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Module 2A Job worth doing Explanations for new words and phrases ‎1、intellectual: adj. 脑力/智力的; (善于)思维的,需用才智的;理智的。‎ intellectual education/physical education/moral education智育 / 体育 / 德育 Maths is an intellectual exercise.数学是一种智力训练。She is an intellectual woman.有才华的女人。‎ intelligence/in′telidʒəns/ : n. 智力/慧;理解力。 IQ=intelligence quotient智商 The children were given an intelligence test.儿童们接受了智力测验。‎ ‎2、satisfying: adj.令人满意的。 =satisfactory adj.令人满意的,符合要求的。‎ I think it's very satisfying to do voluntary work in this village.在这村做志愿工作是非常令人满意的。‎ ‎94% of the surveyed believed they could achieve a balance between a satisfying professional career and a pleasant personal life. 94%的受访者认为,他们可在满意的职业和快乐的个人生活间取得平衡。‎ satisfied: adj.(感到)满意/足的。 be satisfiedto do对做...感到满意。‎ be satisfied with /that...感到满意。= be content with… = be pleased with…= be happy about… ‎ Satisfied with what I said, my mother agreed that I could go swimming with my classmates.‎ 妈妈对我说的话很满意,同意我与同学一起去游泳。‎ From his satisfied look I know he is satisfied to work here.从满意的神情可看出,很满意在这工作。‎ satisfy: vt.使满意;满足。satisfy one’s need/demands满足需求。satisfy the conditions符合条件。‎ satisfy one’s hunger/thirst满足欲望。 satisfy one’s curiosity满足好奇心。‎ Her father tried his best to satisfy her demands.她的父亲想尽一切办法来满足她的要求。‎ satisfaction:n.满意,满足,实现。 to one’s satisfaction使某人满意的是...。‎ with satisfation 满意/满足地。常做状语。 express one’s satisfacttion with…. 对..表示满意。‎ Your success at school has been a satisfaction to your parents.‎ Much to my satisfaction, my boss agreed to my suggestion.使我满意的是老板同意了我的建议。‎ I noticed with great satisfaction that you made great progress.我很满意地看到你取得了很大的进步。‎ ‎3、stressful: adj. 充满压力的,紧张的。‎ Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job. 教育可能是一项既累人又有压力的工作。‎ stress: n. C/U压力/紧张/压迫。 under stress 在压力之下。‎ In times of stress, we hope to get help from our friends.有压力的时候希望得到朋友的帮助。‎ The stresses and strains of work made him ill. 工作的压力与紧张使他生病了。‎ She has been under a lot of stress lately.最近她压力重重。‎ 强调/重视(on)。 lay /place/put stress on sth.强调...。 My parents lay great stress on honesty.‎ Father always put a lot of stress on good table manners.‎ 重音。 The stress is on the first syllable.‎ vt.强调说,着重。 stress sth./thatThe speaker stressed the need for better education.‎ He stressed that they must arrive on time.‎ ‎4、accountant: n. 会计人员,会计师。‎ account: n. 计算, 帐目/户, 描述/说明, 理由。 vt. 解释/说明, 认为。‎ on account/ on credit:先/暂付,以赊购/分期付款的方式。‎ on account of = because of/for the sake of / thanks to/ due to/ owing to/as a result of: 由于/因为。‎ ‎ on no account=in no time;by no means:决不 /绝对不 /在任何条件下都不。‎ ‎ take into account=take into consideration; allow for:考虑;顾及。‎ account for:vt.说明理由/解释...的原因。He could not account for his absence from school.说不出缺课原因。‎ Too much rain accounted for the poor crop. 太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。‎ ‎5、electrician: n. 电工;电器专家。 electricity: n. 电(流)。‎ ‎ electric: adj. 电的,电动的,带电的, 有电的。 electric current/cable电流/缆 ‎ electrical: adj. 用电的;与电有关的,电学的。electrical engineering/apparatus 电机工程/电器 ‎6、miner:n.矿工。 mine:n/v.矿,矿井。开采。 mineral:矿物/矿石/矿物质。 mineral water矿泉水 ‎7、volunteer:n. 志愿者。 同练P37-9 ‎ We want some volunteers to help paint the house.我们想要几个自愿帮助漆房屋的人。‎ ‎ vt./ vi.(常与to连用)自愿去做/自愿提供,主动请求去做。‎ We all volunteered to paint the house.我们都自愿漆这房子。‎ voluntary:adj.志/自愿的;义务/无偿的。He made a voluntary statement to the police.自动向...供出一切。‎ ‎8、offer: vt. 同练P29-1‎ ‎1) 主动提供/主动提出。offer sb. sth. =offer sth to sboffer to do sth.‎ The young man offered an old man his own seat in the bus.年轻人在车上将自己座让给了老人。‎ Johnson offered a new suggestion. 约翰逊提出了一个新建议。‎ The president offered no comment on the question. 总统对这个问题未作评论。‎ He offered to drive us to the station.他主动提出要送我们去车站。‎ ‎2) 出售,出价。offer (sb.) sth. for (money) 以多少钱出售某物 offer sb (money) for sth / to buy sth出价多少购买某物 He offered this bike for 600 yuan. 这辆自行车他要价600元。‎ We offered him the house for 35000 dollars. 35000美元我们将房子卖给了他。‎ We offered him 10,000 yuan for his house. 我们愿出一万元钱来购买他的房子。‎ 同义短语:charge sb money for sth.以多少钱出售某物(报价)pay sb. money for sth.出价多少购买某物 n. 1) 提供/供应;提议。 accept /refuse an offer接受 / 拒绝提议 Thank you for your kind offer of helping me / to help me. 谢谢你提供的帮助。‎ ‎2) 报价/出价。make an offer 出价,发价,发/询盘 I've had an offer of $8888 for that house.有人向我出价8888 美元买那房子。‎ They made me an offer of ten thousand yuan for my motorbike.他们愿出一万元买我的摩托车。‎ ‎= They offered me ten thousand yuan for my motorbike. ‎ ‎=They offered to buy my motorbike for ten thousand yuan.‎ ‎9、signal: n. 信/讯号,暗号;交通指示灯(通常指现代的电子信号)。 同练P31-2 ‎ sent signal to sb.向某人发送信号。‎ 辨析:signal: 只为某一目的而有意发出的信号。‎ symbol:“象征,标志”。指做象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。‎ sign:“标记/符号/招牌;手势/信号;征兆”。指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。‎ mark: “痕迹,记号,标志”。指便于辨认而有意做的标记,或自然形成的标记,或有别于它的特征。‎ A red flag is often used as a danger signal.红旗常表示危险的信号。 ‎ The dove is a symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。‎ You can see many “No Smoking” signs in public places.不准吸烟标志。‎ You can leave a mark where you have any questions.有问题的地方作个符号。‎ ‎10、in particular:尤其,特别。= particularly同练P32-3 ‎ She stressed that point in particular. 她特别强调了那一点。‎ The whole meal was good but the wine was in particular excellent.整顿饭都很好,尤其葡萄酒更好。‎ particular: adj. 1) 特定的, 某一的。 This is his particular problems. 这是他个人的问题。‎ ‎2) 特殊的, 特别的, 非一般的。 This is a matter of particular importance. 这个问题非同小可。‎ The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled child. 老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。‎ ‎3) (过于)讲究的;苛求的,挑剔的。 be particular about/over sth讲究/挑剔 She is particular about what she eats. 她过分讲究吃。‎ 辨析:in particular和particularly两者都表示“尤其;特别”。‎ 但in particular位于名词后,在句中作状语,修饰整个句子;‎ particularly是副词,位于系动词后,所修饰的形容词前。‎ ‎11、sheer: adj./adv. 垂直的/地;陡峭的/地。 = steep / sharp / vertical ‎ The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.瀑布从一千英尺的高处直泻而下。‎ The mountain was too sheer to climb.这山太陡峭了, 无法攀登。‎ The mountain rises sheer from the plain.这座山几乎是从草原上拔地而起。‎ vertical: adj.垂直的, 竖的。 He climbed the vertical cliff.他攀登陡峭的悬崖。‎ The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.这座山的北坡几乎是垂直的。‎ ‎12、on average:平均为。 =on the average/on an average同练P32-4 ‎ How many classes do you haveon average every day?平均每天多少堂课?‎ 拓展: above/below the average:在一般水平以上/下;中上/下;在平均数以上/下。‎ an average of...平均…。 the average of: …的平均数量。 the ~age/temperature平均年龄/温度。‎ The temperature has been above the average recently.近来气温一直高于平均温度。‎ An average of three students are absent every day.平均每天有三个学生旷课。‎ ‎13、in theory:理论上/按理说(作状语)。 名词前不使用冠词。同练P33-5但事实上并非如此。‎ In theory,everyone is equal according to law; but it’s not in practice.理论上,法律面前人人平等,‎ In theory,these machines should last for ten years or more.理论上, 这些机器应能用十年甚至更长。‎ ‎14、in practice:在实践中, 实际上。 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。同练P34-6-1 ‎ out of practice生疏的, 荒废的。 put in/into practice实行, 实施。 她们的男同事低得多。‎ In practice women receive much lower wages than their male colleagues.实际上妇女所得的工资比 He has long been out of practice on the piano.他已经很久没有练习弹钢琴了。贸易政策。‎ It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade.据说正实施一种新的对外 ‎ 短语:in trouble处于麻烦中 in common共有 in danger在危险中,有...的危险 in advance提前,事/预先 in harmony (with):和睦/谐,融洽/一致 in general:一般而言,大体上,总的来说 ‎15、respect: vt.遵守(交通规则) /不违反/不损害;尊重/尊敬/敬佩。 同练P34-6-2 ‎ respect the speed limit/the school rules.遵守限速规定respect ideas of others尊重别人的意见 We must respect the laws of a country we are in.遵守所在国法律。I respect his courage.敬佩勇气 I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。怎能受到别人尊敬呢?‎ respect oneself自重。If you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?不自重,又 n. 尊重/敬重。(pl).敬意;问候。 Give my respects to your wife.‎ send/give one’s respects to 向…致敬show/have respect for 尊敬;尊重...‎ win/gain /earn the respect of sb. 赢得...的尊重with respect 尊重地out of respect 出于尊重 Children should show respect for their teachers.学生要尊敬老师。‎ The new teacher soon won the respect of his students.这位新老师很快就赢得了学生们的尊重。‎ Old people deserve to be treated with respect.老年人理应得到尊重。‎ Out of respect, he took off his hat.他脱帽以示敬意。‎ n. 方面。 in all respects 无论从哪方面来看。in respect of 关于;就…方面来说。‎ I think you are wrong in every respect.我觉得你各方面都错了。‎ 相关词组:without respect to 不管/顾/不考虑。 with respect to 谈到。 respectful 恭敬的。‎ respected 受人尊敬的。 respectable可敬的,体面的。‎ ‎16、bend:v. 弯曲,使弯曲;弯腰/屈身。 (引申: 动摇,改变注意)‎ The stream bends to the west.这条小河折向西流。The branch bent but did not break.弯曲但没折 It is possible to bend nature to human will? 有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗? ‎ She bent down (over) to pick up a book from the floor.她弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。‎ n.弯曲; 转弯(处)/弯道。 a bend in the road 道路的转弯处 ‎17、direct: vt. 指挥/指导;导演;管理;指示方向/指引。同练P36-8 ‎ adj. (笔)直的/径直的;直接的;坦率/坦白的。‎ Chaplin directed many films in his life.卓别林一生导演了许多电影。‎ Can you direct me to the railway station?你能指给我去火车站的路吗?‎ May I ask you a direct question?我能直截了当地向你提个问题吗?‎ He is very direct, so you always know what his real views are.为人直率, ‎ 总能知道他的真实想法。‎ directly: adv.直达地;直接地。conj.立即;一...就...=as soon as Please answer my questions directly.请直接回答我的问题。‎ Please telephone me directly you get to Beijing.请你一到北京就给我打电话。‎ director:n.指导者;导演;董事。 directory:n.地址/号码簿。 direction:n.方向/趋向/势。‎ On hearing the sound, the birds flew away in every direction.听到声音,鸟向四面八方飞去。‎ ‎18、pass by:经过/通过/走过;(时间)过去;错过;忽视。 passerby 过路人同练P37-10 ‎ A truck passed by just now.We passed by a big forest and came to the small village.‎ The procession passed right by my front door.队伍就在我家门前经过。 Time passed by without our knowing it. 时间不知不觉地就过去了。‎ You should never let the opportunity pass by. 你不应该错过这个机会。‎ Tom passed close by me without a sign of recognition. 汤姆与我擦肩而过,却没有认出我。‎ 短语: ‎ pass away去世;(时间等)消磨掉/过去 pass down把…一代传一代/流传 pass through经历/体验/穿过 pass on传递,传授pass over不注意,忽视pass out昏倒,失去知觉 pass over对…不加考虑pass through穿过;经历,遭受pass up放过(机会);放弃 Qian Xuesen,a great scientist,passsed away peacefully.伟大的科学家钱学森安详地辞世了。‎ Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.民间音乐一代一代地流传下来。‎ Mary passed through a difficult period after her marriage failed.婚姻失败后经历了一段困难时期。‎ 同练P39-10-2‎ ‎19、take (sb./sth.) for granted:认为…理所当然, (因视为当然而)对…不予重视;认为某事属实(是必然情况)。‎ Don’t take his help for granted. 不要认为他就应改帮助你。‎ Don’t take anything for granted.凡事不要想当然。‎ He never praises his wife;he just takes her for granted.他从不夸妻子,只觉得她一切理所当然。‎ 如果跟宾语从句,则用it作形式宾语,把实际宾语放在后面。take it for granted that….‎ I took it for granted that you would stay with us. 我想当然地认为你会跟我们在一起呢。‎ I take it for granted that you have read this book.我认为你一定读过这本书。‎ 拓展:take it easy别着急,放松点。 take...seriously认真对待。 take one’s time慢慢来,别着急。‎ Take it easy.We’ll take care of everything.别着急。一切由我们照料。仔细考虑一下吧。‎ It’s an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over.对你来说,这是一个重要的决定,‎ You can’t take her promise seriously; she never keeps her word.她答应的事你别当真,她从来不算数。‎ ‎20、encounter: vt.遭遇;遇到。 n .相遇,邂逅。‎ The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration.年轻的科学家们在探险 have a close encounter with death 跟死神打了个照面。 期间遇到了许多困难。‎ ‎21、profound: adj. (影响)深远的;(见解)深刻的。‎ I give you my profound thanks for saving my life.我对您的救命之恩深表谢意。‎ He has a profound knowledge of mathematics.他数学知识渊博。‎ ‎22、have an effect on/upon sb./sth.: 对…产生效果/起作用或有影响。‎ have no (little/some/much/a bad )effect:无效;没有 (几乎没有/有些/有很大的/有不良的)影响”。‎ have a profound effect on:对…产生深远影响。‎ Smoking can have a bad effect on your body.吸烟会对你的身体产生很坏的影响。‎ Punishment had very little effect on him.惩罚对他不起作用。‎ 拓展:be of no effect to...对…无效。 come/go into effect 生效;实施。 cause and effect 因果(关系)。‎ bring/put/carry...into effect使生效;实施;实现/行。 in effect实际上;事实上。 take effect生效,起作用。‎ The new system will soon be brought into effect.新系统即将启用。‎ When will the new law take effect?这项法律何时生效?‎ This medicine is of no effect to her.这种药对她不起作用。他影响很大。‎ The games don’t have an effect on me but affect him a great deal.这些游戏对我没有影响,但是对 同义词归纳:have effect on/upon sb./sth.,have an influence on,have an impact on,affect ‎23、mission: n. 任务;职责;使命。 a mission in life 人生目标/天职 The minister was sent to Spain on mission.这位部长奉命前往西班牙。‎ ‎24、qualified: adj. 合格的/称职的;有资格的/能胜任的。‎ Jane is well qualified for this teaching job.简很适合担任这份教育工作。‎ ‎25、take up: 站好位置以备...。‎ The boys took up their places before the game began.游戏开始之前,孩子们站好了位置。‎ The chairman took up and began his speech.主席就座并开始讲话。‎ take up有更多的意思。‎ ‎1)开始从事。 When did he take up football?什么时候开始踢足球的?She has taken up a job as a teacher.‎ ‎2)开始学习(某课程)。 What is your brother taking up in college? 你哥哥在大学学习什么专业?‎ ‎3)占用(时间或空间)。 The work took up all his time. 那工作花费了他所有的时间。‎ The large desk takes up most of the office. 这张桌子占去办公室的大部分间。‎ ‎4)拿起。 He took up a pen and wrote down his name.拿起笔记下名字。‎ ‎5)继续/接着(讲述)。 The teacher took up his lesson where he stopped yesterday. 老师接着昨天的课程讲。‎ ‎6)接受(挑战/建议/条件等)。I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.我接受你的邀请,搭你车进城。‎ ‎26、take notice of:注意到。 Do you take the slightest notice of my feeling?你有一点注意我的感受吗?‎ take notice of与notice (vt.)均为“注意到”:‎ take notice of指有意识的行为;notice (vt.)指无意识的行为。‎ 相关短语:take notice注意;留心。 take sth apart 拆,卸,拆散。take after 长相或举止像(某个长辈)。 take back 收回,接回,退回。‎ take down写下/记下; 拆下/拆掉。 take in收留; 吸收; 包括; 理解;欺骗/使上当。‎ take off 脱下/拿走/去掉;起飞;打折扣/扣掉/去掉;请假; 休息; 成功/名。‎ take on 聘用/雇用;呈现;承担或担任(工作或责任等)。 take over 接替,接管,继承。‎ take to喜欢/习惯于...;沉溺于。 take sb (sth) for /to be…把某人(某物)当作(是)…。‎ take…for granted 认为...理所当然。 take care of 照顾。 take part in 参加,参与。‎ take effect 生效;起作用。 take it easy别紧张。take advantage of 利用。‎ Can you take five dollars off the price?你可以减价五美元吗?He soon took to drinking again.‎ There’s another matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件事我们要提出来商量。‎ I took him for an honest man/to be honest. 我看他为人老实。‎ ‎27、temporary: adj. 临时的, 暂时的, 短时间的。 = impermanent The arrangement is only temporary.这种安排只是暂时的。‎ They just reached a temporary agreement.他们只是达成一个临时协议。‎ permanent:adj. 长久/永恒/永久(性)的;固定的。 It is unchangeable and permanent.是持久不变的 He is one of our permanent employees.他是我们的终身雇员之一。‎ ‎28、freeze:vi.冻住/冻僵;结冰。 freezer:n.冰箱,(冰箱的)冷藏室,冷藏车,冷藏库。 freezing:adj.严寒的。‎ A freezer freezes water solid.冰箱能使水结成固体。‎ It is freezing outside, and put on your winter coat.外面很冷, 穿上你的大衣吧。‎ ‎29、contract: n. 合同;契约。vt.缔结; 订契约。 vt. & vi.染上(恶习, 疾病等)。‎ Once you have reached formal agreement, you should enter into a contract with the other party.‎ 你一旦达成正式协议, 就应该和对方签订合同。‎ They've contracted an agreement.缔结了一项协议。Bad habits are easy to contract.坏习惯很容易养成。‎ ‎30、earn:vt. “挣钱,挣/赚得”。earn one’s living=make a living 谋生 earn one’s own living 自食其力earn money=make money挣钱 She is young, but she earns a good salary.她很年轻,但挣的工资很高。‎ She earned her living by singing in a nightclub.她靠在夜总会唱歌谋生。一百万英镑的人叫做富翁。‎ Everyone who can earn no less than £1,000,000 a year is named moneybags.我们把一年赚不少于 They put all the money earned into a big case.他们把所有挣来的钱都装进一只大箱子里。‎ ‎ [拓展]earn 还有“博得,赢得”的意思。‎ His courage earned him the admiration of his comrades.他的勇气博得了同志们的赞扬。‎ As a teacher, she had earned the respect and admiration of her students.赢得了学生的尊重和敬仰。‎ 辨析:gain:得到。强调结果,并不在意是否应得,或是否付出了努力。‎ win:赢得。 强调在竞争中、比赛中获胜得到某物,并不在意所得之物是否应得。‎ earn:赚得。 强调在工作或竞争中付出努力赚得,所得之物是应得的报酬。‎ ‎31、sign:vt.在…签字,签署;签名;向...做手势(sign to sb.to do sth.示意某人去做某事)。‎ I haven't signed the contract yet.我还没有签这个合同。‎ Both parties have signed the contract!双方已经在合同上签字了。‎ He signed his name on the cheque.他在支票上签了名。‎ She turned and signed (to) the child to be quiet.她转过身示意孩子安静下来。‎ 短语:sign for sth.签收某物。 sign in/out 签到/签退。 sign up (for) 报名参加,签约受雇。‎ For safely reasons, please sign in when you arrive at the building, and sign out when you leave.‎ 基于安全,请在抵达大楼时签到,离去时请签退。多的人,但是没有多少人签约。‎ They planned to sign up more men for the company, but not many signed up.他们计划为公司雇用更 n.记号/符号;姿势;信号;告示;标语;招牌/牌子;迹象;征兆。 There's no sign of rain.没下雨迹象 He made a sign for me to follow him.他向我示意跟着他(走)。‎ The sign by the road said ‘No Parking'.路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。‎ There are no signs of life about the house.这房子没有有人住的迹象。‎ The tests can detect early signs of disease.这些检查可以发现疾病的早期征兆。‎ signature: n.签字,署名。‎ ‎32、apply: vi 申请。 apply for sth. to sb.向...申请...。apply to do申请去做...。‎ He has applied for a post in England.Tom applied for the post of Jack’s secretary.申请杰克秘书一职。‎ He has applied to a banker for a loan.He applied to be sent to another depaartment.‎ I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.申请了4所大学,全都录取了我。‎ vt. 应用;运用。 apply sth. tosth.把…应用于…生产过程中。‎ Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes.科学上的发现经常被应用到工业 We should learn how to apply a theory to practice.我们应学会把理论应用于实践。‎ vi.适用于。 apply to/be applied to...适用于/应用于…。The rules of safe driving applies to everyone.‎ This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。‎ 拓展:apply oneself to 致力于,集中精力做…。‎ He would do well if only he applied himself to the work.只要专心致志,他会把工作做得很好的。‎ He applied himself to learning French. 他致力于学习法语。‎ applied: adj.应用的,实用的。 application: n.请求/申请;申请书/表;应/运/适用/用途。‎ applicant:申请人。 applicable: adj. 可应用的,合/适用的。‎ Hisapplication had been rejected.他的申请被拒绝了。经被开发出来。‎ Since the 1970s many new applications have been found.从二十世纪七十年代起,很多新的用途已 The applicants must first hand in their application if they want to apply for the job.‎ ‎33、require:vt. 请求/要求想要;需要。 1)requiresth.,require (sb) to do,require that (should) do This job requires a clear head/patience.All living beings require food.He requires to see my passport.‎ I require two children to help me.The boss required that she (should) keep it a secret.‎ ‎2) sth + require /need/want+ doing = sth + require/need/want + to be done 某物需要…‎ These temples require / want / need repairing.=These temples require / want / need to be repaired.‎ The floor requires washing.=The floor requires to be washed.‎ ‎3) require sth. of sb.对...有...的要求。I have done everything that was required of me.要我做的事都已做好 ‎4) require that (should) 后接宾语从句,从句谓语用虚拟语气:should+动词原形,should可以省略。‎ The teacher required that we (should) hand in the papers after class.‎ It is required that all the children be seated silently.‎ He required that we (should) work all night.=He required us to work all night.他要求我们干通宵。‎ requirement: n. 要求,必要性/必要条件;需要(的东西)/必需品。‎ meet/refuse one’s requirements 满足(拒绝)某人的要求 The requirement is that students not be absent from classes.这项要求是学生们不要旷课。‎ Food is a requirement of life.食物是一项生活必需品。‎ ‎34、renewable: adj. 可继续的,可续订(签)的。renewable energy/sources可再生能源 renew: vt. & vi.(使)复原/更新;赋予新的生命和活力;重新开始;延长…的期限。‎ The most important thing is to renew your health.最重要的是恢复你的健康。‎ The trees renew their leaves every year.树木每年都重新长出叶子。‎ I must renew the book.我必须续借这本书。‎ ‎35、essential:  adj. 必不可少的/绝对必要的/非常重要的;本质的/实质的/基本的。‎ Food is essential for life.生命离不开食物。It is essential for us to know all the facts.了解事实有必要。‎ There are essential differences between the two.这两者之间有本质的区别。‎ ‎36、in response to:“作为…的回应;回答”。常作状语,其中to 为介词。同义词为in answer to。‎ My mother opened the door in response to the knock.听到敲门声,妈妈打开了门。‎ In response to my question,she just nodded.作为对我问题的回应,她只是点了点头。‎ The product was developed in response to customer demand.为了满足顾客要求,开发了这个产品。‎ response:n. 回答/答复;反应/响应/作出反应。 have no response 没有回应 make aresponse to对…作出反应make no responseto = make no answerto对…不作反应/不回答 in answer to= in reaction to作为对...的回应in reply to对...回复 in return for作为...的报答 He made no response to my question.他对我的问题不予回答。‎ They made a quick response to my inquiry.他们对我的询问很快做了答复。‎ respond: vi. 1)作答/回答;作出反应;响应。 Has she responded to your letter? ‎ ‎2)(对治疗等)有良好反应;(对操纵等)作出灵敏反应。 respond to回答/应;对…作出反应。‎ The patient is responding well to treatment. 病人对治疗反应良好。‎ They eagerly respond to the Party’s call to work in the west.他们积极响应党的号召到西部去工作。‎ vt. 以...回答。 He responded no to the first question. 他对第一个问题的回答是否定的。‎ ‎37、grateful: adj 感激的,感谢的。 They sent us a grateful letter.‎ 给我们寄来了一封感谢信。‎ be ~to sb for (doing) sth:因某事而感激某人。 be grateful (for sb) to do sth 因(某人做某事)而感激。‎ I am very grateful to you for everythingyou did /all that you have done.感激你所做的一切。‎ I’m grateful to hear that you have put in a good word for me.听说你替我美言,我很感激.‎ gratefully: adv. 感激地,感谢地。我们的人所付出的努力。‎ We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us.我们衷心感谢每一位帮助 gratitude: n. 感激/感恩/感谢(之情)。Her eyes were filled with gratitude.她的眼里充满了感激之情。‎ 近义动词: appreciate sb./sth.感激/感谢。I appreciate your help very much.非常感谢你的帮助。‎ ‎38、available: adj. 反义词:unavailable难以获得的。 ‎ ‎(1)(修饰物)可获得的/可利用的/有效的。 This book is not available here.这里没有这本书。‎ be available to sb.可被某人获得或利用的。be available for可供…之用,有效期为,能参加…的。‎ All the teaching equipment is available to students.学生们可以使用所有的教学设备。‎ The ticket is available for three days.这张票有效期为三天。‎ TV sets are available in any department store.电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。‎ ‎(2)(修饰人)有空的;可与之联系的;可会见的。‎ Is the manager available? 经理在不在?The lawyer is not available now.律师现在没空。‎ Thoseovercoats are not available in your colour and size.这种外套,没有你要的颜色和尺码。‎ ‎39、demand: n. (C/U)要求;需要。‎ 短语:There are demands for sb.to do sth.有让某人做某事的要求。 demand for sth./sb.要求某事/某人。‎ in (great) demand非常需要/很受欢迎。 meet/satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的需求。‎ Is there much demand for teachers in this town?这个镇很需要教师吗?‎ Good secretaries are always in demand.好的秘书总是很多人都需要的。‎ It is impossible to satisfy all your demands.满足你所有的要求是不可能的。‎ v.要求;需要。‎ ‎1)demand + n/pron This sort of work demands great patience.这种工作需要极大耐性。‎ The foreign customer demanded an apology from the saleswoman in the supermarket.‎ 这位外国顾客要求超市女售货员向其道歉。(主观要求)(客观需要)‎ As is known, fishing is a job that demands great patience. 众所周知,钓鱼是一项需要耐性的工作。‎ ‎2)demand + to do /to be doneI demand to know the truth.‎ She demanded to be told everything about it. 她要求知道事情的整个经过。‎ ‎3)demand sth. from / of sb. 向某人要...。 昨天晚上,夫妇俩来到我家要求我帮忙。‎ Yesterday evening, the couple came to my house and demanded help from / of me.‎ ‎4)demand + that (should) do经理要求工人加班,以提前完成任务。‎ The manager demanded that the workers work extra hours to complete the task ahead of time. ‎ All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub (should) be moved away as soon as possible.‎ 附近所有居民都要求那家夜总会尽早搬走。‎ He demands that he (should) be toldeverything / to be told everything.他要求将一切都告诉他。‎ ‎40、suffer:vi.患…疾病;有…困难。 suffer from headache/illness受头痛/疾病之苦 vt.遭受(痛苦/损失);忍受(侮辱)。 常跟名词loss, pain, punishment, defeat, hardship, hunger, poverty。‎ Her business suffered when she was ill.她患病时,生意受到了影响。‎ He suffered a lot during the war.战争中他受了很多苦。‎ The old man’s legs were badly hurt and he suffered great pain.这位老人的双腿受了重伤,非常疼痛。‎ The company suffered huge losses at first.这家公司在一开始出现巨额亏损。‎ The old man is suffering from a bad cold.这个老人患了重感冒。‎ Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.世上多数城市都遭受着交通堵塞。‎ suffering:n.(身体或心灵的)痛苦, 苦难;各种苦恼/折磨。‎ The medication should ease the suffering.这种疗法能减轻痛苦。‎ ‎41、double: vt. & vi.是…的两倍, (使)加倍。‎ The house has doubled in value since I bought it.自从我买下这幢房子以来, 它的价值已增加了一倍。‎ The baby doubled its weight in a year.那婴儿一年中体重增加了一倍。‎ adj.双的, 双重的;供两人用的, 双人的。 They bought a double bed.他们买了一张双人床。‎ The total output is double that of last year.总产量是去年的两倍。‎ n.两倍, 双份;极为相似的人。 ‎ Ten is the double of five.十是五的两倍。He is my double.他酷似我。‎ ‎42、individual: adj. 个别的/单独的/个人的;独特的。 n.个人。‎ Each individual house has its own yard.每栋房子都有各自的庭院。‎ Students can apply for individual tuition.学生可以申请个别指导。‎ She has her own individual style of doing things.她有自己独特的行事风格。‎ The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the individual.该法律目的是为了保护个人权利。‎ ‎43、outgoing: adj.(指性格)开朗/大方/外向的;对人友好的。 ‎ He is an outgoing and lively person.他是个性格开朗而又活泼的人。‎ 反义词:shy怕羞的; 腼腆的。 coy 假装害羞的;忸怩作态的;故作谦虚的。‎ Mary is a shy girl.玛丽是一个害羞的女孩。The boy is shy of strangers.这小孩怕陌生人。‎ She is too shy to go to parties.她很怕羞, 不敢去参加舞会。‎ Don’t be so coy, and I know you’d like to do the job.不要忸怩, 我知道你真的喜欢这份工作。‎ ‎44、personality: adj. 个性/性格/人格;人物/名人。‎ His personality is in good taste.他的品格很高尚。‎ She has a powerful personality. 她有坚强的个性。‎ Einstein was a great personality.爱因斯坦是个伟大的人物。‎ 句型:‎ ‎1、A job worth doing ‎ worth, worthy, worthwhile ‎1)be worth n/doing: This dictionary is worth 150 yuan.‎ The novel is worth reading. (or It is worth reading the novel.)‎ ‎ 2)be worthy of n./ being done / be worthy to be done ‎3)be worthwhile doing/ to do ‎ It’s worthwhile reading this story.‎ Reading this story is worthwhile.‎ It’s worthwhile to read this story.‎ I thing it is a worthwhile job, and my attempt is worthwhile.‎ ‎2、He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend.‎ When = at that time 这时突然。。。‎ ‎ We were doing our homework when the lights went off.‎ Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park ____ she was bitten in the leg by a lion. ‎ A. when B. while C. since D. once on average 平均;通常。‎ We fail one student per year on average.我们平均每有一个学生不及格。 ‎【考点聚焦】记住与average相关的习惯用语: on the/an average平均;按平均数计算;一般地说 above the average在一般水平以上;中上;在平均数以上 below the average在一般水平以下;中下;在平均数以下 be well/quite up to the average完全达到一般水平 be about up to the average刚达到一般水平 in comfort in particular in surprise in secret in general in response to作为……的回应 A large part of human activity,particularly in relation to the environment,is in response to conditions or events.大量的人类活动,尤其是关系到环境的活动,应对现状负责。 ‎【考点聚焦】习惯用语:call forth no response in sb.’s breast 在某人心中不起反应 in response to 响应,反应 make no response 不回答