How to mkeznusic。 C。 玎ow mus忆 expresses people飞 feeh名 s。 二、单项选择 (共 15小题,每小题 1分 ,计 15分 ) 在下列各题 A、 B、 C、 D四个选顼中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 21· 一 玎ave you seeo~____nh凵 矽 pc。P圯 my乃c〃cJcnJre⑾涮 ` ˉ̄ ofcourse,I have never seen such ~ˉ ˉ̄ ˉwOndml Ehn before. A。 ⒋ an B.曲e;a C∶ a;/ D。 the;an D.betwo ”·ηough thejob o~my abiⅡ ty,I wantto have a1刂 B。 beyond C。 u曲血旧 23.Teenagers ofour age should know more about Jle ~ofour岫 觎 culnre. A.weal曲 B。 result C。 value 24.∵ Do youl如 Be驷吧 0pemorKmqu q¤ 田 — — ·Il屺 Ymm。 u opem。 A。 Either B。 None C。 Bo曲 25.一 晚 Wu,I dwaysfeel ⅥⅡk№ efore exams.What shall I do? -You shouⅡ leam to _yomelfand prqpare weu。 A。 contaCt B.contol C。 conm %.— Why do you aIWaysread poem dmd -ˉ You can℃ feeI曲e beauty ofpoem~ou md dlm aloud。 A。 sⅡn∞ B。 if c。 alul。um D.mless ” .Our schoo1o 耐硒屺 d for诋 exceⅡmt咖 妯吧 aromd the ci"tlj`1 B.peace血lIy c.顶Ⅱly 九年级英语 第 2页 共 8页 A。 heavⅡ ly D。 successnuy 28.-Her由 only one copy of山e magazme Iea。 WiⅡ y。ub。mw ˉ̄ No。 I’d mther buy 血 work。 A。 one;△ B.it;one C.one;one D。 “;it 29.-Bed钿d -Notyet Γm dhⅡ 曲at I⒁内 go】 yor homew⒍k,hone` laMd ulatIcan△ to bcd unJ111o’ cbck。 A。 Did;1:l【 ,j【 s刂11 B。 Have;助匝shed C。 Ⅵ Ⅱ;】h泌h D。 Dq1:L∶ Lish 30.-DⅡ you heard1at a(m曲 ℃quarel~betWeen the coupb next岫 -Yes,and ule n。。e drove me aImost Ⅱ⒙d。 A。 broke hω B。 broke down C。 broke。p D.broke out 31.The stong are always~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ h pmise and encαⅡ名αn‘沮△ A。 modest B.generous C.pE:1t)ient D.carenIl 32.-=嘁 why does your“疵e~____s° Ⅱ吵 ? -I____my hands,butyou ddu’ tcau me. A.血se;⒑se B.Ⅱ se;m泗£ c。 口泌%田吐sed D.Ⅱ se;rose β3.-I how all ofyou are mterested h scimnce。 Could you tel1me____? -sure. A。 how horses how he way ornot B.when顶 Il t1FOs appmr next由m C。 where was曲e kd ofplautfound D.how bees f【 nd theL wayback home。 34.A Ⅱendissomeone ~ˉˉ̄ hows alI about you and s】 Ⅱ Ioves you. A。 where B。 WⅡch C。 what 35.-I’m gomg to take曲e Ⅱdsto s∞ 曲e nlo说e由is weekcnd。 ~— ———— 9曲eCOVD△ 9o sⅡⅡ spre缸“鸡。 A。 Beu盱 not B。 Good idea C。 I曲hk so 三、完形填空 (共 15小题,每小题 1分 ,计 15分 ) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、 B、 c、 D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Gordon,aⅦ山叽 shares a wonderh1story of“ s ow11。 △teus。fa洫 he feⅡ eˇ⒐列曲呜 m"mⅡu酞 and 36 。He could hardly e刂 oy h“ daⅡy Ⅱfe even 37 。Fhd△ he decided to see ule d。c饥 Ch湘鸭 him carenI、1iⅡ饴耐。兔泅鸭 h血 any medoⅡ ,the doctor m叩山耐Ⅱ汛 to spend the允 uo顶呜 day h dle place where he was曲。happiest as钊⑷~丕~。 t℃ doctor also Wote out four卩唰珀Ⅱo“(处方)and toⅡd血 to open one at血⒛~型L丿hree,andsk o℃lock Ⅱ so dle next mom1ng,Gordon went to the beach。 As he opmed the f“ t pregu|pEon,he read ∷ 0O carem△ ” He th。ughtthe docω r was血廴 HOw couⅡ he Ⅱs勹臼n for dlree hours?He heard me usmI∞mds of dle狃 and dle b砥 .Aner a呐 i⒗,“ couⅡ k盯 the ouler unexpected somds。 As he“嘲 d,he begm to 馄 the Iessons the sea had taught h血 as a曲ild一 卩吐ence, respec1t£ JJⅡtI h曲喵 ,h饨 peacem1. At noon,he opmed曲 es∞ond presc巾俪 and read叮 o Ⅲd山g 仍 .⋯飞咧损ng back to wht?’ ’he wondered.He曲 ought about his p否1aboutthe m征v lit忱 mommts ofjoy.He耐 ed to 00 mem顶曲exacme$。 And h mmαdn由瑭,he fomd a grOwnng 45 血 ide。 At dlree,he opened dle11h1i13tI Paper.U:彐 u1il nOw,the pres‘冫1fip住ons had bem easy to take.弱 Ⅲ s one was曲货鸠吨 加蹦 “ 咖 your m耐ves⑶机 )。 ”At nrst he was m顶 Il白吧 ω fouo⒒ As he cm血h耐 h“ m耐ves-success,re∞四血on,s∞m,deep△ he began to 0, Ⅱs past happi1rof。1;s。 “ I ma1加 ifone’sα汛 姆s are 0g,noth白 qg can be ⅡghL Aslong as you△ el you are scrV【ng odlm,you do thejob weⅡ .When you 49 yome1ξ you do itlcss weⅡ .” Whm s汉 σclock came,he opened曲 e EnaI prem内”m.叩陌℃yow sO on the sand,” 加 阴泅。He wote seveml words顶 山 a piece of brokm欲 ⒑比 dlen he ked and waked away.He 血Wtlook bac℃ he hew dle嗣e(潮水)wouⅡ comein and wash awa,y dⅡ 曲e1d珥羽Ⅱ ss. 36.A。 h¤喇山g B.hnpOHant D.who D.No probkⅡn B。 sw咖 C。 bomg C.daIci1:111:; D· 咖 g D.雨饨37.A。 teach山⒐g 九年级英语 第 3页 共 8页 38.A.n1an B。 cⅡld c。 adult D。 w。man 39.A.one B。 柳 o C。 e1even D。 tweIve 40.A。 Work B.Ⅵ Ⅱ∞ C。 Ⅱsten D。 Draw 4I.A。 park B。 sea C.forest D.咖 42.A。 ⅡΙnk of B。 talk about c。 look drough D。 prepare for 43.A。 out B。 back c。 °ver D.f。 r 00。 A.des“be B。 】)Lide c。 compIete D。 remembσ 45.A。 p1ty B。 wamth q∶ pah D。 swpⅡse 46.A.For B。 B∞ause c.‰ ugh D。 But 47.A。 hate B。 harvest C。 m泌s D.l° se 48.A。 proper B。 wong C。 “灶ve D。 cIear 49.A.Iook aaer B.c。【le to C~hugh at D。 care for sO。 A。 Ⅵ耐泅 B.secrets c.l91`刂lshes D。 joys 四、阅读理解 (共 15小题,每小题 2分,计 30分 ) 阕读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A、 B、 c、 D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A · Mood咖 school has made a§ uvey about做咖 TV progm-esRe students Ⅱke and how much ume d】ey spmd on them。 DIremt9qr。mmes哎udem“ Ⅱke △m烛艹QC。d“Ⅱ 蔽 刂weQL -oo氵 ≡出 珀 △ 〓 ● “ ! 〓 ● ⋯ -炽 坤 ⋯ 娣 ⋯ 刂 ⋯ “ 5I。 Accm山名 to the diawm,smdents⒒ 忆 watc妯呜 most. ∶ A。 spom World B.Ba似浏犭nment处ows C。 TVs耐es D。 Canoons 52.How much JLne do me students spend on watch吨 News every month? A。 About halfm hour B。 Abouttwo hom C。 More thau three hours D。 About four hours s3。 ry。u are血⑽ 洌 h∷£ⅡF以°魄 &j纟″ce、 you may be among ofdle smdents。 A.29% B.21% c.12% D。 11% B 本题为课外阅读考查,取材于扬州市 “ 五个一百工程 ” 指定阅读书目 《小王子》,请根据 书本内容及问题,选择正确答案。 54.Where did曲 e Ⅱt阢 卩h∞ cO【ne△om? A.The⑾曲 B.The m∞ n C.Asteroid326 D.AsteroⅡ B~612 55.The li竹 le pmCe asked△ neto dmw h白 m____when we meteach o曲 er h曲e Dese“ ofsahara. A。 a sheep B。 m dqphant c。 a mse D。 a pla11e 56.Who Ⅱves on the εnh p1u×光? A.A妯吧 B。 A山mler c。 A lampIighter D。 A bushessrrn1n , 九年级英语 第 4页 共 8页 57.Which怂 NoT the sentence thatthe fox s耐 d to the Ⅱttle ponce? A.Ifyou want a£Hend,tame1ne。 B.You℃Ⅱa耐hl,but you are。 mp艹 C。 It’s onIy训曲 山e heart曲at one ca【ls∞ Ⅱghtly. D。 Peop℃ have forgotoen the mth,but you Inust【 1’t forget“ . C ′ 孔 e Year of曲eOx o∞血吧 。h china,you wi11fmd vaoous ox o丬 ects made of gold,wood, ph蚯c,paper,sheⅡ and stone on saIe h stores and on streets to ceIebrate由 e retum。 B哎 why was山e ox chosen仂 be one of曲 e12C洫He animaIs1gu四 Ce“m忆s ago,1nost people eanRed曲 eL Ⅱvhg drough ΩⅡ血ng.The ox was lIsed to heIp plow, cul加ate and caJy heavy g∞ds. 飞 e ox has Iong had am k叩omnt pIace in Chhese culnre.An0ent CⅡ nese poe‘ and Ⅵ恕淄 iequenuy descⅡh刑 the ox in Ⅱ缸 amm。 h磁召抵 s汜 。/`°g” (《 i寺经 》),the oldest e妊 s饪ng co11ecdon ofChhese poe臼 q%the a口吐md was mα1住oned h nine out ofthe305p忆 ccs. The ox0corlsidered a s】 `1【 lbol ofdi1igence and eames缸 ess h Chinesc culmre.To this day,the phrase‘ 1he sp△⒈of ox” sjⅡ refers to go over aⅡ the dⅡⅡcul饪es wuh虹 s couragc and bravery.The sp“t is highly pmoed and many peop℃ foIlow n as曲 eL work mb。 When sO1ncone gc“ a grcat acⅡevoent drough hard wOrk,people oaen luse“ niu”,mc洫ng“cxcc11enr’ ,t。 dcscⅡbe h血 or he⒈ oxezlseldom buuv曲 e weak or fear曲 e stong。 They work hard and make s“ 旧丘ccs(牺牲). ⒒峦 o renec屺dh如 s ni。m曲e poe1nby Lu Xun Gss⒈ l9“)=ieme-browed.I coo11v defv a 首甘为孺子牛)”。which mIy expresses the pors Ioya1ty to the peop℃ . so naMlly,曲ose"ho were bom h山 e Year ofthe Ox are often expected reliabIe and loyaI.“ aey never seek to be the center of atte血on and do not∵ websji11(:,CⅡm HighⅡ ghts no∞ d。 58.Wh忆h cANNOT be knOwnflom the a口 Hde? A.Peop1e make11nny Ⅱnds of° xo丬 ec“ to welcome曲 e neW ycar B。 You can read about9poe==ls about曲 e ox in the Clas蕊 c ofPoeiy C.People speak Ⅱghly of曲 e ox because ofits re叩 ectable sp“ ts D.Peop1ebom h由 e Year ofthe Ox are hardˉ wo虫hg and modest 59.The under1谰 word“buⅡv” menn`~ˉ ~ˉˉ. to be hard-wOrⅡ ng, Iook for pⅡⅡse'’ the A.feeI a月⒒吐d of C。 mke Ⅱends顶由 B.look dowIl upon D.take care of ω。Ⅶ 曲 ofthe folIo顶ng shows dle smcme(结 构)ofthe passage? B 61.△1Paragraph7,曲 em“er uses Lu Xursl山 cst。 A。 show the readers a poeⅡ 1aboutthe ox B。 exu血 曲e readers the feakes ofthe ox C。 tell曲 e readers what k血 d ofperson Lu Xm泌 D。 make曲e readers1nore nnterested in the passage C. 九年级英语 第 5页 共 8页 D 絮t飧△絮:蹴扰trω um皙s11JⅠ:氵法导朽:;∶lj讠暴s:l;I∶;瑟愚菇.黟↓舄 This enco刂aged hhn and his padner to come up诵 曲 a canc that had AI buⅡ t-h.This wOuld help血旧 any o刂 ect that m吨 ht be above ch。 s仁1eVe1.They hope曲atthis ncw tcch cou1d heIp peopIe l屺 hLn。 Bushessmc11and tech investors who are mterested h AI hope that讯 can not only help曲 e blind 劈 翮 器 j箨 槲 糨 f∶ 捃 背 描 蹴 拓 描 虫 ::;1:l∶督 )曲e product and how they behavc so that a better produ∝ can be crcated in伍e fom ofadvanced(先 进 的,AI,iⅡh曲呜 an AI voice scⅣice. However,此 shouId be noted that鱼 、n’t1neantto be a smart cane.It℃ supposed to be coⅡmected with transpo“ networks.They would also be able to alen buses so thatthey can then wait at a stop ahead ofti1nc.Inn四耐 o11s⒃刂新)l屺 由、w乩Id be Inore than we℃ o1nc。 scimⅡ sts O11∞ 曲ought that AI wouId be ab⒗ to fom logical(逻 辑)∞medons and even Change曲e world.R璁ht now h hasn’ t really done that,butthey are worung on△ .Thcy also belove that more can be done to勺 γ and help people even山 ough曲cy have a hcalth condⅡ on.Only time wⅡItellifthis is ever gohg to b。 the case. 62.Why doesthe-ter share Krsat Ceylanas、 sto叨 A.TO show his hopes。 C。 To Ieanl△om h血 . 63.Paragraph3111ahⅡ y teⅡ s us~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ .̄ A.由e way to create a better product. C.the way to use伍 e advancedAI. 64.What does“ ir’ in Paragraph4rcfer to? A.A cane to find any o丬 ect above ches仁 IeVe1. ¨ B.A be廿 er produCt h the foΙ .【.ofadVanced AI. C.An app which can get d1e oght dL° c饪oⅡs. D,A product cO11nected with transport networks. 65.%eⅧ“er、 m画n purpose of盯血吧 曲e passage怂 ~____= A.to teII us how smart canes Ghangc t冫 lind people’ s1ife. B.tO warn buscs to hclp us waIt at a bus top ahead of山 m。 C.to let us have a bctter understandi[la11:;ofAI developmcnt。 D。 to tea0h us tO wOrk hard on AI and bettcr more peoplc. 第二部分 非选择题 “0分 ) 五、词汇运用 (共 10小题,每小题 1分 ,计 10分 ) 根据句意,用括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整,每空一词。 “.What great dmculty the gid had the words∞ rrectV(发音) 67.△ 怂 said thatJack Ma o one of曲e ⊥ men in曲 c world。 (富有 的 ) 铌。ry。u。pen yolIr eyes,you顶Ⅱ see the山 ings sce吨。(值得) ω.Do you know wh扯 the exact ofcⅡ na、?(人 口) 叩 J WOnder h。w I can makc my classintere血吧 and 。(活泼 的 ) 71.so1ne缸山gis wrong wi曲 the Ⅲdge.You’ d better have“ 72.H、 grandmo曲 er血11stays healthy h her 。0hety, T3.Pcop抬 h this are。 are hoping for peace.(last, .(rep缸r9 74.There are so many large parks and open spaces iη_____ˉ London.oentcr, we have made are Jgre时 importancc o⒖ (de涮Θ 九年级英语 第 6页 共 8页 B。 To虹珀⒆duCe the top妃 . D.To encourage others。 B.howAI haucnce。 曲c wodd。 D.how an AI product helps曲 eb1ind. 75.The 六、任务型阅读 (共 10小题,每小题 1分 ,计 10分 ) 阅读下列短文,根据短文信息完成文后表格,每空一词。 With development oftechnology,you顶 11fmd曲at曲ere are plenty ofgames to play Which h 曲e best征旧which should we be us妇£Take曲e foI1owing as an examp1e. Casmo Games For many years people have becn plawg cas⒑ o games in the casmosin Las Vegas,the UsA。 h cashⅡ,there are a1ot ofgames to choose,suc|as dot ga1nes,table games,poker and many more。 Poker and tabIe games are poP山 呜 howeve△ 曲ey can be compl允 ated to understand wⅡ⒑ut any lmowledge。 WhⅡe slot games are easier to uⅡderstand. 叩 曲 the advance h℃ chnology cas汛 fans are nOw ab⒗ to play casho ga1nes o础 血 一 △1e力 m】ng h the confortofyo刂 own home. App Games Ⅵ 曲 a smart phone h hand,you雨 1I be ab1e to go to曲 e app store and download games to your In。ule。rsmrtdev忆 e。 some of曲e best ga1nes for your smart phone hdude educadonal games, progressive leve1games and many odlers。 Wi曲 so mnyga1nes to choose瓯 曲cre、 somethL呜 suitab1e£or people ofa11ages to play. ry。u Ⅱnd yourselfeasily bored and always reach吨 for yo刂 phone,血ck a few games on k today! Gam∞ CoⅡmⅡes G绷山 g consoles have been popu1ar for years and soⅢ蚰ms there o an update(更 新)on曲e de、 `ice,m浊 hg itinvroved for players to e犭 oy Ga1nes consoles allow you to c0ェ meCt a de、 `ioe toyour1Γ V to p1ay games w1曲 your£H汜ndh onⅡ ne or alone。 Thi1Ⅱ ong about a cO11soIe?Ifyou have got a few hol】 rs or eVen a few days to1oⅡ ,you arc gohg to wantto get your bands on a conso1e. Ⅷ ch one、 Ⅱght for”四 Try any ofdle mem。 ds above wⅢ help you. De忱iled hJ⒍Ⅱ⒙jon People usuallyplay Ca曲⑽ Garnes h曲e ca蚰⑽s h Ins Vegas, 77 . Compared呐山 Poker and table ga1ne时 sbt gamcs are 78 to understand。 Casmo fans now can onⅡne h thct ow11home. You c卩n down1oad games from the app 80 。 There’ re many games for you to choose】 o叽 which are suitab1e for a11ages。 Ifvou find and al h夂 for s住ck on“ · s岫 mes there is an update on the device to 82 it for gamers to enJoy. ● Pl叩伍gW曲 yo"mends α山Ⅱ oras a 83 playcr will bc OK ● Ifvou have旦 ot lots of to lci11,ty". Try any ofthe me曲 ods above and you wⅡ fmd outthe 85 , (共 10小题,每小题 1分 ,计 10分 ) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整 ,每空一词。 彳α 腐伽贺 仂 roJ by Charles D忆kens n硒dy℃lls a story of a11old lnan called Ebenezer scrooge.h曲esω△ scrooge c 86 a Iot-△ om a∞ld,greedy(贪婪),Inean dd1r1a11to a warm and龃 persoⅡ.And eveMh吨 happens on曲 e oght before Ch恕岫 。 on曲e Eve,all the peopIe are busy w 87 its肛 Ⅱval except Scrooge.‰ cold11【 a11stiⅡ makes his p∞ r derk,Bob Cratch“ ,wofk h the dark cold oⅢ ce.He even r 88 an h顶 伍don to Ⅱs nephew(侄丿L,Fnh mmerp盯吼 f。r he thh怂 tjustawaste of饪me and a waste ofm 89 . At home he meets the gho蕊 ofⅡs bus血ss pamer,Marley,whod gO before long.MarIey tells him曲at three ghosts wiⅡ 说s“ him. Aaer曲 e clock⒍d匕s twelve吐mes,曲e fst ghost【the Ghost ofPast,wakes scrooge and takes 九年级英语 第 7页 共 8页 h血 on ajourney b 91 to脉 cⅢdhood and ho youth.There he sees h怂 carly schoo1days and his要d Belle.¨ Then,曲es 92 ghost fthC Ghost ofPresen9takes Ⅱm to CratcⅡt、 home。 There he meets 1讪qy Ⅱm,ak山Dd but s 93 boy scrooge fee1sw田亿d and keeps ask山qg the ghost whether πm can扒r呐ve山e Ⅱhess.There he also lmOws how others ce1ebrate Ch恕 mas togethcr for曲ef⒈st 住1ne. 助 Ⅲ 1y,曲e last one(曲 e Ghost ofYetto Come)appears,sh山 血 g him the scene ofhis death- “s body and a grave(墓 碑 )wi曲 Ⅱsn % on.¨ scrooge awakes on Ch讷mas Day and buys a hrkey for曲e Cratchi‘ and attends h、 nephew、 p 95 . /C凡 '心 rm箔 aⅡ。 `sends the Ⅱnessage1hat ChⅡsmas is a饪me to forgive and a Jme to be kind。 (取材于扬州市 “ 五个一百工程 ” 指定阅读书目 《圣诞颂歌》) 八、书面表达 (计 30分 ) A。 句子诩译 (共 5小题,每小题 2分,计 10分 ) 将下列句子译成英语。 %。 他设法缩短他的行程。 9T.我们可以从 Tan的作品中听到自然的声音。 9g.学习就像逆水行舟,不进则退。 99.那个女孩真粗心,她把我的午餐盒误认为是她的。 100.结果证明,那个工程师和谋杀案无关。 B。 写作 (计 zO分 ) 代沟 (GeneraJon gap)是 父母与孩子之间客观存在的现象,尤其在中学生当中,了解代 沟的产生原因并采用合适的方式可以有效地改善这种现象的存在。假如你是 Peter,近期你们 学校开展了 “ Be cbse to o刂 parents” 成长主题系列活动,你班也举行了专题班会,请根据以 下表格所提 完成一篇讲稿,客观地分析原因,并表达自己的 现 象 代沟问题普遍存在 原 因 1.年龄差异造成对事情的看法不同; 2.沟通不畅 ; 3.父母期望过高,使关系更差。 方法 1.尊重父母 ; 2.和父母交流,多 了解他们,尝试分享 ; 3.⋯⋯ (适当发挥 ) 注意 : 1.词数:100词左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 2.句子结构紧凑,要点齐全,内容合理,篇章结构连贯。 3.表达中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 Be CIose to our paremts Hi,everyone, rm g1ad t。 tak顶th you about曲 e topic“曲e generation gap between parents and us’ ’ ,and I 山h止 it’s necessary. As we how,gen∞耐on gap has become a cO1n1non problenl bctween o刂 parents and us. ofcourse,we need to bⅡ dgc thc gap.Dircrent ways carl be used. · Ithink we can be dose to ow parents and live in haェ ⋯ony ψith them ifwe follow曲 e advice above. 九年级英语 第 8页 共 8页
