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‎2016~2017一二模及高考真题翻译汇编 倒装句 ‎1. 我再也抑制不住看篮球比赛的冲动。(no longer) ‎ I could no longer resist the urge to watch the basketball match last night.‎ ‎2. 杰克难得去老师那儿寻求帮助,他觉得自学会使自己受益更多。(Seldom)‎ Seldom did / does Jack go / turn to / ask his teacher(s) for help, because he thought / thinks self-study / teaching himself would / will benefit himself more / give (bring) more benefits to him.‎ ‎3. 学生们难得有机会目睹那位著名的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。(Seldom)‎ Seldom do students have a chance / an opportunity to see the famous winner of the Nobel Prize for literature.‎ ‎4. 我做梦也想不到会在这次化学竞赛中获_等奖。(Little)‎ Little did I dream of being able to win the first prize in this chemistry contest.‎ ‎5. 他从未想到自己经历十多年的努力后,终于能在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,并赢得这么多的掌声和鼓励。(Never…)‎ Never did it occur to him that he could stand out in the fierce competition and win so much applause and encouragement after over ten years of hard work.‎ ‎6. 任何情况下父母都不能强迫孩子去做超出他们能力范围的事情。 (circumstances)‎ Under no circumstances can parents force their kids to do what is beyond their capacity.‎ ‎7. 学校董事会没有批准这一提案,也没有做出任何解释。(nor)‎ The school board did not approve the proposal, nor did they make an explanation.‎ ‎8. 他生来就有残疾,但从不沮丧,也从未屈服于困难。( nor )‎ He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he ever give in to any difficulty.‎ Although / Though / While he was disabled from birth, he never felt frustrated, nor did he ever give in to any difficulty.‎ ‎9. 垃圾分类不仅有助于环境保护还有利于废物循环利用,所以人人要行动起来。(Not only)‎ Not only does classifying/sorting rubbish help protect the environment, but also it helps recycle waste materials, so everyone should take action.‎ ‎10. 志愿者活动不仅能使青少年学到如何帮助残疾人,还可以提高他们与陌生人合作的意识。(Not only...)‎ Not only can volunteer activities enable teenagers to learn how to help the disabled, but they can also raise teenagers’ awareness to cooperate with strangers. ‎ Not only can volunteer activities make teenagers learn how to help the disabled, but they can raise teenagers’ awareness to cooperate with strangers as well. ‎ ‎11. 中外游客们不仅领略了古城的美景,也对当地的传统文化和悠久历史有了一个大致的了解。(Not only) ‎ Not only did the visitors from home and abroad appreciate the beauty of the ancient city, but also had a rough idea of the local traditional culture and the long history. ‎ ‎12. 不但政府应该制定政策防止进一步污染,而且每个公民都该责无旁贷地保护环境。(Not only)‎ Not only should the government make policies to prevent further pollution, but also every citizen should take full responsibility for protecting the environment.‎ ‎13. 只有充分利用你遇到的每个机会,你才能实现自己的梦想。(Only) ‎ Only by making full use of every chance that you come across can you realize your dream.‎ ‎14. 整个团队只有互相配合才能按时完成这项任务。(Only)‎ Only by cooperating with each other can the whole team finish this task on time/schedule/punctually.‎ ‎15. 只有自己愿意投身其中你才能做好你正在做的事情。(Only)‎ Only when you will devote yourself to what you are doing can you do it well.‎ ‎16. 只有当他亲眼看见那些贴满小区的海报时,才真正相信中国诗词大赛是多么受欢迎。(Only)‎ Only when he saw the posters which were stuck/ put up/ pasted/ posted everywhere in the community/ neighbourhood with his own eyes did he truly/ really believe that the Chinese Poetry Contest/Competition was very popular/ greatly/ particularly/ warmly/ enthusiastically/ broadly / highly/ very/ welcomed.‎ ‎17.只有相关各方更多地关注青少年,他们才能形成正确的价值观。(Only)  ‎ Only if parties concerned pay more attention to the younger generation will teenagers form proper values. ‎ ‎18. 他伤得很严重,应该马上送医院。(So...)‎ So badly was he wounded/ hurt that he should be sent to hospital immediately.‎ ‎19. 手机在人们日常生活中起着如此重要的作用,没有人敢不带手机去旅行。(So...)‎ So important a role/ part does the mobile phone/ do mobile phones play in people’s daily life that no one dares to travel without it. ‎ ‎20. 他在那个偏远小镇过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了。(Such)‎ Such a peaceful life does he live in that remote small town that he doesn’t feel like returning to his hometown.‎ ‎21. 他高中一毕业就迫不及待地出国旅游去了。 (Hardly)‎ Hardly had he graduated from the high school when he hurried to travel aboard.‎ ‎22. 这款手机一上市就吸引了世界各地的年轻人。(Hardly)‎ Hardly had this kind of cell phone been put / been launched on the market when it attracted/drew/appealed to young people all over/across / throughout the world.‎ ‎23. 直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷(Not...)‎ Not until he went out of the air-conditioned room did he realize how cold it is today.‎ ‎24. 直到那位母亲确信她的儿子已安然无恙地到家,她才松了一口气。(Not until…)‎ Not until the mother made sure that her son had got home safe and sound did she feel relieved.‎ ‎25. 直到最近发生了一系列空难事故后,人们才开始关注飞行员的心理健康。(Not)‎ Not until series of air crash happened did people begin to pay attention to pilots’ psychological health.‎ ‎26. 在线预订出租车虽然很时尚,但许多相关问题尚待解决。(as)‎ Fashionable as booking a taxi online is, many related problems remain to be settled/ solved.‎ ‎27. 网购存在风险,因此下单之前的深思熟虑有助于避免不必要的损失。(exist)‎ There exist risks in online shopping, so careful consideration before placing an order can help avoid unnecessary losses.‎ ‎28. 那个刚被批评的女孩哭着跑了出去,根本不知道这样其实让她的父母更伤心。(Out)‎ Out rushed the boy who had just been criticized, crying and not knowing at all that in fact it made his parents sadder.‎ ‎29. 她的内心深处一直存着一个疑惑,她可能是18年前被父母领养的。(In the depth)‎ In the depth of her heart always lies a suspicion that she might have been adopted by her parents eighteen years ago.‎ ‎30. 她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) (2013高考)‎ No sooner had she finished watching that programme about those extinct species, than she decided to join the Wildlife Conservation Organization.‎ 定语从句 ‎1. 让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为。(who)‎ It is irresponsible to allow someone who hasn’t received professional training to operate the machine.‎ ‎2. 他从来都是毫不犹豫的提出那些他认为对别人有帮助的批评。(hesitate)‎ He never hesitates to make the criticisms that he considers helpful to others.‎ ‎3. 正如之前预料的一样,参与家长会的很多家长自告奋勇承担了校园检查员的职务。(as)‎ As was expected beforehand, many parents who attended the parents’ meeting volunteered to take on the responsibility of campus inspectors. ‎ ‎4. 这本书备受推崇的原因是它给人以希望和启迪。(…why…)‎ The reason why the book is highly recommended is that it provides us with hope and inspiration.‎ ‎5. 有些动物灭绝的原因是它们无法适应新的环境,因此我们必须注意保持生态平衡。 (adapt)‎ The reason why some animals became extinct was that they couldn’t adapt to the new environment , so we must pay attention to keeping the balance of nature.‎ ‎6. 他在一些无关紧要的事上花费太多时间,导致了整个项目的失败。(lead to)‎ He spent too much time in doing what was unimportant, which led to the failure of the whole project.‎ ‎7. 据真实故事改编的电影“深海浩劫”(Deepwater Horizon), 以其逼真的特效,吸引了许多观众。(which)‎ Deepwater Horizon, which is based on a true story, has attracted a large audience with its special effects true to life.‎ Deepwater Horizon, based on a true story, has attracted a large audience with its special effects which are true to life.‎ ‎8. 有时我们发现自己处于这样的窘境:即便觉得自己所做的不对,也要勉强为之。( where)‎ Sometimes we find ourselves in embarrassing situations, where we do certain things even if we feel what we are doing is wrong.‎ ‎9. 先进的电脑技术正在逐渐改变我们的购物方式。(way)‎ Advanced computer science is gradually changing/transforming the way we shop/do shopping. ‎ Or: …changing/transforming our way of doing shopping. ‎ 名词性从句 ‎1. 新政策会给我们带来好处还是危害还得拭目以待。(remain)‎ Whether the new policy will do us harm or not remains to be seen.‎ ‎2. 昨天他在小组讨论中关于添置运动设备的提议是否能付诸实践还拭目以待。(whether)‎ It remains to be seen whether his proposal of purchasing/ buying more sports facilities in the group discussion ‎ yesterday can be put into practice.‎ ‎3. 无论谁想要成功必先明白这个道理“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”。 (Whoever)‎ Whoever wants to be successful should first understand the principle that success comes from hard effort/ work and persistence/ perseverance.‎ ‎4. 这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(What)‎ What makes the game unique is that it helps children learn how to cope with problems in real life.‎ ‎5. 飞机起飞前,乘务员的职责之一就是确保所有乘客都系好安全带。(ensure)‎ Before the plane takes off, one of the flight attendants’ duties is to ensure that all the passengers have fastened their seat belts.‎ ‎6. 我以为你会和我一起乘高铁去北京。(think)‎ I thought you would go to Beijing with me by high-speed rail.‎ ‎7. 学生是否必须穿校服,校方和家长各执一词。(opinion)‎ The school (authority) and parents have / hold different opinions on whether students must wear school uniforms.‎ ‎8. 这位专家的建议是学校应该努力提高学生们的健康意识。(suggestion)‎ The expert’s suggestion is that schools should raise students’ awareness of health.‎ ‎9. 人生最重要的不是我们置身何处,而是我们将前往何处。(matter)‎ What matters in our life is not where we are, but where we are going .‎ ‎10. 对学生而言真正重要的是在获取知识的过程中养成良好的习惯。(matter)‎ What matters to students most is that they should develop good habits in the process of acquiring knowledge.‎ ‎11. 消息传来在新西兰发生地震后,中国政府立即租用直升机实施救援,为此国人感到十分自豪。(word)‎ Word came that the Chinese government rented helicopters to rescue victims/ carry out rescue operations immediately after the earthquake hit New Zealand, which made Chinese people very proud.‎ ‎12. 人工智能程序AlphaGo打败顶级职业选手的消息引起了全世界的关注。(concern)‎ The news that artificial intelligence program AlphaGo defeated top professional player has caused worldwide concern. ‎ ‎13. 因为人们坚信食物对健康是至关重要的,所以好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡。(belief)‎ Because people hold a firm belief that food is vital for/to man’s health, good cooker are always making efforts to maintain balance between grains, meats and vegetables.‎ 状语从句 ‎1. 我阿姨苦读四年之后获得了文凭,那一刻她欣喜万分。(The moment…)‎ The moment my aunt gained her diploma after four years of hard work, she was filled with joy.‎ ‎2. 这段30分钟的视频上传网上只有两小时,就有成千上万的人观看过。( after)‎ Thousands of people viewed the 30- minute video only two hours after it was posted on the web.‎ ‎3. 说到教育,大部分人认为是一个终生学习。(When)‎ When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that it is a lifetime study.‎ ‎4. 还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before)‎ It will be a long time before common people can travel to space/ can go travelling in space.‎ ‎5. 申请材料需精心准备,这样你心仪的学校才会对你的能力有全面、准确的了解。(in order that)‎ The application should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities.‎ ‎6. 家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear)‎ Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen.‎ ‎7. 他有着如此坚强的意志,定会不遗余力,力争提前完成任务。(such… that)‎ He has such a strong will that he is he is sure to spare no effort and try to finish the task in advance.‎ ‎8. 她的有关个人奋斗的演讲很真诚,让我们感动得几乎流泪。(…such …that…)‎ She made/ delivered such a heartfelt/sincere speech about her personal strivings that we were almost moved to tears.‎ ‎9. 汤姆错过了那场公众评价很高的电影,并非因为买不到电影票,而是因为交通堵塞。(available)‎ Tom missed the movie (which / that) the public speak / spoke highly of not because the movie ticket was not available but because he met with / came across a traffic jam.‎ ‎10. 与会者来自各行各业,但他们对教育的重要性问题的看法却是一致的。(Although) ‎ Although(1) the people attending/at the meeting(1) come from all walks of life, (1)they share a common opinion/view (1)on the importance of education. (1)‎ ‎11. 如果我们换个角度来看问题,也许能找到切实可行的解决办法。(If)‎ If we view the problem from a different angle, we might be able to find a practical solution.‎ ‎12. 如果你能带我参观一下你们的校园,我将非常感谢。‎ I would appreciate it very much if you could show me around your campus.‎ ‎13. 你方便的话,放学后请帮我把上周借的书还到图书馆去。(convenient)‎ If it is convenient to you, please return the books which were borrowed last week to the library after school. ‎ ‎14. 孩子成年了还啃老,父母也是有责任的,甚至动物也知道应该教下一代如何生存。( responsible )‎ If a child depends on his (or her )parents / If children depend on their parents for everything, his (or her) / their parents are responsible for it, as/ because / since even animals know ( that ) they should teach their children how to survive. ‎ ‎15. 你们俩若要合作,必须清楚地意识到你们不可能改变对方的个性而应学着相互尊重。(aware)‎ If you two want to cooperate, you must be clearly aware that you can’t change the personality of the other but should learn to respect each other.‎ ‎16. 你接触的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深。(expose)‎ The more original novels you are exposed to, the deeper understanding you’ll have on the British and American culture.‎ ‎17. 综上所述,我们可以得出这样一个结论:家庭越幸福,你就会越长寿。(conclusion)‎ From the above/ As has been stated above, we can come to the conclusion that the happier your family is, the longer you will live.‎ ‎18. 现代互联网技术的发展越先进,人们在现实生活中的人际关系可能就会越疏远。(likely)‎ The more advanced the development of modern Internet technology is, the more distant the relationships between ‎ people / people’s relationships are likely to be / become in the real life / world.‎ ‎19. 尽管我们无法预测将来会发生什么事,但我们可以未雨绸缪。(plan)‎ While we can’t predict what will happen in the future, we can plan ahead.‎ ‎20. 不管学生提出什么问题,这位老师总是耐心回答。(patience)‎ Whatever questions the students may ask , the teacher would answer them with patience.‎ ‎21. 这家饭店虽然地段不佳,但因菜肴丰富,服务优良而深受食客青睐。(locate)‎ Although this restaurant is not ideally located , it is quite popular among dinners because of its rich dishes and excellent services.‎ ‎22. 无论多忙,我们都应该花点时间锻炼身体。(spend)‎ No matter how/ However busy we are , we should spend some time doing (physical) exercise / getting some exercise.‎ ‎23. 虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn)‎ While modern society, rich in material resources, has given consumers more choices, it also turns many of them into crazy shoppers.‎ ‎24. 无论是短途旅行还是参加体育比赛,你最好把健康保险考虑在内。(whether)‎ Whether you will go on an excursion or participate in a sports event , you had better take health insurance into consideration.‎ ‎25. 尽管她独身一人,但是她忙于妇女权利方面的工作,所以一点也不感到孤独。(as)‎ Alone as she is, she is so busy with her work for women's rights that she feels anything but lonely. ‎ Although she is alone, she is so busy doing her work for women's rights as not to feel lonely at all.‎ 祈使句 ‎1. 趁一切还来得及,去赞美你爱着、关心着的人吧。 (before) ‎ Compliment those you love and care for/about before it is too late.‎ ‎2. 当你独自在外时,记得让手机保持开机状态。(keep)‎ Remember to keep your cell phone on when you’re away from home.‎ ‎3. 务必保管好你的密码,否则别人会获取你储存在电脑中的重要信息。 (access)‎ Do keep your password safe, or others can have access to the important information stored in your computer.‎ ‎4. 养成每天看天气预报的习惯,这样你就能够应付上海变幻莫测、变化多端的天气了。(so that)‎ Make a habit of watching weather forecast every day, so that you can cope with the unpredictable and changeable weather in shanghai.‎ ‎5. 千万别卷入那件事,否则你将自寻麻烦。(involve)‎ Be sure not to get involved in that matter, otherwise you will invite trouble.‎ ‎6. 现在就预订展览会的门票,你将有机会欣赏到众多的艺术作品。(chance)‎ Book the ticket for the exhibition now, and you will have the chance to appreciate a great number of works of art.‎ ‎7. 在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那就去向他道歉吧。(apology)‎ If there is someone in your life to whom you need to say sorry, go ahead and make an apology. ‎ 单词A ‎1. 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在年幼时就学会了照顾自己。(age)‎ Her parents were busy with work, so she leaned to take care of herself at an early age.‎ ‎2. 现在人们已经习惯于将坏天气与空气污染联想到一起。(associate)‎ Now people are used / accustomed to associating bad weather with air pollution.‎ ‎3. 在假期学生也能使用图书馆。(access)‎ Students can have access to the library during the vacation too.‎ ‎4. 这首脍炙人口的歌曲改编自一首古老的民歌。(adapt)‎ This popular song is adapted from an old folk song.‎ ‎5. 图书馆里借不到这本参考书,我只能去附近书店买。(available)‎ The reference book was not available in the library, so I had to buy one at the bookstore nearby.‎ ‎6. 要想发展科学,必须营造一种鼓励创新的环境,要允许自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。(advocate)‎ To develop science, we must create an environment which encourages innovation, and we must allow free exploration (of new things) and advocate academic debate.‎ ‎7. 商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)‎ We are not(0.5)accustomed to seeing so many(1) kinds of goods(1) in the shop(0.5)‎ ‎8. 在发展经济的同时,我们必须注意节约资源和防止污染。(attention)‎ While developing economy, (1)we must pay attention to(1) saving resources (1)and preventing pollution. ‎ ‎9. 为了不与社会脱节,许多退休老人参与了社区组织的活动(arrange)‎ In order not to be isolated from society, many retired people participate in activities arranged by communities.‎ ‎10. 因缺少建筑资金,公众直到最近才得以进入这个商业中心。(accessible)‎ Because of lack of construction fund, this commercial center wasn’t accessible to the public until recently.‎ ‎11. 全市所有的公园都应对市民免费开放。(accessible)‎ All the parks in the city are supposed to / should be accessible to the citizens / public for free / nothing.‎ ‎12. 他不感激他朋友们为他所做的牺牲,把这些视作是理所当然的。(appreciate)‎ He didn’t appreciate the sacrifice his friends had made for him, and took it for granted.‎ ‎13. 学习的最大目标是使学生拥有克服困难和持续学习的能力,而不是将他们变成只会应付考试的机器。(aim)‎ The biggest aim of study is to make students own the ability to conquer difficulties and conduct continuous learning instead of changing them into machines that only can handle tests.‎ ‎14. 出国对于这个高中生来讲根本没有吸引力。(appeal)‎ Going abroad doesn’t appeal to the senior high school student at all.‎ ‎15. 环保组织呼叮公众投票反对这个项目。 (appeal)‎ The environmental protection organization appeals to the public to vote against this project.‎ ‎16. 你是否赞成为贫困学生设立一项基金?(approve)‎ Do you approve of setting up a fund for poor students? (1+1+1)‎ ‎17. 屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家。(award)‎ Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize.‎ ‎18. 令我们大加赞赏的是,这位在讲台上发言的大学生去年就白手起家建立了自己的公司。(appreciation)‎ Much to our appreciation, the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.或What we highly praise is that …‎ ‎19. 我可以向你保证目前一切都在掌控之中。(assure)‎ ‎ I can assure you that everything is under control at present.‎ ‎20. 新的高考改革能否减轻学生学业负担引起了教育专家们的热议。( arouse)‎ It has aroused heated a discussion among education experts whether the new reform of college entrance examination can reduce students’ academic burden.‎ ‎21. 在生物实验室,教授重点介绍了一些实验可用的材料。(available)‎ In the biology laboratory (lab), the professor highlighted (focused on) the materials available for the experiment.‎ ‎22. 作为高三学生,我们应该知道如何调节心理状态。(adjust)‎ As senior three students, we should know how to adjust mental state.‎ ‎23. 经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as)‎ After years of construction, this town is as lively now as it used to be before the earthquake.‎ 单词BCD ‎1. 街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。(bring)‎ Street artists have brought brilliant colours to old neighborhoods with their creativity.‎ ‎2. 自上周起,孩子们就兴奋地聊着出游的打算了。(chat)‎ The children have been chatting about their travel plan/ outing plan excitedly since last week.‎ ‎3. 舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate)‎ My uncle sent me a card to congratulate me on my eighteenth birthday yesterday.‎ ‎4. 他采纳医生的建议,开始实施节食计划。(carry)‎ He took/followed the doctor’s advice and began to carry out the plan to be on a diet.‎ ‎5. 仔细检查作文的话,许多拼写错误是可以避免的。(check)‎ Many spelling mistakes can be avoided if you check your composition carefully.‎ ‎6. 孩子们总是对圣诞节的礼物充满好奇。(curious)‎ ‎(The) kids are always curious about (the) Christmas presents.‎ ‎7. 请你方便的时候打电话给我。(convenient)‎ Please call me when it is convenient for you.‎ ‎8. 他的所做和他的所说大相径庭。 (There)‎ There is a striking contrast between what he does and what he says.‎ ‎9. 我校正不遗余力地满足学生对课外活动的需求。(demand)‎ Our school is making every effort to meet the demands of students for activities after class. ‎ ‎10. 不可否认的是上海迪斯尼乐园每天人满为患。(deny)‎ There is no denying that Shanghai Disneyland Park is crowded with people every day. (1+2)‎ It can’t be denied that…‎ ‎11. 任何为实现梦想而付诸行动的人都应受到尊敬。 (deserve)‎ Whoever/ Anyone who takes action to realize his dream deserves our respect.‎ ‎12. 既然选手们已投入比赛,即使结果不尽如人意,你也别对其吹毛求疵了。(devote)‎ Since the participants have devoted themselves to the match, you had better not find fault with the result even if is far from satisfactory.‎ ‎13. 在毕业典礼上,尽管阴雨绵绵,但参加演出的同学仍完美展现了他们的合作与自信。(demonstrate)‎ At the graduation ceremony, despite the continuous rain, the students who took part in the performance still demonstrated their cooperation and self-confidence perfectly.‎ ‎14. 我婉言谢绝了他的帮助,我想自食其力。(decline)‎ I declined his offer of help, for I would like to depend on myself.‎ 单词E ‎1. 道路拓宽后,这里的交通有望得到极大的改善。(expect) ‎ The traffic is expected to be improved greatly after the road is (has been) widened.‎ ‎2. 与往届会议不同的是,本次会议各国并无明显分歧,新的协议有望达成。(expect)‎ Different from the previous meetings/conferences, there are not any/no obvious differences/disagreements among/between the countries at this meeting/conference, and a new agreement is expected to be reached/arrived at.‎ ‎3. 那个专门研究家庭教育的教授将受邀给这些家长做讲座。(expert)‎ The professor who is (an) expert in/on/at family education will be invited to give a lecture to these parents. (2+1+1)‎ ‎4. 这款电子产品存在严重的质量问题,几乎无消费者问津。(exist)‎ Serious quality problems exist in the electronic product and few customers show interest in it.‎ ‎5. 三轮激烈的电视辩论之后,Trump当选为美国总统。(elect)‎ After three heated TV debates, Trump was elected President of America.‎ ‎6. 多公司在雇佣员工时,相对于能力而言,更看重个性。(emphasis)‎ Many companies put more emphasis on personality than on capability when they employ staff members. ‎ ‎7. 他姐姐与一位非常富有才气的青年订婚了。(engage)‎ His sister is/has been engaged to a talented/gifted young man.‎ 单词F ‎1. 这家超市的特色是24小时服务。 (feature v.) ‎ This supermarket features round-the-clock service.‎ Round-the-clock service features the supermarket.‎ ‎2. 新的考试制度给了学生更多选择科目和大学的自由。(freedom)‎ The new exam system gives/ grants students more freedom to choose/ make choices of subjects and universities.‎ ‎3. 在日本,是不允许在地铁和公共汽车上用手机打电话的。( forbid )‎ In Japan, it is forbidden to make a phone call by mobile / cell phone on /in the subway ( on the underground ) or in ‎ / on a / the bus ( in / on buses ).‎ ‎4. 顾客购物时总是注重品牌形象。(focus) ‎ Customers are always focusing too much on brand image /packaging.‎ ‎5. 毫无疑问,选择学校常常能反映出父母对子女的希望。 (reflect)‎ There is no doubt that the choice of school reflects the parents’ hope for their children.‎ ‎6. 我们渴望一个没有污染的星球。( free )‎ We long for a planet free of pollution.‎ ‎7. 在告别会上,他含着眼泪向全体同事表示感激。(gratitude)‎ At the farewell party, he showed/expressed his gratitude to all the colleagues with tears in eyes.‎ ‎8. 演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar)‎ The show started with a piece of music familiar to people in their fifties.‎ ‎9. 我常把王海误认为他的双胞胎弟弟,因为他们长得太像了。(mistake)‎ I often mistake Wang Hai for his twin brother because they look so similar / very much alike.‎ 单词OP ‎1. 每年八月这个摄影师都去海外寻找美丽的瞬间。(overseas)‎ Every August the photographer goes overseas to look for beautiful moments.‎ ‎2. 新建成的美术馆将从明年初开始免费对市民开放。(open)‎ The newly-built gallery will be opened to the public for free from the beginning of next year.‎ ‎3. 我真希望自己的文章有朝一日能见报。(hope)‎ I really hope that my article will be published in a newspaper someday.‎ ‎4. 这个协议将为两国的合作铺平道路。 (pave)‎ This agreement will pave the way for the cooperation between the two countries.‎ ‎5. 保持身体健康是硬道理。(primary)‎ Maintaining good health/Maintaining healthy/Keeping in good health/Keeping healthy is the primary principle.‎ ‎6. 货到后,你应该立即付款。(suppose)‎ You are supposed to pay right after the goods are delivered (to your home)/the arriving of the goods/you receive the goods.‎ ‎7. 互联网经济在为中国的国内外贸易提供新的机遇。( provide) ‎ Internet economy is providing new opportunities for/ to China’s foreign and domestic trade.‎ Internet economy is providing China’s foreign and domestic trade with new opportunities.‎ ‎8. 就孩子报考哪所大学,很多父母煞费苦心地做仔细调查,咨询专家。( pains)‎ A lot of parents take great pains to do / make / perform / carry out many a careful investigation and consult many specialists / experts about which university their children should apply to.‎ ‎9. 中午的欢迎会已推迟到下周三。(put)‎ The reception at noon has been put off till next Wednesday.‎ ‎10.专家建议推销活动要面向农村地区。(propose)‎ Specialists propose that sales drives should b held in rural areas.‎ ‎11. 你认为和她为鸡毛蒜皮的小事争论不休有意义吗? (point)‎ Do you think there is any point arguing with her over such small matters?‎ ‎12. 为买一双运动鞋而通宵排队有意义吗?(point)‎ What is the point of/in lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes? / ‎ Is there any point (in) lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?‎ ‎13. 许多物理学家出席了颁奖典礼。(present)  ‎ Many physicists were present at the awarding ceremony the day before yesterday. ‎ ‎14. 这位医生已经说服了很多人戒烟。(persuade)‎ The doctor has persuaded many people to / into give / giving up smoking.‎ 单词I ‎1. 大多数孩子很少与父母和老师之外的成年人有密切的接触,他们对大人的生活鲜有概念。 (idea)‎ Most children have so little close contact with adults except/apart from their parents and teachers that they have little idea (of) what adult life is like./have little idea of adult life.‎ ‎2. 这部电视连续剧受年轻父母欢迎的原因是他们很容易与剧中的人物产生共鸣。(identify)‎ The reason why this TV series is popular among young parents is that it’s very easy for them to identify with the characters in the play.‎ ‎3. 由于对该公司开发的软件一无所知,他最终未能通过面试。(ignorant)‎ Because he was ignorant of the software developed by the company, he finally failed in the interview/failed to pass the interview.‎ ‎4. 在未几周内,这些学校将要安装网络设备为了方便学生获取所需信息。(install)‎ In the coming weeks, the schools will be installed with network devices/ equipment to make it convenient for students to get the information needed.‎ ‎5. Tom今天没来上学,因为他染上了流感。(infect)‎ Tom is absent from school today because he is infected with a flu.‎ 单词RT ‎1. 这款手表不防水。(resistant)‎ This kind of watch is not resistant to water.‎ ‎2. 你认为谁该为这起严重的事故负责?(responsible)‎ Who do you think should be responsible for the serious accident?‎ ‎3. 解除病人的痛苦是医生的职责。(relieve)‎ It is a/the doctors’ responsibility/duty to relieve patients of their pain. ‎ Relieving patients’ pain is a/the doctors’ responsibility/duty. ‎ ‎4. 他不愿意承认他是故意把钥匙扔到垃圾桶里的。(reluctant)‎ He was reluctant to admit that he had thrown the keys into the dustbin on purpose.‎ ‎5. 这个问题很值得讨论,它与我们未来的生活息息相关。(related)‎ The problem is well worth discussing because it is closely related to our future life.‎ ‎6. 没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than)‎ There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel program.‎ 单词UV ‎1. 没有什么比看到村民依然住在缺水的环境里更令人揪心的了。(upset)‎ Nothing is more upsetting than seeing the villagers still living in environment where water is scarce.‎ ‎2. 将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to)‎ It's up to you what kind of life you will lead in the future.‎ ‎3. 应该采取严厉的措施来防止这种致命病毒在全球蔓延。 (prevent)‎ Strict measures should be taken to prevent this kind of virus from spreading all over the world.‎ ‎4. 我妈妈做饭时不仅考虑营养价值,还考虑花色品种。( variety )‎ While ( When ) cooking / While ( When ) my mother cooks, my mother / she considers not only ( just ) nutrition(al) / nutrient value, but variety as well / but also variety.‎ 单词W ‎1. 上海迪斯尼乐园肯定会成为一个值得多次游览的旅游景点。(worth)‎ Shanghai Disneyland is sure to become a place of interest / a scenic spot / a tourist attraction / destination (which / that is) worth touring / visiting many times.‎ ‎2. 这篇文章值得下载,它不仅给读者提供了很多该课程的相关信息,而且还有大量的实用网址。(provide)‎ The article is worth downloading , for it not only provides readers with much information about the course but also a lot of practical websites.‎ ‎3. 听完这个教授鼓舞人心的讲座,有更多的大学毕业生愿意投身于环保事业。(willing)‎ After attending the professor’s inspiring lecture, more university graduates are willing to devote themselves to the cause of environmental protection. ‎ ‎4. 听到两位宇航员安然无恙返回地球的消息,人们欣喜若狂。 (wild)‎ Hearing(the news that)the astronauts returned to the earth safe and sound, people were wild with joy.‎ ‎5. 二十世纪末中国经济迅速发展。(witness)‎ The late twentieth century witnessed the rapid development of China’s economy.‎ 介词短语 ‎1. 他不顾新颁布的法律,坚持在春节期间燃放烟花。(regardless)‎ Regardless of the newly-issued law, he insisted on setting off fireworks during the Spring Festival.‎ ‎2. 多亏村民们的及时援助,游客们成功地逃脱了洪水的困扰。(protect)‎ Thanks to the villagers’ timely help, the tourists managed to protect themselves from the floods.‎ ‎3. 尽管成本高昂,这些机器人缓解了该工厂人手不足的压力。(despite)‎ Despite the high cost, these robots have relieved the factory’s pressure of lacking workers.‎ ‎4. 尽管空气污染严重,警察仍在高峰时段坚守岗位,严格执法,确保交通畅通(Despite)‎ Despite the fact that the air pollution is serious, policemen still stick to the posts in the rush hours and strictly ‎ carry out the law to ensure the smooth traffic. ‎ Despite the serious air pollution, policemen still stick to the posts in the rush hours and strictly carry out the law to ensure the smooth traffic.‎ ‎5. 尽管回报丰厚且风险不大,市场对银行最近推出的金融产品仍反应冷淡。(in spite of)‎ In spite of the good reward(returns) and low risk, the market reaction toward the financial product recently launched by the bank was still muted(cool).‎ ‎6. 每月她都会留出一部分钱以备不时之需。(in case)‎ She sets aside some money monthly in case of need.‎ ‎7. 虽然这种产品有利环保,但因其价格昂贵,几乎无人问津。(in favor of)‎ Although this product is in favor of environmental protection, few people show interest in / would like to buy it because of its high price.‎ ‎8. 代表受害者,他期望社会给予他们更多的理解和帮助。(behalf)‎ On behalf of the victims, he expected the society to give them more understanding and help.‎ ‎9. 为了纪念这位伟大的宇航员,据说明年将会开拍一部电影让人们了解他的事迹。(memory)‎ In memory of the great astronaut, it’s said that next year a film will be shot/ made/ produced to help/ let people know about his life.‎ 非谓语 ‎1. 沿外滩一路缓步走来,你可以欣赏到从19世纪到21世纪的各种不同风格的欧式建筑。(range)‎ Walking slowly along the Bund, you can appreciate all kinds of European architecture/buildings of different styles, ranging from the 19th century to the 21st century.‎ ‎2. 看到照片中这位父亲不顾自己,在倾盆大雨中为他的孩子撑伞,网民们 (netizens) 情不自禁想起了自己的父亲。(regardless)‎ Seeing the father holding an umbrella for his kid in the pouring/ heavy rain regardless of himself in the photo, the netizens can’t help thinking/but think of their own fathers.‎ ‎3. 诺贝尔医学奖的获得者--屠呦呦为我们树立了很好的榜样,激励我们不要半途而废,而是要坚持追求梦想。(set)‎ The winner of the Nobel Prize in/for Medicine-Tu Youyou has set a good example to/for us, stimulating us not to give up halfway but to pursue our dreams.‎ ‎4. 面对越来越严重的恐怖袭击,许多国家决意联手铲除恐怖组织。(determine)‎ Faced with the more and more serious terrorist attacks, many countries have determined to unite together to eliminate terrorist organizations.‎ ‎5. 我很难在这份菜单上找到素食。(difficulty)‎ I have / had (great)difficulty (in)finding vegetarian food / dishes on this menu.‎ ‎6. 为了免受交通拥挤之苦, 越来越多的市民搬到了市郊,享受渴望已久的宁静生活。(free) ‎ To be free of (from) heavy traffic, more and more citizens move to the suburbs, enjoying a peaceful life(which/that) they have been eager for a long time. ‎ ‎7. 近年来随着3D电影变得越来越流行,似乎3D电视也可能在不久的将来进入每个家庭。(with )‎ With the 3D movies / films becoming more and more popular in recent years, it seems that 3D TV ( sets ) may go into / enter every household / home in the near future.‎ ‎8. 微风吹拂着她的头发,那小女孩注视着彩蝶在花海中飞舞。(With…)‎ With the breeze blowing through her hair, the little girl watched the colorful butterflies dancing in the sea of flowers.‎ ‎9. 这个明年将竣工的游乐园可为当地创造5万个新职位。(entertainment)‎ The entertainment park to be completed next year can create 50,000 new jobs for the local area.‎ ‎10. 随着各种支付方式的出现,许多人越来越担心的是,和现金或信用卡相比,他们的电子钱包是否足够安全。(concern)‎ With various payment methods emerging , what many people are more and more concerned about is whether their e-walkers are safe enough , compared with cash or credit card.‎ ‎11. 她经常在周末带她儿子去音乐会,让他受到艺术的熏陶。(expose)‎ She often takes her son to concerts at weekends , exposing him to art.‎ ‎12. 对于越来越多的城市居民而言,有车意味着得拼命去找一个停车位。(mean)‎ To / For more and more/ a growing number of city residents , having a car means trying /struggling/making efforts to find a parking place.‎ ‎13. 干嘛不去看场电影放松一下自己?(Why)‎ Why not / Why don’t you go to the cinema to relax yourself?‎ ‎14. 站在山顶,极目远望,大自然的壮美让我们惊叹不己。(amaze)‎ Standing at the top of the mountain and looking as far as the eyes can see, we are amazed at the magnificence of nature.‎ ‎15. 为了赶时髦,一些年轻人花费一个月的工资去购买新发行的电子产品。(spend)‎ To follow the fashion, some young people spend one-month salary in buying a newly-released electronic product.‎ ‎16. 与有不同价值观的人接触对孩子的成长有好处。(expose)‎ Being exposed to people with different values does good to children’s growth.‎ ‎17. 虽然当时我年幼,不理解这部电影的含义,但我记得我的家人都感动得落泪了。(too…to…)‎ Although I was then too young to understand the meaning of the film, I remember my family were moved to tears.‎ ‎18. 看到奶奶有些睡意,他拉上窗帘并把电视的音量调低了。(turn)‎ Seeing Grandma a little sleepy, he drew the curtains and turned the TV down.‎ It 特殊句型 ‎1. 你真周到,帮我预先定好了票子。(It)‎ It is so considerate of you to have booked the ticket for me in advance./ahead of time/ beforehand.‎ ‎2. 这是他第一次出国,是吗?(It)‎ It’s the first time that he has been abroad, isn’ t it?‎ ‎3. 圣诞节来临,购物中心里人潮涌动,这已经不足为奇了。(It)‎ It is common/not surprising that shopping centers are crowded with people when Christmas is approaching/drawing near/coming.‎ ‎4. 被称为“发展屮国家”并不一定是坏事,只有这样我们才能永远在发展的路上前进,追求更为高远的目标。(It)‎ It is not necessarily a bad thing to be called “developing country”, since only in this way can we stick to the road of developing forever for higher goals.‎ ‎5. 人们理所当然地认为颜值高的人有可能受到雇主的青睐。(grant)‎ It’s taken for granted that those with good physical appearance are more likely to be favored by their employers.‎ ‎6. 说服她不再网购是没有任何作用的。(It)‎ It is no use persuading her not to do online shopping any more.‎ ‎7. 同事们从来没有想到,他会想方设法完成大家认为不可能完成的任务(occur)‎ It never occurred to the colleagues that he could try every possible means to accomplish the tasks which they all considered impossible.‎ ‎8. 显而易见,现代社会正在步入一个使机机对话变得十分便利的新时代。(when)‎ It is obvious that our modern society is stepping into a new era when robot-to-robot communications are made very easy.‎ ‎9. 据说那位年轻教授当众反对了校长的提议。(object)‎ It was said that the young professor objected to the headmaster’s proposal in public.‎ ‎10. 事实证明,你尝试的越多,就越有可能提前取得成功。(the more…)‎ It is proved that the more you try, the more likely you are to achieve success in advance.‎ ‎11. 据报道,政府已经下定决心要解决环境污染问题。(determine)‎ It is reported that the government has been determined to solve the problems of environmental pollution.‎ ‎12. 大家一致认为任何有责任心和毅力的人都有资格申请该职位。(whoever)‎ It is thought that whoever has a sense of responsibility and perseverance/ persistence is qualified to apply for the position.‎ ‎13. 要不了多久我的同学们定能学会抵制网络游戏的诱惑。(It)‎ It won’t be long before my classmates (fellow students) can learn to resist the temptation of (playing) online games.‎ ‎14. 是时候采取行动控制私车数量以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。(relieve)‎ It is time to take action to control the quantity of (the) private cars so as to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours.‎ 强调句 ‎1. 正是因为社会过份注重外表,不少年轻人改变了他们原有的饮食习惯。(It)‎ It is because society puts too much value / emphasis on / focuses too much on appearance that teenagers / young people have changed their original dieting / eating habits.‎ ‎2. 是不是正是老师的鼓励才使你下定决心去报考你心仪的大学? (强调句)‎ Was it the teacher’s encouragement that enabled you to make up your mind to apply for your dreaming university?‎ Was it because of the teacher’s encouragement that you made up your mind to apply for your dreaming ‎ university?‎ ‎3. 正是他在一家IT公司的工作经历才使他在众多的申请者中脱颖而出。(enable)‎ It was his working experience in an IT company that enabled him to stand out among so many applicants.‎ ‎4. 是一个外国人不顾自己的安危救了那个轻生的男子。 (It)‎ It was a foreigner that/ who saved the man trying/ who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide without considering his own safety.‎ ‎5. 是我的志愿者经历让我被这所大学录取了。(It)‎ It was my volunteer experience that helped me to be admitted by the university.‎ ‎6. 这次竞赛之后,我意识到是愚蠢的骄傲蒙蔽了自己。(blind)‎ After the competition, I found that it was my own stupid pride that had blinded me.‎