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学英语简单吗?肯定会有许多学生说:“难死了”。‎ 为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 ‎ 一、多“说”。 ‎ 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,也不用刻意去记,用的多了,这个单词自然而然就会记住。千万别把学英语当成负担,始终把它当成一件有趣的事情去做。 ‎ 或许你有机会碰上外国人,你应大胆地上去跟他打招呼,和他谈天气、谈风景、谈学校……只是别问及他的年纪,婚史等私人问题。尽量用一些你学过的词汇,句子去和他谈天说地。不久你会发现与老外聊天要比你与中国人谈英语容易的多。因为他和你交谈时会用许多简单词汇,而且不太看重说法,你只要发音准确,准能顺利地交流下去。只是你必须要有信心,敢于表达自己的思想。 ‎ 如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 ‎ 二、多“听” ‎ 寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 ‎ 三、多“读”。 ‎ ‎“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 ‎ 四、多“写” ‎ 有的同学总是抱怨时间紧,根本没时间写作文。其实“写”的形式很多,不一定就写作文才提高写作能力。比如写下你一天中发生的一些重要的事情,或当天学了某一个词组,你可以创设一个语境恰如其份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,又可以锻炼你的写作能力,比如学“wish”一词时,可写一小段如下: ‎ The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor. ‎ 只几句话:但wish的几种用法已跃然纸上,这样写下来印象会深刻得多,这样比死记硬背wish的用法也有趣轻松的多。 ‎ 学习英语不用花大块的时间,10分钟的散步可以练"说",吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,睡前听几分钟英语,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。 ‎ 背英语单词技巧 ‎ ‎1、循环记忆法 ‎ 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 ‎ 人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从"记"到"忆"是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。 ‎ 雅思阅读题目出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,笔者将从这三方面根据学生课堂笔记进行分类整理。以下是剑桥真题中的考点词,替换词,一次多义总结: 1.rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 僵硬的,一成不变的 ‎ 2.significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial/ 巨大的,明显的,程度大的/substantial 3.approximately 将近-nearly, almost 4.proportion/ percentage 比例 5.be involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement [n.] 涉及,卷入,参与 6.given/ considering , in regard to / despite/ although 有鉴于 考虑到,尽管 6.induce [v] 引入,引导,引诱/ inductive [n] 归纳 >< deduce /deductive推断 7.fortune/ destiny/ chances 8.deplete 开采完,耗尽/ exhaust –exhaust emission (尾气)排放/‎ ‎ exploit 9.complex 错综复杂的/ complicated/ sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,复杂的 10.capacity能力,容量/ competence (竞争)能力/ ability 能力(笼统的) 11.确保,保障:Secure-security/ ensure (insure)/ guarantee 押金 12.solely/ merely/ only 13.a vast array of 系列/ a great variety of 花样,品种/ a great rang 系列 of 14.pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder杀人 15.believe/ assume (responsibility)/ suppose 16.授权,委托:authorize/ commission 佣金/ entitle 头衔 + ment =right (权利) 17.purchase/ buy 18. ethnic 种族的/ ethic 伦理,道德的 + s =[n ] 19. modify/ change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n] 20. insight/knowledge/ learning/ understanding/ knowing 21.constrain拘泥,限制/ restrict 限制/ limit 22. circumstance 环境(社会 )/ surroundings/ environment 环境( 环保 )背景 background 后台 / settings后台,布景/ context 上下文( 文章中 ) 23.notorious 臭名昭著的/ flagrant臭的>generate 生产,制造/ degrade ->grade 等级/ deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下 41. 分类:category-categorize/ class-classify 42. consequence后果->影响/ subsequence紧跟其后/ sequence=order秩序/ frequency频率 43.clash 冲突(民族,种族)/crash 飞机坠毁 44. substitution=> substitute sth for sb /replace 45.alternative=> 选择性,代替性,辅助性 46.孤立:isolate/ alienate/insulate隔绝, 排外,孤立->be alien to/insulate (-ior) 绝缘,隔热(体) 47.缺点,不足之处:defect/ flaw/ failing/ disadvantage /drawback 48.创新的,发明的,新颖的,创新的:inventive (-tion)/ innovative (-tion)/ creative (-tion)/ ingenious (ity)/novel (-ty) =>[n]/creative/revolutionary 易错拼写:environment/ convenient 49.neutral 中立的,中性的 /negative 否定,消极,阴性的 /positive 肯定,积极,阳性的 50.ambiguous->ambiguity 模棱两可的,暧昧的/obscure 51.communicate 沟通,传达,通报 52.accommodate 1供...食宿,2=adapt to 适应,调整,3=hold ‎ 容纳,4使…停靠 53.commitment 1 ~ to sth 奉献 2 责任,义务 54.contribute to 导致 ~ result in /account for (占据)导致 54.缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/ insufficient/ deficient/lack (of)/ short (of) 55.强调:emphasize/ stress/ highlight/ focus on/ concentrate on ‎ 学英语简单吗?肯定会有许多学生说:“难死了”。‎ 为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 ‎ 一、多“说”。 ‎ 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,也不用刻意去记,用的多了,这个单词自然而然就会记住。千万别把学英语当成负担,始终把它当成一件有趣的事情去做。 ‎ 或许你有机会碰上外国人,你应大胆地上去跟他打招呼,和他谈天气、谈风景、谈学校……只是别问及他的年纪,婚史等私人问题。尽量用一些你学过的词汇,句子去和他谈天说地。不久你会发现与老外聊天要比你与中国人谈英语容易的多。因为他和你交谈时会用许多简单词汇,而且不太看重说法,你只要发音准确,准能顺利地交流下去。只是你必须要有信心,敢于表达自己的思想。 ‎ 如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 ‎ 二、多“听” ‎ 寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 ‎ 三、多“读”。 ‎ ‎“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 ‎ 四、多“写” ‎ 有的同学总是抱怨时间紧,根本没时间写作文。其实“写”的形式很多,不一定就写作文才提高写作能力。比如写下你一天中发生的一些重要的事情,或当天学了某一个词组,你可以创设一个语境恰如其份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,又可以锻炼你的写作能力,比如学“wish”一词时,可写一小段如下: ‎ The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor. ‎ 只几句话:但wish的几种用法已跃然纸上,这样写下来印象会深刻得多,这样比死记硬背wish的用法也有趣轻松的多。 ‎ 学习英语不用花大块的时间,10分钟的散步可以练"说",吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,睡前听几分钟英语,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。 ‎ 背英语单词技巧 ‎ ‎1、循环记忆法 ‎ 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 ‎ 人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从"记"到"忆"是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。 ‎ 在信息的处理上,记忆是对输入信息的编码、贮存和提取的过程,从信息处理的角度上,英文的第一次学习和背诵只是一个输入编码的过程。人的记忆的能力从生理上讲是十分惊人的,它可以存贮1015比特(byte,字节)的信息,可是每个人的记忆宝库被挖掘的只占10%,还有更多的记忆发挥空间。这是因为,有些人只关注了记忆的当时效果,却忽视了记忆中的更大的问题--即记忆的牢固度问题,那就牵涉到心理学中常说的关于记忆遗忘的规律。 ‎ 一、艾宾浩斯记忆规律曲线解释 ‎ 德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,1850-1909),他在1885年发表了他的实验报告后,记忆研究就成了心理学中被研究最多的领域之一,而艾宾浩斯正是发现记忆遗忘规律的第一人。 ‎ 根据我们所知道的,记忆的保持在时间上是不同的,有短时的记忆和长时的记忆两种。而我们平时的记忆的过程是这样的: ‎ 输入的信息在经过人的注意过程的学习后,便成为了人的短时的记忆,但是如果不经过及时的复习,这些记住过的东西就会遗忘,而经过了及时的复习,这些短时的记忆就会成为了人的一种长时的记忆,从而在大脑中保持着很长的时间。那么,对于我们来讲,怎样才叫做遗忘呢,所谓遗忘就是我们对于曾经记忆过的东西不能再认起来,也不能回忆起来,或者是错误的再认和错误的回忆,这些都是遗忘。艾宾浩斯在做这个实验的时候是拿自己作为测试对象的,他得出了一些关于记忆的结论。他选用了一些根本没有意义的音节,也就是那些不能拼出单词来的众多字母的组合,比如asww,cfhhj,ijikmb,rfyjbc等等。他经过对自己的测试,得到了一些数据。 ‎ 然后,艾宾浩斯又根据了这些点描绘出了一条曲线,这就是非常有名的揭示遗忘规律的曲线:艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,图中竖轴表示学习中记住的知识数量,横轴表示时间(天数),曲线表示记忆量变化的规律。 ‎ 这条曲线告诉人们在学习中的遗忘是有规律的,遗忘的进程不是均衡的,不是固定的一天丢掉几个,转天又丢几个的,而是在记忆的最初阶段遗忘的速度很快,后来就逐渐减慢了,到了相当长的时候后,几乎就不再遗忘了,这就是遗忘的发展规律,即"先快后慢"的原则。观察这条遗忘曲线,你会发现,学得的知识在一天后,如不抓紧复习,就只剩下原来的25%)。随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度减慢,遗忘的数量也就减少。有人做过一个实验,两组学生学习一段课文,甲组在学习后不久进行一次复习,乙组不予复习,一天后甲组保持98%,乙组保持56%;一周后甲组保持83%,乙组保持33%。乙组的遗忘平均值比甲组高。 ‎ 二、不同性质材料有不同的遗忘曲线 ‎ 而且,艾宾浩斯还在关于记忆的实验中发现,记住12个无意义音节,平均需要重复16.5次;为了记住36个无意义章节,需重复54次;而记忆六首诗中的480个音节,平均只需要重复8次!这个实验告诉我们,凡是理解了的知识,就能记得迅速、全面而牢固。不然,愣是死记硬背,那也是费力不讨好的。因此,比较容易记忆的是那些有意义的材料,而那些无意义的材料在记忆的时候比较费力气,在以后回忆起来的时候也很不轻松。因此,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线是关于遗忘的一种曲线,而且是对无意义的音节而言,对于与其他材料的对比,艾宾浩斯又得出了不同性质材料的不同遗忘曲线,不过他们大体上都是一致的。 ‎ 因此,艾宾浩斯的实验向我们充分证实了一个道理,学习要勤于复习,而且记忆的理解效果越好,遗忘的也越慢。 ‎ 三、不同的人有不同的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线--个性化的艾宾浩斯 ‎ 上述的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线是艾宾浩斯在实验室中经过了大量测试后,产生了不同的记忆数据,从而生成的一种曲线,是一个具有共性的群体规律。此记忆曲线并不考虑接受试验个人的个性特点,而是寻求一种处于平衡点的记忆规律。 ‎ 但是记忆规律可以具体到我们每个人,因为我们的生理特点、生活经历不同,可能导致我们有不同的记忆习惯、记忆方式、记忆特点。规律对于自然人改造世界的行为,只能起一个催化的作用,如果与每个人的记忆特点相吻合,那么就如顺水扬帆,一日千里;如果与个人记忆特点相悖,记忆效果则会大打折扣。因此,我们要根据每个人的不同特点,寻找到属于自己的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线 ‎ ‎2》如何学英语 ‎ 下定决心,坚持不懈 ‎ 英语学习作为一门语言技能,通过大量的训练和练习任何人是可以掌握的。一般地说,英语学习的原则是听、说领先,读、写跟上。李扬的疯狂英语提倡,首先建立起我能学好英语的信心,然后以句子为单位,大量地模仿,疯狂地操练,大声地朗读,最后达到自如地说英语,他的方法对提高说英语的能力很奏效。‎钟道隆 教授45岁开始学英语,一年后,学成出国当口语翻译,并创造了逆苦恼、逆急于求成、逆速成的逆向学习英语的方法。他还提出学习英语要遵循听、写、说、背、想的方法,他的方法强调以听为主,并且把所听到的内容全部写下来。尤其是他的学习精神最可佳,他学习英语用坏了十几台录音机,你可想象他听了多少英语;用完的圆珠笔芯几乎装满了一个一拉罐,你可想象他写了多少,在一年半内,累计业余学习英语时间大约三千小时,也就说每天抽出几个小时来学英语。如果我们做到他那样,一定也能学好英语。最重要的是坚持,只要能下定决心,坚持每天至少一个小时的学习英语,战胜自我最后肯定会有收获的。 ‎ 注意方法,循序渐进 ‎ 决心下定,还注意学习方法,有时根据自己的情况和不同的学习目的,选择不同的学习方法,但是学习英语一定要踏踏实实地、一步一个脚印地走。要把基础知识掌握好,也就是说,发音要正确、基本词汇要掌握牢、基本句式要熟练、基本语法要会用。 ‎ ‎(1)要过好语音关。把每一个音标发正确,注意改正有问题的音素,特别是那些容易混淆的音素,尽早地掌握国际音标,并尽量的掌握一些读音规则,尽快地能利用读音规则来拼单词,掌握读音规则对单词的记忆和拼写非常有用。 ‎ ‎(2)掌握一定数量的英语单词。对于学习者来说掌握英语词汇是一难关,学习单词要从单词的形、音、义这三方面去掌握,要注意单词的一词多义,一词多类的用法,要学会一些构词法的知识,来扩展词汇量。学习单词要在语言材料中去学,要结合词组,通过句子,阅读文章来活记单词,死记的单词是记不牢的。坚持在读、说前,先反复听,听的时候反应单词、句子的意思和节奏,想一下单词的拼法、句子结构。并要同学习语法规则有机结合起来进行。 ‎ ‎(3)掌握好基本语法。语法在学习英语中也很重要,它能帮助我们把握住英语的基本规律,通过例句或语言现象把死的语法规则要记住,活的规则要通过做大量的练习掌握。总之学习英语要通过听、说、读、写、译来进行操练,不但要注意数量,更重要的是要注意质量,尤其是基本知识要掌握的准确,熟练。只有经过大量的实践,才能做到熟能生巧,运用自如。 ‎ 提前预习,有的放矢 ‎ 作为学生,在每次上课前,都要对要学的课文提前预习。首先在音标的帮助下试着拼读单词,也可以借助配套磁带反复听,对比一下,把握不准的要标出来,注意上课老师的发音,还要记一下单词的汉语意思和词性。借助课文的注释或辅导材料,预习一遍课文,找出不明白的地方,做到心中有数,在教师讲课时注意听这些地方。总之,预习的目的是熟悉要学的内容,找出不明白的地方,带着问题听课,做到有的放矢。 ‎ 认真听课,积极配合 ‎ 课堂是老师与学生一起学习、掌握、运用知识的主要场所。作为起主导作用的老师一方引导学生搞好课堂教学是很必要的,但也需要学习者的积极配合。上课要专心听讲、作好笔记、认真操练、积极思考。预习时出现的问题在课堂上教师没有讲到的,要向老师提出,把问题搞清楚,老师讲授的问题,先注意听,下课后整理一下笔记,反复思考一下这些问题,抓住老师所讲的重点,难点和考点。总之,上课时要做到耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,调动起多个感官来。 ‎ 完成作业,找出问题 ‎ 学完每一课,要认真完成课后作业。做作业时一定不要看参考书上题的答案,做完后再对答案,对于作业中所出现的不明白的问题,应该记下来,等下次上课时提出来。做作业是英语学习的很重要的环节,它是消化知识和巩固知识的过程,一定要认真完成规定的作业,笔头作业要动一动笔,口头作业要动一动嘴,提高听力要练一练耳,课文在听和读的基础上,最好背诵某些精彩段落。总之,要做大量的练习,英语是练出来的, 一定不要偷懒。 ‎ 及时复习,巩固知识 ‎ 学会了的东西随着时间的流逝会逐渐遗忘,但学语言有遗忘现象是正常的。更不必因为有遗忘现象而影响自己学好英语的信心与决心。问题在于怎样来减轻遗忘的程度。善于类比,总结知识,把新学的知识同过去学的有关的知识进行横向和纵向比较和联系。建立错误档案记录,加深印象,以避免再反同样错误。我们大部分知识和技能是靠重复获得的,及时复习对于记忆非常必要,学英语就是要坚持天天不断的练,不断地重复基本句型,常用词汇和基本语法等。学习英语的过程也是同遗忘做斗争的过程。 ‎ 总而言之,只要你能做到下定决心学,注意学习方法,把课前预习,认真听课,完成作业,及时复习这些环节作好了,你一定能够学好英语 ‎ ‎ 初三系列复习资料(17)阅读理解的考点集汇,讲解和训练 ‎ 十七、阅读理解及其解题方法 ‎【考点扫描】‎ 阅读理解能力的培养是中学英语学习的一项重要任务,也是中考的一项重要内容。中考阅读理解题主要考查学生的语篇阅读能力、分析和判断能力。要求学生能较快地通过阅读理解短文大意,获取其中的主要信息,能做出正确判断,然后根据试题的要求从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳答案或做出正误判断。文章的难易程度和初三课文基本相同,要求阅读速度为每分钟40-50个词。‎ 中考阅读理解的阅读材料的选取一般遵循三个原则:‎ ‎1. 阅读文章不少于三篇,阅读量在1,000单词左右;‎ ‎2. 题材广泛,包括科普,社会,文化,政治,经济等;‎ ‎3. 体裁多样,包阔记叙文,说明文,应用文等。‎ 中考阅读理解考查的主要内容是:‎ ‎1. 考查掌握所读材料的主旨和大意的能力。‎ 此类考查主旨和大意的题大多数针对段落(或短文)的主题,主题思想,标题或目的,其主要提问方式是:‎ ‎(1) Which is the best title of the passage?‎ ‎(2) Which of the following is this passage about?‎ ‎(3) In this passage the writer tries to tell us that______.‎ ‎(4) The passage tells us that______.‎ ‎(5) This passage mainly talks about_______.‎ ‎2. 考查把握文章的事实和细节的能力。‎ 此类考查事实和细节的题目大多数是针对文章的细节设计的,其主要提问方式是:‎ ‎(1) Which of the following is right?‎ ‎(2) Which of the following is not mentioned?‎ ‎(3) Which of the following is Not True in the passage?‎ ‎(4) Choose the right order of this passage.‎ ‎(5) From this passage we know ________.‎ ‎3. 考查根据上下文猜测生词的含义的能力。‎ 此类猜测词义的题目要求考生根据上下文确定某一特定的词或短语的准确含义。其主要提问方式是:‎ ‎(1) The word “ ” in the passage probably means ________.‎ ‎(2) The underlined word “It” in the passage refers to _______.‎ ‎(3) In this story the underlined word “ ” means ________.‎ ‎(4) Here “it” means________.‎ ‎4. 考查对阅读材料全篇的逻辑关系的理解,对文章各段,各句之间的逻辑关系的理解能力。‎ 此类题目主要考查的是句语句之间,短语短之间的逻辑关系,其主要提问方式是:‎ ‎(1) Many visitors come to the writer’s city to ________.‎ ‎(2) Some shops can be built Donfeng Square so that they may _____.‎ ‎(3) Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because _____.‎ ‎(4) Why did the writer get off the train two stops before Vienna station?‎ ‎5. 考查依据短文内容和考生应有的常识进行推理和判断的能力。‎ 此类题目文章中没有明确的答案,需要考生再理解全文的基础上进行推理和判断。其主要提问方式是:‎ ‎(1) We can guess the writer of the letter may be a ______.‎ ‎(2) We can infer from the text that _______.‎ ‎(3) From the letters we’ve learned that it’s very _____ to know something about American social customs.‎ ‎(4) From the story we can guess ______.‎ ‎(5) What would be happy if …?‎ ‎6. 考查推断作者意图和态度的能力。‎ ‎(1) How did the writer feel at Vienna station?‎ ‎(2) The writer writes this text to ______.‎ ‎(3) The writer believes that ______.‎ ‎(4) The writer suggests that ______.‎ ‎【名师解难】‎ ‎ 明确了阅读理解题的考查要点以后,我们现在来研究破解阅读理解题的方法和技巧。‎ ‎1.如何获取段落的主旨和大意?‎ ‎ 最有效的办法是找出主题句。一篇文章(或一段文章)通常都是围绕一个中心意思展开的。而这个中心意思往往由一个句子来概括。这个能概括文章或段落中心意思的句子叫做主题句。因此,理解一个段落或一篇文章的中心意思首先要学会寻找主题句。主题句一般具有三个特点:‎ ‎(1)表述的意思比较概括,相对其主句来看,这种概括性更为明显。‎ ‎(2)句子结构较简单,多数都不采用长、难句的形式。‎ ‎(3)段落中其它的句子必定是用来解释、支撑或发展主题句所表述的主题思想。‎ 在一篇短文或一个段落中,大部分主题句的情况有三种:‎ ‎(1)主题句在段首或篇首。‎ ‎ 主题句在段首或篇首的情况相当普遍。一般新闻报道、说明文, 议论文大都采用先总述,后分述的叙事方法。例如:2003年陕西省英语中考试题阅读材料B的第一段:‎ All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live, and together they form a food chain(食物链)。Some food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears. ‎ 第一句即是主题句。这个句子概括了本段的中心意思,“地球上所有的生物要生存都离不开其它的生物”。后面讲述了大量的事实,“大部分动物必须成群的生活,甚至一种植物也要和其它同类的植物靠在一起生长。有时一种生物杀死另一种生物,一种生物吃另一种生物,而另一种生物被吃”。在列举了大量的事实之后,作者指出:如果这些食物链中的一个链环消失,所有的食物都会断掉。所有这些事实都是围绕第一个句子展开的。‎ 在这篇短文之后有一道考查主题的阅读理解题:‎ ‎59. Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?‎ ‎ A. Animals B. Plants C. Food Chains D. Living Things ‎ 根据主题句的意思,我们可以很容易判断:这篇短文最好的标题是Food Chains。‎ ‎(2)主题句在段末或篇末。‎ ‎ 用归纳法写文章时,往往表述细节的句子在前,概述性的句子在后,并以此结尾。这种位于段末或篇末的主题句往往是对前面细节的总结,归纳或结论。例如2002年陕西省中考试题阅读材料A的最后一段:‎ If you buy some well-made clothes, you can save money because they can last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Sometimes some clothes cost more money, but it does not mean that they are always better made, or they always fit better. In other words, some less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.‎ 这段文章前面列举了两件事实:如果你买一些制作优良的衣服,你会省钱,因为这些衣服能穿得时间长一些。即使他们洗了很多次,仍然看起来很好。有时有些衣服花得前更多,但并不意味着这些衣服做得更好。最后一句话是对这两个事实的概括:有些价钱便宜的衣服比价钱贵的衣服更好看,更合身。段末这个句子就是主题句。‎ ‎(3)无主题句 有时,一篇文章里并没有明显的主题句。这时我们应该怎样来确定文章的主题或中心意思呢?其实这也不难。我们可以首先找出每一段的中心意思,各段的中心意思往往都是围绕一个中心来展开的,或者说是来说明一个问题的。这个中心或这个问题就是这篇文章的主题或中心意思。‎ 请看2004年江西省中考试题阅读理解A:‎ Killer bees started in Brazil 1957. A scientist in Sao Paulo wanted bees to make more honey(蜂蜜). So he put forty-six African bees with some Brazilian bees. The ‎ bees bred(繁殖) and made a new kind of bees. But the new bees were a mistake. They didn’t want to make more honey. They wanted to attack. Then, by accident, twenty-six African bees escaped and bred with the Brazilian bees outside.‎ Scientists could not control(控制) the problem. The bees increased fast. They went from Brazil to Venezuela. Then they went to Central America. Now they are in North America. They travel about 390 miles a year. Each group of bees grows four times a year. This means one million new groups every five years. Why are people afraid of killer bees? People are afraid for two reasons. First, the bees sting(叮) many more times than usual bees. Killer bees can sting sixty times a minute nonstop for two hours. Second, killer bees attack in groups. Four hundred bee stings can kill a person.‎ Already several hundred people are dead. Now killer bees are in Texas. In a few years they will reach all over the United States. People can do nothing but wait. 这篇短文表面看起来没有主题句,那末怎样来确定它的中心意思呢?按照上面的说明,我们先找出每一段的大意:第一段讲的是“killer bees”的产生。第二段讲的是“killer bees” 的急剧增加。第三段讲的是人们害怕“killer bees”的原因。第四段讲的是“killer bees”已经杀死的人数和将来的状况。从这几段的大意可以看出这篇文章自始至终都是围绕“killer bees”这一中心展开的。换句话说,“killer bees”就是这篇文章的主题。‎ 在这篇短文的后面就出了一道这样的阅读理解题:‎ ‎59. The best title of the passage is ____________.‎ ‎ A. How to make more honey B. Killer bees ‎ C. A foolish scientist D. How to feed killer bees ‎ 毫无疑问,答案应该是:B。‎ ‎2.如何根据上下文猜测词义?‎ 猜测词义也是一种英语阅读能力。英语阅读理解试题中有不少这样的题目。‎ 任何一个实词,只有在一定的上下文中才能表示一个确定的词义。所谓上下文(context),正如英语辞典所解释的,其作用就是帮助确定上下文中的词、短语或句子的意义。据此,我们可以尽可能地利用上下文来猜测词义,即从已知推求未知,也就是用我们所熟悉的词或短语来猜测我们不熟悉的词的词义。猜测词义时,我们可以从三个方面来考虑:1)根据上下文已知部分进行逻辑上的推理。2)运用语法知识进行语法分析。3)依靠常识和经验做出判断。根据上下文猜测词义的方法有下列几种:‎ ‎(1)根据定义或解释猜测词义。例如:甘肃省2002年中考英语试题阅读材料B:‎ A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful. It gives us some interesting phrases(短语). One is “ to let the cat out of the bag.” It is the same as “to tell a secret”….‎ Now when someone lets out (泄漏)a secret, he “lets the cat out of the bag.”‎ 短文后面有一个理解题目:‎ John “lets the cat out of the bag” means he ________.‎ A. makes everyone know a secret ‎ B. the woman bout a cat C. buys a cat in the bag D. sells the cat in the bag 在这篇文章里,“let the cat out of the bag”虽然是一个新出现的短语,但紧接着后面就给出解释It is the same as “to tell a secret.根据这一解释,我们就可判断出正确答案应为A。 ‎ ‎ (2)根据情景和逻辑进行判断。例如:2004年北京市海淀区中考试题阅读材料A。其中第三段是这样的:‎ As they go around town, the police help people. Sometimes they find lost children. They take the children home. If the police see a fight, they put an end to it right away. Sometimes people will ask the police how to get to a place in town. The police can always tell the people which way to go. They know all the streets and roads well.‎ ‎ 文章后面有这样一道题:‎ ‎53. In the text, “put an end to” means “___________”.‎ ‎ A. stop B. cut C. kill D. fly ‎ 根据文章所提供的情景,如果警察看到有人在打架,他们肯定会去制止。因为制止打架斗殴是警察的职责。根据这一推理,答案应该是A。‎ ‎(3)根据并列、同位关系猜测词义。例如:福州市2004年中考英语试题的阅读材料B。‎ There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up under the ground. It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is North Island in New Zealand. ‎ ‎101. What does the word “steam” mean in Chinese? A. 自来水B. 大气C. 冰川D. 蒸汽 ‎ 从语法上看,steam和hot water是并列关系,我们就以断定这两种东西是相关的,是同一类第物质。在所给第四个选项中只有“蒸汽”有这种可能。‎ ‎ (4)根据背景和常识判断。请看2004年北京市海淀区中考试题的阅读材料C:‎ Watching some children trying to catch butterflies one August afternoon, I was reminded of an incident in my own childhood. When I was a boy of twelve in South Carolina, something happened to me that made me never put any wild creature (living thing) in a cage(笼子). We lived on the edge of a forest, and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isnt a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.‎ I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and in that way, I would have my own private musician.‎ I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, being scared, the bird fluttered(扑腾) about the cage, but finally it settled down in its new home. I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my little musician.‎ On the second day of the bird’s captivity, my new pet’s mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.‎ The following morning when I went to see how my captive (caged) bird was doing, I discovered it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was terribly surprised! What ‎ had happened! I had taken extremely care of my little bird, or so I thought.‎ Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist, who happened to be visiting my father at the time, hearing me crying over the death of my bird, explained what had happened. “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison berries(毒莓). She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in captivity.” Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.‎ ‎60. An ornithologist is probably a person who ____________ .  A. studies birds B. loves creatures C. majors in habits D. takes care of trees Ornithologist 这个词从来没有见到过,但是通过他的语言我们可以判断出这是一个对鸟很有研究的人。我很爱鸟,把鸟装在笼子里,并细心照料,而且鸟的母亲也飞过来喂这只鸟,但这只鸟却死了,我很不理解。到我家来的这个人给我详细解释了鸟死的原因,说明这个人非常懂鸟。据此,我们可以断定答案影视A。‎ ‎ 除了前面提到的方法以外,还有下面一些方法:‎ ‎(5)根据同义、反义关系猜测词义。‎ ‎(6)根据因果关系猜测词义。‎ ‎3.如何确定细节和事实?‎ ‎ 在阅读理解题目中,有相当一部分是考查细节和事实的题目。这类题目相对容易一些。这些题目有两个共同特点:(1)凡属针对特定细节的考题,其正确答案大都可以在阅读材料中找到对应的文字部分作为验证。这一部分可能是一个词或短语,也可能是一个句子或相关的若干句子,但句式、用词和表达方式不同。(2)干扰项往往是主体思想与细节混杂,正确答案细节和非正确答案的细节混杂,甚至真假混杂。因此,要做好阅读理解中的确定细节和事实的题目,一要在文章中找出相应的信息点,二要排除干扰项。请看2003年陕西省中考英语试题阅读理解题第48小题:‎ What do plants make food from? They make food from _______.‎ A. sunlight, water and things in the soil and air B. water, sunlight and things in the soil C. water and things in the soil and air D. water, sunlight and things in the soil ‎ 这一小题考查的就是文章的细节和事实。这一细节和事实的表述在文章中可以直接找到:Plants are “factories”. They make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air. ‎ ‎4.如何进行推断?‎ ‎ 所谓推断,就是根据阅读材料中所提供的信息,推断出未知的信息。即把有关的文字作为已知部分,从中推断出未知部分。据以推断的有关文字可能是词或句子,也可能是若干句子,甚至是全文。‎ ‎ 中考英语试题中的推断题很多,包括的面也很大。其类型主要有以下几种:‎ ‎(‎ ‎1)事实推断:这种推断常常针对某一个或几个具体细节,是比较简单的推断。进行这种推断,要首先在文章中找出据以推断的有关文字,然后加以分析,尤其要悟出字里行间的意思。‎ 请看2002年南京市中考英语试题阅读理解第14小题:‎ According to the passage, which of the following can you most possibly watch on TV?‎ A. You often play football with your friends after school.‎ B. Your teacher has got a cold.‎ C. A tiger in the city zoo has run out and hasn’t been caught.‎ D. The bike in front of your house is lost.‎ ‎ 在阅读材料中,有这样一段文字:‎ Secondly, a news story has to be interesting and unusual. People don’t want to read stories about everyday life. As a result, many stories are about some kind of danger and seem to be “bad” news. ‎ ‎ 根据这段文字,我们可以推断:电视报道的新闻故事硬是有趣的和不平常的。因此,正确答案应为C。‎ ‎ 推断题还包括以下几个方面:‎ ‎(2)指代推断:确定指代词的含义和指代对象是阅读理解题常见的题目。要确定指代词所指代的对象,关键在于对所在上下文的正确理解。指代名词的指代词,其单复数形式英语被指代的词一致,因此数的形式可作为识别指代对象第一个辅助标志。‎ ‎(3)逻辑推断 这类题目往往是要求根据文章所提供的背景,人物的表情,动作和语言来推断出人物的态度或感觉。‎ ‎(4)对作者的意图和态度的推断 ‎ 这一类考题大都要求考生就作者对论述对象持什么样的态度做出推断, 如作者对所陈述的观点是赞同、反对,还是犹豫不定,对记述或描写的人、物或事件是赞颂、同情、冷漠,还是厌恶。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩不一定直接表述出来,而往往隐含在字里行间。因此,进行这种推断时,我们既要依靠短文的主题思想作为推力的前提,又要注意作者的措辞,尤其是形容词一类的修饰语。‎ ‎【中考范例】‎ 请看2004年陕西中考英语试题阅读理解A部分:‎ A) 根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用”A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。(共5小题,计5分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Now TV programs play an important part in our daily life. We can get a lot of knowledge and a lot of fun from it. Today is Saturday. The following are some TV programs on different channels today. Now read these TV programs and try to find some information for you and your family members.‎ ‎ SXTV Channel 7‎ ‎ 13: 12 Football Match XATV Channel 4‎ ‎ 15: 30 TV Play ‎ SXTV Channel 6‎ ‎ 18: 30 Cartoon Film CCTV Channel 1‎ ‎ 12: 38 Law Today ‎ CCTV Channel 1‎ ‎ 19: 00 News Report CCTV Channel 3‎ ‎ 21: 00 The Latest Music ‎41. My grandfather is interested in laws. He can watch CCTV Channel 1 at noon.‎ ‎42. My father is a football fan. He prefers football matches. He can watch CCTV Channel 1.‎ ‎43. My mother likes watching TV plays. She wants to watch XATV Channel ‎4 in the afternoon.‎ ‎44. My sister is only six years old. I want to find a program for her. I think she can watch CCTV Channel 6.‎ ‎45. I’m a student. I like music, but I am very busy tonight. So I can watch CCTV Channel 3 this evening.‎ ‎41. A。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。从表中我们可以看到,中午12点38分中央电视台1频道有“今日说法”节目,父亲当然可以观看。‎ ‎42. B。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。查看中央电视台1频道所有的节目没有一个是播放足球赛的,所以这个陈述是错误的。‎ ‎43. A。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。从表中我们可以看到,15点30分陕西电视台4频道播放电视剧,母亲完全可以看。‎ ‎44. B。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。从表中可以看到,查看中央电视台6频道所有的节目没有一个是六岁的妹妹看的儿童节目。‎ ‎45. B。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。今天晚上我很忙,因此不可能看电视。‎ 再看2004年阅读理解B部分:‎ B) 阅读下面连篇短文,从个小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,计20分)‎ ‎ (B)‎ ‎ The undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in ‎ the water to find the secrets there. Scuba diving is a new sport today. It can take you ‎ into a wonderful undersea world.‎ ‎ You will find many strange animals in the sea. Some are as large as a school bus. ‎ Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.‎ ‎ During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and ‎ green. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have ‎ bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. However, you ‎ can’t dive too deep. And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.‎ ‎ The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. It’s cold, and it’s dark, too. The deeper ‎ it is, the less sunlight there is. At about 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is dark in ‎ the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side.‎ ‎ Besides (除了) the cold and darkness, deep-sea animals face a third danger --- ‎ other animals. ‎ ‎ Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some ‎ Animals eat meat. This means these sea animals have animals have two big jobs.They ‎ need to find animals as food, and they have to try not to become other animals’ meal.‎ ‎46. Why do people want to dive in the sea? Because ________.‎ ‎ A. they want to catch fish ‎ B. they want to find the secrets of the undersea world ‎ C. the sea is deep ‎ D. there are all kinds of plants in the sea ‎47. In the daytime, when you dive in the sea, you _________.‎ ‎ A. can see everything green and blue ‎ B. can’t be in danger ‎ C. can atch nothing ‎ D. can’t see anything clearly ‎48. How many dangers will animals meet in the deep sea?‎ ‎ A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.‎ ‎49. When you do scuba diving, you can __________.‎ ‎ A. stay in deep water for a long time ‎ B. dive very, very deep ‎ C. live in deep water easily ‎ D. dive freely without any dangers ‎50. Which of the following is WRONG?‎ ‎ A. One animals finds something to eat, and it may be eaten by others.‎ ‎ B. At the depth of 3,000 feet under the sea, many animals can find their way by hearing and feeling.‎ ‎ C. The deeper the sea is, the darker and colder it is.‎ ‎ D. At the depth of 3,000 feet under the sea, all animals can find their way by seeing.‎ ‎46. B。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。文章开头的第二句明确说明了这一点。“现在越来越多的人想潜水,为的是寻找海下世界的秘密”。‎ ‎47. A。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。文章第三段开头就说明了这一事实。“During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue ‎ and green.”‎ ‎48. C。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。文章的第5段说明了这一问题:Besides ‎ ‎(除了) the cold and darkness, deep-sea animals face a third danger --- other animals.‎ ‎49. A。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。文章的第三段有这样一句话:When you ‎ have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. 背着 ‎ 空气瓶潜水就是“scuba diving”。‎ ‎50. D。这是一道考查细节和事实的题目。文章的第四段有这样的叙述:At about ‎ ‎3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes.‎ 在3,‎000米的深处,一点光线都没有,很多于都没有眼睛,他们怎麽能够通 过“看”来找到路呢?‎ ‎【满分演练】‎ ‎ (1)‎ 根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用”A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。‎ Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don’t understand them. They often think their parents are too strict with them, and they are never given a free hand.‎ Parents often find it difficult to win their children’s trust(信任) and they seem to forget how they themselves felt when they were young.‎ For example, young people like to do things without much thinking. It’s one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can do with any difficult things. Older ‎ people worry more easily. Most of them plan (计划) things ahead and don’t like their plans to be changed.‎ When you want your parents to let you do something, you will have better success (成功) if you ask before you really start doing it.‎ Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they want, the music they enjoy and something else. But they don’t mean to cause (引起) any trouble. They just feel that in this way they can be cut off from the old people’s world and they want to make a new culture (文化) of their own. And if their parents don’t like their music or clothes or their manner of speech, the young people feel very unhappy.‎ Sometimes you even don’t want your parents to say, “Yes” to what you do. You want to stay at home alone and do what you like.‎ If you plan to control (控制) your life, you’d better win your parents trust and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have high sense of responsibility (责任感), they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.‎ ‎1. When young people are with their parents, they don’t feel pleased.‎ ‎2. What young people think is different from what older people do.‎ ‎3. What young people do is to make their parents unhappy.‎ ‎4. When children grow up, they hope to let them do everything alone.‎ ‎5. If you try to get your parents to understand you, you must do well in everything.‎ ‎ (2)‎ 根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。‎ Yesterday evening, when I went to town with my mother, we met a strange old man. It was raining hard and we had no umbrella (伞). We were trying to get into a taxi when he came up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give it to us for only a pound. He had forgotten his wallet, he said, needed taxi-fare (出租汽车费) to go back home. My mother didn’t believe what he had said at first, and asked him a lot of questions. But the old man didn’t get into a taxi. We followed (跟随) him and found he went into a pub (小酒店) and bought himself a glass of whiskey (威士忌) with the pound. After he drank it, he put on his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one. Soon after that, he sold it again.‎ ‎1. The old man sold an umbrella to the writer and her mother.‎ ‎2. He gave it to them for only a pound because he had forgotten his wallet and needed taxi fare to go back home.‎ ‎3. The umbrella was worth more than one pound.‎ ‎4. The old man sold his own umbrella.‎ ‎5. He was an honest man.‎ ‎ (3)‎ 根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用”A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。‎ In 1605, a scientist took a willow branch(柳枝) and planted it. He didn’t plant it in the ground, however. He planted it in a vase of soil(泥土). For the next five years,‎ ‎ the scientist watered that willow carefully. The willow grew and grew. Where did it get the food for its growth? To most people, this was an easy question. The willow plant, of course, took the food from the soil. The scientist, however, wanted evidence(证据).If the willow took the food from the soil for its growth, then, as it grew and weighed more, the soil ought to weigh less. He weighed the willow branch before he planted it. It weighed five pounds. Then he weighed the soil. It weighed 200 pounds. After five years, he weighed the plant and the soil again. The willow tree weighed 169 pounds, but the soil weighed almost the same. The result(结果) was surprising. Where did the 164 pounds come from? After many investigations(调查), the scientist got the answer. He had given water to the willow, and the willow got its food from the water.‎ He was right, in a way. Today we know more about the question.‎ ‎1. The scientist did the experiment in the sixteenth century.‎ ‎2. Most people thought the plant got the food from the soil for its growth.‎ ‎3. The soil in the vase weighed two hundred pounds.‎ ‎4. The scientist found that the willow grew and weighed more and the soil weighed less. ‎5. The soil weighed 164 pounds after five years. ‎6. Now we know about the question as much as the scientist did.‎ ‎ (4)‎ 根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用”A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。‎ One afternoon Bob and Jane were walking along a quiet street when they heard a big noise from the street corner. They ran there and found that a small car had knocked into the side of a truck. Both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt. ‎“Bob,” said Jane, “run back down the road to Mrs Day’s house. Ask her to call the police and the ambulance(救护车). Hurry up. I’ll stay here.” Bob went off as fast as he could. There was nothing Jane could do but wait. She knew that when people were hurt in an accident,they shouldn’t be moved. It wasn’t long before the police car and the ambulance arrived. The policemen got the car door open and moved the man out. Then they got the truck driver out. Luckily,the men weren’t badly hurt,but they were both taken to hospital. The policemen thanked Bob and Jane. “You were very good to act so quickly when you saw the accident. Thank you for all your help.” ‎1. The accident happened in a quiet street one afternoon.‎ ‎2. Bob,Jane,Mrs Day and the policemen heard the noise.‎ ‎3. Both of the drivers were hurt in the accident. ‎4. Jane asked Bob to call the police. ‎5. Jane had got the drivers out before the policemen arrived.‎ ‎ (5)‎ In America, just as in Europe, men usually open doors for women, and women always walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant, unless (除非)the men have ‎ to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above On the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic But if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them Then if the host (男主人)or hostess (女主人)or both of them come in a car to get their guest for dinner, the guest should sit at the front seat and leave the back seat though there is no people sitting on it 1.In America men usually _______ A.walk ahead of women  B.eat in a restaurant C.walk behind women    D.drive a car to work 2.In the street men ________ A.cross the street B.walk on the right side of the ladies C.walk on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic D.walk near the ladies 3.If a man walks with two ladies, he should _________ A.walk between them   B.run before them   C.follow them   D.go away 4.If Mrs. Green wants you to her house in a car, you should _________ A.sit beside a guest    B.sit at the front seat C.sit at the back seat  D.drive the car ‎ (6)‎ Last Sunday I saw the worst storm(暴风雨)in years It came suddenly and went on for more than three hours After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hot, and all was quiet Then strong wind started blowing into my room Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the open window As I ran out to catch them, big drops of rain began to fall. When I came back into the house, it was raining harder and harder I tried very hard to close the window Then I heard a loud crashing(碰撞的)sound from the back of the house. I ran out of my room to rind out what it was, a big tree had fallen down and broken the top of the back room. 1.Before the storm, the weather was __________ A.cold   B.cool   C.warm   D.hot 2.The wind blew some of the paper ___________ A.all over the floor   B.out of the door C.into the back room   D.out of the open window 3.The top of the back room was broken because of __________ A.the strong   B.the falling tree   C.the rain   D.the crashing sound ‎ (7)‎ Light travels at a speed which is about a million times faster than the speed of sound. You can get some idea of this difference by watching the start of a race. If you stand some distance away from the starter, you can see smoke from his gun before the sound reaches your ears. This great speed of light produces some strange facts Sunlight takes about 8 minutes to reach us If you look at the light of the moon tonight, remember that the ‎ light rays left the moon 1.3 seconds before they reached you The nearest star is so far away that the light that you can see from it tonight started to travel towards you four years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million km. per minute. In some cases, the light from one of tonight's stars had started on its journey to you before you were born. Thus, if we want to be honest, we can't say, "The stars are shining tonight" We have to say instead, "The stars look pretty They were shining four years ago, but their light has only just reached the earth." 1.Light speed is ________ sound speed A.as fast as B.a million times slower than C.about millions of times faster than D.about a million times faster than 2.If you stand 200 metres away from a man who is firing a gun to start a race, you ‎ will find out that _______ A.you can hear the sound before you see the smoke B.the sound does not travel as fast as light C.the sound will reach you before the man fires D.sound travels about a million times faster than light ‎3.Sunlight obviously(明显地)_________ than the light of the moon A.has to travel a greater distance   B.moves less quickly C.travels much more quickly          D.is less powerful(有力的)‎ ‎4.The scientific way of saying "The stars are shining tonight" should be ________ A.the stars have been shining all the time B.the stars seen tonight will shine four years later C.the stars were shining long ago but seen tonight D.the starlight seen today could be seen four years ago ‎ (8)‎ Drinking too much alcohol (酒,酒精)seems to give pleasure to many people Habit alone can keep people drinking However, many heavy drinkers can offer some other reasons for their actions. Right now doctors are getting some attention in their protests against heavy drinking. Many people have cut down on their drinking In general, everyone believes the doctors' warnings. It is sometimes very easy to stop drinking heavily. For example, at a party a man has just one drink. He can stop thinking about having another one. Both health considerations and the high cost of drinking help him to stay away from alcohol. All of his friends help, too. They always understand his problem and are really concerned. The heavy drinker needs friends like these. 1.Drinking too much alcohol ________ A.seems to give pleasure to many people B.is a habit C.is reasonable D.will do good to people 2.Paragraph(段落)2 says: ‎ ‎ A.Doctors are against heavy drinking B.People usually believe the doctors' warnings C.Many people have cut down on their drinking D.all of the above 3.A heavy drinker _________ A.believes the doctors' warnings B.has no reasons for drinking C.needs friends to help him stop drinking heavily D.can't stay away from alcohol 4.The best title for the passage is ________ A.Alcohol   B.No Drinking   C.A Heavy Drinker   D.Give It Up ‎ (9)‎ Tom didn't live too far away from school. So he went there and came back on foot every day. On his way to school he passed a wet playground when it rained. One day the boy came home very wet. His mother became very angry and said, "Don't play in the water on your way home or to school."‎ The next day he came home very wet again. His mother became even angrier. "I will tell your father if you come home wet again," she said, "Then he'll punish you."‎ The next day the young boy was dry when he came home from school. "You were a good boy today," his mother said, "You didn't play in the water," "No," he answered sadly, "There were so many big boys in the water when I got there this afternoon that there wasn't any room for me at all."‎ ‎1. There was a ______ on his way to school.‎ A. park   B. lake   C. playground   D. river ‎2.Tom's mother got angry because ________.‎ A.Tom was all wet           B.Tom was dry C.Tom didn't go to school   D.it rained ‎3.The meaning of the underlined word punish is ________.‎ A.同意   B.惩罚   C.怜悯     D.放弃 ‎ ‎ (10)‎ WHERE TO STAY IN BOSWELL YOUR GUIDE TO OUR BEST HOTELS Name / Address ‎ Room Number ‎ Single Room ‎ Double Room ‎ Special Attractions ‎ FIRST HOTEL ‎222 Edward Road Tel. 4146433 ‎ ‎120 ‎ ‎$25 ‎ ‎$35 ‎ Air-conditioned (空调) rooms French restaurant Night club Swimming pool Shops Coffee shop and bar Telephone, radio and TV set in each room Close to the city center ‎ FAIRVIE HOTEL 129 North ‎ ‎450 ‎ ‎$12 ‎ ‎$18 ‎ Close to the airport Telephone in each ‎ Road Tel. 5915620 ‎ room Bar, Restaurant, Garage (车库) Swimming pool ‎ ORCHARD HOTEL ‎233 Edward Road Tel. 6416446 ‎ ‎470 ‎ ‎$15 ‎ ‎$20 ‎ Facing First Hotel European (欧式的) restaurant TV set Coffee shop Laundry (洗衣店) and dry-cleaning shops ‎ OSAKA HOTEL ‎12364 Venning Road Tel. 6438200 ‎ ‎180 ‎ ‎$30 ‎ ‎$50 ‎ Air-conditioned (空调) rooms Japanese and Chinese restaurants Swimming pool Large garden Shops ‎ Choose the best answers according to the table above.‎ ‎1.If you want to eat Chinese food, you will go to the restaurant in ________.‎ A.the Fairview Hotel B.the First Hotel C.the Orchard Hotel D.the Osaka Hotel ‎2.The cheapest price for a single bed is ________ in ______ in Boswell.‎ A.$12, the First Hotel   B.$15, the Osaka Hotel C.$12, the Fairview Hotel   D.$25, the Orchard Hotel ‎3.The number of the rooms in the hotel with the best special attractions is _______.‎ A.120    B.470    C.450   D.180‎ ‎4.If a Japanese traveler likes to eat in a French restaurant, _________ is the right place for him to go to.‎ A.233 Edward Road    ‎B.12364 Venning Road C.222 Edward Road    ‎D.129 North Road ‎5.Which hotel faces the Orchard Hotel?‎ A.The First Hotel   B.The Osaka Hotel C.The Fairview Hotel   D.No Hotel ‎ (11)‎ Ron is ten years old. He loves to watch TV. But for one full year he did not watch TV at all. What was the reason? Ron’s parents said they would give him $ 600 if he didn’t watch TV for a year.‎ Ron’s parents thought he watched too much TV. One day his mother saw a news- paper story about a boy who didn’t watch TV for a year. She showed the story to Ron. Ron liked the idea. He turned off the TV right away, and said, “It doesn’t bother me not to watch TV. I just want the money.”‎ At first, Ron’s parents were very happy. Ron read books and newspapers, played outside, played computer games, and played cards with his mother. But after some time, he got bored(厌烦). Every morning, he asked his parents, “What are we doing tonight?” Sometimes his mother and father wished he would watch TV just for one evening. Ron always said, “No, it would cost me money!”‎ Finally the year was over. Then Ron stared watching his favourite TV shows all day long again. Ron got the money from his parents. What does he plan to do with the $ 600? “I want to buy myself a TV set!” he said.‎ ‎1. Ron didn’t watch TV for one year because ________.‎ ‎ A. he wanted the money B. watching TV too much is bad ‎ C. he wanted to study harder D. he wanted to learn from the boy ‎2. “It doesn’t bother me not to watch TV” means “It’s _______ to watch TV”.‎ ‎ A. waste time B. important for me ‎ C. not use D. not important for me ‎3. Ron thought _________ for him to read and play all the time.‎ ‎ A. it was great fun B. it was no fun ‎ C. it was enjoyable D. it was good ‎4. Ron’s last words would _______ his parents.‎ ‎ A. please B. frighten C. surprise D. excite ‎5. The best title for the story is _______.‎ ‎ A. A Funny Story B. A Year without TV ‎ C. A Good Boy D. Buying a TV Set ‎ (12)‎ J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the bestsellers in the world.‎ J.K. Rowling was born in Bristol on July 31st, 1965. She has one sister who is two years younger than her. Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them. They especially loved stories about magical worlds. Rowling wrote her first story, called Rabbit, at the age of six.‎ After she graduated from the university, Rowling worked as a translator(翻译者)‎ in London. During this time, on a long train trip in the summer of 1990, the idea came to her of a boy who has magic but doesn’t know it. In 1992 Rowling began to teach English. She lived with her baby daughter, Jessica, and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers. It appeared in June 1997. To her surprise, the book was greatly successful. The film came out in November 2001. Now Harry Potter series(系列) is popular with people of all ages and about 60 million books were sold in 200 countries.‎ Why has the series been so successful? There are a few things. Many other magical stories take place in faraway lands or in past or future times. But Harry lives in modern(现代的) England. He’s also a very normal(平常的) boy: polite, friendly, brave and clever. So when other children read about Harry, they can imagine being like him.‎ J.K. Rowling is very happy with the success, and she is now busy finishing the whole series of seven books. She’s writing full time and she’s really enjoying life. She says she will go on living a normal life with her daughter and writing children’s books.‎ ‎1. From the passage, we know ___________. A. J.K. Rowling met a boy named Harry on a long train trip B. J.K. Rowling loved listening to stories when she was very young C. J.K. Rowling is two years younger than her sister D. Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling’s first story ‎2. The first Harry Potter book came out in __________. ‎ A. July 1965‎ B. the summer of 1990‎ C. June 1997‎ D. November 2001 ‎3. The Harry Potter series is __________. A. written for young people ‎ B. only enjoyed by children C. only sold in ‎England D. about a young inspector ‎4. J.K. Rowling has been successful, and she ___________. A. likes to travel all over the world with her daughter B. is too busy to enjoy her life C. is excited about her success every day D. is still writing stories for children ‎5. How is Harry Potter series different from other magical stories? ‎ A. There are magical things. ‎ B. The stories happened in the modern world.‎ C. It has seven books. ‎ D. It took much time to finish.‎ ‎【练习答案】‎ ‎(1) 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B ‎ ‎(2)1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B ‎ ‎(3)1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B ‎(4)1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B ‎(5)1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B ‎ ‎(6)1.D 2.D 3.B ‎ ‎(7)1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C ‎ ‎(8)1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D ‎(9)1.C  2.A  3.B  44.C  45.A  46.D  47.C  48.D  49.A  50.D  ‎ ‎(10)1.D  2.C  3.A  4.C  5.A ‎(11)1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B ‎(12)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 没事就用这些词练练你的嘴皮子~~‎ ‎●说吧,你是想死呢还是不想活了? ●好久没有人把牛皮吹的这么清新脱俗了! ●你给我滚,马不停蹄的滚…… ‎ ‎●人人都说我丑,其实我只是美得不明显。 ●无理取闹,必有所图! _________________________________________________ ●天被熬亮了。 ●不是路不平,而是你不行。 ●恶心妈妈抱着恶心哭得很伤心,为什么呢?因为恶心死了…… ●要不是打不过你,我早就和你翻脸了。 ●我这心碎得,捧出来跟饺子馅似的。 _________________________________________________ ●没人牵手,我就揣兜。 ●我的兴趣爱好可分为静态和动态两种,静态就是睡觉,动态就是翻身… ●唉~这人要一没正形,连头痛都是偏的。 ●我这人不太懂音乐,所以时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 ●怎么会突然想哭?难道我也有些逆流成河的小忧伤? _________________________________________________ ●好漂亮的美女叔叔啊! ●我不跟猪摔跤有两个原因:首先这让我自己变得很脏,其次这让猪很高兴。 ●没事偷着乐是不太可能了,偷着胖还是有点儿希望. ●放下屠刀立地成佛的意思是,你放下屠刀的那一刻对方把你砍成两瓣儿了。 ●没事可做时,觉得最累。 _________________________________________________ ●李碧华说过: 什么叫多余?夏天的棉袄,冬天的蒲扇,还有等我已经心冷后你的殷勤。 ●永远年轻,永远装嫩,永远不知好歹,永远热泪盈眶。 ●我爸面对我发胖一事发表了看法:没有韩红的命,还得了韩红的病。 ●你来我信你不会走,你走我当你没来过。——我们该这样对待缘分与爱。 ●曾以为我是那崖畔的一枝花,后来才知道,不过是人海一粒渣。 _________________________________________________ ●荡气回肠,消化不良。   ●女人喜欢长的坏坏的男人,并不是喜欢长坏了的男人.. ●麻子不叫麻子,坑人。 ●江湖险恶,不行就撤! ●不敲几下,你不可能知道一个人或一个西瓜的好坏。 _________________________________________________ ‎ ‎●孤独的人常表现得很坚强;寂寞的人则多半温和。   ●大笑是绽放的微笑。 ●我的意中人是个绝色大美女,终于有一天她会骑着喷火的恐龙来嫁给我    的,可是我看见了她的坐骑,却没有看见她的主人。 ●孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。 ●虽不安分,也该守己。 _________________________________________________ ●人不犯我,我不犯人。人若犯我,我就生气! ‎ ‎●别逼我,否则我伟大起来,一发不可收拾。 ●我们是平凡的人,我们也是特别的人,所以我们是特别平凡的人。 ●那个人敢说自己纯净?瞧你那眼神就透着浑浊。 ●没有什么比弱者对强者的鄙视更无力了。 _________________________________________________ ●如有雷同,纯属你抄我 ●笨鸟先飞,笨猪先肥。 ●当你的眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼,你会看到世 界由清晰到模糊的全过程。 ●告诉你别逼我,你要是再逼我,我就装死给你看。 ●年轻算什么,谁没年轻过?你老过吗?真是的 _________________________________________________ ●别用世故的样子来武装自己,它会水土不服。 ●解释就是掩饰,掩饰就是编故事。 ●所谓门槛,过去了便是门,过不去就成了槛。 ●陌生阻止你认识陌生的事物,熟悉妨碍你理解熟悉的事物。 ●人生的悲哀就在于,当你想两肋插刀的时候,却只有一把刀。 _________________________________________________ ● 如果全是老姜,将是一个何等辛辣的社会。 ● 狮子不会因为听到狗吠而回头。 ● 水越深,水流越平稳。 ●在你不当回事的时候,一切就好了起来。 ● 无论是国王还是农夫,只要能在自己家里找到安宁,他就是最幸福的人。 _________________________________________________ ● 一分钱一分货,稀饭吃了不经饿. ● 水壶啊,你为什么哭泣,是因为屁股太烫了吗? ● 如果命运抓住了伱的喉咙,伱就挠命运嘚胳肢窝。 ● 拦着成长的不是幼稚,而是自以为成熟。 ● 如果命运折断了你的腿,他会教你如何跛行 __________________________________________________ ● 打死你我也不说 ●左脑全是水,右脑全是面粉,不动便罢了,一动全是浆糊 ●挣钱就像用针掘地,花钱就像水渗进土里。 ●我也有要去的地方,只是我要去的地方,没道路通向那里。 ●你浪费的粮食都会堵在你去往天堂的路上。 __________________________________________________ ●生活是丰富多彩的,但我也有自己的颜色。 ●如果有一天我失踪了,只有两种可能:身体在旅行,或者灵魂在旅行。 ●讓人格与腦門一同閃亮。 ●你的丑和你的脸没有关系。 ●我从来没有欺骗过你,因为我从来没有欺骗你的必要。 __________________________________________________ ●我可以选择放弃,但我不能放弃选择。 ‎ ‎●天没降大任于我,照样苦我心志,劳我筋骨。 ●也许似乎大概是,然而未必不见得。 ●再过一百年,就长成了参天大葱。 ●幸福就是当你照镜子的时候,喜欢你看到的那个人。  ‎