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国家开放大学电大《文论专题》《高级英语阅读(1)》网络课形考网考作业(合集)答案 《文论专题》网络课答案 形考任务1 题目1 著名的改良派人士梁启超提出文艺的四种社会作用即:薰、浸、刺、提。所谓“刺”,指的是文艺作品培养接受者审美接受能力的作用。
选择一项:对 错 题目2 孔子所说的“兴”的含义,就是通过艺术形象的譬喻,引发人的联想,并进而使人领会到某种类似的,深微曲隐的思想感情,从而在精神上受到感染和熏陶。
选择一项:对 错 题目3 孔子的思想,可以说是以“仁”为内容,以“礼”为形式,以“中庸”为准则,所以也被称为“仁学”。
选择一项:对 错 题目4 “兴观群怨”的发展过程中存在着这样一种共同规律,就是在孔子那里主要是针对“用诗”,即发挥文艺社会作用而提出的“兴观群怨”,在后世都逐渐与“作诗”结合起来,使“兴观群怨”不仅成为对文艺社会作用的一种自觉认识,而且成为对文艺创作的一种明确要求。
选择一项:对 错 题目5 孔子的思想主要保存在《论语》中。
选择一项:对 错 题目6 庄子的“言不尽意”说对后世的影响深远而巨大,北宋欧阳修的
选择一项:A. 思表纤旨,文外曲致,言所不追 B. 言有尽而意无穷 C. “状难写之景,如在目前;含不尽之意,见于言外“ D. 文已尽而意有余 题目7 通过艺术形象的譬喻,引发人的联想,并进而使人领会到某种类似的,深微曲隐的思想感情,从而在精神上受到感染和熏陶,这是
选择一项:A. 兴 B. 怨 C. 群 D. 观 题目8 明末清初的王夫之特别重视文艺的审美情感特征,他将“兴观群怨”称之为“
” 选择一项:A. 四情 B. 四义 C. 四教 D. 四学 题目9 孔子的文艺观是他的“
选择一项:A. 礼学 B. 义学 C. 诗学 D. 仁学 题目10 “兴观群怨”说是孔子“
选择一项:A. 诗教 B. 礼教 C. 德教 D. 仁教 题目11 怎样理解庄子的得意忘言? 答:《庄子·外物》:“蹄者所以在兔,得兔而忘蹄。言者所以在意,得意而忘言。” 得:得到。言:语言。原意是言词是表达意思的,既然已经知道了意思,就不再需要言词。后比喻彼此心里知道,不用明说。
题目12 “通变”说对文章写作有哪些启迪? 答:《通变》从“通”和“变”的辩证关系来论述文学的继承与革新不可偏废,这是正确的。针对当时的创作倾向,提出了矫正时弊的主张。刘勰在探讨文学的发展时,发现了文学自身发展的规律,即由质到文的必然性。因此他主张要克服形式主义倾向,不能用否定文学的基本特征、不许文学发展的方法,而只能顺其规律加以引导。其基本办法就是讲“通变”。选自《刘勰·文心雕龙·通变》 通变说是《文心雕龙》理论体系的支柱之一。通指会通,变指适变。通变说探讨的是文学发展中继承与革新问题。
题目 庄子“言不尽意”说到《易传·系辞》、魏晋玄学,由陆机到刘勰、钟嵘,再由司空图到严羽、王士禛,最后到王国维,这一条线索基本是循庄子“言不尽意”说的美学、文论史影响来勾勒的。你怎样看待“言不尽意”? 答:在“言不尽意”的基础上,庄子提出了“得意忘言”的观点,通过“筌-鱼”、“蹄-兔”等生活实例的类比,庄子形象表述了 “言-意”之间一种本质性的手段与目的的关系,语言文字也是人们用来把握文艺作品意思的手段或工具,它们都各有各的目的,但语言文字和它所要表达的意思也不是一回事,从根本上说,“言”是言筌、工具、梯子,“意”则是言外之意、目的,或言所要求达到的意旨,“存言”的目的在于“得意”。在此,庄子提出了言意关系中的一大悖论,那就是“存言”的目的竟在于“去言”或“忘言”。这也足以体现出庄子的智慧。
题目 制定一个较为可行的本课程学习计划。
答:本学期新开了《文论专题》课程,为了学好这门课程,定制了学习计划如下:一、学习任务和目标 通过学习这门课程,全面掌握中西方主要的文论家思想,通过教师的辅导及自学顺利完成网上作业并最终顺利通过期末考试。
二、学习措施 1.认真自学 2.认真上课辅导课 3.认真做好网上作业 4.认真做好期末复习工作 形考任务2 题目1 《沧浪诗话》最大特色便是以
选择一项:A. 释。
B. 儒 C. 禅 D. 道 题目2 创作论是叶燮《原诗》的理论核心,诗歌创作论大体包括创作主体论、创作对象论和创作方法论。下面
选择一项:A. “才、胆、识、力”说 B. “妙造自然”说 C. “理、事、情”说 D. “师法自然”说 题目3 “才”、“胆”、“识”、“力”是诗人创作必备的主体性要素,叶燮认为,四者之中,“识”处于
选择一项:A. 配合和中介 B. 从属和边缘 C. 核心和主宰 D. 支配和协领 题目4 在克罗齐看来,人的心智活动有四种不同类型:直觉的、概念的、经济的和道德的。而四种类型所代表的价值属性也不同:直觉
选择一项:A. 求美 B. 求深 C. 求实 D. 求象 题目5 创作论是叶燮《原诗》的理论核心,诗歌创作论大体包括创作主体论、创作对象论和创作方法论。下面
选择一项:A. “理、事、情”说 B. “师法自然”说 C. “才、胆、识、力”说 D. “妙造自然”说 题目6 在克罗齐看来,人的心智活动有四种不同类型:
选择一项:A. 意象的 B. 想象的 C. 诗意的 D. 直觉的 题目7 金圣叹学问渊博,通晓诸子百家,其一生衡文评书,曾将
选择一项:A. 《离骚》 B. 《九歌》C. 《屈原》D. 《九辩》题目8 《沧浪诗话》全书由“诗辨”、“诗体”、“诗法”、“诗评”和“考证”五部分组成,其中,“
选择一项:A. 诗辨 B. 诗法 C. 诗评 D. 诗体 题目9 创作论是叶燮《原诗》的理论核心,诗歌创作论大体包括创作主体论、创作对象论和创作方法论。下面
选择一项:A. “理、事、情”说 B. “才、胆、识、力”说 C. “师法自然”说 D. “妙造自然”说 题目10 在司空图之前,陆机、刘勰有“
选择一项:A. 品味 B. 气味 C. 食味 D. 余味 题目11 简单地说,“韵味”首先是把诗歌分为“韵内”和“韵外”两层。
选择一项:对 错 题目12 司空图的诗境特征论就是我们通常简单称谓的“韵味”说,其对后世的影响最大。
选择一项:对 错 题目13 叶燮的“才胆识力”说,第一次在文论史上较为全面地探讨了诗歌创作主体心理素质的培养和心智积累的特性。所谓“识”,是诗人辨别事物“理、事、情”特点的辨别能力,又指对世界事物是非美丑的识别能力,更是鉴别诗歌及其艺术表现特征的能力。
选择一项:对 错 题目14 金圣叹认为,在小说中,小说的“事”是手段,“文”是目的,作者的虚构之“事”实际上是为审美之“文”服务的。
选择一项:对 错 题目15 “韵味”是把诗歌分为“韵内”和“韵外”两层。“韵外”是指诗的语言文字、声韵及其表面意义之外所蕴含的意味,这种意味往往是一种只可以意会却不可以言传的“大意”。
选择一项:对 错 题目16 《沧浪诗话》被奉为宋代诗话之巨制,更堪称中国古代最为重要的诗话代表作之一。
选择一项:对 错 题目17 “韵味”是把诗歌分为“韵内”和“韵外”两层。“韵内”与“韵外”是不可分割的有机整体,二者紧密联系、相互涵化,“韵外”是基础,“韵内”为升华。
选择一项:对 错 题目18 叶燮的“才胆识力”说,第一次在文论史上较为全面地探讨了诗歌创作主体心理素质的培养和心智积累的特性。所谓“胆”,即指诗人敢于突破传统束缚的独立思考的能力,在创作中表现为自由创新的艺术精神。
选择一项:对 错 题目19 《沧浪诗话》全书由“诗辨”、“诗体”、“诗法”、“诗评”和“考证”五部分组成。
选择一项:对 错 题目20 金圣叹认为,在史传中,“文”是目的,“事”是手段,“文”是为记“事”服务的。
选择一项:对 错 题目21 简要说明司空图诗歌意境理论的大致内容。
题目22 简单说明正变论产生历史背景。
题目23 司空图关于诗歌“韵味”的审美内涵具体表现为“近而不浮,远而不尽”,结合下面提供的王维诗歌的片段,简单阐释司空图的“韵味”说。
行到水穷处,坐看云起时。(《终南别业》) 渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟。(《辋川闲居》) 江流天地外,山色有无中。(《汉江临汛》) 答:司空图关于诗歌“韵味”的审美内涵具体表现为“近而不浮,远而不尽”。就是说,诗歌的形象要具体、 生动、 不浮泛,仿佛是读者可以触摸得到的, 亦即“近而不浮”;再者, 在具体、 生动、 可感的形象中还要有丰富的蕴藉,所抒发的情感含而不露,只可意会而不可言传,能让读者愈读愈有发现, 愈读愈有味道,亦即“远而不尽”。像王维的诗句:“行到水穷处,坐看云起时”(《终南别业》);“渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟”(《辋川闲居》);“江流天地外,山色有无中”(《汉江临汛》)。这些诗句所表现出来的情景是不同的,但其共同的特点是:景物具体、鲜明、生动,仿佛就在眼前,而其意味的悠远绵长则一下子便把人带到了一种情景交融、虚实相生的幻境。
题目 简单概括金圣叹小说理论关于人物论的主要思想。
金圣叹关于小说理论的“因文生事”观点 小说是“因文生事”,其所写之“事”全是出于美文的需要而虚构出来的,它可真可假,可以是历史的事实也可以是作家在概括生活材料的基础上发明创造出来的。
题目 金圣叹提出史传和小说在本质特性上有着不同,一个是“以文运事”,一个是“因文生事”。在《读第五才子书法》中,他说:某尝道《水浒》胜似《史记》,人都不肯信,殊不知某却不是乱说。《史记》是以文运事,《水浒》是因文生事。以文运事,是先有事生成如此如此,却要算计出一篇文字来,虽是史公高才,也毕竟是吃苦事;因文生事却不然,只是顺着笔性去,削高补低都由我。
形考任务3 结合《水浒传》,理解金圣叹的小说“因文生事”说。
形考任务4 《诗学》是西方历史上第一部较为系统而全面地探讨美学和文艺理论问题的专著。
选择一项:对 错 题目2 本能在弗洛伊德既然是人的肉体和精神之一切活动的本体性存在,那么毫无疑问,它必然也是文艺创作活动的最后根源和本质所在。
选择一项:对 错 题目3 韦勒克、沃伦认为,科学语言是“直指式的”:“它要求语言符号与指称对象一一吻合”,同时这种语言符号“完全是人为的”。
选择一项:对 错 题目4 王国维“境界”的构成因素一是“情”(意),二是“景”(物),二者之间虽“能有所偏重,而不能有所偏废”,因为“境界”的本质即在于情景交融。
选择一项:对 错 题目5 李渔主张戏曲创作要“结构第一”。这里所说的“结构”与现代意义上的“结构”是一样的。
选择一项:对 错 题目6 西方十九世纪是达尔文的进化沦和以孔德为代表的实证主义十分流行和活跃的时期,泰纳深受其影响,其《艺术哲学》表达了他借助于自然科学的原理和方法,研究发掘梳理艺术史料的心路历程。
选择一项:对 错 题目7 教材中对黑格尔关于悲剧性质的认识或关于悲剧的定义,作了如下概括表述:悲剧就是恶与恶的冲突和斗争。
选择一项:对 错 题目8 俄国形式主义声称,文学作品是无关于社会、作家乃至于读者的独立自足体,认为文学的“文学性”或“艺术性”仅仅在于它的形式,在于它的语言的审美化、陌生化编排组织。
选择一项:对 错 题目9 “境界”的本质其实就是中国传统诗学所一贯强调的一个核心话题:情景相生及情景交融。
选择一项:对 错 题目10 《诗的艺术》这部诗体文艺理论著述共一千一百行,分为四章,其中第三章论悲剧、喜剧和长篇叙事诗等主要诗体,在此提出了著名的“三一律”戏剧创作法则。
选择一项:对 错 题目11 “境界”一词,早在汉代郑玄为《诗经·大雅·江汉》作笺注时已经用到,在那里是指
选择一项:A. 地域的范围 B. 诗人的精神情怀 C. 诗歌的内涵 D. 教义的造诣修炼层次 题目12 康德的审美鉴赏理论除了从质、量、关系还有
选择一项:A. 状况 B. 形状 C. 环境 D. 情状 题目13 《诗的艺术》这部诗体文艺理论著述出自
选择一项:A. 布瓦洛 B. 圣·艾弗蒙 C. 康德 D. 黑格尔 题目14 李渔主张戏曲创作要“结构第一”,他提出的开场要提示全剧,“小收煞”即上半部结尾要有
选择一项:A. 伏笔 B. “机趣” C. 冲突 D. 悬念 题目15 如果我们将
选择一项:A. 康德 B. 克罗齐 C. 黑格尔 D. 泰纳 题目16 从求美与求真、求善、求利具有根本性区别的认识出发,提出审美活动是超功利、非认识、无目的而合主观目的性、且具有像知识判断一样的普遍有效性的理论的是
选择一项:A. 克罗齐 B. 黑格尔 C. 泰纳 D. 康德 题目17 伊瑟尔与
选择一项:A. 姚斯 B. 海德格尔 C. 胡塞尔 D. 伽达默尔 题目18 博学多才,著述丰厚,在哲学、逻辑学、伦理学、美学、等诸多学科领域都有卓越的建树,现存著作主要有《逻辑学》、《修辞学》、《形而上学》、《自然科学》、《伦理学》、《政治学》、《诗学》等,是西方思想史上最伟大的人物之一,被恩格斯誉为古代“最博学的人”是
选择一项:A. 亚里士多德 B. 柏拉图 C. 贺拉斯 D. 布瓦洛 题目19 黑格尔的《美学》是对其“绝对理念”运动到“精神阶段”早期的表现形态的论述。在他看来,“
选择一项:A. 美 B. 模仿 C. 表现 D. 形状 题目20 表现人的精神生活的艺术”中,尤其是文学中有三组原素,它们是人物性格、遭遇与事故、风格,持这一主张的是法国著名的文艺理论家,被老师预言为“为思想生活”的人
选择一项:A. 拉封丹 B. 伊瑟尔 C. 泰纳 D. 韦勒克 题目21 简要说明李渔“浅处见才”通俗戏曲观表现在哪些方面? 答:第一、题材的通俗性;第二、曲文的通俗性;第三、科诨的通俗性;第四、舞台的通俗性。
题目22 简要说明亚里士多德关于悲剧定义“完整”的解释? 答:(1)情节的完备。这在形式上表现为由开端、发展、结局三个部分组成。
题目23 与以往的文学理论相比,伊瑟尔的审美反应理论,其创见性和启示意义表现在哪里? 答:综观伊瑟尔的审美反应理论,其从“语用学”和“功能主义”的立场出发研究文学的性质,将文学作品看作是“艺术极”的本文与“审美极” 的读者体验之相互作用的产物,是富有创见性和启示意义的。既往的文学理论,从古希腊的摹仿说到现代的形式主义,普遍地是着眼于客 观现实与文学的关系、或作家与文学的关系、文学本文与语言的关系,来认识文学的本质、成因和构成的,并且在宇宙“一元论”观念的支 配下,它们大多将对立双方之间的关系看作是单向的决定与被决定的关系,将文学视为或是某种实体事物的虚幻影像、感性显现,或是目 的在自身的唯美存在、绝对自足的封闭体。这其中虽不乏“片面的真理性”,但偏颇是严重深刻的。伊瑟尔的理论立足于读者与文学的关系, 同时以“互动论”取代了“一元论”,无疑开辟了文学研究的新天地,是领悟和掌握了辩证法的真谛,让人看到了曾被忽略、遮蔽、否定然而真 实存在且起着重大作用的东西。我们当然可以说也应当实事求是地说,这是文学研究历时演进的客观必然,也是文学从“独语”式走向“对话” 式创作向理论研究发出的诉求的必定回应,但对伊瑟尔的个人作用我们仍应给予高度的和充分的肯定。他对现象学美学(以茵加登为主)理论的批判性接受,对阐释学理论的积极借鉴和吸取,还有对完形心理学以及精神分析学的合理引进和发挥,对这些理论学说的融会贯通 的运用,可以说都显示了他是那“历史必然性的要求”的积极承担者,对文学理论研究做出了继往开来的重要贡献。不仅如此,从批评实践 来说,他提出的语用学方法,独创的“隐含的读者”、“召唤结构”、“游移视点”、“空白”等概念,具有分析和解读作品的积极指导意义,人们 据此可以从文学的世界中看到或发掘出更为丰富的东西。其对于创作来说,亦不无具有启示和裨益。当作家在创作中能够“胸怀读者”,并 能以与读者“平等对话”的理念指导创作,而不是以“导师”、“工程师”、“牧师”、“说教者”自居,其创作必然比运用其它任何方式都更能打动读 者,为读者所喜爱。当然,伊瑟尔的读者反应理论只能看作是对“作品-读者”关系的发现认识,它并不能取代过去在其它关系中建立起来 的各种理论。文学是一个复杂的人类精神产品,本然存在于由历史和现实之各种关系构成的网络之中,因而它允许或诉求对之的各种角度、 方位、层面、关系的观照研究,只要某一认识不宣称是对它的“唯一”真理性的认识就行。伊瑟尔并无这种以“真理终结者”自居的自以为是。
不过,他仅以西方18世纪以来的小说、特别是批判现实的那一类小说作为其理论研究的对象,显示出其视野的偏狭和思考问题的局限性, 这减弱了他的理论的说服力。同时,他只是以其个人的阅读体验之反思认识来“推论”一般读者的阅读反应活动,而未作必要的、广泛的社 会阅读心理之“田野调查”,或者说未吸收这方面的实验调查成果,使其理论不仅充满形而上的抽象和晦涩味道,难以让人读懂,而且其发 现亦显得可疑,虽然其研究方法和一般结论性认识值得称道和应予肯定 题目24 课程线索梳理。
要求回答以下几个问题:1.教材十八讲内容所涉及中国文论家、西方文论家的代表人物都是谁? 2.中国文论和西方文论涉及的主要理论观点各举例八种;3.本课程理论学习给你印象最为深刻的理论观点是什么?你认为最实用的或最有指导意义的理论观点有哪几个? 答:1、教材十八讲内容所涉及中国文论家是姚斯,西方文论家的代表人物是沃尔夫冈、伊瑟乐,被称为“双子星座”。
3、在学习《文论专题》这门课程中,给我印象最为深刻的理论观点就是司空图的“韵味说”, “像外之象”“景外之景”“韵外之致”“味外之旨”合称“四外”,共同构成了司空图“韵味”说的基本内容。司空图在《与李生论诗书》中提出“韵味”说。“江岭之南,凡是资于适口者,若醯,非不酸也,止于酸而已;若鹾,非不咸也,止于咸而已。华之人以充饥而遽辍者,知其咸酸之外,醇美有所乏耳。”以比喻来说诗,认为作为诗歌的原始材料或咸或酸都有味,而只有诗歌才具有“醇美”之味;“醇美”之味来源于咸酸而又有别于咸酸,“醇美”之味在咸酸之外,比咸酸更高级更美妙。这种“醇美”之味,又称之为“韵外之致”、“味外之旨”。
题目 韦勒克、沃伦关于评价文学的具体标准有那些内容? 答:第一包容性或多样性。
题目 韦勒克、沃伦认为科学语言与文学语言有哪些区别? 答: 1.科学语言与文学语言 韦勒克、沃伦认为科学语言是“直指式的”:“它要求语言符号与指称对象一一吻合”,同时这种语言符号“完全是人为的”,它可以被相当的另一种符号所代源替;以及它是“简捷明了的,即不假思索就可以告诉我们它百所指称的对象”。此外,“科学语言度趋向于使用类似数学或符号逻辑学那种标志系统”,即它追求成为一种“世界性的文字”。与科学语言比较起来,文学语言则显现出如下特点:多歧义性。
2.日常语言相对于文学语言 日常语言相对于文学语言来说没有质的差异,但是在量的方面却显现出区别。知这个区别、主要有三点:文学语言对于语源的发掘更加用心而有系统性。
题目 简要说明李渔的戏曲结构的四点具体主张? 答:第一、“立主脑百” 第二、“减头绪” 第三、“脱窠臼” 第四、“密针线” 《高级英语阅读(1)》网络课答案 形考任务一(70分)Chapter 1 Exercise(分值7分)题目1 I. Vocabulary skills(3 points)Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word on the right with the correct definition on the left. (0.5 points each) 1.the bus or subway 2.proof of completion of courses of students 3.money for students from scholarships, grants, or loans 4.formal talks by professors or instructors on subjects of study 5.courses by video, video conferencing, or computers to students in different places 6.the points or grade a student gets on a test 答案: II. Reading Comprehension (4 points) Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each ) Experiencing Culture Shock A When Eliza James arrived at the University of Xian, she was excited to live in a new country, to improve her Chinese, and to experience a culture so different from her own. But soon her excitement turned to frustration as she encountered one roadblock after another. “I felt like I couldn't accomplish anything. My dorm room had no heat, I couldn't get into the classes I wanted, and every time I asked someone for help they gave me the runaround. I felt like no one was listening to me.“ Eliza met with administrators, sent letters of complaint, and even contacted the consulate in Beijing, but she got nowhere. What Eliza didn't realize was that her American approach to solving problems was very different from the Chinese one in which patience and negotiation skills are key. She soon learned how to solve problems within the cultural norms of Chinese society instead of forcing her own values onto those around her. “I finally feel like I fit in and that I know what I'm doing. In fact, it's really fun being in a place that's so incredibly different from what I am accustomed to.“ B Yoshi Yamamoto is a junior at a small college outside of Boston. Although he is an honors student now, Yoshi didn't always have such an easy time studying in America. “Teaching methods are very different here than they are in Japan. It took me a long time to get used to learning in seminars and discussing ideas with my classmates. At first it seemed like I wasn't actually learning anything.“ Yoshi's reaction was to totally withdraw: he didn't participate in class discussion; he spent lots of time alone in his room, and he even skipped class on occasion. “I thought I could teach myself. Now I recognize the value of the U.S. academic system, and I am able to adapt it to my own learning style.“ C Both Eliza and Yoshi experienced what is called culture shock: psychological disorientation due to living in a new culture. For many international students, studying abroad can offer exposure to new cultures and an opportunity to study new fields and languages. However, it also offers the greater challenge of trying to function in a foreign culture. Studying and reading about a certain culture is poor preparation for the reality of living in it. According to psychological studies, the four stages of culture shock are 1. euphoria, 2. hostility, 3. gradual adjustment, and 4. adaptation. Culture shock can be manifested in many ways: homesickness, boredom, stereotyping of or hostility towards the host culture, overeating or overdrinking, withdrawal, and inability to work effectively. D Different people experience different levels of culture shock and react in different ways. For example, Eliza got angry while Yoshi withdrew from society. The most important thing to remember is that culture shock is normal; it is not something to be ashamed of. Luckily, there are some things international students can do to make their adjustment to a new country go more smoothly. For instance, they can stay in touch with family and friends from home, join international student organizations, meet people from their own countries, and get involved in campus activities. Most importantly, they can adjust to life abroad by keeping a sense of humor and trying to remain positive. Recognizing Paragraph Topics(choose the paragraph letter)题目2 7. an explanation of culture shock 选择一项:A. A B. B C. C D. D 题目3 8. ways that students can adjust to living in a new country 选择一项:A. A B. B C. C D. D 题目4 9. the experience of an international student in the United States 选择一项:A. A B. B C. C D. D 题目5 10. the experience of an international student in China 选择一项:A. A B. B C. C D. D Chapter 2 Exercise(分值7分)题目1 I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Sometimes examples can explain the meaning of a word or phrase. For example, sun, rain, and wind are examples of kinds of weather. Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word or phrase in the first column with the examples in the second column. (0.4 points each) 1.kinds of extreme weather 2.Earth’s natural materials and gases 3. diseases or health disorders 4. seasons of the year 5. natural areas or regions of the earth 答案: II. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B or C. (1 point each) Seasonal Affective Disorder: More than Just the Blues A Joshua dreads the winter months, not only because of the cold New England weather--the sleet, snow, wind, and rain--but because as the seasons change from summer to fall to winter, the days get shorter. As the days get shorter, he starts feeling depressed and irritable and spends more and more time at home, eating and sleeping. A graduate student in philosophy, Joshua finds that he gets little work done during the winter months and has trouble paying attention in class and concentrating on his research. “I soon realized that what I thought was just the 'winter blues' was something more extreme than that.“ Josh visited a doctor who diagnosed him with SAD. B Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a kind of depression that occurs seasonally. It is associated with the long hours of darkness and lack of sunlight during the winter months (people with SAD usually feel worse from December through February). Scientists don't completely understand the exact causes of SAD, but they believe it is related to a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the basic part of the brain that controls the body's breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, and hormone release. The effects of SAD include moodiness, irritability, low energy, increased appetite for carbohydrates (foods such as potatoes, rice, and bread), difficulty concentrating, and the tendency to oversleep. C Although doctors described SAD for the first time in 1984, humans have probably dealt with the disorder for thousands of years. It is not a coincidence that many cultures have important celebrations during the short days of the winter months. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice celebrations all occur in December. These celebrations involve lighting candles in order to bring light, warmth, and happiness to an otherwise depressing time of year. D So what can SAD sufferers do to feel better? Naturally, they need more light. For people who have mild cases of SAD, exercising in the morning sun could be enough to help them. Phototherapy, or light therapy, is usually prescribed for people who have more serious cases of the disorder. In light therapy, patients sit in front of a light box, a strong artificial light, for up to four hours a day. Phototherapy is effective in over 80% of SAD cases, and patients usually see results within three to four days. Although the symptoms of SAD are similar to those of clinical depression, traditional antidepressants have not proven useful in treating SAD. While psychological counseling cannot treat the symptoms of SAD, it is recommended to help SAD sufferers learn to accept and deal with their illness. 题目2 6. Joshua starts feeling depressed and irritable in the winter because
选择一项:A. he gets little work done B. he suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder C. he is a graduate student in philosophy 题目3 7. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a condition that researchers believe affects people during the winter months. Scientists believe it is caused by
选择一项:A. breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, and hormone release B. moodiness, irritability, loss of energy, increased appetite, difficulty concentrating, and sleepiness C. lack of sunlight and a biochemical imbalance in the brain 题目4 8. Humans have probably struggled with SAD since
选择一项:A. ancient times B. December C. 1984 题目5 9. People who suffer from SAD can
to feel better. 选择一项:A. do light therapy B. take antidepressant drugs C. eat carbohydrates 题目6 10. This passage talks about_____. 选择一项:A. what the SAD effects are B. Both A and B. C. how to help SAD suffers Chapter 3 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each ) Fast food can be good food Many people are too busy to prepare and eat three nutritious meals a day.so they turn to the convenience of fast-food restaurants. Many of the items at fast-food restaurants, snack bars, and food stands are fattening and not very nutritious.But fast food doesn’t have to be unhealthy.you can eat at fast-food restaurants and still eat well. Pay Attention to Calories and Fat Content By paying attention to the number of calories and fat that a food item has ,you can make smarter choices.Calories are “units for measuring how much energy a food will produce”.condsider two fast-food meals. A quarter-pound hamburger with cheese, jumbo-size fries,and a 16-ounce soda have a total of 1,535 calories and 76 grams of fat .a broiled (cooked under direct heat or over a flame )chicken sandwich ,a side salad with low-fat dressing,and a glass of water at the same fast-food restaurant have only 422 calories and 7 grams of fat .but maybe you really want a hamburger and fries .well,you can have a small hamburger,a small serving of fries,and a glass of water.At a total of 490 calories and 20 grams of fat,that’s still a much smarter choice than the large burger ,fries,and 20 grams of fat ,that’s still a much smarter choice than the large burger,fries,and sada. There’s More That You Can Do There are a few additional things you can do to make sure you eat well in fast food restaurantS.First of all,say “no” when the cashier asks you if you want to “supersize” you meal (order an extra large portion of each item).Second, ask for no mayonnaise or sauce,or ask for it on the side (in a separate dish).Third,substitute(use something instead of something else)healthy foods for fatty ones. For example,instead of ordering deep-fried tempura,order fresh vegetables.Instead of ordering a beef burrito with lots of cheese and sour cream,order a vegetable burrito with beans and rice.and don’t eat the chips!Another thing you can do is order a side salad or a vegetable soup and eat it first.That way,you will eat some vegetables,and you won’t be able to eat as much of your burger and fries.Fnally,eat slowly and stop eating when you’re full. It sounds simple,but many people keep eating even after they become full. 题目1 1.What is the main idea of this article ?________ 选择一项:A. It’s smart to eat foods with low calories and fat content. B. Fast food is always bad for you . C. You can eat well in fast-food restaurant D. Fast-food restaurants are the best the place to find healthy foods . 题目2 2.A small hamburger and small firies has __________ 选择一项:A. more calories and fat than a chicken sandwich and a salad. B. the same amount of calories and fat as a chicken sandwich and a salad. C. fewer calories and fat than a chicken sandwich and a salad. D. the same amount of calories and fat as a large portion of fries. 题目3 3.Some things you can do to eat well in fast-food restaurants are________ 选择一项:A. ask for eatra manyonnaise and sauce and say no to “surpersizing” . B. order a vegetable burrito instead of chips and eat sour cream . C. order smaller portions and eat all the food you order. D. order healthy foods instead of fatty ones and drink water. 题目4 4.Manyonnaise and sauces probably_________ 选择一项:A. make you eat less because they make you feel full sooner. B. make you eat more because they make your food taste better. C. have a lot of fat and calories. D. don’t have a lot of fat and calories. 题目5 5. By eating a salad or soup before the rest of your meal,_______ 选择一项:A. you eat less of the rest of your meal. B. you eat more slowly. C. you get full sooner. D. you eat the rest of your meal more quickly. II. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. (0.4 points each) 题目6 changes damaging losing global
available The growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are 6 damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood, rice, and vegetables, the typical Japanese diet now includes large amounts of meat, dairy products, and desserts like tiramisu, a rich Italian dish full of chocolate, cheese, and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers, such 7 changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. On the other hand, the changing 8 global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the CzechRepublic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially, so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast, fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely 9 available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren, and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons, fewer Czech men are having heart attacks, the women are 10 losing a lot of weight, and most people are living healthier lives. Chapter 4 Exercise(分值7分 I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)题目1 Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right. (0.4 points each) 1.make sense 2.pedestrians 3.vehicle 4.teenager 5.fine 答案: II. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (1 point each) These days, it’s getting easier and easier to find your way around. Some people have GPS devices in their cars to make sure they don’t get lost. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. These devices use satellites in space to “see” where you are and give you directions to where you want to go. And if you don’t have a GPS device, you can simply go online to get step-by-step directions. Websites like MapQuest.com and mappoint.msn.com can produce a map and directions in just a few seconds. But how do they do it? MapQuest® uses data (information) from a few different sources to produce directions and maps. Before MapQuest® went online, it sold regular paper maps in places like gas stations. The website uses the data from those paper maps, information from digital mapping companies, and government databases. At the moment, MapQuest® uses more than 30 computers to read all this data and provides users with millions of maps every day. In order to find the best route (way or path) from one place to another, MapQuest® first has to look at all possible routes. Then MapQuest® looks at each part of each possible route. It considers the types of roads on the different routes. Are they dirt roads, paved roads, freeways, or city streets? It looks at how many turns there are in each route and what kinds of turns they are. Are they right turns or left turns? It also considers the speed limit on each road and how many intersections there are. An intersection is “a place where two or more roads cross each other”. MapQuest® can also tell you how long your trip will take you. It does this by doing some math. MapQuest® bases its estimated driving times on the length and speed limit of each part of the route and the amount of time it probably takes to get through each intersection. For example, it allows more time for a left turn at an intersection than it does for a right turn. Someday, maybe we will have cars that can just drive us wherever we want to go, but for now, mapping websites make it a little harder to get lost. 题目2 6.What is the main idea of this article? 选择一项:A. Why mapping websites don’t work well. B. Why mapping websites are better than paper maps. C. How mapping websites work. D. How the first mapping website started. 题目3 7.According to the article, MapQuest®______ 选择一项:A. started as maker of government databases. B. started as an Internet company. C. uses millions of computers to read data. D. starting by selling paper maps. 题目4 8.When you search for directions, the first thing MapQuest® does is_______ 选择一项:A. consider how many turns you want to take. B. print out a map and directions. C. estimate driving time. D. look at all possible paths. 题目5 9.When it’s deciding on the best route, MapQuest® probably chooses ________ 选择一项:A. the route with the most turns. B. dirt roads instead of paved roads. C. freeways instead of dirt roads. D. city streets instead of freeways. 题目6 10. To estimate your driving time, MapQuest® considers _________ 选择一项:A. the distance between turns on your route. B. the speed limit for half of the route. C. the fastest and slowest speed limits on your route. D. the speed limits and types of turns on your route. Chapter 5 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Read the five main-idea questions that follow about the information in the reading. Three details correctly answer each question. Cross out the untrue, unrelated detail. (1 point each ) 题目1 1. What are the definitions of the two main types of families? 选择一项:A. Human beings lived in loosely-related groups. Each group had a common ancestor long time ago. B. The nuclear family consists of two parents and their biological or adopted children. C. The extended family may include grandparents, parents, children and relatives living together on the same street or in the same area. D. The nuclear family is the same as the extended family. 题目2 2. What are the reasons for the changes in the structure of the family? 选择一项:A. The divorce rate went down and the birthrate began to rise in the early 1900s in the United States. B. Couples did not want many children then. C. In the early 1900s in the United States, the divorce rated went down and the birthrate went down. D. At that time, couples were staying married for few years. 题目3 3. What happened to families in industrialized countries in the 1930s and 1940s? 选择一项:A. Before and during World War II, families faced few financial problems and women didn’t have to work away from home. B. Men were at war, so women had to work outside the home. C. Before and during World War II, families had problems. D. Families had serious financial problems during World War II. 题目4 4. What changes will happen to family structure during the next decades? 选择一项:A. Divorces would be fewer, mothers would stay at home after the war. B. Children began living at home longer. C. After the war, family structure changed back. D. After the war, there were more divorces and fewer stay-home-mothers. 题目5 5. What will families be like in the future? 选择一项:A. Many people want the traditional two-parent family back. B. Two-parent family will probably come back and all other family forms will end. C. Unmarried parents with adopted or foster children, and one-person households. D. There may be more single-parent families. II. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. ( 0.4 points each) 题目6 living extended category typical believe The Family of the Future Many people today would like the traditional two-parent family back—that is to say, they want a man and a woman to marry for life; they also think the man should sport the family and the woman should stay home with the children. However, few families now fall into this 6 category In fact, if more women decide to have children on their own, the single-parent household may become more 7 typical than the traditional family in many countries. Also, unmarried couples may decided to have more children—or they might take in foster children or adopt. And because people are staying single and 8 living longer (often as widows), there may be more one-person households in the future. On the other hand, some people 9 believe similar events happen again and again in history. If this is true, people may go back to the traditional 10 extended or nuclear family of the past. Others think the only certainty in history is changing: in other words, the structure of the future family could begin to change faster and faster—and in more and more ways. Chapter 6 Exercise(分值7分)I. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (0.4 points each)题目1 1. Some examples of the architecture of old Europe are the magnificent cathedrals and castles. The design and building styles of modern architecture are excellent too. What does the noun architecture mean in these sentences? 选择一项:A. the place with significant civilization everywhere B. people that study the culture of old Europe and other societies C. the art and science of designing the study of classical literature D. the form and plan of buildings and other structures 题目2 2. Perhaps the real beginning of civilization—with its scientific and technological discoveries and inventions—was in the Middle East and Africa. Over five thousand years ago, those ancient civilizations had astronomy, mathematics, medicine, government, and so on. Which word is a synonym of the word civilization? 选择一项:A. technology B. cathedral C. culture D. astronomy 题目3 3. The cultural legacy of ancient Chinese and Indian peoples included walled cities, the first governments, tools for work, and weapons for protection. odern peoples built on this legacy.What is a possible explanation of the word legacy? 选择一项:A. ideas and achievements passed from earlier generations to modern society B. a gift of money that somebody gives to another person C. international business conducted in cities and government structures D. the state or condition of being legal; not against the law 题目4 4. “For me, the idea of ancient culture creates a contradiction in definitions,” said Karen, going against Mei’s views. “Only modern things can be part of culture.Of course, people that like classical art and music will contradict me.” What might the noun contradiction mean? 选择一项:A. the opposition of two opinions B. wearing a Hawaiian shirt in an ancient culture C. the short forms of two words together D. to put words together 题目5 5. Because of the worldwide media—movies, TV, CDs, the Internet, newspapers, magazines—everybody knows the same information, plays the same music, and enjoys the same jokes.How might you define the phrase the media? 选择一项:A. the combination of visual, sound, and printed ways to send ideas around the world B. communication styles include motions, gestures and facial expressions C. the tradition of being in the middle—not on the extremes of possible views D. events that appear in the daily news and that everyone knows about II.Reading Comprehension (5 points) Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for True and “F” for False. (1 point each)题目6 Many visitors to different countries don’t realize how important it is to understand a country’s culture. Sometimes people learn this lesson by making a big cross-cultural blunder, or embarrassing mistake. In business situations, these blunders can cost a lot of money or end business relationships. 6.It is important to understand other people’s cultures before you do business with them. 选择一项:A. F B. T 题目7 For example, one company wanted to sell toothpaste in Southeast Asia. In their advertisements, they claimed that their toothpaste whitens teeth. They didn’t understand that many of the local people chewed betel nuts to make their teeth black, and that these people thought black teeth were attractive. 7. The toothpaste company probably kept using the same advertisement in Southeast Asia. 选择一项:A. F B. T 题目8 In another case, a car company tried to sell a car called “Matador” in a Spanish-speaking country. The company thought that it was a strong name because it means “bullfighter”. In Spanish, matador is indeed a noun meaning “bullfighter”. But it is also an adjective meaning “killing”. Imagine driving around in a car called “Killing”! 8. The car company that tried to sell a car to a Spanish-speaking country probably didn’t sell many Matador cars in that country. 选择一项:A. F B. T 题目9 A European businessman had an important meeting with a company in Taiwan. He wanted to bring gifts for the people he was meeting with. He thought that something with his company’s logo on it would be a nice gift. So he bought some very nice pocket knives and had his company’s logo printed on them. He didn’t know that giving a knife as a gift symbolizes cutting off a friendship! 9. The European businessman probably researches new cultures before he visits them now. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目10 It’s very easy to make blunders like these people did. But it’s also very easy not to. Before you visit a new country, research that country’s customs and etiquette (social rules for polite behavior). You can find a lot of information online. Just go to a search engine and type in key words like “cross-cultural etiquette” or “cultural information Taiwan”. By spending a few minutes doing research, you can save yourself from a lot of embarrassment and make sure you don’t accidentally offend anyone. 10. What you can disagree with people to save yourself from making cross-cultural blunders. 选择一项:A. T B. F Chapter 7 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for True and “F” for False on the Answer Sheet. (1 point each) 题目1 For instance, a doctor doesn’t always have time to thoroughly explain an illness. In these cases, the Internet can be a valuable resource—a place to read all about the causes, symptoms, and remedies for an illness. 1. One benefit of using the Internet as a medical resource is it has a lot of information about illnesses and diseases. 选择一项:A. F B. T 题目2 For example, some websites claim that sniffing (smelling) a newspaper can cure nausea (the feeling of being sick to your stomach and wanting to vomit). 2. One possible remedy for nausea is drinking a lot of tea. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目3 Other websites suggest that a person with a cold should keep a piece of raw garlic in his or her mouth all day and bite down on it every few minutes to release the juice. People with smelly feet are told to soak their feet in tea for half an hour. 3. The websites remedies might be unpleasant or odd, but they probably will cause harm. And who knows? They might actually be unhelpful. 选择一项:A. F B. T 题目4 An herbal remedy for helping your memory may also be a blood thinner. So if your doctor prescribed (put you on) a blood thinner and you start taking this herb without asking your doctor about it, a simple cut could be deadly; you might not be able to stop bleeding. 4. A person who is taking a prescribed drug should probably talk to the doctor before taking an herbal remedy. 选择一项:A. F B. T 题目5 The bottom line is this: be careful when using the Internet as a health resource. Use it to find information that you can discuss with your doctor. But don’t spend a lot of money on “miracle cures”. 5. The best way to use the Internet as a medical resource is to read about your illness and discuss what you find out with your doctor. 选择一项:A. T B. F II. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. ( 0.4 points each) 题目6 disease substance classification prevent figure In a small-town farm market, hundreds of elderly people drink a glass of sour dark cherry juice every day. These happy senior citizens, some of them over the age of 90, claim that the natural fruit juice cures—or at least decreases—the pain of their arthritis, a 6 disease of the joints of the aging body. It’s a folk remedy, not a proven medical therapy. Nevertheless, science is beginning to 7 figure out why sour cherry juice might work to improve the health of patients with arthritis. The secret is in the 8 substance that gives the cherries their dark red color. It belongs to a 9 classification of natural nutrients that color blueberries, strawberries, plums, and other fruits—and vegetables too. Moreover, these coloring substances may help to 10 prevent serious health disorders like heart disease and cancer. In other words, vitamins and fiber are not the only reasons to eat fruits and vegetables. “To take advantage of natural whole foods,” advise nutritionists. Chapter 8 Exercise(分值7分)I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. ( 0.4 points each) 题目1 1.At all hours, the media offer language learners “real-life” audio visual instruction and practice in aural comprehension. 选择一项:A. hospital and health information B. understanding spoken language C. the answers to test questions D. real-life experience 题目2 2. High-quality TV programming —a good plan of shows about various fields of study—can increase people’s knowledge and improve their thinking abilities. 选择一项:A. scientific and medical shows B. movies with good music C. academic lecture courses D. choice and organization of shows 题目3 3. Television and video provide almost everyone with good entertainment—a pleasant way to relax and spend free time at home. 选择一项:A. amusement or pleasure B. freedom from worry and tension C. relaxation through exercise D. fun through serious study 题目4 4. Images of violence on the screen scare people, giving them terrible nightmares when they sleep. 选择一项:A. dark, stormy weather B. bad conditions C. physical disabilities D. behavior that hurts people 题目5 5. The talk shows of “trash TV” make instant “stars” of real people with strange or immoral ideas, who tell their most personal secrets, shout angrily, and attack one another. 选择一项:A. valuable programs B. negative effects C. shows without quality D. normal life stories II. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Complete the following sentences by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (1 point each) A Everyone makes mistakes, or so the saying goes. But have you ever heard about mistakes in Hollywood? When most people think of Hollywood, they think of blockbusters (very successful movies), high-paid actors, glitz, and glamour. But according to one Website, many Hollywood movies are full of mistakes. Some are technical errors. For instance, in a scene of the science-fiction adventure film The Matrix, when the main character steps out of his car, the viewer can clearly see the camera crew in the car window. In another scene, the same character is typing on his computer, yet the computer screen is blank. Other movie mistakes are historical. For example, the epic Gladiator, an Oscar winner, is known for having lots of historical errors. Throughout the movie, the gladiator Maximus refers to his home in Spain, and the other characters call him “the Spaniard.“ However, in 180 A.D., when the movie takes place, Spain as a country or even as a concept didn't exist yet. At another point in the movie, Maximus says that his homeland of Spain has “the best horses.“ But horses weren't brought to the Iberian Peninsula until the invasion of the Moors (North Africans) in 711 A.D, more than 500 years after the movie takes place. The historical drama Titanic, another Oscar winner, also has its share of historical blunders. The Titanic sunk in the year 1912. So why is one of the characters wearing a digital watch? In fact, movie watchers have found over 100 mistakes in The Matrix, Gladiator, and Titanic. Can you think of any errors in your favorite films? B How susceptible are you to advertising? Has a TV commercial or magazine ad ever made you buy the product that was advertised? If so, perhaps you have been subjected to subliminal advertising. Subliminal advertising is a kind of advertising that appeals to the subconscious. The word “subliminal“ comes from the Latin “sub“ meaning “lower,“ “beneath,“ or “under,“ and “limen“ meaning “threshold,“ (the level at which something begins to happen). Thus, subliminal advertising stimulates your brain at a level below conscious perception. You cannot see, hear, or perceive subliminal ads, but they may affect you just the same.
There are two main types of subliminal ads. The first involves flashing messages quickly during a commercial or film. The messages appear and disappear so rapidly that the mind cannot process them consciously, but it might receive them passively, at a subconscious level. James Vicary, a market researcher, first introduced this kind of subliminal advertising in 1957 when he flashed the words “Eat Popcorn“ and “Drink Coca-Cola“ every five seconds during a movie. The messages couldn't be seen, yet Vicary claimed that the moviegoers' brains could perceive them: Coke sales went up by 18% and popcorn sales by over 50%. More recently, the same type of subliminal advertising was used in a negative ad for a political campaign. In the ad, the word “rats“ flashed up briefly during the part of the ad describing one party's healthcare plan. The purpose was to associate that opposing party with the negative word “rats.“ The second kind of subliminal advertising involves hiding or incorporating images into visual advertisements. A well-known example is on a package of a famous brand of cigarettes. Some say that if you look closely you can see the image of a man who is sexually aroused. In fact, a lot of subliminal advertising involves sex, coming from the idea that “sex sells.“ One media researcher claims that everything from crackers to alcohol to soda has used subliminal sexual imagery to appeal to buyers.
Although studies show that consumers believe strongly in the power of subliminal ads, no one can prove the effects of subliminal advertising. Psychologists and others who study subliminal stimuli have not been able to show that subliminal advertising actually works. Many advertising researchers believe that traditional ads, in which a powerful image is used to sell a product, are more effective than subliminal advertising. All the same, it still remains a controversial topic, one that is on the mind of buyers and sellers alike. 题目6 6. What is the best title for the Paragraph A? 选择一项:A. The Success of Hollywood: Movie Madness. B. Hollywood Bloopers: Mega Movie Mistakes. C. History or Hollywood? Hollywood Interprets Famous
Historical Events. 题目7 7. What is the best title for the Paragraph B? 选择一项:A. The Effect of Advertising on the Human Brain. B. Sex Sells: This History of Sex in Advertising. C. Subliminal Advertising: What Is It? Does It Work? 题目8 8.The Moors invaded Spain ______ the movie Gladiator takes place. 选择一项:A. before B. after C. since 题目9 9. Another word for mistake is ______. 选择一项:A. error B. blunder C. A and B 题目10 10.The subconscious is the part of the brain that _______. 选择一项:A. passively notices and remembers information B. actively notices and remembers information C. does not notice or remember information Chapter 9 Exercise(分值7分)I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)题目1 Which of the words below contain a prefix with a negative meaning? Choose N. Choose X for the words without negative meanings. ( 0.4 points each) discourage 答案 N disrespect 答案 N illustrate 答案 X instant 答案 X illegal 答案 N II. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D.
(1 point each) Meeting the Perfect Mate What is the best way to meet the perfect husband or wife? I am continuing to interview students on campus trying to answer this question for my sociology class. So far, people have mentioned arranged matches, discos and bars, computer dating services, and personal ads. One guy even said he thought supermarkets were the best places to meet women. I guess you can talk a lot about a head of lettuce! I decided to go to the school cafeteria to interview some people there. “I think date cafés are the best way to meet people,“ said my friend Rahul. “Date cafés? What's that?“ I asked. “Well, a date café is both a café and a dating service. You go to the café, order a cup of coffee or whatever you want, and look through people's profiles. Then, if someone interests you, you can send him or her an email and arrange a date at the café. You can also fill out your own profile and have people email you. The form asks you about everything from looks, to interests, to religion. The date café is a relaxed way to make contacts.“ “Are there many of them
around?“ I asked. “Hmm. Well, there's one near campus called Drip. In fact, I had a Drip date just last week,“ said Rahul. “Drip! But isn't that a word that's used to describe someone who is dull and boring? It doesn't sound too promising.“ “Yeah, well it's funny you say that, because my date was pretty uninteresting. She barely talked at all, and she kept looking down at her coffee mug.“ “Well, what about a mail order bride?“ said Rahul's roommate, Joni. “A what?“ I asked. “A mail order bride. You know, you search for your wife in a catalog and the next thing you know you're married. With the Internet it's easier than ever,“ she said. “Ugh, that sounds awful.“ I said. “Have you ever met anyone who has done that?“ “Yes, my uncle did it. His marriage ended a year later. The truth is, I'm against it. Usually the women come from poor countries and don't know what they're getting into. My uncle's wife had a really hard time adjusting and went back to her country as soon as they split up.“ “I think mail order is out. Any other suggestions?“ “I find
that meeting people through classes or extracurricular activities is a good idea,“ said Michelle. “For instance, I signed up for a Japanese cooking class, both because I like Japanese food, and because I thought I might meet someone nice with similar interests.“ “And did you?“ “Yeah, I made lots of friends: Sumi, Katrina, Mariah...no guys, though. The class was 90% women. In fact, now that you mention it, the same thing happened with the salsa class, the pottery class and my Tai Chi class. I met a lot of nice women, but I definitely did not find the man of my dreams.“ Last I interviewed a couple in the library. “Friends“ they said. “We met through friends. It's the best way to find the perfect mate.“ “Really,“ I said. “And why is that?“ “Well, your friends usually know what you like. And also, you know the person is someone you can trust, not like meeting someone in a bar or a supermarket. For instance, we met because Chris's lab partner thought we would really get along.“ “Yeah, Scott and I met, and I immediately liked
him. I emailed him and it took him three months to email me back!“ “Well, I'm a little shy, but it eventually worked. Here we are, a year later and still together.“ “Well that's the best story I've heard yet, “ I said. But if I've learned one thing in this study, it's that meeting someone special, no matter how you do it, is difficult.“ 题目2 6.If you interview someone, you __. 选择一项:A. ask him/her a lot of questions B. ask him/her to fill out a form 题目3 7. A person's profile probably __. 选择一项:A. shows a picture of the person B. tells something about the person 题目4 8. A drip is __. 选择一项:A. a kind of computer dating service B. a dull, boring person 题目5 9. If something is awful, it's __. 选择一项:A. interesting and unusual B. unpleasant and bad 题目6 10. If you and your mate split up, you __. 选择一项:A. end your relationship B. get engaged Chapter 10 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Choose “T” for True and “F” for False. (1 point each ) 题目1 Competition in
Olympic sports is supposed to be fair. However, in judged sports, fairness is impossible. Therefore, judged sports should be banned from the Olympic games. A judged sport is any sport that requires judges to determine a winner. For example, gymnastics, figure skating, half pipe (snowboarding), and diving are all judged sports. 1.The writer believes judged sports should be eliminated from the Olympics. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目2 Why do I believe that judged sports should be eliminated from the Olympics? First of all, judges don’t see everything. For example, a mistake in figure skating can happen in a fraction of a second. If a judge blinks or looks away for a moment, he or she might miss the mistake and give the skater a higher score than the skater deserves. 2.One reason that judged sports should not be allowed in the Olympics is that judges can have different opinions. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目3 Second, two judges can disagree about which athlete gave the best performance. In sports in which the difference between gold and silver is usually a few hundredths
of a point, this kind of subjectivity is unacceptable. Can anyone really say with certainty that a gymnast who receives a score of 9.825 is a better gymnast than one who scores 9.823? 3.One argument against banning judged sports from the Olympics is that people should stop arguing about it. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目4 A lot of people claim that judged sports are subjective and should not be allowed in the Olympics. They feel that only sports that are measured objectively for things like speed, such as swimming, track, and skiing, should be allowed because judges can’t be objective and fair. I disagree with these people. Why? I believe that no sport is 100% fair and objective. 4. The writer here believes all sports are objective. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目5 Some athletes may win because their equipment is better than their opponents’ equipment. For example, in the 2000 summer Olympics, some swimmers wore controversial high-tech suits. The maker of the suit claimed that the fabric could make a swimmer 3% faster. No one could prove that this was true, but they couldn’t prove that it
wasn’t true either. 5. The equipment can be one reason that decides athletes’ sports scores. 选择一项:A. T B. F 题目6 II. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Match the following vocabulary items on left with their possible explanations on right. ( 0.4 points each) co-worker contribute promotion progress intermission 答案: 形考任务二(30分)破冰行动(所属章:Guidelines;分值5分;需要教师批阅)讨论区 异国特色食谱(所属章:Chapter 3;分值5分;需要教师批阅)讨论区 身边的家庭模式(所属章:Chapter 5;分值5分;需要教师批阅)讨论区 新闻采访稿(所属章:Chapter 8;分值5分;需要教师批阅)互动评价 网上表现(所属章:所有章节;分值10分;需要教师批阅)