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温暖(英语特区,高中英语) 花开花落,有多少温暖的故事在其中上演;细水长流,有多少温暖的故事随之遥远。在这充 满活力的每一天,你又在被多少人所悄悄温暖? 在我眼里,父母所给予我的一切,我是一生都无法补偿的。特别是他们的关心、爱护 以及重视,是不能用金钱支交换的。从小在温暖中长大的我深刻体会到这点。 id忆的门坎上有一次我刻骨铭心:暑假里的一天,我和母亲在整理房间时,由于我的 一时疏忽,手没抓住椅了柄,使口己从高高的柜了上摔了下来,下巴撞到了桌角的大理石o 顿时鲜血溢了出来,染红了我衣服的领子。闻声从隔壁房间跑来的母亲见到我这样,脸霎得 白了。可她立刻意识到了什么,从药柜里拿出大把棉花,堵住我的伤口,而后马上送我去了 医院。这时父亲止在宁波开会,得知消息,赶快驾车飞驰开往医院。由于父亲不在身边,母 亲一人的负担特重,我知道其实她比我更紧张、更心痛。 当时,我还以为涂上点药水、包扎一下就了事了。可谁知,医生却说必须要用针把伤\n 口缝起来。因为口子太大了,流血多,会造成不好的影响。用针缝,想想都很恐怖,不必说 亲身休验了。看着护士拿來的缝伤口的针,我的心跳得疾速,空气仿佛也在此刻凝固了。在 医生举起针朝我受伤的下巴开始缝的时候,母亲温暖的手紧紧抓住了我。此时,一股安定、 平静的感觉涌上心头,我的心也慢慢舒畅了。我知道,在这里有母亲温馨的大手和我紧紧相 牵,在那里有父亲安慰的话语与我紧紧相连,我很温暖,很幸福。那次,我没有流泪,因为 在这谈不上生死边缘的危险时刻,我感受到了父母给予的温暖。 当父亲赶到医院时,我的伤口早已缝好了,扎上了纱布。见到父亲,我一头扎进了他 的怀抱。或许现在才发觉到刚刚医务室里的恐惧气氛,或许从没经历过这样事情的我委屈了, 在父亲怀里,我才流下了忍了许久的眼泪。父亲笑着看着我,粗糙却又带有温情的手拂过我 的脸颊:“傻孩子,不要哭了。一切都过去了,不是吗?”是的,一-切都过去了,一-切都会 过去,但对于父母所给的一切,我愿它不要过去,永远保存。 之后,父亲每天为我涂药水、换纱布。夏天,天气热,父亲怕我伤口发炎,还为我每 天清洗伤口,从不拖延一点时间。由于父亲的细心护理,拆线时,医生说伤口愈合了,而H. 长得很好。\n 温暖,不必用美丽的词藻去形容,无须用精妙的画笔去雕饰,却依然光亮輝眼。同学 的一声共同进步,老师的一次真心问候,朋友的一回热情帮助,都让你感到温暖。而你是否 依然铭记太多太多父母所付出的真诚的温暖呢?珍惜这其屮温暖的一切,父母的温暖将伴你 越过困难,冲破险阻。在危险与竞争面前,它们一定是你精神的支柱! Blooming flowers, which staged a number of warmth in the story; Steady, the number of distant wannth followed the story. Eveiy day in this vibrant, how many people have you been quietly warmth? In my eyes, parents have given me everything I could lifetime compensation. They are particularly concemed about the care and attention that is not supporting the exchange of money. I grew up in the warmth from a deep un\nderstanding of this point. As a resull there is a mcmory I nevcr forget : the summer vacation day, I was tidying up the room and mothers, As my negligence, did not sign seize the chair handles, so that their stumble down from the top of the cabinets, Zhuojue chin collided with a marble. Suddenly overflow out of the blood stains my clothes collar. Shaken on hearing from the next room, thc motheF came to see me, and Sharp have white faces. She immediately realized what a lot of cotton from the drug in front of the drawefs out, I stopped at thc wounds and thcn sent me to the hospital immediately. Then the father says that the meeting heard the news and immediately &nb\nsp; bound motorists speeding Hospital・ Because my father is not around, an especially heavy burden on the mother, I know her better than I tense, pained. At that time, I thought I painted point syrup, a bandage on the jeport on the matter. Be poems, the doctor says we have to use needle wound joints put togethe匚 Because people were too large, more bloodshed, creating a bad influence. Linking with a needle, to consider all terrorist, not to mention a personal experience. Watching the needle wound nurses use the joints, the heart, I havc transmitted through the air like also solidified the moment. I hold doctors in principle North Korea began linking the chin injuries when his mother,s \nwarm hands tightly grasping me. At this point, a stable, peaceful feeling well up in my mind, my heart has gradually relaxed the. I know that 1:his is a motheT‘s warm hands and I firmly linked. where there are closely linked with my father comfoiling words, I was very wami, very happy. Once, I did not cry, because no living on the edge of life and death in this dangerous moment, I felt the warmth of their parents. When the fathe「 rushed to the hospital, I have the wounds linking well, put on the gauze. See the father, I headlong into his embrace. Pcrhaps just now found that the clinic Lane, the atmosphere of fear, perhaps never experienced such a thing, I pity, in&nbs\np;the anns of his fathei\ a pat:ient for a long time beforc I shed tears. Father laughs at me, but with a loving hand rough blew my cheek : jsilly child, Do not cry. All passed, is not it? ”Yes, everything is gone, everything past, Buf for all the parents, I would like it not to the past, to keep it permanently. , As my father and smeared water daily, for gauze. SummeF, the weather, his fatheT was afraid I wound infection, but also for my daily cleaning wounds and never delay time. As the fathe「 of hospice care, st:itches removed, doctors said the wound healing, but can grow quite well. Warmth is no need to use beautifu1 words to describe, but with carefully dniwn&nbs\np;to the fine carving, but still glittering. As soon as the common progress of the students, a teacher sincere greetings and warm back to help a friend, you feel the warmth. Bearing in mind that too many parents and you still have to pay the genuine wairnth? Cherish all of this warm, to the wannth with your parents across difficulties, oveTcome obstacles. And competition in the face of dangei\ which is the pillar of your spirit!