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Unit 4 At the farm 第五课时 教案

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第五课时 一、课时内容 B Let’s talk B Let’s play 二、课时分析 本课时是人教版四年级下册第四单元第五课时,与前几课时时紧密相连。围绕“参观农场”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习句型What are those?They are….来询问物品的名称。 Are they…? 及其答语No, they aren’t确认是不是某种物品。培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。本课时是第一课教学内容的延续,重点是能够在情景中恰当运用“询问并回答物品名称”的句型。‎ 本课时包括Let’s talk和 B Let’s play两个板块。Let’s talk版块通过呈现Mike与Sarah继续参观农场引出句型What are those?They are….Are they…? 及其答语No, they aren’t对话的结尾生动有趣,很能引起学生的共鸣。 B Let’s play版块用于操练B Let’s talk板块的核心句型,要求参与表演的学生不能少于两人。‎ 本课时涉及的话题比较简单,重在对话的理解和运用。所以在设计本课教学时,我提供了不同的场景帮助学生理解对话和运用对话。做到操练与情境相结合,达到巩固语言和运用语言的目的。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1. 能够理解对话大意。‎ ‎2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。‎ ‎3. 能够在情景中恰当的运用句型:What are those? They’re … 问答物品名称。‎ ‎4. 能运用句型Are they …? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.确认是否为某种物品。‎ ‎5. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,梳理学好英语的信心。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1. 重点 ‎⑴ 巩固单词:hen , horse , cow , sheep ‎⑵ 能够听、说、认读句型:What are those? They’re ….Are they …? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.并能作出正确回答。‎ ‎2. 难点 ‎ these 和 those 的发音及用法区别。‎ 五、教学准备:‎ ‎ (1)多媒体课件 ‎ (2)单词卡片:hen , horse , cow , cat , sheep, duck ,dog 等。‎ ‎ (3)教学挂图 ‎ (4)录音机及磁带 ‎ (5)录制动物的叫声并制成课件 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎ 1.师生问候 T: Good morning, boys and girls.‎ Ss: Good morning, Mr/Ms...‎ T: Nice to see you again.‎ ‎ Ss: Nice to see you, too.‎ ‎ T: It’s time for English. Are you ready?‎ ‎ Ss: Yes, we are ready.‎ ‎ T: I have a song for you. Now let’s sing together.‎ ‎ 2. 播放歌曲 《 Old Macdonald has a farm》. 师生跟录音齐唱。‎ 设计意图:在愉快的氛围中,复习巩固了上节课的知识。‎ Step 2 Lead in 活动:猜图 活动方案:老师把词卡翻过来放到讲台上,然后抽一张叫自告奋勇的学生到台前看看,其余的同学用Are these …? 来猜图片的内容。猜对了这位同学就要说:Yes, they are. 猜错了,则要说: No, they aren’t. 全班同学再接着问:What are these? 该同学就给出正确的答案。‎ 如:抽到卡片 ‎ S全: Are these hens ?‎ ‎ S1: Yes, they are.‎ ‎ 抽到卡片 ‎ S全: Are these hens ?‎ ‎ S1: No,they aren’t. ‎ ‎ S全:What are these?‎ ‎ S1: These are sheep.‎ 设计意图:通过猜图游戏不仅复习了上节课学习过的动物名称单词,更为下一步的游戏和新知识的学习做了铺垫。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1.教学 Let’s talk ‎ ⑴. 教学单词animals ‎ ‎ T:(老师课件展示一个农场边展示边介绍)This is a farm. ‎ ‎ 接下来手指农场问:How many animals do you see? 边说边板书 animals ,老师边领读边做各种动物所特有的动作,说明animals 是动物们的意思,开炮操练读 animals ‎ Ss:( 老师课件展示各种动物并引导学生一起回答)I see many animals.‎ ‎ T: Yes, I see a lot of animals. (通过肢体语言引导学生明白a lot of 的意思) ‎ ‎ 随后老师边说边走到一位同学的面前看着他盒子里很多的铅笔说: Wow! You have a lot of pencils! 然后向同学们展示使学生明白a lot of 是许多的意思。‎ 设计意图:利用课件图片跟肢体语言教学单词, 更利于学生掌握和理解。‎ ‎ ⑵ .教学 these 和 those ‎ ‎ 老师课件展示一群马在农场里的图片,然后手里拿着刚才游戏里抽出的绵羊的图片,边配合肢体语言边介绍说:‎ ‎ T: (手举绵羊图片) What are these? ‎ ‎ Ss:( 老师引导学生回答) They are sheep.‎ ‎ T:(手指马的课件)What are those?‎ ‎ Ss: They are horses.‎ ‎ 配合肢体语言重复朗读 these 和 those ,并板书these 和 those 解释两者的区别,适时提醒学生o-e 的发音,引导学生拼读单词those,再领读,学生击掌读。‎ 设计意图:利用教师提供的图片进行对话练习,通过肢体语言帮助学生理解词义及应用。‎ ‎ ⑶ 教学句型:What are those? They are …. What about those?‎ T: (老师将事先准备好的“奶牛”和“鸭子”的图片贴在黑板的左边和右边,然后老师站到奶牛的旁边问:)What are these?‎ Ss:They are cows.‎ T:(然后手指鸭子问)What are those?‎ Ss: They are ducks.‎ 指名学生说一说What are these?与What are those?的区别并告诉学生“What are those?”也可以用“What about those?来替换。‎ 设计意图:利用贴图片让学生重新感知 these 与those的区别及它们运用的语境。从而理解句型:What about those?的意思。‎ ‎⑷ 教师播放 Let’s talk的录音,学生跟读,教师注意正音。‎ ‎⑸ 教师课件展示一个农场与学生根据农场图片示范对话。‎ ‎ 如:T: You have a lot of animals . What are those?‎ ‎ Ss:(学生根据课件展示的动物回答)They are horses.‎ ‎ T: How many horses do you have?‎ ‎ Ss: I have seventeen horses.‎ ‎ 设计意图:提供场景,帮助学生理解和运用语言。‎ ‎2.教学 B Let’s play ‎ 活动:我来演你来猜 ‎ 活动方案:T: I can act like an animals . Look and guess. (教师表演一种农场动物的动作,如: horse . 提醒学生使用句子Is it a …? 进行猜测。‎ ‎ 教师再请一名学生一起表演一种动物,如 hen 。教师引导学生使用句子 Are they …? 进行猜测。‎ ‎ 设计意图:本活动用于巩固与拓展核心句型:Are they …? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.‎ Step 4 Practice 活动:听音猜动物 活动方案:教师播放课件点击先发出动物的叫声然后问:What are those?学生用They are…. 的句型来猜,猜对后,教师再次点击,出示该动物的图片。‎ ‎ 设计意图:本活动操练巩固了本课时的核心句型:What are those? They’re …‎ Step 5 Summary ‎ T:Boys and girls, Let’s look back this class. Which English phrases do you remember?‎ Ss:Animals ; these ; those T:Excellent! Which new sentences do you learn today?‎ Ss:--What are those? ‎ ‎ -- They’re ….‎ ‎ -- Are they …? ‎ ‎ -- Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.‎ 设计意图:帮助学生整理和归纳知识点,加强学生的理解。‎ 七、课堂作业 Ⅰ. 按要求写单词。‎ ‎ 1. this (对应词) 2. sheep (复数) ‎ ‎ 3. tomato (复数) 4.these (对应词) ‎ ‎ 5. What is it?(复数) ‎ Ⅱ.单项选择。‎ ‎( )1.You have a lot of ‎ ‎ A. cat B. cats C.a cat ‎ ‎( )2. -- What is it ?‎ ‎ -- ‎ A. It is a cow. B.They are cows. C.They are cow.‎ ‎( )3. -- Are they hens?‎ ‎ -- No, they are .‎ A. hens B. ducks C. horse ‎( )4.—What are these?‎ ‎ —______ are potatoes. ‎ A. This B. They C. It ‎ ‎( )5.— dogs do you have?‎ ‎ —Two ‎ A. What B. How many C. Where ‎ Ⅲ. 判断句子描写的与图片相符吗?相符的(√),不符的(×)‎ ‎( ) 1. -- What are these ? ‎ ‎ -- They are hens.‎ ‎ ( ) 2. -- What are those? ‎ ‎ -- They are horses.‎ ‎ ( ) 3. -- Are these monkeys? ‎ ‎ -- Yes, they are.‎ ‎ ( )4. -- Are these potatoes? ‎ ‎ -- No, they aren’t. They are tomatoes.‎ ‎ ( ) 5. -- What are those? ‎ ‎ -- They are sheep.‎ 答案:‎ Ⅰ.1.that 2.sheep 3.tomatoes 4.those 5.What are they?‎ Ⅱ. 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B ‎ Ⅲ.1.× 2.× 3.√ 4.√ 5.×‎ 八、板书设计 ‎ Unit 4 At the farm ‎ ‎ 第五课时 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ animals ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ -- What are these? -- What are those?‎ ‎ -- They are cows. -- They are ducks ‎ ‎ ‎ What about those?‎ ‎ They are ‎ Are they …? ‎ Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.‎ ‎ ‎