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⒛12山 东省日照市中考英语试卷
一、听力 略
二、单项选择 (共 15小题,计 15分 )从每小题 Λ、B、 C、 D中选出一个能填入句中空白
21. Hcrc isˇ ˉ̄ ___——bikc my unclc scnt1nc last、 vcck. I bcⅡ cvc itls 免ntastjc onc?
( )
A.a: a B. thc: thc C. thc; a D. a: tllc
22. Aftcr school, I had along______witl11my tcachcr about my stL1dy. ( )
A, 忱lk B. wOId C。 spccch D. stoγ
23. I didn’t buy thc sccond^hand book bccausc thc scⅡ cr、vantcd______ˉ m°nCy than I had
cxpcctcd。 ( )
A.lcss B.lca哎 C。 most D.mo℃
24. -TcⅡ us somcding about Canada, OK?
-I’rn so唧 。 ______— —̄ J̄ack_______———I have cvcr becn thcrc。 ( )
A。 Eitllcr: or B. Not only; but also
C. Both; and D. Ncitllcr; nor
25. Rock Fnusic rnay~___ˉ ___nicC to young pcople, but1nost old pcoplc can’ t stand it。 ( )
A.hcar B。 sound C. look D, hstcn
26.I Ⅱally c句oycd your spccch,~kllCⅡ wCⅡ somC p征飞 I dl山⒒quitc undcstand.( )
A, bccausc B.hr C. until D. tllough
27. -~___ˉ ˉ̄ you______ˉ JCrCmy Shuˉ How Lin?
-Yes. Thc Onccˉ nameless young1nan bccamc a basketba1l hero suddcnly. ( )
A.Did; hear B.Do: listcn to
C. Havc; hcard of D. Havc: listcncd to
28.shc has many hobbics.Hcr aacrˉ w。rk1ifc is .( )
A.loncly B. color1△ 1 C. clllpty D. duⅡ
29. -~___ˉ ȳ°ur brothcr spcak Japancsc?
-Ycs, hc has lcamtitin Tokyo】 or thrcc ycars. ( )
A.should B. Must C。 Call D. May
30. I donltthink fast food is good1or our health, so I~_____— —go to MacDonald. ( )
A, scldom B. always C. usua11y D。 o】1“3n
3I. -I called you this lnon1ing, but nobody alls、 vcrcd it.
-oh,wc___some mnning in tllc palk。 ( )
A. arc doing B.wcrc doing C. havc donc D. did
32. -Ncvcr~___ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ t° dayls、 vork till tomoⅡ o、V.
-Ycs. Itls a good habit。 ( )
A.put off B. put on C. put up D. put down
33. I gave up thc piano lcssons bccause I have so1nuch hon1e、 Vork to do, but it’ s~_______rny own
wishcs。 ( )
A.in B。 on C.允 r D. against
34,-Do you cllloy____a voluntccr?
-ry。u walqt this, you’ d bcttcrjoin us. ( )
A. being; kllowing B. to be; knowing
C. bcing; to know D, to bc; to know
35, Thcsc ani1nals arc jn dangcr. Wc should think
A.whatcan wc doB。 wh犹 wc can do
C.how can wc do D.how wc can do
to protcctthcm.(
三、完形填空 (共 1小题,计 10分 )阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所
给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选顼。
La“ July,nly12-yearˉ old car ded on Califom`s saIata Freeway。 L wasan ho刂 before
sunsct,alld I was25rni1es fr。 mh。lllc.I coul山止reach anyone to p忆kr11c up,so I(36)~____t°
take a bus.Notknowhg thc routcs(线 跸:),IthoughtI’djustgo cast.Abus stopped。 I got(37)
and asked the伽 ver how far she was g⒍ ng。 "Ten more rⅢ les, "she s缸 d.Thcre was(38)
bus I could takc佥 om tllere。 This dearIy was going to be a Iong nl壁 1t· I got ofF at the end ofthc
routc and shctold mc which busto look(39) ___。 Anerwahng3fllnl11utcs,I began to由 ink
about a very cxpcl△ sive taxi(4ω ~___homc。 Thcn a bus calne up.⒒crc was11o1ighted
number abovc its诫 ndshic1d (挡 风玻璃 ).Rwas outofserWce,butthe door opcncd。 Πwas伍e
same打 her。 "Ijust can℃ leave you Ilere,"she said."This kn℃ 伍e Ⅱcest place.I wilI take you
homc。 ’"】You wⅡl dnvc1nc homc On thc bus? "I askcd in (41) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ˉ'
’qq。 , IⅥ泛Ⅱ talcc you
h mycar, "she said. "It’ s along way。 ""Come on, "shc said。 "I have no洫g(42)
do. "shc began telⅡ ng1ne a sto叩 (43) we drove iom tllc station in血e car.A免 w days
(44)____,hcrbrothcrhadmn out ofgas (汽 油 )。 A khd mallpIcked hm up,took h血
to a scnicq st痂n andthenback to his car。 "IimjustpⅡ singthchndlaessaIong, 、hc s缸 d. Wzllen
I ofFcredher money“ a thank-you,shc rcmsed。 "hst do(45)~____nice for somcbody。 PⅡ s
it along, "shc said。
36. A. agreed B。 decided C. found
37, A. away B. down C. on
38.A.ala o曲 cr B.阢mc C。 cvcry
39. A. at B。 into C. aacr
D. used
D,oJ(∶ l[′
D. cach
41. A。 agrccmcnt
43. A. so
佴 。A.later
45. A. somed1ing
B. 1∶icket
B. surp。 se
B。 probably
B。 becausc
B. carhcr
B。 eveuhⅡ喀
C. guidc
C. hcart
C。 clsc
C, bc允 rc
C. morc
D, dnvcr
D, ordcr
I). eve9、vhcre
D。 as
D, nothing
四、阅读理解 (共 3小题,计 sO分)阅读下列材料,然后从每小题 A、 B、 C、 D四个选顼
our spring Fcsuval!
Thc spring Fcstival is conⅡ ng!Ho、v do you cclcbratc with your fan1ily? Kccp thc happy
momcnts wiu1a camcra, scnd d1c photos and storics bchind thcm to Tccns. sharC your
happhess、vid1cvcryonC in thc spring Fcstlva1Contcst。
劝盒¢li⒋ |
拿、∴0:豸 ·妄∷乏,;△0妻 c扩 勃冫:o|
乏∴△j气 珈△;Σ v氵豸
Ⅱ扣l· t^蜿¢9,;
¢△ ∴̌
gt。 母势钅i;冉 :|壬△
各 艹̌ △
矛△ 空 艹 ,|蹄 纟
¨¨ 叩箔
Tirnc: Januar旷 16, 2012-March1, 2012
size ofthe photos: 5or6inches (矽 乏下扌).
storics to tllc photos: at lca虻 80words coⅡ cspondlng to (禾口...相 杓F) 曲c photos
Prizc: 400-γ van NIP4for flrst prizc: 100-yuan IJ-disc for sccond prizc; AprⅡ issucs
ofTeens for d1i“ i phze
Ad打 css: 15, Huixindong1c, Zhaoyang Distict, Bc刂 1ng
Emall:jmioI@tcclls· ∞m。 Cll
Phonc: 010-64798012
锅啪弑 咖◇吣玄d鑫 夂|掇 pr喀 $∶d锇 n奄 C【o?
rⅡ M"lt。l'Ⅱc “甲∴F∷挚:
zu£·ak stx、 t· t ^氵 丫0n仓 7Q3ε ,
R,● ,,p【 r● Co⒒◇幺¢,Λr1in虾 ot, ǐrs;ni.· |
M氵 Cro:ot△ Wt,rd.嚣、cci,
I°t,w廿 rI’【,in`.<)uickB∞ k令 ,涵 d:Rtt,蚀 舍
Jˇ :y2◇ 又o~I’ rt· 蛭△0~~~
奋y'◇∴p泛~A$· ,妄容
“t Ma” 9荩(F
各.s众9¢夺A$$oC;,9△ 心
46. If you wantto、 vl11a prizc by taking photos, you Can scnd your、 vork to
A.Alice血ller@gmail· ∞m. B.UsA TODAY.
C.15,Huixindo咱 ie,Zhaoyang Dis订 i∝ ,BelJ1ng。 D.220ak s订 cet,Arizona793E7.
47. A1△cHcan kids askcd would1nakc hfe bettcr for other kids by improvhg cducation。
A.80. B。90. C。 75. D。 110.
48.How long has A1icc⒈ 压illcr workcd at Nordstrom?
A, Two ycars, B.Thfcc ycars. C.Fivc ycars.
49. 丿⒋hce Mi11cr is、 vorking at .
D。 Halfa,℃ ar。
A.Nordstrom B. R/lontb1allc C。 Rampoo D. Charlcs Woltll
50.、Vhich ofthc允 llowing o NoT rlght?_____
A. You can call862-732-7869to get infannation about a contest。
B."What Would A Kid Prcsidcnt Do?"is a suRTcy.
C.Ahcc Millcris a busincsswoman。
D. You、 vⅡ l gct an R汪 p4ifyou Ⅵ汪n丘rst pnzc in thc spring Fcstiva1Contcst.
one aftcmoon, in Paris, Itook a仃 ip to an artlnuscum whⅡ c walting for my husband to f△ lish
a bu蚰 es mcc血g.I was boh帜 允mard ω a quo访 唧 (看 ) ofsomc gⅡ扯 p缸雨 蚀 s otˉ
cxccl1cnt altists.。
A young coup1c1ooking at the paintings in front of lllc wcrc talking nonˉ stop. I watchcd
thcIll a n1omcnt and dccidcd shc xxTas doing a1l thc ta1king. r△ l fact, I was suIpriscd atthis rnan for
putting up、 vith hcr everlastlng spcech. Borcd by thcir noisc, I1novcd on.
I mct tlaclll scvcral ti1ncs as Irnovcd through thosc rooms ofalt. Each ti1ne I hcard hcr voicc,
I moved a、 vay at once.
I was staI1ding at thc1nuscun1gi壬 tshop buying somc cards whcn thc couplc、 vaked to thc cxit
(出 口 ).
"He’ s a brave1nan, "said thc shop assistant. "1ˇ Ιost ofus、vould give up ifwc xx,cre bhndcd at
such a young agc。 But hc and his、 vi1℃ comcin、 vhcncver thcrc’ sa nc、 v alt sho、v, "
It cxplaincd thc nonˉ stop talk!A suddcn scnsc of shalllc camc to my hca1t for、 vhat I xvas
tll山血ngjust now."But what does he gct out oft11e art?"I asked,
"⒈1is Ⅵ/i虫己dcscobes cach painting so hc can scc itin his hcad. "
Atthat rnomcnt I rcalizcd whatis paticncc, couragc and lovc. Isaw d1c paticncc of a young
、vifc dcscribing paintings to a pcrson、 vho can℃ scc and couragc ofa husband、vho wouId nota1low
bhndncss changc his lovc to、 vards art. And I】 ℃lt thc lovc shared by thc tvvo as I、 vatchcd tbcm
、vaⅡting away holding cach other’ s hands。
51. Ho、v did thc、 vhtcr fcclin thc bcgi1Ⅱ 1ing xvllcn hcaring thc、 voman’s talking? ~
A· surpriscd B。 Bored C。 Excitcd D。 Happy
52.Wlaat caIl wc hfer (推断 ) from the undeⅡ 血ed scntence血 Paragraph1?
A.Thc writcr was waitllag fy somcbody.
B。 Thc writcr was a silcnt pcrson.
C, Thc wTitcr、vas looking士 or somc廷蚕rcat pa1nt1ngs.
D.Thc wlltc·r Wantcd tto cIlJoy somc gKat palntings qukdy and care血 1~.
53. Thc、vo1nan kepttalking、vhⅡc she and her husband were cllJoy1ng d1e artshow becausc
A, shc、vas too cxcitCd to kccp sⅡ cnt
B.shc prcJf∶ t∶,Ⅱcd1alking to hstcning
C。 shc had to cxplain cvcγ thing to hcr bhnd husband
D。 shc likcd to sho、v of in tont ofothcrs
54. What did thc、vhtcrthink ofthc woman atlast?
A. Thc、voman was too noisy. B. Thc woman、vas pa0cnt and loving,
C. Thc woman was blind. D. Thc wo1nan was bravc.
55. The passagc Inainly shows us___ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ.
A。 paticncc, couragc and lovc B. how to、 vatch paintings
C. how art changcd pcoplc’ s hfc D. a trip.
Today I wcntto sam!s sc11oolin u1cUK,It was rcally di±Tcrcnt fron1my schoo1in China.
Girls、vorc grcy ski1ts and white shilts, boys、 vorc grcy trouscrs, and cvcγ onC、vorc thc school
somc ofSan1’ s lessons were a bit strange for mc, We were rcading shakespcare in the Enghsh
lcsson, and d1crc飞Ⅳcrc quItc somc o1d words hke"tllou"and"tllcc"to1ncan"you". 1n history、 vC
studicd20tll Ccnmry China. It、 vas siangc hcaring a forcign side of histor/ˉ and hcaring Enghsh
peoplc b,ing to say all our Chinese namcs!
Classcs、vcrC also a lot morc rclaxcd than in China. Tcachcrs wcrc ca11cd"sir"or llrniss",
CvCγonc shoutcd answcrs and raiscd thcir hands in classcs. It`^`as morc likc a dcbatc d1an a
chss.A beIlrang atthc cnd ofeach lcsson and evα γoncjumped up to go to thc ncxt dass.
At brcak、vc boughtpotato chips and cookicsin thc dining roo1u, Lunch、 vas latcr d1an in China
āt1o’clock. 氓△11ad big platcs of pic wid1caⅡ ots。 For dcssclt thcrc was llot sxvcct riCC caIlcd
r1cc pudding。
It、vas good that Ild had an cxccllcnt1unch, bccausc at saluls schoolˇ fonday aftcmoons arc
taken up witll sports。
I playcd1ny丘 rst gamc of nctbal1-a bit hkc baskctball, but、 vid1somc diffcrcnccs. LuckⅡ y
rd had a qu忆 k look in tllc mlc book bcfolc I tI抬 d tojoin in曲 c gamc.
sam’ s、vcekIy schedulc of classes
bⅠonday Tuesday Wednesday Thu掩day Friday
9: 00-9: 30 Matl1 Ellglish Free pcⅡ od Frcnch History
9: 45-10: 15 Math EngⅡsh French French History
10: 20-10: 50 Biology Frce pchod Frcnch Bio1ogy Bio1ogy
10: 50 20 Brcak Brcak Break Brcak Brcak
20-11: 50 History Plly血 s Biology Chelmstry Phy虬s
ll: 55-12: 25 Hktory Physics Biology Matll ǏusIc
∠ 30 00 Enghsh Mat11 Hktoγ Ma伍 bΙusic
13: 00-14: 00 Lunch Lunch L⋯ch Lu11ch Lunch
14: 00-14: 30 PE Chemishly Chcmo缸y Free penod PE
14: 35-15: 05 PE Cllc血 stry Enghsh Enghsh PE
15: 10-15: 40 PE Music Physics Enghsh PE
56.Paragraph⒉ hows th扯 。
A。 mey wcar mifoⅡ ns in sanrs sch。 。I
B. lcssons are山 ferent bdwccn schooIs in China alld thc UK
C。 there o a brcak of30山 nutcs cVery day in血 e school
D. sports take up rnuch tⅡne in san∶lIs school
57. Thc undcrhncd、vord dcbatc in Paragraph4mcans
A。 flght B。 cxam C。 dscussion D. suggcsjon
58. What do they have forlunch at sanrs sch。。1?
A. Pk and hots初eet Hce。 B。 Potato chⅡ s·
C。 Cα☆ies. D. Carrots.
59.How many hours do th叮 havc for foreig11anguage smdy?
A.4hours. B.2ho1△ s. C.3hours。 D.6hollrs。
60, ll/11ars thc bcst tidc1or thc passagc? ~
A. Rclaxcd Classcs in tIlc UK B. ClotI1cs, Food and Sportsin a UK school
C. Strallge Lcssons in Sa1nls School D. A Dayin San△ s schooI.
五、词汇运用 (共两节,计 90分 )第一节单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示,写出下列句子
中单词的完全形式。(共 Ⅱ小题,计 10分 )
61. Thcrc arc too luany p~ˉ _̄_—— in a bus and thc air in itis dilty. I choosc to tIaVcl by train。
62. I wantto scc English n1ovics to i1nprovc1ny Enghsh, butthey spcak too q~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ ̄br111e to
catch thcir Fncaning.
63. Thursday is thc f ~ˉ ˉ̄ __ day ofu1c、 vcck,
64.Gct up eal~, go out、 rsomc f____ˉ a“ and ellJoy a hcalthy hfc.
65. Iim vcγ upsctbccausc cvclγ onC ClsCin my class wasinvitcd to the pany c~mc· I fcScl
so loncly.
66. A bitc ofChina is a progra1u on CCTV introducing允 od (文 ∮乜)ofChina.
67.Good slccp klps tIlc body alld br缸n gow alld___ˉ (发展 ).
68.ry。u likc shopping,Xidan will bc your___(最 喜欢的)place.
69.Four suggc哎lons of studcllts n·。m Bc刂 ing Natlonal Day School w∝ c~ (接 受 )and
rcpolicd to blPC during thc blPC and CPPCC mcctings in Marc11.
⒛,he had somc most____ (美 味的 ) bod in tllat lestaurant.
驭帛驴py⒐ kˉlo弼
耱 鑫弭
:ˇ p笛 濑 鸾, 妖皴镪 , 溅摭 雷歹 玄露 涵强象) 势磁饣{ 重雒犟◇饿敲lt
Ale you tlle onIy clllld in the family?Ifso,you盯 cthe most(71)____」n your血mi~,(72)
arc thc closest pcople to you in thc、 vorld. 13ut a1otofn1iddlc schoolsmdcnts havc a problcm. Thcy
fccl thcy’ rc not as (73) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄— t° thcir parcnts as bcforc, Thcy evcn think their parcnts arc
unfair to thcm.
somc stLldcnts complain that thcir parcnts say a lot to thc∏b but ncvcr (74) ___ˉ ˉ̄ ̄t°
thcn1. somc ofthcn1cvcn say it (75) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ˉ
"My parcnts don’ t allow1me to play computcr gamcs, (769 ~ˉˉ̄ _̄_ otllCr c1assmatcs arc
doing that".
o曲ers弘y,when tllcˇ’Ie (77)_____phone calls to缸 ends, 山cir palents lkc to ask if
tllcy吁 c spcaking to a boy oF a gir1. Thcsc Inakc u1cΠ1vCγ (78) _ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ .̄ somc studcnts cvcn
dccidc to 1cavc homc。 But thcy donlt kno、 v mnning a、vay may bring thcm somc morc
problems. Show your parents you吁 e groⅤ汪ng up。 Thcn they|ll fcel youie no (79) ~ˉ ェ̄___ a
sma11chⅡ d.
(:0) ~ you f。 llovˇ thc advicc, you11havc a happy li】 o and ncvcr tllInk of running
六、阅读表达 (共 1小题,计 5分 )阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。
As tccnagcrs, you havc luany dlca1ns。 Thcsc drcams can bc vcry big, such as、 vinning thc
Nobcl Pr讫 c, or山 cy can bc sm耐 1.You mayju“ wantto bccome onc ofthe tcn bcst哎 udcnts in
your class.
once you丘nd a drcaIn, 、vhat do you do、vith it? Do you cvcrtry to n1akc your drcan1tme?
Fo11ow Your Hca⒒ by Austrahan writcr Andrews tclk us that making our drcallas tmc is li凭
biggcst challcngc (挑战 ).
In fact, cvc〃 one Can rnakc his drean1co1netmc. Thc丘 rstthing you111ust do is to remcmbcr
、vhat your drcam is。
Don’t Ict it lcavc your hcart. Kccp tcⅡ ing yoursc1f、 vhat you、vant. Do this stcp by stcp and
your drcam、 反1l co1nc tluc兔 stcr bccausc a big drcam is, h1fact, many sllla11drcams.
You must also ncvcr givc up your drcam.
There wⅡ l bc di壬Ⅱcu⒒ies on the road to your dreallls. But the biggcst difΠ culty con1es岔 o1n
yoursclf,You may tlli酞 youic not vcγ good at∞ mc Ⅱhool乩blcc“ ,or1ts1m∞ ssiblc允 r、∠-2u
to bccomc a Ⅵtitcr. Thcsc kinds ofthoughts stop you ion1gc仗 ing your dlcam, d1c book says,
You nccd to decidc、 vhatis the most i1npoltant, sttldying instcad ofwatching TV will lcad to
bcttcr cxam rcsults,whilc saving伍 vc yuan instcad of bu” ng an kc clcam mcans you can buy a
nc、v book. As you gct closcrto your drcanb itIuay changc a litdc. Thisis good as you havc t11c
chancc to lcan1rnorc skⅡ ls and find ncw intcrcsts.
81. Translatc the sentcncc underlincd in paragTOph7into Chincsc。
82. Find out u1e sentcnccs△ om t11c passage that stand for“ thc biggest dⅡⅡcult,rc。 lllCs io1△
yoursc1f’ 。 ~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ -
83.Whatshould you do ifyou wantto makc” ur drcam∞mctmc? (至少两条)~
84. Mlat’s the lua血 idea ofthc1ast paragraph? ~
七、写作 (共两节,计 ⒛ 分)第一节根据所给汉语完成句子 .(每空一词)(共 5小题,计
10分 )
86,飞机起飞时天正在下着大雨 .
It、vas raining hard whcn thc planc~ˉˉ̄ˉ̄ˉ
87.学习方面老师对我们要求严格 .
our teachers arc~ˉ ˉ̄ _̄—- us in study.
88.她己经足够大了,可 以自主做出决定 ,
she is old make11cr own dccision.
89.安徒生如此闻名,以至于几乎每个小孩都能说出一两个他的童话作品 .
Andcrsen is____ˉ ˉ̄ nⅡn。us______ˉ ahnost cvcΓy child can namc Onc Ort、Vo ofhis faiγ ta1cs·
90.为何不给她买个相机作为生 日礼物呢 ?
————̄ˉ̄ you gct hcr a ca1ncra as a biltllday prcscnt?
九、第二节书面表达 (共 1题 ,计 10分 )
喜悦与失利的遗憾 ;展望未来 ,你 肯定有美好的憧憬和实实在在的打算 .请你以"Unfo鸡 c钆ablC
MemoⅡes"为题,给英文报纸 21虻 Cclltuγ"青春校园"栏 目写一篇 80词左右的征文 .
注意 :
(1)内 容要包含对过去的回忆 (学业有成、爱好特长、师生情谊以及最大的遗憾 )和对未
来的憧憬 .
(2)文中不要出现你的真实姓名和学校名称 ;
(3)文章的开头己给出,不计入总词数 .
UnR订gcttablc McmoⅠ cs
Ho、v timc nics!Thrcc ycars passcd.
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