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八年级下英语课件《I'll help to clean up the city parks》 (8)_人教新课标

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I’ll help clean up the city parks 教学目标 [ Language Goals ] Learn to offer help and learn some phrasal verbs. 学会提供帮助和学习一些短语动词。 I.单词学习[ Word Study] : 1. hunger n. 饥饿 hungry adj. 饥饿的 In Africa, many children die of hunger. 在非洲很多孩子死于饥饿。 You must be hungry after the long walk. 走了这么远的路,你肯定饿了。 2. home n. 家 adv 在家 homeless adj. 无可归家的 He left home at the age of twelve. 他在十二岁时就离开家了。(名词) Is there anybody at home? 家里有人吗? (名词) Come in, please. Make yourself at home. 请进,不要拘束。(名词) He went home after school. 放学后他回家了。(副词) I stayed at home / stayed home last Sunday. 上周日我呆在家里了。 (第一个是名词,第二个是副词) In the big fire, hundreds of people became homeless. 在那次大火中,数以百计的人变得无家可归。 3. sign n. 迹象,招牌,手势 vt 签名,打手势,示意 There’s no sign of life on the moon. 在月球上没有生命的迹象。 Please look at the sign on the door. 请看门上的招牌。 She gave us a sign to leave the room. 她示意我们离开房间(如用手指门)。 If you want to volunteer at the old people’s home, please sign your names on the paper. 如果你想去老年之家去做志愿者,请在这张纸上签名。 The policeman signed him to stop the car. 警察示意他停车。(如打手势) 4. major adj. 主要的,重大的;v 主修(大专院校的)科目 They have met major problems. 他们遇到大问题了。 He went to college and majored in English and management. 他上了大学并主修英语和管理。 5. coach n. 四轮马车(尤指旧时载客的) vt. 训练某人(尤指为参加考试或比赛) Have you heard of the famous football coach? 你听说过那位著名的足球教练吗? He is coaching a swimmer for the Olympics. 他正在训练准备参加奥运会的游泳运动员。 Mr. Li is coaching Li Lei in math. 李老师正在辅导李雷数学。 6. repair , fix, mend  这三个词都可以译为“修理”。但fix一词在美语 中应用更为广泛。fix和repair一样,常用于“修理” 或“安装”钟表、收音机、照相机、电视机和汽车、 机床等大型物体。repair还常用于修理堤坝、道路和建 筑物等。 例如:fix / repair a watch修理手表 fix/repair a car 修理汽车 fix/repair a radio 修理收音机 repair a road / bridge 修公路/桥梁 mend一般用于“修补”衣服、鞋袜,“修理”雨伞和 桌椅等物体上的裂缝、破洞等。例如: mend shoes 修鞋 mend the hole in the coat 缝补大衣上的破洞 mend a broken table 修补破损的桌子 以上是本单元的部分词汇的用法,下面我们来学习本 单元的重点词组和短语。 II. 重点词组 [ Important Phrases ] : 以前我们常听老师讲“动词短语”,在本单元出 现了大量的“短语动词”。下面我们来学习什么是 “动词短语”,什么是“短语动词”呢?   “动词短语”是由“不及物动词+介词”构成。 因为有些动词是不及物动词(即后面不能直接接名词 或代词的动词),若要接名词必须在其后加一个介词。 例如: live in a room 住在一个房间, talk to sb / talk with sb. 与某人谈话, work with sb 和某人一起工作, study with a group 和小组一起学习 , concentrate on sth 精力集中在…等等。 “短语动词”是指动词和副词或介词连用,形成短语 形式的动词,即整个短语是作动词使用的,如果去掉 副词或介词,就没有要表达的意思。 例如: look for 寻找, take after 长的像…, put off 延期, look after 照看, hear from 收到…的来信, get on上车, get off下车, turn off关掉电源 等等。 下面是本单元的词组(前面带星号的为短语动词): Section A : *1. clean up (把……) 打扫干净;梳理整齐 2. would like to do 想 / 愿意做某事 *3. cheer up sb / cheer them up 使某人 / 他们振奋(高兴)起来 4. help sb. with sth. / help sb. (to ) do sth 帮助某人某事 / 做某事 *5. give out sth. / give it out 分发某物,发放某物 *6. give away sth. / give them away 赠送 / 分发 7. an after-school study program 课外学习活动 *8. come up with (针对问题等)提出; 想出 *9. put off sth / doing sth 推迟;拖延 *10. write down / put down / take down 记下, 写下 *11. hand out 发放, 分发 12. ask / tell sb. (not) to do sth 叫 /告诉某人(不)干某事 13. let sb. do sth 让某人干某事 14. make sb + adj. / do sth 使某人…… / 干某事 *15. think up 想出(主意,办法) 16. volunteer one’s time to do sth 自愿花时间干某事 17. put … to good use 充分利用…… 18. at a local elementary school 在当地的一所小学 19. an after-school care center 一个课后看护中心 20. plan to do 计划干某事 21. leave school / start school 毕业 / 开始上学 22. sb. spends time with sb. / doing sth 花时间和某人在一起 / 干某事 sb. spends money on sth / doing sth 花钱买…… 23. an animal hospital 一所动物医院 24. a professional singer 一名职业歌手 25. learn sth / much / more about 学到 / 了解一些 / 很多 / 更多关于…… *26. set up 建立, 创立, 开办 27. coach a football team 训练一支足球队 Section B: *28. run out of 用完,耗尽,花光 *29. take after sb. (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母)相像 *30. fix up 修理, 修补 31. be similar to sb / sth 与……相似  32. try to do / try doing 尽力做……/ 尝试做某事 * 33. put up 张贴 * 34. ask for 请求, 索取 * 35. call up 打电话 36. tell sb. about sth 告诉某人关于某事 * 37. work out 结果, 按某种方式发展   以上是本单元的主要词组及用法,下面我们来学 习本单元的重点句子。 III.重点句子: 1. I’d like to help kids with their schoolwork. 我想帮孩子们功课。 ( P60 1b ) would like 表示“想要,愿意”,是一种较委婉礼貌的说法, 有以下句型: A.(1) would like +名词 / 代词 ----What would you like ? ----I’d like some tea, please. ----你想喝 / 要什么? ----我想喝点茶。 (2) would like to do sth “想做某事” I’d like to see your new bike. 我想看一看你的新自行车。 (3) would like sb to do “想让某人做某事” I’d like you to meet him at the airport. 我想让你去机场接他。 B. help sb. with sth / (to) do sth 帮助某人某事 / 做某事 Can you help me with the housework? 你能帮我做一下家务吗? He can help me (to) carry the box upstairs. 他可以帮我把箱子搬到楼上。 2. We need to come up with a plan. 我们需要想出一个计划。 ( P61 2b ) A. need + 名词 / to do sth 需要… / 做某事 I need enough time to do the work. 我做这项工作需要足够的时间。 Teenagers need strict rules. 青少年需要严格的规章制度。 He needs to spend time with his friends. 他需要花时间和朋友在一起。 B. come up with “想出,提出(答案、主意、解决办法等)”,是短 语动词。 You are always coming up with good ideas. 你总是能想出好主意。 3. We can’t put off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now. ( P61 2b ) 制定计划这件事我们不能再拖延了,“清洁日”离 现在只有两个周了。 A. put off “推迟,拖延,延期”,是短语动词。off是 副词。如果宾语由名词充当,可放在off之前或之后; 如果宾语由代词充当,则该代词应放在put off之间, 不可以放在off之后。 例如: They had to put off the sports meeting because of the bad weather. 因为天气不好,他们推迟了运动会。 The professor who will give a speech is ill, so we have to put it off. 要来作报告的教授病了,所以我们得推迟这次报告。 If you don’t feel well, you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor. 如果你感觉不舒服,不要拖,赶快去看医生。 B. two weeks from now “距离现在有两个周”,还可以说 “in two weeks’ time”,两周以后的时间。 例如: His mother’s birthday is three weeks from now / in three weeks’ time. 他妈妈的生日距离现在还有三周的时间。 4. We could each call up ten people and ask them to come. ( P61 2b )我们可以每人给十个人打电话叫他们来。 A. call up “打电话”,是个短语动词。用法和put off 一 样,如果宾语由名词充当,可放在up之前或之后;如 果宾语由代词充当,则该代词应放在call up之间,不 可以放在up之后。 例如: We will call up six students to help us with the cleaning. 我们将给六名同学打电话叫他们来帮着大扫除。 Have you called him up?你给他打电话了吗? B. ask sb. to do / not to do “叫某人做某事 / 不做某事”, 例如: The teacher asked you to be here before seven tomorrow. 老师叫你明天七点之前到这里。 Mother asks me not to hang out in the street after school. 妈妈叫我放学后不要在街上闲逛。 5. He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up. 他看上去很难过,我们让他振作起来吧。 ( P61 Grammar Focus ) A. look 是系动词“看起来”,常见的系动词有:sound “听起来”, feel “摸起来”, taste “尝起来”, smell “闻 起来”, be, get “变得”, become “变得”等。 系动词后常接形容词或名词。 例如: What he said sounds interesting. 他所说的听起来很有趣。 That sounds a good idea. 听起来是个好主意。 This kind of paper feels soft. 这种纸摸起来很软。 The dish smells delicious. 这道菜闻起来很香。 He became / got angry when he heard this. 当他听到这个后,他变的很生气。 B. cheer up 也是个短语动词,意思是“使振作,使高 兴起来”,用法如同 put off。例如: She failed the math test. We have to find a way to cheer her up. 她数学考试没及格。我们得想办法让她高兴起来。 6. We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people. ( P61 Grammar Focus ) 我们打算建一个食品库来帮助那些饥饿的人们。 A. set up “建立,开办,创办”,也是短语动词例如: The school was set up in 1980. 这所学校是1980建立的。 B. to help hungry people 是动词不定式短语,在句子中 作目的状语。动词不定式短语在句子中常作目的状 语。例如: He went to the airport to meet his uncle. 他去机场接他叔叔。 I got up early this morning to catch the early bus. 我今天早晨起的很早为了赶早班车。 7. Being a volunteer is great. 做一名志愿者很伟大。 ( P62 3a ) being a volunteer 是个动名词作主语。 例如: Reading aloud can help you with the problem. 朗读可以帮你解决这个问题。 8. These three students all volunteer their time to help other people. ( P62 3a ) 这三个学生都奉献出他们的时间来帮助其他人。 volunteer one’s time to do “自愿花时间干某事” The old man often volunteers his time to help the kids. 那位老人经常自愿花时间帮助那些孩子们。 9. Hui ping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. ( P62 3a ) 惠萍喜欢看书,通过在当地一所小学的课后看护中 心的工作,她的爱好有了用武之地。 A.句中的第一个love是动词,第二个love是名词。作动 词时后接名词、代词、不定式(to do) 及动名词 (doing),接不定式(to do) 和动名词(doing)没有太大的 区别 。 例如: He loves soccer while I love basketball. The old man loves to read newspapers after breakfast. She loves listening to music. love作名词时表示“爱,热爱,爱好”,是不可数名词, 后面常接介词“for, of, to”。 He has a great love for music. 他非常爱音乐。 She shows great love of her motherland. 她对祖国表现出极大的爱。 B. by doing sth “靠干……的方法”,by是介词,后接 名词或动名词(doing)。 I learn English by reading a lot. 10.He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital. ( P62 3a ) 他每个星期六上午都在一所动物医院工作。 sb. spends / spent time with sb / doing sth 某人花时间和某人在一起 / 干某事 sb. spends / spent money on sth / doing sth 某人花钱买…… sb. pays / paid money for sth 某人花钱买……/ 付……的帐 sth costs / cost sb. money 某物花某人……钱 It takes / took sb time to do sth 干某事花某人……时间. 例如: When I was a child, I used to spend a lot of time with my grandmother. 在我小时候我过去常常花很多时间和我祖母在一起。 昨天晚上她花了两个小时做作业。(有以下2种说法 ) She spent two hour doing her homework last night. It took her two hours to do her homework. 他花了五百元买那辆新自行车。(有以下3种说法 ) He spent 500 yuan on the new bike / buying the new bike. He paid 500 yuan for the new bike. The new bike cost him 500 yuan. 11. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. ( P62 3a ) 帮助别人不仅使我感觉很好,而且我还可以把时间用在我喜欢 做的事情上。 not only…but (also)…表示“不但…而且…”。 使用这个词组时要注意: A. (1)not only…but (also)… 连接主语时,谓语动词必须和靠近的主语一致,叫“就近原则”。 Not only he but (also) I am going to attend the meeting. Not only you but also he has passed the exam. (2) not only…but (also)… 在连接其他成分时,这两个部分的形式必须一致,叫“并列形 式或平行结构”。 例如: He can not only play the piano well but (also) play basketball well. (并列谓语)他不但钢琴弹的好而且篮球打的也棒。 She loves not only Chinese but (also) English.(并列宾语) 她不但喜欢语文而且喜欢英语。 We can have dinner not only at school but (also) at home. (并列状语---介词短语) 我们即可以在学校吃晚饭也可以在家吃。 (3) Not only 放在句首,它引导的句子要倒装,因为是否定形式 (在英语中,否定词开头,句子都会倒装),但but (also)引导的 句子不倒装。例如: Not only can she speak French well, but (also) she loves English. 她不但法语说的好,而且她也喜欢英语。 Not only has he been to Australia, but (also) he has made plenty of friends there. 他不但去过澳大利亚,而且在那里交了很多朋友。 B. get to do “慢慢做到,逐渐干……”。 例如: How did you get to know him? 你是怎样认识他的? I got to love them as old friends. 我渐渐的爱他们就像爱朋友那样。 12. I’d like to join the school volunteer project, but I’m not sure what I should do. ( P62 3c ) 我想参加学校志愿者计划,但我不把握我该做什么。 A. be sure of / about sth 确信,有把握 be sure to do sth 一定,肯定 be sure (that) / what / when / where的 宾语从句,等等。 You are sure of a warm welcome. 你一定会受到热烈欢迎的。 I’m not sure about / of his coming . 我不能确定他会来。 His answer might be right but I’m not sure about it. 他的答案可能对,但我没把握。 You are sure to pass the test if you study harder. 如果你学习再刻苦一些,你肯定会通过考试的。 Can we be sure that he is honest? 我们能相信他是诚实的吗? I’m not sure what I should wear to the party. 我不能确定该穿什么衣服去参加晚会。 I’m not sure when / where I last saw him . 我不能确定上一次见他是什么时候/在何处。 B. what I should wear 是what引导的宾语从句,可以简化成what to wear,由疑问 词what加不定式构成,来作宾语。 例如: I don’t know what I should do. = I don’t know what to do. I don’t know which I should choose.= I don’t know which to choose. I don’t know how I should do it. = I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know when I should start. = I don’t know when to start. I don’t know where I should go. = I don’t know where to go. 左边的都是带有宾语从句的复合句;右边的都是由疑问词加不 定式构成的简单句。 13. What kind of work do you think I should do? (P64-4) 你认为我该做什么样的工作? do you think是个插入语,将它的前后相连,后面的部 分应该用陈述语序。 例如: Which do you think I should choose? 你认为我该选哪个? Where do you think he has gone? 你认为他上哪里去了? When do you think he will be back? 你认为他什么时候回来? 14. I’ve run out of it. I don’t have more of it. ( P63 1a ) 我把它用/花光了。我再没有这个东西了。 run out of“用完,耗尽”,由“动词+副词+介词”构成的短语动 词。 例如: I have run out of money. Would you please lend me some? 我的钱已经花光了,你能借我一些吗? 15.I take after my mother. I’m similar to my mother. 我长得像我妈妈。我和我妈妈很像。 A. take after是“动词+介词”构成的短语动词, 表示在“外貌、性格”等方面与父母相像。 Larry takes after his father in being kind and friendly. Larry在善良和友好的品质方面很像他父亲。 B. be similar to “与…相似,相像”。 例如: The two boys are twins.They are similar to each other. 这两个男孩是双胞胎,他们彼此很相像。 16. Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. ( P64 3a ) 上周,所有的人都试图让吉米----修自行车的男孩高兴起来。 这里的the Bike Boy是Jimmy的同位语,来解释或说明Jimmy是 谁。 Johnson , the famous athlete in America, is coming to visit China next week. 约翰逊,美国著名的运动员,下周要来中国访问。 17. He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. ( P 64 3a ) 他张贴出一些告示来收集旧自行车,还打电话把 他的困难告诉他的朋友们。 A. put up是“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,表示 “张贴” 的意思。 例如: You are not allowed to put up advertisements on the walls. 不允许你在墙上张贴广告。 B. ask for 也是短语动词,由“动词+介词”构成,意 思 是意思是“要求,索取,请求”。例如: You could ask your parents for money if you want to buy the new bike. 如果你想买这辆新自行车,你可以向你的父母要 钱。 18.He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. ( P64 3a ) 他甚至在本地的一家超市里发广告。 A. hand out也是短语动词,由“动词+副词”构成, 意思是“散发,分发”。 例如: The teacher handed out the new books out to the students. 老师把新书发给学生们。 B. hand out 还可以表示“拿出,取出”的意思。 例如: The man handed out his passport and showed it to the policeman. 那个人拿出他的护照给警察看。 19.The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. ( P64 3a ) 他提出的方案结果证明很有效。 A.这个句子是个带有定语从句that he came up with 的一个复合 句 。主句是The strategies worked out fine. that he came up是 一个定语从句,修饰前面的the strategies。 例如: The house that my grandfather lives in was built twenty years ago. 我爷爷住的那座房子是二十年前建造的。 B. work out 也是个短语动词,由“动词+副词”构成, 意思是“结果为,到最后,结局,按某种方式发 展”。 如:How will everything work out? 事情将成什么样子呢? Things work out quite well. 事情的结果很不错。 C. 句中的fine是副词。 例如:The time suits me just fine. 那个时间对我很合适。 20. He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give them to children who don’t have bikes. ( P64 3a ) 现在他有16辆自行车去修理并要把它们捐给那些 没有自行车的孩子们。 A. to fix up是个不定式短语作定语修饰bikes。fix up 也是短语动词,由“动词+副词”构成,意思是 “修 理,安装,修补”。 例如: He was fixing up his bike when I saw him. 当我看到他时,他正在修理自行车。 B. who don’t have bikes 是一个定语从句,修饰前面的 children。 例如: The students who are playing soccer are my classmates. 在踢足球的那些学生是我的同学。