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英语《考试说明》附录中部分熟词生义词学习一览表 序号 单 词 熟 义 生 义 学 习 要 点 ‎1‎ across 横过; 越过 ‎1、到、在对面 ‎(adv/prep)‎ He lives across the street.他住在街对面。‎ the house across the street 街道对面的房子 ‎2、宽(adv)‎ The river is 50 metres across. 河宽50米。‎ The tree measures 50 cm across.‎ ‎2‎ add 增加,加起来 接着说, ‎ 补充说 I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.我还要补充说一下,我们对测试结果表示满意。‎ ‎3‎ address 地址;住址(n)‎ ‎1、演说; 正式讲演 an address of welcome欢迎词 ‎2、对...讲演或发表演说(vt)‎ address a meeting向大会发表演说 address the whole nation 向全国发表演说 addressed me in low tones.低声与我交谈 ‎3、称呼;用特殊的头衔称呼 How shall I address you? 我应当怎样称呼您呢? Don't address me as ‘boss’. 不要叫我“老板”。‎ ‎4、写姓名地址(vt)‎ address the letter /envelope 在信上写地址 The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson, Esq. 信封上写着杰克·约翰逊先生收。‎ ‎4‎ admit 承认 ‎1、准许进入 This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。‎ be admitted to /into Beijing University 被北京大学录取 ‎2、接[容]纳;容许 The cinema admits about 2000 people.这座电影院大约可坐 2000 人。The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation. 这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。His illness admits of no delay.他的病不容拖延。‎ ‎5‎ afford 担负得起费用 抽得出(时间)‎ He can't afford an hour for lunch.他抽不出一小时吃午饭I can't afford three weeks away from work.我无法丢下工作三星期。‎ ‎6‎ against 反对, 逆着, 倚靠着,‎ 1、 与…成对照 against a dark background 与黑色背景成对照; The picture looks better against the light wall. 这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。‎ ‎2、防备;防御 against the cold 防冷against a rainy day 防备雨天We are all taking medicine against the flu.我们都在服药预防流感。be prepared against war and natural disasters备战备荒 ‎7‎ air 空气,天空 1、 发表(意见等)‎ air one's views发表意见 使通风, 使通气 She aired the room by opening the window. 她打开窗子使房间通风。‎ ‎8‎ allow 允许,准许 给予;使得到 allowed him £1000 for expenses ‎ 给他每年1000 英镑的开销 容许(of)‎ allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations allow of no excuse.形势不容许拖延; 形势刻不容缓。‎ 体谅; 考虑到;顾及(for)‎ We must allow for his youth.我们应当体谅他年轻。‎ 26‎ 酌留;预计 allow 10% for inflation 允许10%的通货膨胀 allow 15 minutes for delay 预留15分钟以防耽搁 ‎9‎ alone 单独地, 独自地 ‎[用在名词或代词之后]只有, 唯有, 仅仅 Smith alone knew what happened. 只有史密斯知道发生了什么事。 The key alone will open the door. 只有这把钥匙能开这个门。‎ ‎10‎ attend 出席,参加 侍侯,照应,与on/ upon 连用)‎ attend the very sick patients 照应重病人 attend on / upon a very sick man ‎ 处理、料理(与to 连用)‎ attend to the problem ‎ ‎11‎ beat 连续击打, 揍 击败,战胜(用于比赛中)‎ beat sb at the table tennis match 规律性地拍击 to beat a drum 击鼓The heart beats. 心脏跳动。My pulse beats normally.我脉搏正常。‎ 搅拌 to beat eggs 打鸡蛋 1、 鼓(翼)‎ The bird beat its wings. 鸟扑打翅膀。‎ ‎12‎ beyond 超出、超过 ‎[表示范围, 限度]‎ 1、 除…以外 ‎[常用于否定句和疑问句]‎ asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet.除平安和平静外一无所求 晚于、迟于..., 到...以后 Don't stay there beyond midnight. ‎ 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。‎ 在[向]...的那边, 在...之外 The road is beyond that hill.路在山的那一边。‎ Just beyond the fence.就在篱笆那边 ‎13‎ block ‎(大)块;(大)片;街区 1、 阻塞; 堵住,阻挡(vt)‎ The police have blocked the road. 警察已经封锁了道路。block out light阻挡光线 trees that block the view 2、 障碍物;阻塞(n)‎ a block in the pipes 管道阻塞 to put up a road block 设置路障 ‎14‎ book 书 预定 You'll have to book up early. 你要早一点订座。 The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.‎ 秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。‎ ‎15‎ build 建造, 建筑 体格;体型 We’re of the same build.我们体型相同 a man of strong build体格健壮的人 ‎16‎ business 商业, 买卖, 交易, 生意,‎ 商店,商行 He has a business in the town. 他在城里有一家商店。run / operate/ manage a business 营业 in business; on business 职责;本分 It's a teacher's business to make children learn. ‎ 使学生学习是老师的责任。‎ 事情, 事物 Mind your own business.‎ It’s none of your business.‎ ‎17‎ capital 首都, 首都的 1、 资本;资金;‎ 资方; ‎ The Smith Company has a capital of $ 30.000.史密斯公司有3万美元的资本。‎ ‎2、大写字母 大写的(字母)‎ capital letters 大写字母 Write your name in capitals. ‎ 用大写字母写你的名字。‎ 26‎ ‎18‎ charge 收费,索价(vt)‎ 费用(n)‎ 主管,负责 1、 指控(v /n)‎ He was charged with stealing a car. 他被指控偷了一辆汽车。(charge sb. with sth ; 类似 accuse sb. of sth)‎ a charge of stealing 偷窃罪的指控 ‎2、猛冲;攻击;向前冲 The boy charged into the room. 男孩冲进屋里。Suddenly the wild animal charged at us.突然那头野兽朝我们冲过来。‎ Charge the enemy向敌人发起冲锋 ‎3、充电、装(满), 装料,‎ charge a gun with powder 用火药填满炮 ‎19‎ coin 硬币 ‎1、造币;铸币 The government has decided to coin more one-yuan pieces. 政府决定再铸造一些一元的硬币。coin gold.铸造金币 ‎2、杜撰设计(新单词或短语)‎ Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody. 不要生造谁也不懂的词语。‎ ‎3、coin (adj.) 投币式的(操作需要一块或多块金属币的);自助式的 a coin washing machine.‎ 投币洗衣机 ‎20‎ collect ‎.收集 ‎1、收(租, 税, 帐等); 募(捐)‎ collect the electricity fee收取电费。collect taxes.收税collect (raise) money 募集资金 ‎2、领取(信件等);接走(人、物)‎ Today it is his turn to collect the children from school in the community.‎ 今天该轮到他把孩子们从社区学校接回去。‎ ‎3、使镇静;集中(思想等)‎ The old lady tried to collect her thoughts but she was too excited."老太太力图镇定下来,但是太激动了。"Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas.在你开始讲话之前,你应当集中你的思想和意念。collect one's emotions.镇定情绪collect oneself心平气和, 平心静气, 镇定一下 ‎21‎ company 公司,‎ 1、 陪伴、伴侣 He kept me company. 他陪伴我。in the company of在...陪同下I had no company on the journey. 我在旅行中没有同伴。‎ ‎22‎ content n.内容, 容量, 目录, 满足(to one's heart's content心满意足 adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意 1、 使…满意或满足vt.‎ Nothing contents her, she is always complaining. 没有什么能使她满意,她总是抱怨。contented himself with one piece of cake.(他)吃了一块蛋糕非常地满足 ‎2、含量 the content of silver in a ton of ore ‎ 一吨矿砂中银的含量 ‎23‎ corner 角落, (街道)拐角处,‎ 把…难住;使走投无路 The dog cornered the rat. ‎ 狗把老鼠逼到一个角落。‎ ‎24‎ count 数数, 计算 ‎(count down ‎1、依靠,依赖(on)‎ You can count on my help.你可以依赖我的帮助 26‎ 倒计时)‎ 1、 认为;视为;看作 count it an honor (to do sth.) (把做某事)引以为荣 ‎3、有价值;重要;有用 Every second counts. 每一秒钟都很重要。‎ You really count with me.对我来说你确实很重要 ‎25‎ cover 盖子, 封面 覆盖 ‎ 1、 占(时间或空间)‎ ‎)The town covers 5 square miles. 小镇占地5平方英里。 ‎ 2、 走完(一段路程)‎ I want to cover 100 miles by dark. 我想在天黑之前走完100英里 3、 行新闻采访 cover a fire for a newspaper 为报纸采访失火的新闻 4、 够付(费用)‎ 足以抵补[补偿 These expenses are covered by the state. 这些费用都由国家负担。cover the loss弥补损失 ‎5、包括;包含;论及 The review covered everything we learned last term. 这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部课程。‎ ‎6、看完(多少页书)‎ cover fifty pages in 15 minutes ‎26‎ crazy 疯狂的;精神错乱的;蠢的 着迷的;狂热的 She's crazy about dancing. 她热衷于跳舞。‎ be crazy about [over]热衷于, 醉心于 ;爱上, 迷恋着补充:like crazy [mad] [口]发疯似地; 拼命地; 猛烈地They were running around like crazy.他们拚命地跑着 ‎27‎ date 日期 起始于(某时期); 属于(某时期)‎ date back to / date from 男女之间的)约会; 约会的对象;与…约会 She is my date.她跟我有约会。have a date with sb./date with sb.‎ ‎28‎ develop 发展, 形成,研制,开发 冲洗(胶片、相片等)‎ develop films /photos冲洗胶卷 ‎29‎ draw 画图 吸引;拉;抽;‎ 平局(vi. vt. & n)‎ draw a curtain across a window 把窗帘拉上 draw a sword拔出刀draw water from the well 从井中把水抽出来draw a lesson吸取教训 draw 20dollars from the bank从银行提取20美元draw a conclusion引出、得出结论 draw one's attention(to …)引起某人注意…‎ The street accident drew a big crowd.‎ 马路上的事故吸引了一大群人。‎ The game was drawn.比赛打成了平局。‎ The teams draw. 两队不分胜负。‎ The game ended in a draw. 比赛不分胜负 (平局;不分胜负)‎ ‎30‎ due 与to 连用 due to …‎ 因为;由…引起;由于 ‎1、预定到达 Their plane is due in 15 minutes. 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达 预期的 Your report is due tomorrow. 你的报告应于明天交。‎ ‎2、(票据等)到期的,应付给的 a bill due today 今天应付款的帐单 When is the rent due? 房租应于何时支付。‎ 26‎ ‎3、应有的,应得的,正当的 give due consideration to 给于应有的考虑 A great deal of money is due to you.‎ 这一大笔款是你应得的。‎ ‎31‎ employ 雇用 1、 使[采、利]用 employ force 使用武力 Why didn't you employ the new method?‎ 你们为什么不采用那个新方法呢?‎ She employs her time wisely.她善于利用时间。(employ... as把...用作)‎ ‎32‎ enter 进入; 加入;登录,‎ ‎[计]回车 使进[加]入 enter (oneself[sb.]) for(替...)报名参加 写下或输入 We entered our names in the guest book; 我们在来客名薄上写下姓名;enter the data into the computer.把数据输入电脑 ‎33‎ equal 平等的;相等的; 等于(vt)‎ ‎1、胜任的 John is quite equal to the job of running the office.约翰很能胜任主理这个办事处的工作。‎ ‎2、比得上(vt)‎ None of us can equal her. 没人比得上她。‎ ‎34‎ exercise 练习;锻炼(v / n)‎ 运用(权力)等(v / n)‎ exercise one’s right 运用自己的权利 exercise one’s intelligence to solve the problem。运用智慧解决问题 ‎35‎ exploit 剥削(v)‎ 开发, 开采 exploit a mine开矿to exploit the oil under the sea 开发海底石油 利用(v)‎ exploit every opportunity 利用每一个机会 ‎36‎ express 表达, 表示 ‎1、快速的;快递的 an express train ‎2、快车(= express train) ‎ 快递服务;快件服务 the No. 12 special express to Beijing 开往北京的12 次特快 ‎3、快速地;用快递方式地adv to sent the parcel express 包裹寄快件 ‎37‎ fair 公平的 ‎(adj.)‎ ‎(肤色)白皙的, (头发)金黄的(天气)晴朗的 fair skin.白皙的皮肤fair hair.金发 fair skies.晴朗的天空 集市 商品展览会;商品交易会 village fair农村集市trade fair商品交易会 industrial fair工业博览会 adv 公平地;公正诚实地 You must play fair.‎ 你必须公正处事。你必须公平地比赛。‎ ‎38‎ figure 数字, 人像;画像; 图;图表 人物 the great figures of history 历史上的伟大人物 领会, 懂得 We must figure out how to solve the problem.‎ 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。‎ I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。(figure out算出;了解)‎ He figured the whole scheme at once.他马上就懂得了整个计划。‎ 26‎ 推测, 判断, 估计 I figure he'll be back soon.‎ 我估计他很快会回来。‎ ‎2、步行 We'll foot it.我们将步行去。‎ ‎2、与... 时常交往 I know him, but I don't frequent him much.我认识他, 但不常往来。‎ ‎39‎ game 比赛, 游戏, 竞赛, [复]运动会 猎物,野味(不可数)‎ Lions and elephants are called big game when they are hunted.被追捕的狮和象称为大猎物。‎ ‎40‎ gift 赠品, 礼物, ‎ 天赋, 才能 He has a gift for poetry. 他有做诗的天赋。‎ a man of many gifts 多才多艺的人 ‎41‎ grade 等级;级别;年级 ‎1、成绩;分数 He always got high grades in school.‎ 他在学校里总是得高分。‎ ‎2、分等,分级(vt.)‎ to grade the cotton 给棉花分等 These apples have been graded according to size and quality.这些苹果已经按照大小和质量分了等级。‎ 补充:He graduated in history. 他毕业于历史专业。‎ He graduated with honors.‎ 他以优异成绩毕业。‎ He was [has been] graduated from Oxford in the class of 1978.‎ 他是牛津大学1978届毕业生。(授予学位, 准予毕业)‎ ‎42‎ hold 拿着,握着召开,举行;‎ 使身体保持某种姿势 ‎ Hold yourself still. 身体不要动。‎ 抑制;控制 to hold one's breath 屏住气 容纳;装 The room can hold twenty people. 这屋子可容下20个人。How much water does the jug hold?那罐子能盛多少水?‎ 占有;占据;坚守 to hold a position 坚守阵地 拥有,持有(金钱、土地、职位等)‎ hold an important position at the bank. 在这家银行里担任一个重要的职务。 ‎ My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter."对于这件事,我和丈夫的意见相左。‎ 保持;继续 ‎"Hold the line, please."请不要挂断电话机!‎ Do you think the good weather can hold?你认为好天气能持续下去吗?‎ 26‎ 认为,以为 ‎ I hold it for certain.我以为那是确实的。‎ We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.我们认为一国不应干涉他国的内政。‎ hold … to be…‎ 拘留,扣留 held the suspect for questioning.拘留嫌疑犯以待审讯 ‎2、熟悉 She has a good knowledge of London. ‎ 她对伦敦的情形很熟悉。‎ ‎43‎ land 陆地; 土地,(使)登陆, (使)登岸,(使)着陆;‎ 国家 war between lands ‎ 国与国之间的战争 捕(鱼)‎ 抓住或钓上(鱼)‎ land a big catfish.‎ 钓上一条大鲇鱼 ‎(非正式)搞到,捞到,获得,取得 land a well-paid job; 找到一份收入很高的工作land a contract with a Japanese firm 揽到一份与一家日本公司的合同 ‎44‎ late 迟的, 晚(期)的(adj/ adv)‎ ‎1、已故的 前任的 the late doctor已故的医生 the late president前任总统 the late government 上届政府 his late wife 他已亡故的妻子 ‎2、新近的,最近的 the late news最近的新闻 the late earthquake最近的地震 ‎3、不久前、新近(adv)‎ I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday.‎ 就在昨天我还看见过王先生。‎ 补充:1、of late近来feel better of late.最近感觉好多了2、latest(late的最高级): 最后的、最近的、最新的 latest news at (the ) latest至迟、最迟3、later (on) 以后、后来 ‎45‎ last 最后的,最末的; 紧接前面的;刚过去的(adj)‎ 最后(的人、东西);‎ 最后,上次 ‎1、vi.‎ 持续, 延续, 维持; 耐久 The festival lasted two days.节日持续了两天。‎ This cloth lasts well.这种布很耐穿。‎ ‎2、够用、使得以维持(vt)‎ The food will last us another week.‎ 食品够我们再吃一星期。‎ ‎3、最不可能的least likely or expected);最不适当的,最不合适的(the least desirable or suitable)‎ the last person we would have suspected.‎ 我们最不可能怀疑的人 the last man for the job.对这项工作最不合适的人 ‎46‎ lead 领导,引导,‎ 铅 ‎1、通往(向)(to)‎ The path leads to the village. ‎ 这条小路通到那村庄。‎ 1、 导致(to)‎ lead to the thief being caught 2、 在比赛中)领先 After the first half of the race I was leading. 跑了一半赛程后我领先了She was in the lead during the race. 她在赛跑中领先。‎ 26‎ 1、 过(生活)‎ He led a hard life.他的日子过得很苦。‎ 2、 榜样,带头 take the lead in everything ‎47‎ leave 离开, 动身;留下,把…(落)遗忘在某地;把…交付(委托)给 ‎1、使…处于某种状态 leave the work undone丢下工作不干 leave him an orphan 使他成为孤儿 leave him sad 使他伤心 leave the raincoat hanging behind the door 让雨衣挂在门后leave sb. in the dark 不让某人知道 ‎2、听任 leave him there让他呆在那里吧。‎ leave it as it is让它保持原样。‎ I will leave you to do as you like.‎ 你爱做什么就做什么。‎ ‎3、准[休]假, 假期(不可数)‎ ask for leave请假 ask for two days’ leave(take two days off)请两天假 be on leave 在度假;在假期中 grant / give sb a leave准某人的假(此处冠词为特殊用法)‎ ‎48‎ lift 举起,.升高, 提高; [英]电梯; 吊车 ‎1、免费搭乘,搭便车 He gave me a lift to the station in his car. 他让我搭他的汽车去火车站。‎ ‎2、窃取(尤指小件物品);抄袭,从已发表的东西上照抄、剽取(观点、文章等)‎ He was caught lifting make-up in the supermarket.‎ Many of his ideas were lifted from other authors.他的许多见解都是从其他作家那里剽窃来的。‎ ‎49‎ line 绳;线,路线,线路; 排,列(n);(使)排列,排队(v)‎ 1、 运输公司 an airline航空公司 a shipping line 海运公司 ‎(pl) 台词 spend the weekend learning her lines.‎ 利用熟记她的台词 短信;便条 I'll drop you a line.我会留个便条给你 ‎50‎ lesson 功课, (一节)课, [pl.] 课程 教训 teach sb. a lesson给某人以教训 earn one's lesson得到教训 be a lesson to对...是一个教训 ‎51‎ live 生活, 居住,‎ 实况地, 实况转播的,‎ adj.活的 live animals.活着的动物 live shrimps活虾 live 表此意仅用于修饰动物、家禽、鱼等。‎ live broadcast 现场直播 ‎52‎ major 较大的,主要的,重要的 ‎[美口]主修, 专攻 He majors in physics.他主修物理。‎ 专业学生 He is a history major.他是主修历史的学生 大学主修科目 26‎ ‎53‎ manner 态度, 举止 方法; 方式; 样子;(艺术、文学的)风格, 手法 ‎54‎ mass 块;团;堆大多数, 大量 ‎1、群众 the masses群众, 民众 ‎2、群众的, 大规模的 mass education大众教育;‎ mass production.大规模生产 补充:a mass of = masses of)许多/大量…‎ ‎55‎ match 比赛 ,火柴 1、 匹配、匹 敌(vi / vt)‎ The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat.衬衫的颜色与上衣不相配。The curtains do not match with the decoration.窗帘与室内装璜不相配。I'm ready to match my strength with [against] yours.我准备和你较量较量。These two are well matched in strength.他们俩势均力敌。‎ ‎2、对手; 相似的人[物], 相配的人[物]‎ You are no match for him. 你不是他的对手。‎ find [meet] one's match 遇到对手, 棋逢对手 best match最佳匹配The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match.蓝衬衫与灰领带很谐调。‎ 补充:strike a match 划一根火柴 ‎56‎ matter 事件, 问题 ‎1、物质(不可数)‎ Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.物质以三种状态存在: 固态、液态和气态。‎ ‎2、[pl.]事态,情况 That’s how matters stand.目前情况就是这样。‎ ‎3、有问题的,有毛病的(与the 连用)‎ I have no idea what is the matter.‎ There is nothing the matter with it.‎ ‎(the matter = wrong)‎ ‎4、有关系, 有重要性,要紧(vi)‎ What matters most is that you should have confidence in yourself.‎ 补充: as a matter of fact ; a matter of time ‎57‎ mean 意思是、意味着; 意欲/想要;意指 吝啬的;小气的;卑鄙的 be mean with money花钱小气be mean about/ over 在…方面很小气a mean motive.卑鄙的动机 ‎(因能力、命运等)注定 I believe he is meant to be a soldier. ‎ 我相信他天生是要当军人的。‎ 用意(v)‎ He means ill /well to me.他对我怀有好意/ 恶意.‎ 关系重大;重要 My friends mean a lot to me. ‎ 我的朋友对我来说非常重要。‎ 方法、手段(means,单复数同形)‎ Every means has been tried,‎ All means have been tried.‎ by means of ….; by this / these means ‎ ‎1、be meant to必须;得要You are meant to leave a tip. 你得留下小费。‎ ‎2、by all means当然;当然可以 ‎3、by no means并没有;绝不:‎ By no means should this remark be taken lightly.这次讲话绝不能等闲视之 26‎ ‎58‎ measure 尺寸, 量度的单位; 量具;量器;测量, ‎ 1、 措施;办法 They took strong measures against dangerous drivers. 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。take measures to do sth / about sth ‎2、斟酌, 权衡 She works hard and doesn't measure the cost to her health.她工作勤恳并不考虑身体代价。‎ He measures his words with caution.‎ 他仔细斟酌着字句 The room measures five metres across.‎ 这房间有五米宽。‎ be measured in feet用英尺量 make sth to one’s own measure ‎59‎ monitor 班长 监听器, 监视器, 监控器; 〈计〉显示器 air monitor空气监测器 ‎.监控(v)‎ monitor an examination监考monitor the enemy's radio broadcasts监听敌方的电台广播 ‎60‎ must 必须 肯定 必需的东西; 必须做的事 warm clothes are a must in the mountains. 住山里必须备有厚衣服。‎ ‎61‎ nail 指甲, 钉, 钉子 vt.钉, 将...钉牢 He nailed the picture to the wall. ‎ 把画钉在墙上。‎ ‎62‎ narrow 狭窄的;狭隘的vi变窄vt.使变狭窄, 使缩小 勉强的;险胜的 a narrow victory 险胜 a narrow escape 死里逃生/侥幸逃脱 ‎63‎ nature 自然, ‎ 自然界 本性, 天性; 特性 good nature好心肠, 温和的性格, 好脾气 human nature人性 ‎64‎ note 笔记;记录 注释;短笺;便条; 纸币;钞票;音调;音符 ‎ 口气;调子 记下 The pupil noted what the teacher said. ‎ 学生记下了老师的话。‎ 注意(到)‎ Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days. 请注意这张账单必须在10天之内付清。‎ 名望, 显要 a man of note有名望的人, 名人 补充:noted adj.著名的compare notes交流经验;交换意见of note著名的;重要的compare notes交换意见; 对笔记 ‎65‎ object 物体, 目标, 宾语, 对象 反对(与to连用)‎ strongly object to developing private cars.强烈反对发展私人小汽车。object to the proposal.反对这个提议。The general public objects to the use of drugs. 大众反对使用毒品。‎ ‎66‎ operate 动手术, 开刀(operate on sb/ sth)‎ 操作 operate a computer / machine ‎(机器)工作、运转 The lift doesn’t operate properly.‎ ‎67‎ order 命令; 吩咐;次序; 秩序;整齐,有条不紊 定购;预定 order sth by mailorder books by telephone You'd better order a taxi.‎ 你最好还是去预定一辆出租汽车。‎ 26‎ 点(菜);叫(菜)‎ 正常(工作)状态,‎ What drinks shall we order? ‎ 我们叫什么饮料?‎ The telephone's out of order. 电话机坏了。‎ in (good) order ‎68‎ owe 欠, 欠债 ‎1、感恩;感激 We owe our parents a lot. 我们十分感激父母。I owe you for your help.我感谢你的帮助。‎ ‎2、(常与to连用)归功于 She owes her success to good luck. 她把成功归功于幸运。The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement.‎ 年轻作家把自己的成功归于他老师的鼓励。‎ ‎3.欠钱 The food cost £4 , but I only paid £3 so I still owe £1. 食品要4英镑,可我只付了3英镑,因此我还欠1英镑。‎ I owe you an apology.我该向你道歉。‎ owe sb. some money ‎69‎ park ‎1、停放(车辆); 停车 Please park your car in the parking lot and hike in."请把车停在外面停车场,步行进去。"‎ No permission to park!不准停车!‎ No parking here.此处禁止停车。‎ ‎2、停车场 car park停(汽)车处 ‎3、区,地区 industrial park工业区(一般在郊区)‎ ‎70‎ passage ‎(演讲、文章、音乐等的)一节,一段 ‎1、通行;通过 The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries.‎ ‎"这座木桥不够坚固,载重货车不能通行。‎ ‎2、(狭窄的)通道;走廊 wait in the passage 在走廊等候 air passage气路, 空气道 ‎71‎ perform 表演;演(剧)‎ 履行, 执行,完成 perform one's duties/promise/contract 履行职责/诺言/合同 perform a task 完成/执行一项任务 表现 He performs well.他表现很好。‎ ‎72‎ picnic ‎(自带食品的)野餐, 郊游 去郊游, 去野餐 My family often picnicked in the woods last year.(注意picnic的过去式与过去分词以及现在分词的构成:picnicked/ picnicking)‎ ‎73‎ picture ‎.画, 图画, 照片 1、 想象 I can’t picture myself as a mother.我无法想象自己做母亲。She pictured herself at school in a foreign country. 她想象自己在国外上学。‎ It is hard to picture life 200 years ago. ‎ 很难想象200年前人们的生活。‎ ‎2、(生动地)描绘、描述 picture one’s suffering during the war 生动描述了战争中的苦难。‎ ‎74‎ plain 平原;旷野 ‎1、平坦的 the plain field 平野 ‎2、简单的、朴素的 the plain food/meal/living/clothes 清淡的食物/便饭/朴素的生活/便服 ‎3、清楚的;明白的 in plain English讲简单的英语 ‎4、坦率的;实话实说的 in plain words坦白地说 plain talk.开诚布公的交谈 26‎ ‎75‎ plant 植物;种植 工厂 chemical plant 化工厂power plant 发电厂 ship-building plant 造船厂 ‎76‎ post 邮寄,邮政;投寄; 邮报 贴出;张贴(常与up连用)‎ The names of the members of the team will be posted up today. 队员名单将于今天张榜公布。‎ 柱子、桩子 a row of fence posts一排篱笆桩 岗位、职务、哨所 leave / quit one’s post离开岗位stick to one’s post坚守岗位 ‎77‎ practice 练习; 实践(n / v)‎ 作为该意义的名词是不可数)‎ 惯例,习惯做法 a common practice 通常做法 an international practice 国际惯例 习惯 it was the practice这就是当时的习惯 the practice of going to bed late 晚睡的习惯 the practice to do sth做某事的习惯 make a practice of养成...习惯 ‎78‎ produce 生产, 制造 提出;拿出;出示 to produce one's ticket 出示票 produce any proof of your nationality出示有关你国藉的任何证件 导致;引起;‎ 带来 Hard work often produces good results. ‎ 努力工作经常会有好结果。 ‎ 产品;(总称)农产品)‎ George's jokes produced a great deal of laughter.乔治的笑话引起了哄堂大笑。‎ The wine bottle was marked ‘Produce of Spain.’ 酒瓶标明“西班牙产品”‎ ‎79‎ promise 允诺, 答应 ‎(n/v)‎ 预示;预兆 Early mist promises fair weather. 晨雾预示好天气。‎ ‎(有)希望,(有)前途(n/ vi)‎ a young player of great promise.一个很有前途的年轻演员a research item that promises well大有前途的研究项目 补充: promising 有前途的 ‎80‎ pronounce 发音 宣称;宣告 pronounce the picture to be a forgery. 断言这幅画是膺品。The priest pronounced them man and wife.神父宣布他们已结为夫妇。‎ 宣判 pronounce sentence of death ...宣判...死刑 The judge pronounced sentence on the prisoner. 法官对囚犯宣告判决。‎ ‎81‎ raise 提高,提升 ‎ (钱等的) 筹募;筹集 raise funds筹集资金 提出 raise a question提出问题 饲养、种植、养育 raise corn and soybeans.种玉米和大豆 raise chickens and corn 养鸡和种植玉蜀黍 raise children.抚养孩子 引起 raise a laugh引起一阵大笑 raise doubts引起怀疑 ‎82‎ reach 到达(vt); 伸出(将身体的一部分)‎ 联系 I've been trying all day to reach him on the telephone.(reach=get through to)我整天都在打电话找他.‎ ‎(手/能力可及之)距离、范围 within reach of the shops 买东西很方便的地方The ball was out of reach. 我够不着这个球。within one’s reach/ out of one’s reach 26‎ 达成(结论、协议)‎ reach an agreement达成协议 reach no conclusion 没有得出结论 延伸, 达到(to, into)‎ The speaker’s voice didn’t reach to the back of the hall.讲演者的声音传不到大厅的后座。‎ The garden reaches down to the lake.‎ 花园一直延伸到湖边。‎ 流域 the upper/lower reaches of a river 河的上游/ 下游 ‎83‎ ready 有准备的, 准备完毕的 ‎1、甘心的, 情愿的 He was ready to believe her.他愿意相信她 He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于帮助他人。‎ ‎2、随时可有的,现成的;在手边 ready money /cash现金sleep with his sword ready睡觉时把剑放在身边 ‎84‎ read 读, 朗读、阅读 1、 看懂, 理解 It’s hard to read the expression on his face. 难以理解他脸上的表情。How do you read the sentence?你怎样理解这句话?I can’t read your short-hand notes.我看不懂你的速记符号。‎ Read the clock 看钟Read a map 看地图 Read music 识乐谱 ‎2、显示 The thermometer reads 80 degrees Fahrenheit.温度计显示华氏80度。‎ ‎85‎ realize 意识到;明白 实现 realize the modernization of their country. 实现国家现代化。realized his lifelong ambition 实现他毕生的理想 ‎86‎ recognize 认出; 认识; 辨认 承认;认可 to recognize a new government 承认一个新政府He recognized that he was beaten.他认输了。‎ ‎87‎ reduce 减少[小, 轻]; 缩减、降低(价格等)‎ 使处于某种状态; 使变成, 使成为 be reduced to a shadow骨瘦如柴be reduced to despair陷入绝望The poor woman is reduced to begging.那个可怜的女人已沦为乞丐。‎ ‎89‎ refer 谈[涉, 提]及, 提到, 指(的是);参考、查阅(与to 连用)‎ ‎1、提交, 委托 refer a question to an expert把问题提交给专家(处理)The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers. 商店把投诉转交给制造商。‎ ‎2、向...打听[查询](与to 连用)‎ refer to sb. for information 向某人打听消息 ‎90‎ regard 把...视为, 看作;‎ ‎1、尊重, 尊敬 ‎(v / n)‎ regard sb. highly尊重某人 pay regard to public opinion重视舆论 out of regard for出于对...的重视, 出于对...的考虑 ‎2、[pl. ]问候, 致意(n)‎ with best regards谨致问候 Please give my regards to your mother.‎ 请向你妈妈问候。‎ 注意: 考纲中要求掌握:remember me to sb. 代向某人问好 ‎91‎ regular 有规律的;定期的, ‎ ‎3、[美]普通的 Do you want king size cigarettes or regular size?‎ 你要长枝的还是一般(长短)的香烟?‎ 26‎ 定时的;经常的, 习惯性的, 惯例的;‎ keep regular hours过有规律的生活 a regular air service定期航班 a regular customer老主顾 a regular meeting例会 ‎92‎ relation 关系 1、 亲戚;亲属; 亲属关系 Some of my relations, my mother's aunt and uncle, live in America.我有些亲戚,如我母亲的姑姑和叔叔,住在美国。‎ ‎93‎ relative 有关的, 相关的 1、 相对的, 相比较的 live in relative comfort生活得较为舒适the period of relative stability相对稳定时期 ‎2、亲戚 relative = relation 补充:the facts relative to the problem 与此问题有关的事实 ‎94‎ remain 依然, 仍然.‎ ‎;保持;(be still)‎ ‎1、停留, 留下 remain in one's mind留在记忆中How many weeks will you remain [stay] here?你将在此停留几个星期?remain out呆在外面, 留在户外 remain in呆在家里 ‎2、剩余, 余留;‎ Only a few trees remain.只留下了一些树 He remains a teacher / weak . These matters remain in doubt.这些事情仍然值得怀疑。‎ A cure remains to be found.尚待发现的疗法 It remains to be seen还要看情况发展。it remains to be seen尚待分晓Nothing remains but to只要...就行了注意: 该词只有不及物用法,没有被动; remaining( adj.剩下的)‎ ‎95‎ respect 尊敬;尊重 ‎(v /n)‎ ‎1、[pl. ]敬意, 问候 give one's respects to向...致候 ‎2、着眼点, 方面 I think you are wrong in every respect .我觉得你各方面都错了。in all respects (=in every respect)无论在哪方面[哪一点]来看, 在各方面in many respects在许多方面 ‎3、重视, 关心, 考虑 We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader我们必须关心一般读者的需要。‎ ‎96‎ roll ‎ 滚动,(使)摇摆, 卷起;轧碾; 杆面(v)‎ roll up the map. 把地图卷起来。‎ She rolled the string into a ball.‎ 她把线卷成一团。‎ 滚; 摇摆, ‎ 卷状物; 卷 ‎(学校、军队等的)点名簿; 名单 He rolled himself from side to side.‎ 他左右摇晃。‎ a roll of film 一卷电影胶片call the roll 点名 student roll 学生名册The thunder rolled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。(隆隆地响)‎ a roll of thunder 隆隆的雷声rock-and-roll n.摇滚乐, 摇滚舞 ‎97‎ rush 猛冲,奔跑,快速移动或行动;(v)‎ ‎ 急忙;仓促(n)‎ 仓促;匆忙 冒失地做;‎ 仓促完成,赶紧做 (v)‎ rushed completion of the project. 仓促完成这个项目rush headlong(轻率地)into marriage.‎ 仓促轻率地结了婚。‎ rush to make a decision仓促做决定 26‎ 催促(v)‎ Don't rush me. 别催我。‎ An ambulance rushed her to the hospital.‎ 救护车把它急匆匆地送到医院 蜂拥、急切而焦急地到或离开某个地方(n)‎ a rush to the goldfields.淘金热 gold rush淘金热 抢购、急需 ‎(n)‎ 抢购热潮Christmas rush 圣诞节抢购热潮 a rush for gold coins.抢购金币 忙碌、普遍的繁忙或忙碌 ‎(n)‎ The office always operates in a rush.办公室的工作总是很繁忙The traffic on the streets during the rush hours came to a standstill.‎ 高峰期间马路上的交通车辆处于停止状态 ‎1、rush sb. off his feet逼迫人忙得不亦乐乎 ‎2、rush out赶制出They rushed out 1000 copies of the book. 他们赶印出1000册书。‎ ‎3、I don't like the rush of modern life. ‎ 我不喜欢快节奏的现代生活。‎ ‎98‎ save 挽救, .解救 节省, 储蓄 保存, 保全, 保留,‎ ‎1.免除,避免 save me much trouble 免去我很多麻烦 ‎ saved the tourist from being cheated 使旅游者免于受骗save sb. from 从...救出某人, 使免于[不致, 不受]...‎ save one's face保全面子 save one's neck明哲保身 She saves (vi)in every way she can 她在各方面尽量节省。 (God)save us!(表示惊讶)天啊! save (one's) breath别白费劲儿。‎ ‎99‎ seat 座, 座位(n)‎ 使就座 ‎1. (桌子)有座位;(屋子)可容纳若干人;为…提供座位 The big table can seat 20 guests.‎ The hall can only seat less than 100 people.‎ We can seat 300 in the auditorium.‎ 我们这个礼堂可容纳三百人 ‎2、使或帮助…坐下; 给…安排座位 seat the members of the bride's family.引座员会引导新娘的家人就座seat me in the back row.‎ 给我在后排提供一个座位。‎ seat oneself ; be seated ; find sb. seated at the back of the room;the people seated in the front 注意seat 的用法,该词为及物动词。考试说明中有要求掌握:be seated。‎ ‎100‎ seek 寻找,寻求(常与for/ after 连用)‎ 企图,试图;图谋求得 请 求,征求 I will seek my doctor's advice. 我将请教医生的意见。seek directions from a police officer.‎ 向警官询问方向 补充:Seek and you will find. 找一找,你就会发现seek shelter from rain寻找避雨的地方 seeking information; 查询信息He sought to make peace. 他企图讲和。seek to do good.试图行善seek help求助 注意seek 的过去式和过去分词 sought;‎ 26‎ ‎101‎ sense 官能, 感觉 ‎……感 ‎1、意义(n)‎ in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说 ‎ make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理 make sense of理解;懂;明白 ‎2、感觉;觉察,意识到(v)‎ He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome. ‎ 他觉得他的建议不受欢迎。The dog sensed that I was afraid. 这只狗感觉到我害怕了。‎ Sense the danger察觉到危险 a high sense of responsibility to the revolution 高度的革命责任感common sense常识[理]‎ There is a lot of sense in what he says.他的话颇有道理。‎ ‎102‎ sentence 句子 判决, 宣判(v / n)‎ 刑罚(n)‎ sentence sb. to death判处某人死刑sentence sb. to 5 years in prison判处某人5年徒刑under sentence of death被判处死刑serve one's sentence服刑capital sentence极刑, 死刑 a life sentence无期徒刑,终身监禁He received a heavy sentence. 他受到很重的刑罚。‎ ‎103‎ serve 服务(vt), 服役(vi)‎ ‎1、提供,准备(如食物):‎ serve breakfast供应早餐 ‎2、可做;适于 This box will serve for a seat. 这箱子可当作座椅。 This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.这个平台将用作港口和火车站。‎ ‎3、上(菜); 斟(酒)‎ serve coffee hot把咖啡趁热端上来 serve tea.上茶 ‎4、担任职务 serve as an interpreter担任译员 It serves him right.他活该。serve the people heart and soul全心全意地为人民服务 ‎104‎ service 服役; 服务 ‎1、公职部门;政府部门;服务机构 China Travel Service中国旅行社The US Customs Service美国海关总署the security service 保安部 ‎2、仪式;宗教仪式 Morning service will be at 11 o'clock. ‎ 早礼拜将在11点进行。‎ ‎3、公共设施 ‎ 服务行业 the telephone service 电话设施 The train service to the capital is very good. 去首都的火车服务设施非常好。‎ Service station (美)加油站 on active service 服现役 at your service听您吩咐;随时供您使用 do sb. a service给某人帮忙 ‎105‎ settle 解决, (使)定居 使平静, 使镇定[稳定]‎ settle (oneself) down to work安下心来工作 停留, 停息 The bird settled on the wire.鸟停在电线上。‎ ‎106‎ sharp 锐利的,尖的;(目光)敏锐的;(思维)敏捷的;(言词)尖刻的 准时地;整(adv)‎ at seven o'clock sharp 七点整 突然的;急剧的 a sharp turn to the left 向左急转a sharp decline急剧下降 a sharp turn急转弯 a sharp pain.剧痛 a sharp picture 清晰图像 补充:‎ be sharp in thought思维敏捷。"‎ 26‎ ‎107‎ shoulder 肩, 肩部 用肩抗;肩负, 承当 shoulder the heavy boxes肩抗重盒 shoulder the responsibility承担责任 用肩推,挤 shoulder people aside 用肩膀把人挤开 shoulder one's way through the crowd 用肩从人群中挤过 补充:shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 ‎108‎ sign 标记, 符号,牌子,告示;征兆, 迹象;签名; 签署 ‎1、身势,姿势;信号(n)‎ He made a sign for me to follow him. ‎ 他向我示意跟着他(走)。‎ ‎2、做手势示意(vi / vt)‎ He signed to /for me to be quiet. ‎ He signed me to be quiet.他做手势要我安静。‎ There are no signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住的迹象。sign in签到 sign out签名登记外出sign up for military service 报名从军sign up for a pottery course.报名参加陶器制作课程 ‎109‎ solid 固体, 立体(n).固体的, 实心的, 坚固的, 结实的, 立体的(adj)‎ 不间断的;连续的 two solid hours足足两个小时 真实的, 可靠的, 理由充分的 a solid friend可靠的朋友 solid arguments理由充分的论点 ‎110‎ sort n.种类, 类别 分类, 拣选;整理 ‎"Sort out these papers and fasten them together with a clip, please." "请把这些文件整理一下,用夹子夹在一起。"‎ 补充:有几分;有点;相当(Somewhat; rather) ‎ I sort of expected it. 我料到几分了。‎ He is sort of disappointed. 他有点失望。‎ ‎111‎ sound 声音(n)‎ 听起来(vi)‎ 使发声[响]‎ 吹号命令[通知, 庆祝], 吹...号 sound a horn吹号角 sound the alarm发警报 完好的;健全的 A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健全的身体。get home safe and sound平安到家 合理的,正确的 sound advice 正确的忠告 可靠的,稳妥的 sound basis 稳固的基础 sound friends 忠实的朋友 彻底的,完全的 A sound sleep 酣睡 彻底地;充分地 be sound asleep His explanation sounds all right. 他的解释似乎有理。Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来很好。sound a good idea / like a good idea.不用: sound to be a good idea ‎112‎ spare 备用的; .多余的, 剩下的 节约, 吝惜(用于否定)‎ spare no efforts [pains]不遗余力 spare no expense不惜工本 ‎ 放过, 饶恕 He does not spare himself.他对自已要求很严。spare sb.'s life 免除;使省去 He did the work to spare you the trouble. ‎ 他做了那件事使你免去麻烦。‎ 抽出,匀出;让与 Can you spare me this book for a while? 这本书能让我看一会儿吗?Can you spare me a few litres of petrol? 你能匀给我几公升汽油吗?‎ Can you spare the time to help me?你能抽出这段时间帮我吗?‎ 26‎ 补充:1)in your spare time ;‎ a spare tire 备用轮胎a spare ticket退票 ‎2)to spare剩余;多余 We paid our bills and had money to spare.我们付帐后还有节余 ‎113‎ spring 春天 泉水,泉 a hot spring温泉 弹簧, 发条 弹性;弹力 The spring has run down.钟表发条走完了。‎ 跳跃, 跳起(n/ v)‎ She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. ‎ 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。‎ 有弹性的; 弹簧的 a spring mattress.弹簧垫子 ‎114‎ stage ‎.舞台 发展的进程, 阶段或时期 at an early stage in our history ‎ 在我们的历史早期 The stage is her life.演艺事业是她的生命(前面与the连用)演员生涯go on the stage 当演员 ‎115‎ stand 站立; 座落, 屹立于 忍受;经受 I cannot stand waiting [to wait] any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦。stand the test of time经受时间的考验 处于某种状态 The matter stands thus.事情就是这样。‎ How do matters stand? 情况如何?‎ 身高;高度为 He stands six feet in his socks. ‎ 他穿袜(脱鞋)时身高六英尺。‎ The building stands over 200 feet high 立场;主张 take a firm stand on sth .对…采取坚定立场 架; 台; 摊;看台上的观众(pl)‎ a fruit stand水果摊a music stand乐谱架 a launching stand(火箭)发射台He kicked the ball into the stands.他把球踢到了看台上 stand by在场;靠近 ;袖手旁观 ‎ ‎(无线电台或军事方面)待命,准备行动; 极力支持;忠于;信守to stand by one's promise 遵守诺言stand out明显;醒目 ;突出;杰出 stand up for维护;拥护;支持 ‎116‎ state 国家, 政府, 州; 国家的, 国有的, 国营的, 州的,‎ 状态 声明, 陈述, 规定 ‎"Please state your name, age and occupation on the form."请在表上填写你的姓名、年龄和职业。‎ 规定;指定 only to be used on the stated date ‎ 只能在指定日期使用 Everything was in a state of disorder. (状态)‎ 一切都处于紊乱状态。‎ In China, the railways are owned by the state. 在中国,铁路是国有的。(国家)‎ ‎117‎ stick n.棍, 棒,‎ 粘住, 粘贴 Stick no bills. 请勿张贴 vt.刺, 戳 Stick the knife into the right side 伸出(v)‎ Stick out your tongue.伸出舌头 stick out of the water 伸出水面 卡住、困住 He was stuck by the question.他被这个问题难住了。The key stuck in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里。‎ 26‎ stick to粘住,坚持,忠于Stick to basic principles.坚持基本原则Stick to one’s own opinion 坚持自己地观点。‎ ‎118‎ store 商店, 店铺 贮藏, 贮备, 存储(n / v)‎ conserve one's strength and store up one's energy养精蓄锐a mind well-stored with facts见闻广博的人The shed will store 30 tons of coal.这个棚子能容纳30吨煤。‎ 大量,许多 a store of knowledge 丰富的知识 in store存储着;预备着Who knows what the future has in store for us?谁知道我们将来会怎么样?‎ ‎119‎ strength 力,力量;强度 浓度;强度 alcoholic / working strength 酒精强度/ 劳动强度 强项,长处 strengths and weaknesses 优点与缺点 补充:with all one’s strength 尽力,全力 I haven't the strength to lift this table. ‎ 我没有力气抬这张桌子。‎ ‎120‎ Strike ‎ 打, 打击; 打动 划燃 strike a match.划燃火柴 突然想到; 猛然悟到 An idea suddenly struck me. ‎ 我心中忽然产生一个念头。‎ ‎(疾病、地震、洪水等)侵袭;袭击 The earthquake struck the city in the night.‎ ‎(钟)敲响报(时 The clock struck nine.钟敲了九下。‎ 补充:He struck me with a stick. ‎ 他用棍子打我。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁;趁机行事。‎ ‎121‎ subject 题目, 主题, 科目, 学科, [语法]主语 受实验者 the subject of an experiment实验对象 易受[遭, 患]... 的 ‎ be subject to cold 易患感冒 be subject to damage 易受损伤 使服从, 使隶属(to) (v)‎ subject another's will to one's own 使别人的意志服从己意 受...支配的, 附属的 subject to the law of the land受国家法律的管辖的be subject to taxation应纳税The schedule is subject to change without notice. "时间表随时可能改变,不另行通知。‎ 注:(be) subject to 服从, 以...为条件, 受...的支配; 须经, 必须得到;易遭[受,发生]‎ ‎122‎ succeed 成功 继...之后; 接替; 继承; 接着...发生 succeed sb. as secretary继某人任书记Day succeeds day.日复一日。He had no son to succeed him.他没有儿子继承他。‎ ‎(常与to连用)继位;继承;继任 succeed to a fortune 继承大笔遗产 to succeed to the throne 继承王位 succeed sb. as继某人出任(某职)‎ succeed sb. in继某人接掌(某职权); 袭某人爵位[官衔]succeed to继承 ‎123‎ tense 紧张的, 拉紧的; [语法]时态 v.(使)紧张, (使)拉紧 He tensed his muscles for the leap.他拉紧了他的肌肉准备跳跃。He tensed as he heard it slow down.他听到它慢下来时变得很紧张。‎ ‎124‎ term n.学期,‎ 期间,期限,特定的期间 a term of office 任期to get a term of seven years in prison 被判7年徒刑He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year. 他被推选为足球队队长,任期一年。‎ 26‎ 名词;术语 technical terms 专门名词,术语 ‎(pl) 合同或协议书的条件、条款、细则 come to terms with 与…达成协议If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you. 如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。‎ vt 称为;把…叫做 His life may be termed happy. ‎ 他的生活可称之为幸福。‎ in the long term从长远的观点看 in the short term从眼前的观点看 ‎ in terms of以…的观点;就…而说 ‎ on good terms好的关系 on bad terms坏的关系 on speaking terms友好的关系 on friendly terms友善的关系 ‎ on equal terms同等 ‎125‎ thirsty 渴的,口渴的 渴望的(for)‎ He is thirsty for power.他渴望掌权。‎ ‎126‎ tight 紧的, 绷紧的,‎ 不漏水(不透气)的 a tight boat 不漏水的 ‎(比赛)势均力敌的 A tight race / game 不分胜负的赛跑/比赛 棘手的,麻烦的,困难的 In a tight corner/ place / spot处境困难 ‎127‎ track 轨迹, 车辙, 航迹, 足迹, 小路,小径 轨道,铁轨 路线;轨迹;跑道 跟踪,追踪,尾随 track game through the forest. 追踪猎物穿过森林 The hunter followed the animal's tracks. 猎人追踪动物的足迹。‎ ‎128‎ trade 贸易, 商业, 交易, 生意 职业, 行业, ‎ ‎(常与in, with连用)交易;贸易;做买卖 We trade with other countries. ‎ 我们和其他国家做生意。‎ 以...换取...‎ ‎(sth.for sth.); 同某人交换某物(sth. with sb.) ‎ ‎. trade seats with sb和某人对换座位 Trade space for time以空间换取时间 trade If you don't like your book, I'll trade with you.如果你不喜欢你的书, 我和你对换。‎ ‎129‎ treasure n.财宝, 财富, 珍品, 财产 vt.珍爱, 珍惜, 储藏, 珍藏 treasure sth. up in one's memory 铭记某事 I treasure your friendship.我珍惜你的友谊。‎ He treasures the watch his mother gave him.他珍爱母亲送给他的表。‎ ‎130‎ treat 对待;看待 治疗 to treat an illness 治病 处置;用,使用 Glass must be treated carefully. 玻璃必须小心使用。‎ 宴请, 招待, 款待,做东 treat sb. to an ice-cream请某人吃一杯冰淇淋 I'll treat myself to a sunbath.我要好好地享受一次日光浴。treat his guests with courtesy; ‎ 殷勤地招待他的客人;This is my treat.这次由我请客。stand treat 负担请客的费用,请客 ‎131‎ type 类型 打字,用打字机打出 to type a letter 用打字机打一封信 ‎〈计〉键入 ‎132‎ value 价值 估价;评价; 尊重, 重视 I valued the house at 50,000 yuan.我估计这所房子值五万元。I have always valued his advice.我一向尊重他的指教。‎ 26‎ ‎133‎ voice 声音, 嗓音 ‎[语法]语态 发言权 have a voice in this matter.对这件事有发言权 vt.表达, 吐露 voice different opinions about it对此发表不同的看法。He voiced the feelings of the crowd.‎ 他表达出群众的情绪。‎ 补充:with one voice异口同声;一致地 Our group rejected the proposal with one voice.我们小组一致反对提议 ‎134‎ wave 波, 波浪;‎ 飘扬;摇摆 ‎(常与to连用)招手,挥手(致意)‎ He waved desperately to his companion.他绝望地向他的伙伴挥了挥手。She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。He waved to us to stop.他挥手叫我们停住。‎ wave sb. a greeting挥手向某人致意 卷(头发)‎ Her hair waves naturally. 她的头发卷得很自然。‎ 补充:The red flag is -ving in the breeze.‎ 红旗迎风飘扬。‎ ‎135‎ weather 天气 度过(暴风雨, 困难等); 经受住 weather the storm 战胜暴风雨We have weathered another war. 我们又度过了一场战争。‎ 补充:under the weather有病;不舒服;难过 ‎136‎ weigh vt.称...重量, 称 vi.重(若干)‎ 起(锚)‎ to weigh anchor 起锚 考虑, 斟酌; 衡量 weigh the matter seriously认真考虑这件事 weigh the advantages & disadvantages权衡利弊 重压, 压下 The fruit weighed the branches down.‎ 果子压得树枝下垂。‎ 补充:weigh heavy [light]称起来分量重[轻]‎ This box weighs five kilogrammes.这只箱子重五公斤。His words weighed heavily with me.他的话对我很有分量。‎ ‎137‎ when ‎ 当…时 虽然,尽管 She stopped short when she ought to have continued.尽管她应该继续下去,她却突然停住了。We have only three books when we need five.虽然我们需要五本书, 却只有三本。‎ Why use wood when you can use plastic?‎ 既然能用塑料, 为什么还要用木料?‎ ‎138‎ while 当…时;一会儿;然而(表对比性转折)‎ 尽管,虽然:‎ While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.“虽然祖父母们都爱他们的孩子,但却对他们要求严格”While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you. 虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。‎ ‎139‎ whole 全部, 全体, 整体,‎ 完整的, 完全的 adv.完全, 整个 a whole new idea. 全新的想法 swallow sth. whole全盘接受;生吞活剥 补充:Three whole years整整三年 the whole truth全部真相as a whole整个看来 on the whole总的看来 ‎140‎ wide 宽的 全部地,充分地 The children were still wide awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year's Day.‎ 当新年的钟声敲响十二下时孩子们仍然完全醒着。Open one’s eyes wide睁大眼睛 ‎141‎ wind 风 蜿蜒前进 wind one’s way. The path winds through the woods. 这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。‎ 26‎ 把…上紧;把…拧;.绕, 缠, 上发条, 旋紧 wind a clock 给表上紧发条wind the line off the reel.把线从线轴上解开来 ‎142‎ word 字, 词, 话 诺言 消息,‎ No word has come from the battle front. 前线还没有消息传来。Word came that they failed again.有消息说他们又失败了。Please send me word of your arrival.‎ ‎143‎ work 工作 ‎ ‎(pl) 工厂 a gas works 煤气厂 ‎(pl)工事 defense works防御工事 著作,作品 Shakespeare's works 莎士比亚著作 a work of art 一件艺术品 奏效;起作用 Does this method work? 这种方法有效吗?‎ ‎144‎ worth 值钱的, 值的; 值得…的 价值(n)‎ ten dollars' worth of apples the worth of higher education.高等教育的价值books of real worth 真正有价值的书 It is worth while visiting [to visit] the place.这地方值得参观。‎ It is worth while to discuss [discussing] the problem.这个问题值得讨论一下。‎ 对比观点题型 ‎(1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 ‎ ‎1. 有一些人认为。。。 2. 另一些人认为。。。 3. 我的看法。。。 ‎ The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). ‎ While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). ‎ From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . ‎ ‎(2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 ‎ Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). ‎ In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). ‎ ‎ Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).‎ 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.‎ ‎1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义.‎ ‎2. 分析并举例使其更充实.‎ The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it.‎ First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).‎ 26‎ In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it 解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 ‎1. 问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)‎ ‎ In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状)‎ ‎ Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally, --------------(解决方法三).‎ Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).‎ 说明利弊题型 ‎ 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)‎ ‎1. 说明事物现状 ‎2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)‎ ‎3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ----------------(A的优点之一). Besides -------------------(A的优点之二).‎ But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).‎ Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法).‎ ‎(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---------------(对前景的预测).)‎ 议论文的框架 ‎(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )‎ ‎ There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____. ‎ ‎ People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______. On the other hand, ____原因二_____. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. ‎ ‎ As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more ________. ‎ ‎ (2)利弊型的议论文 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two 26‎ ‎ sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.‎ ‎( 3 ) 答题性议论文 ‎ Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.‎ ‎ As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____.‎ ‎ Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____.‎ ‎( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文 ‎ ‎ It is well know to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. It means ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically )‎ ‎ A case in point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____.‎ ‎ With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job..‎ 图表作文的框架 as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.‎ ‎ There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________. In addition, ________ is responsible for _______. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. ‎ ‎ As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.‎ 实用性写作(申请信)‎ Your address Month, Date, year Receiver's address Dear ...,‎ I am extremely pleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the position in .... And I would like to write a letter to tell you that.../ I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising.‎ ‎ .../ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed. On the one hand, .... On the other hand, .... I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference.‎ ‎ I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.‎ 26‎ ‎ Best regards for your health and success. Sincerely yours,‎ ‎ X X X 作文的开头 文章的开头一般来说应尽量做到开门见山,用简单明白的叙述引出文章的话题,使读者了解文章要谈论什么,一下于引起读者的兴趣。 ‎ 作文常见的开头形式大致有以下几种: ‎ ‎1.开门见山,揭示主题 ‎ 文章一开头,,就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。如“How I Spent My Vacation”(我怎样度假)的开头是: ‎ I Spent my last vacation happily. ‎ 下面是题为"Honesty"(谈诚实)一文中的开头: ‎ Honesty is one of the best virtues.An honest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a "liar",and is looked upon by honest people. ‎ ‎2.交代人物、事情、时间或环境开头 ‎ 在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交待清楚。例如"A Trip to Jinshan" (去金山旅游)的开头: ‎ The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan. The bus ride there took three hours. The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us. ‎ ‎3. 回忆性的开头 ‎ 用回忆的方法来开头。例如"A Trip to the Taishan Mountain"(泰山游)的开头是: ‎ I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday. ‎ ‎4.概括性的开头 ‎ 即对要在文章中叙述的人或事先作一个概括性的介绍。如“The Happiness of Reading Books”(读书的快乐)的开头: ‎ People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I say that to read books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us power. ‎ ‎5.介绍环境式的开头 ‎ 即开头利用自然景物或自然环境引出要介绍的事物。如“An Accident”(一场事故)的开头是: ‎ It was a rainy and windy morning. The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was nearly empty. I was on my way back to school. Suddenly, a speeding car came round the corner. ‎ ‎6.交待写作目的的开头。 ‎ 在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要表扬谁,批评谁,或说明一个什么问题等。如 "Pollution Control" (控制污染)的开头: ‎ In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control ‎ 1. Views/Opinions on (Attitudes towards) XXX vary from person (individual) to person(individual). Some people argue that XXX, believing that XXX. Others, nevertheless, take a(n) opposite/negative/positive attitude to XXX. They firmly support(strongly oppose) the idea that XXX. If asked about my attitude, I am more in favor of XXX. I’m fully aware(I’m greatly convinced) that XXX。‎ ‎ 对于XXX不同人持有不同的观点。一些人认为XXX,他们坚信XXX。然而,另一些人却持有相反/消极/积极的观点XXX. 他们坚信(强烈反对)XXX. 如果问及我的态度,我更支持XXX。我充分地意识到(我确信)XXX。‎ ‎ 2. Along with great development of national economy/modern society, a(n) worrying(exciting) problem(trend/phenomenon) arises—XXX. It is really a concern(fortune/headache/burden/disaster) to our society。‎ 26‎ ‎ 随着国家经济(当代社会)的迅猛发展,一个让人担忧(高兴)的问题(趋势/现象)油然而生—XXX。这确实是我们这个社会的一种关注(一笔财富/一个让人头痛的问题/一种压力/一个灾难)。‎ ‎ 3. Having realized the importance(hazards) of XXX, most of us begin to take a series of effective steps, including XXX(XXX) and XXX, thus arousing some positive changes。‎ ‎ 意识到XXX的重要性(危害),我们当中的大多数人开始采取各种措施,包括XXX 和 XXX,由此带来了一些积极的变化。‎ ‎ 结尾万能公式 obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 经典虚拟语气 26‎