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广东高考语法填空题知识点归纳总结解题方法 word版

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广东省高考“语法填空”统计 填 空 原 则:① 填的单词尽可能少 ② 不能填实义词 ③ 介词、代词每年有可能出2道题,其它“类型”每年最多1道题。‎ 填空解题方法: 1.如果括号里给了单词,就要变形。 2.如果是空格,则只能填______________(虚词)‎ ‎ A.连 B.动 C.代 D.形 E.冠 F.副 G.介 H.名词 ‎ ‎3.“名词”前面可以填:_________、_________、_________‎ 第1大类:括号中已经给出单词 形 容 词 总规则1:如果括号里给出的是形容词,就要变形(比较级、最高级、副词)。很多单词有几种不同变化,要选择合适的一种。‎ 比 较 级 ‎3‎ 规则1.1:如果括号里给的是一个形容词,有可能变成“比较级”、“最高级”(目前,高考题中全部是比较级)‎ ‎(12广东) It might have made it a little 21 harder (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around. ‎ ‎(10广东) The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be 39 sweeter (sweet). ‎ ‎ 否定词+比较级== 最高级 ‎(08广东) He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” 38 higher .(high)‎ 形 变 副 ‎5‎ 规则1.2:如果括号里给的是一个形容词,后面还有一个形容词,则要变成“副词”‎ ‎(11广东) He must be 20 mentally (mental) disabled. ‎ 规则1.3:如果括号里给的是一个形容词,并且用它来修饰一个动词,则要变成“副词”‎ ‎(13广东) “But such a small thing couldn’t 23 possibly (possible) destroy a village.”‎ ‎(10广东) His teacher took a deep drink, smiled 34 warmly (warm).‎ ‎(07广东) We drank together and talked 38 merrily (merry) till far into the night(到深夜).‎ 规则1.4:其它(时间副词) ‎ ‎(11广东) I left it early because I had an appointment 16 later (late) that day. (B1U4已讲到)‎ 如 果 括 号 里 给 的 是 动 词 充 当 谓 语 动 词 总规则2:如果句子缺谓语动词,那么括号里的这个动词就要充当谓语动词。注意3种变化:________、________、________‎ 时 态 变 化 ‎6‎ 规则2.1:动词时态与原文中的整体时态保持一致(上下文)‎ ‎(13广东) He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 16 found (find) that he had run out of salt. ‎ ‎(12广东) He walked in as if he 17 had bought (buy) the school , and the word quickly got around(传开了) that he was from New Youk City . (虚拟语气)‎ ‎ (10广东) After a four-day journey, the young man 33 presented (present给) the water to the old man.‎ ‎(07广东) The sun was setting when my car 31 broke (break) down near a remote and poor village.‎ 规则2.2:由and、or等(并列连词)所连接的动词的时态、形式要保持一致 ‎(11广东) He 19 was pretending (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.‎ ‎(09广东) people stepped on(踩) your feet or _34_ pushed (push) you with their elbows(肘)‎ 单复数 规则2.3:动词v-ing当句子的主语,谓语动词用单数形式 (B4U1)‎ ‎(08广东) Being too anxious to help an event develop often 40 results (result) in the contrary to our intention.‎ 被动 式 规则2.4:主语和动词的关系是被动式 (B7U2、3讲到了这个知识点)‎ ‎(09广东) Her mother was excited. “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking” Jane _40_was informed. ‎ 充 当 非 谓 语 总规则3:如果句子中已经有谓语动词,那么这个动词就是非谓语(“不是”谓语)‎ ing 作 状 语 ‎3‎ 规则3.1:两个动词如果是并列关系,就要用and和or。‎ 但是,如果是逗号,那么两个动词不是并列关系,而是主、从关系。后面是对前面内容的补充,说明“状态”‎ 如果这个动词和主语是“主”动关系,则用ing形式,即v-ing作状语。(B4U4讲到了这个知识点)‎ 如果这个动词和主语是“被”动关系,则用ed形式,即v-ed作状语. (B5U3讲到了这个知识点)‎ ‎(13广东) Everyone added a little, always 25 thinking (think) that it was only small and not very important , and look where we have ended up today.”‎ ‎(12广东) He suddenly appeared in class one day, 16 wearing (wear) sun glasses. ‎ ‎(10广东) He spit(吐) it out, 37 saying (say) it was awful(糟糕). ‎ ing 作宾补 规则3.2:see notice…sb doing sth. (v-ing当宾补)(B4U3讲到了这个知识点)‎ ‎(11广东) I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 18 sitting (sit) at the front. ‎ 另解:如果没有字数限制,上面也可以填was sitting,可以看作notice后面接的是一个省略了that的从句 v-ed宾补 规则3.3:make get have … done(v-ed当宾补)(B5U2、B8U3讲到了这个知识点)‎ ‎ (07广东) she was getting me 34 settled (settle) into a tiny but clean room.‎ 不 定 式 规则3.4:表目的要用to do (B7U1讲到了这个知识点)‎ ‎(09广东) She wished that he was as easy _32_to please (please取悦)as her mother. (去掉as…as结构,再做)‎ ‎(08广东) For example, the proverb, “plucking(拔) up a crop 32 to help (help) it grow”, is based on the following story. ‎ 词 性 变化 V变 n ‎1‎ 规则4.1:形容词性物主代词(…的)后面要用“名词”‎ ‎(09广东) But Jane knew from past experience that her _36_choice (choose)of ties hardly ever pleased her father.‎ N 变 a ‎2‎ 规则4.2:名词前面的名词要变成“形容词”‎ ‎(13广东) “That would be a very 19 reasonable (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said.‎ ‎(08广东) This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their 39 natural (nature) course(过程)‎ V变 a ‎1‎ 规则4.3:感观动词feel、sound等词语后面要用“形容词”‎ ‎(12广东) Mary felt 18 pleased (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. ‎ 第2大类:填空 完 整 句 子 之 间 简 单 句 连 规则5.1:两个完整个句子之间,要填连词(判断前后句子间的关系,时间、条件、转折)‎ ‎(13广东) So Nick called to his son, “Go to the cillage and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it : neither too much 17 nor too little.” ( 此题为固定搭配 )‎ ‎(12广东) 20 If he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong.‎ ‎(11广东) My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 17 until till the bus arrived. ‎ ‎(08广东) He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, 37 but he felt very happy.‎ 从 句 连 规则5.2:同位语从句,填连词that (没有实际意思)‎ ‎(10广东) We understand this lesson best 40 that we receive gifts of love from children. (有的填when)‎ ‎ (08广东) One day, he came up with an idea 35 that he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.‎ 关 系 副 词 规则5.3:定语从句。如果是“完整句子1 + + 完整句子2”, 并且“ 完整句子2”是对“完整句子1”里的某个地点、时间、原因进行限制、修饰,那么就要考虑 “定语从句”关系副词 ‎ ‎(09广东) Jane paused(暂停) in front of a counter _35_where some attractive ties were on display.‎ ‎(07广东) The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some(大约) 20 kilometers away 36 where there was a garage(车库). 思考:以上两题,填because行不?‎ 冠 总规则6:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词”、 “定冠词” (每年只出1道题)‎ a ‎ ‎3‎ 规则6.1:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词a”‎ ‎(13广东) “In the beginning, there was only 24 a very small amount of unfairness in the world ‎ ‎(09广东) Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not _33_ a pleasant experience ‎(07广东) The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to 35 a small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage(车库).‎ an ‎1‎ 规则6.2:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词an”‎ ‎(11广东) We had 24 an amazing conversation. ‎ the ‎3‎ 规则6.3:名词前面有可能填“定冠词the”‎ ‎(12广东) But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in 19 the last row.‎ ‎(10广东) A young man came across a spring(泉水) of clear water. 31 the water was sweet.‎ ‎(08广东) A man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to help 33 the his rice crop(稻谷) grow up quickly 代词 总规则7: (一) 动词、介词后面有空格,则差“宾语”,只能填代词 (代词分3种:人称代词、物主代词、不定代词)‎ ‎ (二) 动词前面有空格,则差“主语”,只能填代词 ‎ ‎(三) 名词前面有空格,只能填代词 ‎ 在简单句中,代词每年基本有2道题(12年只1道题),但2019年1题都没有(只1道定语从句),这与常理不符。‎ 代 ‎(一)‎ 动词 或 介词 后面 简 单 句 第7.1类:在简单句中,“及物动词+ ”,则差“宾语”,必须填“代词” (人称代词)‎ ‎(12广东) “Do you need those glasses for medical reasons ?” the techer asked. The new boy shook his head . “Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class”. Then he took 25 them off , gave a big smile ‎(10广东) He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like 38 it ?”‎ ‎(09广东) she knew that this was a present which was bound to please _38_him . ‎ ‎(08广东) He was thinking about 34 it this day and night. (动词短语也一样)‎ ‎(07广东) I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused 40 her . ‎ 从 句 第7.2类:在定语从句中(介+关系代词)‎ ‎(11广东) Behind him were other people to 21 whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes they walked away.‎ 第7.3类:在宾语从句中(关系代词)‎ ‎ (12广东) The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered 24 what the boy would do. (what充当后面句子do的宾语,后面整个句子再充当wonder的宾语)‎ 代 ‎(二)‎ 动 词 前 面 简 单 句 第7.4类:在简单句中,“ +动词”,则差“主语”,必须填“代词”‎ ‎(11广东) Behind him were other people to whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes 22 they walked away ‎ ‎(09广东) She remembered how difficult _31_it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.‎ 从 句 第7.5类:在复合句(从句)中,“ +动词”,则差“主语”,必须填“关系代词”‎ ‎(定从) (13广东) Nick’s guests, 20 who had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. ‎ ‎(12广东) Of course whenever they turnd to look at him, they had to look at Mary, 22 which made her feel like a star. (which指代前面整个句子)‎ ‎(10广东) He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder 32 who that had been his teacher ‎(宾从) (07广东) I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to(关于) 32 who should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house. (who充当后面句子should的主语,后面整个句子再充当as to的宾语)‎ 代 ‎(三)‎ 名词前面 ‎3‎ 第7.6类:“ +名词”,填代词 (物主代词、不定代词)‎ ‎(10广东) After the student left, the teacher let 36 another student taste the water. ‎ ‎ (08广东) A short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to help 33 his rice crop grow up quickly ‎ (07广东) 37 Other Some villagers brought me goat's cheese and hone.‎ 代 其它 ‎1‎ 第7.7类:其它 ‎(四)‎ ‎(11广东) I’m glad I made a choice. It made 25 both of us feel good. ‎ 介词 名词前面有可能填介词。 在10、11、12年中都只出现1道题。‎ 在07、08、09、13年中都同时出现2道题。‎ 介 词 ‎11‎ at ‎2‎ 第8.1类:at常见意思:① 以…(价格、速度…) ② 在…上、旁边 ③‎ ‎(13广东) Nick replied, “ The only reason a man would sell salt 21 at a lower price would be because he was desperate(渴望) for money. ‎ ‎(09广东) When Jane got home,her parents were already _39_at table having supper.‎ for ‎3‎ 第8.2类:for常见意思:‎ ‎ ① 为了因为… ‎ ‎ (13广东) And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of (缺乏) respect 22 for ‎ ‎ the sweat(汗水) and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.”‎ ‎ (07广东) I wanted to reward the old woman 39 for the trouble I had caused her. (reward sb. for sth.)‎ ‎ ② 做…事做了多久 ‎ (12广东) The new boy looked at the teacher 23 for a few seconds. ‎ with ‎1‎ 第8.3类:with常见意思:① 带着(表示伴随状态) ② ③‎ ‎(10广东) The young man went home 35 with a happy heart. (带着一颗快乐的心)‎ behind ‎1‎ 第8.4类:behind常见意思:①在…背后 ② ③‎ ‎(08广东) Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people’s daily life. 31 Behind these proverbs there are often interesting stories. (在每个习语的背后都隐藏着一个有趣的故事)‎ as ‎1‎ 第8.5类:as常见意思:① 作为、当作 ② ③‎ ‎(07广东) the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to(关于) who should have the honor of receiving me 33 as a guest in their house. ‎ on ‎2‎ 第8.6类:on用于固定搭配 ‎(11广东) I didn’t want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him 23 on his own either. ‎ ‎(09广东) She found some good quality pipes _37 _on sale.‎ after ‎1‎ 第8.7类:after常见意思:①在…之后 ② ③‎ ‎(08广东) He was very tired 36 after from doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy. (B1U1)‎ 副词 ‎1‎ ‎(13广东) “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 18 why not save a bit of money?”‎ 如 何 做 好 语 法 填 空 ‎★★★★★★★★★ 记住以下“规则”,语法填空就像1+1=2那么容易 ★★★★★★★★★‎ ‎1. 学会分析句子成份,完整的句子必须有_____、_____、_____3大主要成份,定、状、补可有可无 ‎2. 空格只能填4类词:______、_____、_____、_____,名词前面可以填 _____、_____、_____‎ ‎3.每篇文章中各种类型的题目都至少要有1个:介、代、连、冠、动词时态、非谓语、从句、词性变化 ‎ 常见的从句有:1定语从句、2主语从句、3宾语从句、4表语从句 ‎ ‎1属于形容词性从句,234属于名词性从句 ‎4. 什么情况下该用什么类型的词语:‎ 名------充当句子的主语、宾语。不能自己凭空填,一般都是将括号的形容词、动词变成名词 ‎ 动------1. 充当谓语 (3要素:时态、主被动、单复数。如果句子里没有谓语动词,那么括号里所给的动词就充当谓语动词。然后再运用3要素。时态要根据上下文来确定,注意一些提示性的词语,选择正确的时态)‎ ‎2. 充当非谓语 (3要素:主动式--ing、被动式--ed、表目的to do. 如果句子中已经有谓语动词,那么括号里所给的动词就是非谓语。然后判断“动词和它前面的名词在逻辑上是什么关系”。如果做前面的事是为了后面的事,就要用to do)‎ 形------ 用在名词前。如果用来修饰______、_____、_____,就要变成副词。‎ ‎ 如果“名词1 +名词2.”,就要把“名词1”变成形容词。‎ 副------ when, where, why, how,必须和完整的句子连用,说明某一动作发生的时间、地点、原因、方式。其用法和连词类似。‎ 介------用在名词前面、不及物动词后面 (talk about with to, live in…)‎ 如果是“_____ +n.”或“_____ v-ing”形式,那么“_____”就要填介词 代------用在名词前面、及物动词、介词后面。动词前面有空格,缺_____,要填_____. 及物动词后面有空格,缺_____,要填_____‎ 连------用在完整的句子前面、两个完整的句子的中间。如果一个句子前面是一个空格,那么空格处要填连词,然后再根据前、后两句的逻辑关系来填一个恰当的连词,比如but, although, however, whether, if, because…. 如果意思不缺,就填that ‎ 冠------用在名词前面 (a, an放在首次提到名词前,the放在重复提到的名词前,或者特指某个东西)‎ ‎ ‎ Study in America    ‎ Nannan’s father runs an enterprise near the Ming Tombs selling batteries and drills to the Daqing Oilfield. Hoping to get the qualification to help govern it, Nannan made much preparation(prepare) and then left her motherland with  her visa to study in America. Having reached her destination, she settled in an inn recommended by the travel agent. ‎ ‎    As far as Nannan was concerned, she always kept it up in China. But she had to acknowledge it was not easy to adjust herself to the new academic requirements,which were not parallel with China’s.Although/Though she was occupied with lectures and seminars day in and day out, the essays she drafted were still contradicted by her tutors. As for her routine life, she felt that it was hard to fit in/it, too. For example, she found English idioms difficult to understand (understand). And it was out of the question to eat delicious Chinese foods though many optional cafeterias served abundant substitutes. In addition, she had to wait in a queue early for the minibus that took her to school and it was usually so cold that she felt numb.What  bothered her most was that she received no apology when her sleeping was disturbed (disturb) by a barking dog in a shopkeeper’s cage.Luckily, with her parents comforting her by videophone, she became autonomous soon and eventually got her bachelor’s degree successfully (success).‎