外研初中英语句初二上 20页

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初中英语900句(初二上分册)‎ 第一章:序言篇     如何用更少的时间学好英语?这个问题一直困扰着教师、学生和家长。笔者写此书的目的正是为了解决这一问题。     首先,我们要知道“好”的标准。初中生的英语掌握到什么程度才能称之为好?是能够听懂中央电视台的英语新闻吗?还是能读懂英文原版的《哈利.波特》呢?‎ 初中英语900句(初二上分册)‎ 第一章:序言篇     如何用更少的时间学好英语?这个问题一直困扰着教师、学生和家长。笔者写此书的目的正是为了解决这一问题。     首先,我们要知道“好”的标准。初中生的英语掌握到什么程度才能称之为好?是能够听懂中央电视台的英语新闻吗?还是能读懂英文原版的《哈利.波特》呢?‎ 初中英语900句(初二上分册)‎ 第一章:序言篇     如何用更少的时间学好英语?这个问题一直困扰着教师、学生和家长。笔者写此书的目的正是为了解决这一问题。     首先,我们要知道“好”的标准。初中生的英语掌握到什么程度才能称之为好?是能够听懂中央电视台的英语新闻吗?还是能读懂英文原版的《哈利.波特》呢?‎ ‎ 这些标准都太高了!新的《英语课程标准》对“好”的标准有明确的界定,英语教师都清楚,但大部分学生和家长对此还不是很了解,所以笔者在此赘述一下。初中英语学习的总目标是:学生有较明确的英语学习动机和积极主动的学习态度;能听懂教师有关熟悉话题的陈述并参与讨论;能就日常生活的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自己的意见;能读懂供7~9年级学习阅读的简单读物和报刊、杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意;能根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略;能根据提示起草和修改小作文;能与他人合作,解决问题并报告结果,共同完成学习任务;能对自己的学习进行评价,总结学习方法;能利用多种教育资源进行学习;进一步增强对文化差异的理解与认识。“新课标”对英语学习的目标细化为语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面九个等级,其中第二级、第五级和第八级分别为小学、初中和高中毕业生应该达到的标准,第九级是外国语学校毕业生要达到的标准;语言技能和语言知识的五级目标见本文后的附表,这两项内容在中考试题中考查得比较具体。 其次,我们要了解初中阶段英语学习的主要内容。我们用的教材是外语教学与研究出版社编写的《新标准英语》,它是“一条龙”式的英语教材---从小学一年级一直到高中三年级。该教材特别适合“六三制”的地区,而我们是“五四制”,这样我们初中阶段的学习内容就是小学六年级的第十一册、第十二册和初中的六册,共八册教材,但是现在各个初中学校所讲的基本都是初中的六册教材;用四年八个学期的时间学习六册书应该是很轻松的,然而并不是对每个学生的成绩都很理想。在这六册书当中我们到底要学习哪些内容呢?经过二十多年的教学实践和上个循环对《新标准英语》使用,笔者对该教材的总体结构及重、难点内容有了全面、深刻的理解,现将初中六册教材提炼为《初中英语900句》。这900个句子是对英语教材的高度概括,也就是俗话说的“把书读薄了”,有关语法的内容约为150句,余下的为重要的单词或短语。本书使教学内容化繁为简,减轻了教师和学生的负担。为了便于教和学,同时也为了便于家长的辅导,这些句子还配有译文、练习及答案。译文有助于学生对英文句子的理解,翻译时特别考虑到初中生的知识水平和理解能力,语言比较平实、易懂,直译之处较多;通过做练习,学生可以轻松地发现每一个句子关键的所在。我把每条语法规则或知识点放在各个句子之中,目的就是为语言提供一个鲜活的环境,使其不再是孤立的词汇或枯燥的语法条文。 最后,《初中英语900句》在教与学中的运用。针对不同的对象,可以有不同的使用方法。文中提到的“六步听写法”和“六步战法”均是笔者多年教学经验的结晶。 一、给教师的建议:在课堂上,教师可运用“六步听写法”对每一模块中出现的句子进行听写。具体操作如下:教师中速读○1---学生重复○2---教师慢速读○3---学生听写○4---教师快速读○5---学生检查○6。在以上三大环节、六小步骤中教师第一遍读是让学生对所要听写的句子有一个整体印象,此时学生一定要口头重复以加深这一整体印象,学生切忌匆忙动笔去写;教师第二遍慢速读的时候可以根据意群进行停顿,使学生有足够的时间笔头记录下所听到的内容(听写的一个难点就是学生听得懂,但是记录不下来所听到的内容,究其原因是学生听和写无法兼顾,所以教师读的要慢。);第三遍教师快速读的目的有二:一是强化所听写的内容,二是给学生时间去检查和改正他们所记录的内容(注意语法、拼写方面的错误)。每一个句子经过师生之间三次互动可以加深对句子的体会,意义更为深远的是有利于学生形成良好的语感、提升他们的听力能力,使英语学习更具可持续性。本书还配有用Smart notebook做的练习题课件。如有需要,请和作者联系。 二、给学生的建议:运用“六步战法”对这些句子进行操练。所谓的“六步战法”即:1、查找句子中不认识的单词;2、反复朗读每一个句子,注意语音、语调要正确地道标准,直至看一眼合上书后就能复述这个句子;3、把每句英文译成汉语,对照所给的译文进行核对;4、看着汉语,将其译成英文,再与英文句子核对一下,通过第3、4两步的操练要达到英汉之间自由转换;5、补全练习中的句子,句中所缺的单词基本上是本句的关键点;6、对照所附答案可以速查练习中所缺的单词,再一次重温每一句话的重点所在。经过以上六个步骤的操练,学生对所学的句子一定会终生难忘。 三、给家长的建议:考查孩子的翻译和练习。许多家长不懂英语,或者不清楚如何帮助孩子学习英语。有了《初中英语900句》他们就可以轻松地辅导孩子的英语学习。方法一:家长读汉语孩子将其译成英语。在互动之前,家长要给孩子足够的时间记忆要翻译的内容。(每个句子用大概30秒左右的时间,前提是他或她在此前对句子已经记忆过了。当然了,可以根据孩子的不同情况适当地增减时间。)孩子的个性差异很大,有的乐于笔译,有的乐于口译,可视情况采取适当的方式。家长和孩子之间的互动可以使家长了解孩子的学习情况;通畅的翻译也可以使学生体验到成功的喜悦,这也能促进亲情的递增。方法二:家长督促孩子完成配套的练习。练习均配有答案有利于家长检查或孩子自查。每一模块核心句子的数量基本上就是练习题的数目,绝对不多,体现“精练”。在初一上、下册的练习中题型较为丰富,尤其是句型转换的题型居多。对于英语初学者来说,应该加强他们对基本句子结构的掌握,这样的操练是必要的。在初二、初三各册所配的练习则主要是以下题型:“首字母填空”、“用适当的词填空”或“用所给词的适当形式填空”。此时,学生对英语已经有一定的基础,因此没有对每一个模块都明确写出题目要求,想必学生一定会明白的。 我编写这本《初中英语900句》就是为了方便教学、自学和辅导。内容力求精准、简约。如果教师、学生以及家长都能充分的利用这本书,学生的英语学习会是省时、高效的。‎ ‎ (附)作者简介:李清(Freeman),英语教育硕士,高级教师,大庆油田教育中心首届英语学科带头人,市骨干教师,全国首届英语名师,TESOL,公派赴新西兰留学生。2006年获全国中小学英语教师教学技能大赛一等奖,2008年获第二届全国中学英语教师教学基本功大赛初中组一等奖及最佳课堂教学组织奖。2008年参加省教育学院到明水送课下乡, 2010年受大庆师范学院外国语学院之约为黑龙江省初中英语骨干教师进行授课(“国培计划”)。 主要作品: 编写:《中考英语模拟试题》(共十套); 主编:《初中英语课课练汇练(初三上)》、《汇测 初中英语单元达标(初三上)》; 参与编写:《资源与评价(英语)》(六年级上、六年级下、七年级上、七年级下、八年级上、八年级下、九年级上、九年级下)、《单元闯关(英语 六年级上)》、《试题优化 课堂同步(英语 六年级下)》、《试题优化 课堂同步(英语 初四)》、《初中英语听力训练(初四年级上)》等。 作者联系方式 QQ:2584875807 Email:lqfreeman@126.com 附表(一):语言技能五级目标 技能 目 标 描 ‎ 述 听 1、能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; 2、能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点; 3、能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意; 4、能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系; 5、能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应; 6、能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。 说 1、能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论; 2、能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务; 3、能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正; 4、能有效地询问信息和请求帮助; 5、能根据话题进行情景对话; 6、能用英语表演短剧; 7、能在以上口语活动中语音、语调自然,语气恰当。 读 1、能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; 2、能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; 3、能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 4、能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料; 5、能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 6、能利用字典等工具书进行学习; 7、除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。 写 1、能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; 2、能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改; 3、能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; 4、能简单描述人物或事件; 5、能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。‎ ‎ 附表(二):语言知识五级目标 技能 目 标 描 述 语音 1、了解语音在语言学习中的意义; 2、了解英语语音包括发音、重音、连读、语调、节奏等内容; 3、在日常生活会话中做到语音、语调基本正确、自然、流畅; 4、根据重音和语调的变化理解和表达不同的意图和态度; 5、根据读音拼写单词和短语。 词汇 1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;2、了解单词是由字母构成的。 语法 1、了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能; 2、在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能; 3、理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式; 4、理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式; 5、初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式; 6、理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。 功能 1、在日常生活中恰当理解和表达问候、告别、感谢、介绍等交际功能;2、在日常人际交往中有效地进行表达。 话题 1、熟悉与学生个人、家庭和学校生活密切相关的话题; 2、熟悉有关日常生活、兴趣爱好、风俗习惯、科学文化等方面的话题。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第二章:句子篇 Module 1 How to learn English Task: Writing your English study plan Grammar: Giving advice: you should / shouldn’t … Why don’t you…? Try… It’s a good idea… How about…? Key sentences: 1. I’m going to give you some advice. 2. Why don’t you write it down? 3. What else? 4. It’s a good idea to check your vocabulary. 5. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English? 6. Try not to translate every word. 7. Many students ask for advice about improving their English. 8. Talk about the film with your friends. 9. I enjoy watching English films. 10. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile. 11. Smiling always helps. 12. Do you forget new vocabulary quickly or do you remember it? 13. Say the English names for everything you see. 14. Improve your English by listening to English songs. 15. It’s difficult to remember new words. Module 2 Experiences Task: Doing a questionnaire about experiences Grammar: Present perfect Key sentences:  16. Has she visited China before? 17. She has invited me to stay with her in England one day. 18. Have you ever entered a competition? 19. He has been all over China by plane. 20. Is there anywhere she hasn’t visited? 21. He’s given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out. 22. At the end she got up, and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her. 23. How many times has Winnie been to the United States? 24. It sounds brilliant. 25. What’s the price of a plane ticket to the USA? Module 3 Journey to space Task: Making a poster about space travel Grammar: Present perfect with already, just, ‎ yet Key sentences: 26. What are you up to? 27. Have you heard the latest news? 28. That’s why it’s on the news. 29. They’ve gone to Shanghai on business. 30. None of them has an environment with air. 31. How much have you grown in the last three years? 32. I’ve just finished reading a great book at school. 33. It is so good that I’ve already asked the library to keep the next book for me. 34. So far there’s only life on Earth. 35. The space shuttle has returned from a visit to the space station. Module 4 Education Task: Writing a leaflet to raise money for the Hope‎ ‎Schools Grammar: Present perfect with for and since Key sentences: 36. When does Sally arrive in Beijing? 37. I get on well with her. 38. It’s easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country. 39. In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China. 40. She has heard about the Hope‎ ‎Schools. 41. His parents want him to drop out of school. 42. He stopped going to school a few year ago. 43. They can go to school with the help of Project Hope. 44. Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives. 45. We have seen each other every day since I came back. Module 5 Western music Task: Talking about the music you like best Grammar: Tag questions Key sentences: 46. You’ve heard of him, haven’t you? 47. He was German, wasn’t he? 48. You like western classical music, don’t you? 49. It’s certainly very traditional, isn’t it? 50. What on earth is that? 51. It’s lively and good to dance to. 52. His waltzes made him famous all over Europe. 53. Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin. 54. He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. 55. What did Mozart write in addition to operas? 56. Lucky for him a guitar has only six strings. 57. He had lots of hit records and became the biggest rock singer in the world. Module 6 A famous ‎ story Task: Writing a short story about your past experience Grammar: Past continuous Key sentences: 58. It’s about a girl called Alice. 59. One day she was sitting by the river with a book, but she wasn’t reading it. 60. She had nothing to do. 61. She was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her. 62. She saw it go down a large rabbit hole under the hedge. 63. While you were sleeping, I was watching TV. 64. It was half past ten. I was lying in bed reading. 65. Why was everyone clapping and cheering? 66. I was waiting at the bus stop when a car stopped. 67. You fall when you go quickly to the ground by mistake. Revision module A 68. You should look up new words in a dictionary. 69. Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years. 70. Have you ever looked at a travel leaflet? 71. I saw a whale swimming in the ocean. 72. What was the best place you visited in the USA? 73. No one has discovered any life in space yet. 74. Scientists have sent lots of spacecraft into space to explore our solar system. 75. He wrote his first opera when he was 12 years old. 76. When did you arrive at school this morning? 77. He has never written a book. Module 7 Feelings and impressions Task: Writing a description of someone Grammar: Sense verbs: sound, smell, look, taste, feel Key sentences: 78. That smells delicious. 79. It feels very soft and comfortable. 80. She looks pretty in her photo. 81. They taste really sweet. 82. I see what you mean. 83. We’re coming back here to have something to eat. 84. You must introduce me to her. 85. It was great to hear from you. 86. I can’t wait to meet you. 87. I hope you will recognize me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. 88. Thanks for telling me about what you like doing. 89. I’m very proud of my brother. 90. At first I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mum for a few days. 91. I’m afraid of flying. 92. I’m very excited about coming to ‎China ‎. 93. I feel stupid when I get bad marks and get angry with myself. 94. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. Module 8 Around town Task: Giving directions around your town Grammar: Prepositions of place and movement Key sentences: 95. How do you get to the Forbidden City? 96. Go straight ahead. It’s opposite Tian’anmen Square. 97. Where is the Chairman Mao Memorial hall? 98. It’s between the Great Hall of the People and the Museum. 99. Can you tell me the way to a park? 100. Where can I do some shopping? 101. I think there’s an entrance on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie. 102. You can see most of London on a clear day. 103. Turn left into King’s Street and go past the church. Module 9 Animals in danger Task: Writing about animals in danger Grammar: Infinitive structures Key sentences: 104. I can walk a long way without drinking. 105. I was so excited to see the pandas. 106. The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. 107. It just isn’t right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. 108. We need to help the animals live in peace. 109. Many people decide not to think about it. 110. Why do some animals have no place to live in? 111. They mainly live on bamboo. 112. Most zoos protect animals and do research into the way animals live. 113. For the world, the panda has become a symbol of China as well as for our government’s work to protect animals in danger. 114. A plan to stop people killing pandas is now ready. Module 10 Lao She Teahouse Task: Writing and acting out a scene from a play Grammar: Verbs followed by infinitives Key sentences: 115. As you know, her main interest is music. 116. My parents offered to take us there. 117. I tried to understand it, but it was almost impossible. 118. We only planned to have some tea, but we decided to stay for two hours. 119. He’s especially famous for his play. 120. The play shows the audience life in China between 1898 and 1945. 121. It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa. 122. Finally, it says goodbye to old ‎Beijing ‎. 123. Lao She Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world. 124. He made them study hard. 125. The best part of the film is the singing. Module 11 The weather Task: Preparing some advice on the best time to visit China Grammar: Possibility: may, might, probably Key sentences: 126. It may be cold tomorrow. 127. We’re going shopping for her present. 128. Will it be snowy? = Will it snow? = Will there be (a) snow? 129. You must be joking. 130. What will the weather be like? 131. It’ll probably be hot and sunny. 132. We’re off to Hong Kong. 133. When’s the best time to visit the USA? 134. We’re going to buy something warm to wear for Lingling’s present. 135. It’s a good idea to bring your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn. 136. In the northwest, it isn’t very cold, but there’s a lot of rain, so bring an umbrella. 137. It’s pleasant to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. 138. In the southeast, there’re storms from time to time in summer and fall. 139. It’s great fun to go on holiday. 140. In June, it never rains in Sydney. 141. The wettest place in the world is the Brazilian rainforest. 142. The rainforest has more different animals and plants than any other place. 143. It’s good to hear that you may want to visit Britain. 144. You won’t have to pay much for it. Module 12 Traditional life Task: Writing advice for foreign guests to a Chinese family Grammar: Must / mustn’t and can / can’t Key sentences: 145. In the USA, when someone gives you a present, you must open it immediately. 146. When you accept a present, you must use both hands. 147. You mustn’t do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year. 148. It’s important to remember the birthdays of family and friends. 149. Visitors to China find our customs very strange. 150. Red is a lucky color in China. 151. It’s a tradition in China to give presents at Spring Festival. 152. Tea is not just drink but a light meal around 4 pm. 153. You can only drink tea at a tea party, not coffee or juice. 154. The woman mustn’t arrive at the church on time but a few minutes ‎ late. 155. The girl who catches the flowers will be next to get married. 156. You can open a present immediately on your birthday. 157. Choose the five most important pieces of advice about customs in China. Revision module B 158. The policeman there looks smart. 159. The bedroom sounds very quiet. The children are asleep. 160. The weather around the world may get warmer and warmer. 161. They offered to take me to the theatre. 162. My life may be more exciting in 5 years’ time. 163. What does he look like? 164. He’s a short man with dark hair. 165. What’s he like? He’s friendly. 166. We’ve had a very snowy winter this year. 167. It’s dangerous for ships to keep going in heavy rains. 168. Villagers are now waiting for a rain to come so that the rice will grow. 169. When we leave our friends we take time to say goodbye.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第三章:翻译篇 第一模块:如何学英语 任务:写学习计划 语法:用下列句型提建议:You should/shouldn’t… Why don’t you…? Try… It’s a good idea… How/What about...? 句子: 1. 我将给你们提一些建议。 2. 你为什么不把它写下来? 3. (还有)其他的吗? 4. 检查你的词汇(笔记)是个好主意。 5. 收听英语广播或阅读英文报纸怎没样? 6. 不要逐词翻译。 7. 许多学生咨询提高英语的建议。 8. 和你的朋友谈谈这部电影。 9. 我喜欢看英文电影。 10. 许多人说英语的时候害羞,因此在你开始之前,深呼吸、微笑。 11. 微笑总是有帮助的。 12. 你很快忘记新词汇还是记住它? 13. 说出你所看到一切事物的英文名字。 14. 通过听英文歌来提高你的英语。 15. 记住生词很难。 第二模块:经历 任务:做有关经历的问卷调查 语法:现在完成时的用法 句子: 16. 以前他参观过中国吗? 17. 她已邀请我有一天和她住在英国。 18. 你曾经参加过比赛吗? 19. 他坐飞机到过全中国。 20. 有她没参观过的地方吗? 21. 他在全中国举办演唱会,门票总是售罄。 22. 结束时她站起来,章子怡就在她旁边的座位。 23. 维妮去过美国多少次? 24. 听起来非常好。 25. 去美国的机票多少钱? 第三模块:太空旅行 任务:制作太空旅行的海报 语法:现在完成时与already, just, yet连用 句子: 26. 你在忙什么呢? 27. 你听到最新的消息了吗? 28. 那就是它成为新闻的原因。 29. 他们去上海出差了。 30. 它们都没有带空气的环境。 31. 在过去的三年里你长了多少? 32. 我刚刚在学校里读完一本很棒的书。 33. 它太好了,我已经请求图书馆为我保留下一部。 34. 迄今为止只有地球上有生命。 35. 航天飞机已经从对空间站的访问中返回。 第四模块:教育 任务:写一张为希望学校募捐的宣传页 语法:带for、 since的现在完成时 句子: 36. 萨利何时回北京? 37. 我和她相处得很融洽。 38. 当你参观一个国家时,学习这个国家的语言就很容易。 39. 实际上,自从1989年希望工程就在全中国建立学校。 40. 她听说过希望学校。 41. 他的父母想要他辍学。 42. 几年前他停止去上学了。 43. 在希望工程的帮助下,他们能够上学了。 44. 因为希望工程,数千名儿童过上了较好的生活。 45. 自从我回来,我们天天见面。 第五模块:西部音乐 任务:谈论你最喜欢的音乐 语法:反意疑问句的用法 句子: 46. 你听说过他,是不是? 47. 他是德国人,他不是吗? 48. 你喜欢西方古典音乐,不是吗? 49. 它当然很传统,是不是? 50. 那究竟是什么? 51. 跟着它的节奏跳舞,活泼、愉快。 52. 他的华尔兹使他闻名于全欧洲。 53. 在他六岁之前,他不但会弹钢琴,而且会拉小提琴。 54. 在12岁时,他写了他的第一部歌剧和几百首优美的经典乐团乐。 55. 除了歌剧,莫扎特还写了什么? 56. 他很幸运,吉他只有六根弦。 57. 他录制了大量风靡一时的唱片,他也成为全世界最伟大的摇滚歌手。 第六模块:著名故事 任务:写一篇有关你过去经历的故事 语法:过去进行时的用法 句子: 58. 它讲的是一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩的故事。 59. 一天,她拿着一本书坐在河边,但是她没在读书。 60. 她无事可做。 61. 她正考虑编一个雏菊花环,就在这时突然一只长着粉红眼睛的白兔从她的身边跑过。 62. 她看见它钻进了树篱下的一个巨大的兔子洞。 63. 在你睡觉的时候,我正在看电视。 64. 时间是十点半。我正躺在床上读书。 65. 为什么每个人都在鼓掌、欢呼? 66. 我正在公共汽车站等待,突然一辆轿车停下来。 67. 由于疏忽你快速倒向地面,此时你跌到了。 复习模块A 68. 你应该在字典里查找生词。 6‎ ‎9. 科学家们认为地球上存有生命已有数百万年了。 70. 你看过旅游宣传单吗? 71. 我看到了一头鲸鱼在大洋里游泳。 72. 你在美国参观的最好的地方是什么? 73. 还没有人在太空中发现任何生命。 74. 科学家们已经向太空中发送了大量的宇宙飞船去探索我们的太阳系。 75. 当他十二岁的时候,他写了他的第一部歌剧。 76. 今天早上你什么时候到达学校的? 77. 他从来没有著过书。 第七模块:情感与印象 任务:写一篇人物描述 语法:感官动词的用法 句子: 78. 那(菜)闻起来很好吃。 79. 它摸起来很柔软、舒适。 80. 在照片里,她看起来很美。 81. 它们尝起来真甜。 82. 我明白你的意思。 83. 我们将要回到这里吃点东西。 84. 你一定要向她介绍一下我。 85. 收到你的来信真是太好了。 86. 我迫不及待想要见到你。 87. 我希望当我到达机场时你能够从我的照片上认出我。 88. 感谢你告诉我你所喜欢做的事情。 89. 我为我的哥哥感到高兴。 90. 当我离开父母几天,开始我时常会感到有点难过。 91. 我害怕坐飞机。 92. 对于来到中国我感到非常激动。 93. 当我成绩差的时候,我会感到(自己)笨,对自己很生气。 94. 当我说汉语时,我感到紧张。 第八模块:环城之行 任务:指路 语法:地点介词及运动介词的用法 句子: 95. 你如何到达故宫? 96. 直走。它在天安门广场对面。 97. 毛主席纪念堂在哪里? 98. 它在人民大会堂和博物馆之间。 99. 你能告诉我去公园的路吗? 100. 我在哪里能购物? 101. 我想在长街和文津街的拐角处有个入口。 102. 在晴朗的日子里你能看到伦敦的大部分。 103. 左转进入国王街、路过教堂。 第九模块:濒危动物 任务:写一篇关于濒危动物的文章 语法:动词不定式的用法 句子: 104. 不用喝水我可以走很长的路。 105. 看到大熊猫我很激动。 106. 令人吃惊的事情是听到多少动物正处于濒危状态。 107. 为了得到它们的肉而杀害鲸鱼或大象就是不对。 108. 我们需要帮助动物和平相处。 109. 许多人决定不去想它。 110. 为什么一些动物没有地方居住? 111. 它们主要以竹子为食物。 112. 大部分动物园保护动物并对动物的生活方式进行研究。 113. 对世界而言,熊猫已经成为中国的象征,也是我们政府保护濒危动物工作的象征。 114. 一项阻止人们猎杀大熊猫的计划现在已经形成。 第十模块:老舍茶馆 任务:写一幕戏剧并表演 语法:后接动词不定式作宾语的动词 句子: 115. 正如你所知道的,她的主要兴趣是音乐。 116. 我父母提出带我们去那里的。 117. 我尽力去理解它,但那几乎是不可能的。 118. 我们只计划喝点茶,但是我们决定呆两个小时。 119. 他特别以他的戏剧著名。 120. 他的戏剧向观众展示了1898到1945年间中国的生活。 121. 它发生在老北京的一个茶馆里,向我们讲述了王利发的故事。 122. 最后,它与老北京告别。 123. 老舍茶馆热烈欢迎海内外的朋友们。 124. 他迫使他们努力学习。 125. 那部电影最精彩之处是歌声。 第十一模块:天气 任务:建议参观中国的最佳时间 语法:用may, might,‎ ‎ probably表达可能性 句子: 126. 明天可能会冷。 127. 我们要去给她买礼物。 128. 会下雪吗? 129. 你一定是开玩笑。 130. 将会是什么天气? 131. 可能会很热、天气晴朗。 132. 我们要离开去香港。 133. 何时是参观美国的最佳时间? 134. 我们将买穿起来暖和的东西作为玲玲的礼物。 135. 带上你的相机是个好主意,因为也许想拍摄秋天的照片。 136. 在东北,天气很冷,但是多雨,所以带着伞。 137. 七、八月参观阿拉斯加是宜人的,但是晚上也许会冷。 138. 在东南,夏、秋两季不时会有暴雨。 139. 去度假真是太好了。 140. 六月里,悉尼从来不下雨。 141. 世界上最潮湿的地方是巴西雨林。 142. 雨林有比任何一个其他地方更多的不同的动植物。 143. 太好了,听说你也许想参观英国。 144. 你无须为此花费更多。 第十二模块:传统生活 任务:为到中国家庭做客的外国客人提建议 语法:情态动词must/mustn’t, can/can’t的用法 句子: 145. 在美国,收到礼物时,你必须马上打开。 146. 当你接受礼物时,必须用双手。 147. 在中国新年的第一天,禁止扫除。 148. 记住家人和朋友的生日很重要。 149. 到中国来的游客发现我们的风俗很奇怪。 150. 在中国,红颜色是吉祥色。 151. 在中国,春节期间送礼是传统。 152. 茶不只是饮料,而是四点左右的一顿便餐。 153. 在茶会上,你只能喝茶而不是咖啡或果汁。 154. 女人(新娘)不必准时到达教堂而是晚几分钟。 155. 接到花的女孩将会是下一个结婚的。 156. 在你的生日那天,你可以马上打开礼物。 157. 选五条在中国关于风俗最重要的忠告。 复习模块B 158. 那里的警察看起来很精明。 159. 卧室听起来很安静。孩子们睡着了。 160. 世界各地的天气也许会变得越来越暖。 161. 他们提议带我去剧场。 162. 五年后,我的生活也许会更激动人心。 163. 他看起来什么样? 164. 他是个长着黑发的矮个子男人。 165. 他什么样(性格)?他很友好。 166. 今年我们度过了一个多雪的冬季。 167. 对于轮船来讲,在大雨中继续航行是很危险的。 168. 村民们现在正在等着下雨,这样水稻才会长。 169. 当我们离开朋友时,花点时间道别。‎ 第四章:练习题 Module 1 How to learn English 根据所缺词的首字母及句意补全单词: 1. I’m going to give you some a_________. 2. How about l_________ to the radio or reading a newspaper in English? 3. It’s a good idea to check your v_________. 4. She can help me w_________ my English. 5. Try not to t_________ every word. 6. T_________ about the film with your friends. 7. I enjoy w_________ English films. 8. Take a deep b_________ 9. Smiling always h_________. 10. Say the English names for e_________ you ‎ see. 11. Improve your English by l_________ to the radio. 12. It’s d_________ to remember new words. Module 2 Experience 根据所缺词的首字母及句意补全单词:  1. Has she v_________ China before? 2. She has invited me to stay with her in England o_____ day. 3. Have you ever e_________ a competition? 4. He has b_________ all over China by plane. 5. What’s the p_________ of a plane ticket to the USA? 6. It s_________ brilliant. 7. He’s g_________ concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out. 8. Wang Ming has been t_________ a Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2,000 people. 9. I’ve a_________ wanted to meet her. 10. When will the plane t_________ off from Beijing‎ Capital ‎Airport? Module 3 Journey to space 根据所缺词的首字母及句意补全单词: 1. What are you u_________ to? 2. Have you heard the l_________news? 3. That’s why it’s o_________ the news. 4. They’ve gone to Shanghai on b_________. 5. N_________ of them has an environment with air. 6. How much have you grown in the l_________ three years? 7. I’ve just f_________ reading a great book at school. 8. It is so good t_________ I’ve already asked the library to keep the next book for me. 9. So f_________ there’s only life on Earth. 10. The space shuttle has returned from a visit t_________ the space station. Module 4 Education 根据所缺词的首字母及句意补全单词: 1. When does Sally a_________ in Beijing? 2. I get on w_________ with her. 3. It’s e____ to learn a foreign language when you visit the country. 4. How long h________ you studied English? 5. In fact, since 1989 Project hope has b____ schools all over China. 6. She has h_________ about the Hope‎ ‎Schools. 7. His parents want him to d_________ out of school. 8. He s_________ going to school a few year ago. 9. They can go to school with the h_________ of Project Hope. 10. B______ of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives. 11. We have seen each other every day since I c_______ back. Module 5 Western music 根据所缺词的首字母或句意补全句子: 1. You’ve heard of him, _________ ‎ you? 2. He was German, _________ he? 3. You like western classical music, _________you? 4. It’s certainly very traditional, _________ it? 5. What _________ earth is that? 6. It’s lively and good to dance _________. 7. His waltzes m_________ him famous all over Europe. 8. Before he was six he played not ______ the piano, but also the violin. 9. He wrote his first opera ______ the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. 10. What did Mozart write in a_________ to operas? 11. Lucky _________ him a guitar has only six strings. 12. He had lots of hit records and became the b_________ rock singer in the world. Module 6 A famous story 根据所缺词的首字母及句意补全单词: 1. It’s about a girl c_________ Alice. 2. One day she was sitting by the river with a book, but she wasn’t r_________ it. 3. She had n_________ to do. 4. She was thinking of m_________ a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes r_________ by her. 5. She saw it g_________ down a large rabbit hole under the hedge. 6. While you were s_________, I was watching TV. 7. It was half past ten, I was l_________in bed reading. 8. Why was everyone c_________ and cheering? 9. I was waiting at the bus stop when a car s_________. 10. You fall when you go quickly to the ground by m_________. Revision module A  1. You should look _________ new words in a dictionary. 2. Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for m_________ of years. 3. Have you e_________ looked at a travel leaflet? 4. I saw a whale s_________ in the ocean. 5. What was the b_________ place you visited in the USA? 6. No one h_________ discovered any life in space yet. 7. Scientists have sent lots of spacecraft into space to e_________ our solar system. 8. He w_________ his first opera at the age of twelve. 9. When did you arrive _________ school this morning? 10. He has never w_________ a book. Module 7 Feelings and impressions 1. That smells d________. 2. It f________ very soft and comfortable. 3. She looks p________ in her photo. 4. They t________ really sweet. 5. I see w________ you mean. 6. I hope you will r________ me from my photo when I arrive at the ‎ airport. 7. I feel n________ when I speak Chinese. 8. You must introduce me ________ her. 9. I feel stupid when I get bad marks and get angry _______ myself. 10. It was great ________ (hear) from you. 11. I can’t wait ________ (meet) you. 12. We’re coming back here to have something ________(eat). 13. Thanks for ________ (tell) me about what you like doing. 14. I’m very ________ (pride) of my brother. 15. At ________ (one) I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mum for a few days. 16. I’m afraid of ________ (fly). 17. I’m very ________ (excite) about coming to China. Module 8 Around town 1. How do you get ________ the Forbidden City? 2. Go s________ ahead. It’s opposite Tian’anmen Square. 3. Where is the Chairman Mao M________ hall? 4. It’s b________ the Great Hall of the People and the Museum. 5. Can you tell me the way ________ a park? 6. Where can I do some ________ (shop)? 7. I think there’s an e________ on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie. 8. You can see most of London on a c________ day. 9. Turn left ________ King’s Street and go past the church. Module 9 Animals in danger 1. I can walk a long way without ________ (drink). 2. I was so excited ________ (see) the pandas. 3. The ________ (surprise) thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. 4. It just isn’t right to kill whales or elephants ________ their meat. 5. We need to help the animals live ________ peace. 6. Many people decide ________ (not think) about it. 7. Why do some animals have no place ________ (live) in? 8. They mainly live ________ bamboo. 9. Most zoos protect animals and do r________ into the way animals live. 10. For the world, the panda has become a symbol of China as well as ________ our government’s work to protect animals ________danger. 11. A plan to stop people ________ (kill) pandas is now ready. Module 10 Lao She Teahouse 1. A________ you know, her main interest is music. 2. My parents offered ________ (take) us there. 3. I tried to understand it, but it was almost i________. 4. We only ________ (plan) to have some tea, but we decided to stay for two hours. 5. He’s especially f________ for his play. 6. The play shows the a________ life in China between 1898 and 1945. 7. It t________ place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa. 8. Finally, it says g________ to old ‎Beijing ‎. 9. Lao She Teahouse gives a wonderful w________ to everyone from China and from all over the world. 10. He made them ________ (study) hard. 11. The ________ (good) part of the film is the singing. Module 11 Weather 1. It may ________ cold tomorrow. 2. We’re going shopping ________ her present. 3. Will it be ________ (snow)? 4. You must be ________ (joke). 5. What will the weather be ________? 6. It’ll probably be hot and ________ (sun). 7. We’re ________ to Hong Kong. 8. W________ the best time to visit the USA? 9. We’re going to buy something warm to wear ________ Lingling’s present. 10. It’s a good idea to bring your camera b________ you may want to take photos of the autumn. 11. In the northwest, it isn’t very cold, but there’s a lot of ________, so bring an umbrella. 12. It’s p________ to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. 13. In the southeast, there’re storms from time to ________ in summer and fall. 14. It’s great ________ to go on holiday. 15. In June, it never ________ (rain) in Sydney. 16. The ________ (wet) place in the world is the Brazilian rainforest. 17. The rainforest has more different animals and plants than any other p________. 18. It’s good to hear that you may w________ to visit Britain. 19. You won’t have to pay much ________ it. Module 12 Traditional life 1. In the USA, when someone gives you a present, you must open it i________. 2. When you a________ a present, you must use both hands. 3. You mustn’t do any cleaning ________ the first day of the Chinese New Year. 4. It’s i________ to remember the birthdays of family and friends. 5. V________ to China find our customs very strange. 6. Red is a l________ color in China. 7. It’s a tradition in China to give presents ________ Spring Festival. 8. Tea is not just drink ________ a light meal around 4 pm. 9. You can only drink tea at a tea party, not coffee ________ juice. 10. The woman mustn’t arrive at the church ________ time but a few minutes late. 11. The girl who catches the flowers will be next to get m________. 12. You can open a present immediately ________ your birthday. 13. Choose the five most important p________ of advice about customs in China. Revision module B 1. The policeman there looks s¬¬¬¬¬¬________. 2. The bedroom sounds very quiet. The children are ‎ a¬¬¬¬¬¬______. 3. The weather around the world may get warmer and ¬¬¬¬¬¬_____. 4. They offered ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ (take) me to the theatre. 5. My life may be more exciting in 5 ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ (years) time. 6. What does he look ¬¬¬¬¬¬________? 7. He’s a short man ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ dark hair. 8. What’s he like? He’s ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ (friend). 9. We’ve had a very ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ (snow) winter this year. 10. It’s ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ (danger) for ships to keep going in heavy rains. 11. ¬¬¬¬¬¬________(village) are now waiting for a rain to come so that the rice will grow 12. When we leave our friends we t¬¬¬¬¬¬________ time to say goodbye.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第五章:答案篇 Module 1 How to learn English 1. advice  2. listening  2. vocabulary  4. with  5. translate  6. Talk  7. watching  8. breath  9. helps  10. everything  11. listening  12. difficult  Module 2 Experience 1. visited  2. one  3. entered  4. been  5. price  6. sounds  7. given  8. to  9. always  10. take Module 3 Journey to space 1. up  2. latest  3. on  4. business  5. None  6. last  7. finished  8. that  9. far  10. to Module 4 Education 1. arrive  2. well  3. easier  4. have  5. built  6. heard  7. drop  8. stopped  9. help  10. Because  11. came Module 5 Western music 1. haven’t  2. wasn’t  3. don’t  4. isn’t  5. on  6. to  7. made  8. only  9. at  10. addition  11. for  12. biggest Module 6 A famous story 1. called  2. reading  3. nothing  4. making, ran  5.‎ ‎ go  6. sleeping / studying  7. lying  8. clapping  9. stopped  10. mistake Revision module A 1. up  2. millions  3. ever  4. swimming  5. best  6. has  7. explore  8. wrote  9. at  10. written Module 7 Feelings and impressions 1. delicious  2. feels  3. pretty  4. taste  5. what  6. recognize  7. nervous  8. to  9. with  10. to hear  11. meeting  12. to eat  13. telling  14. proud  15. first  16. flying  17. excited Module 8 Around town 1. to  2. straight  3. Memorial  4. between  5. to  6. shopping  7. entrance  8. clear  9. into Module 9 Animals in danger 1. drinking  2. to see  3. surprising  4. for  5. in 6. not to think  7. to live  8. on  9. research  10. for, in  11. killing Module 10 Lao She Teahouse 1. As  2. to take  3. impossible  4. planned  5. famous  6. audience  7. takes  8. goodbye  9. welcome  10. study  11. best Module 11 Weather 1. be  2. for  3. snowy  4. joking  5. like  6. sunny  7. off  8. When’s  9. for  10. because 11. rain  12. pleasant  13. time  14. fun  15. rains  16. wettest  17. place  18. want  19. for Module 12 Traditional life 1. immediately  2. accept  3. on  4. important  5. Visitors  6. lucky  7. at  8. but  9. or  10. on  11. married  12. on  13. pieces Revision module B 1. smart  2. asleep  3. warmer  4. to take  5. years’  6. like  7. with  8. friendly  9. snowy 10. dangerous  11. Villagers  12. take