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Unit 3 This is my sister. 同学们,经过了一个月的学习生活,你们彼此之间一定熟悉了吧!也许你们已经开始互 相介绍彼此的家人和朋友了吧!那么如何去介绍他(她)们呢?如何识别他们呢,本单元让 我们一块来学习一下相关的用语和语法吧。 [教学过程] 一. 语言目标(Language Goals) 介绍人(Introduce people) 识别人(Identify people) 二. 语言功能 以家庭为话题,学会用英语介绍和辨认家庭成员及朋友。学习并记忆有关家庭成员称谓 的英语词。 三. 重点句型 1. Is this / that…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. It’s … 2. This is my brother. That is (That’s)my sister. 3. These are his brothers. Those are my friends. 4. Is she / he your sister? Yes, she / (he)is. / No, she / he isn’t. 5. Are they …? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 6. She is (She’s)/ He is (He’s)… They are… 7. Is Guo Peng your…? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 四. 主题词表 grandfather, grandmother (grand parents) family father, mother(parents) 家庭 brother, sister aunt, uncle, cousin 五. 目标语言 1. This is my brother. 2. These are my friends. 3. That’s my brother. 4. Those are my brothers. 5. -Is that your sister? -No, she isn’t. 6. Thanks for the photo of your family. 六. 口语交际: 1. 介绍他人: This is … That is … These are … Those are … 2. 识别他人 (1)-Is this / that Lisa / Mike…? -Yes, she / he is. No, she / he isn’t. (2)-Are these / those your friends…? -Yes, they are. -No, they aren’t. 七. 重点词汇及短语 词组: thanks for 为……而感谢 very much 非常 see you soon 回头见 pen friend(penpal)笔友 family tree 家谱 八. 1. 指示代词,this 这,that 那,these 这些,those 那些的用法。 2. 人称代词。 3. 名词的复数。 九. 疑难解析 1. 名词复数 本单元最重要的一个语法项目之一就是名词复数,名词又分为可数名词和不可数名词, 可数名词有单、复数之分,表示一个人或事物的名词用单数,表示两个或两个以上人或事物 的名词用复数,其构成方法、读音及例词语音列表如下: 情况 构成方法 读音 例词 一般情况 加-s 清辅音后读 [s]浊辅音 和元音后读 map-maps[me ps] [z] cat-cats[ke ts] car-cars[ka:z] boy-boys[b  iz] tree-trees[tri:z] 以 s, sh, ch,x 结尾的词 加-es 读[iz] bus-buses[ 'b siz ] watch-watches['w t iz  ] box-boxes[ 'b ksiz ] 以 ce, se, ze, ge 等结尾的词 加-s 读[iz] licence-licences(执照)[ 'lais nsiz ] orange-oranges[ ' rind 3iz] blouse-blouses[ 'blauziz ] 以辅音+y 结 尾的词 变 y 为 i 再加-es 读[z] baby-babies[ 'beibiz ] family-families[ ' f e miliz] 特殊情况 不规则变化 man-men[men] woman-women[ ' minwi ] Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese 2. 介绍人和询问人 △在 Unit 2 中,我们学习了指示代词 this / that 用来指代物品,在本单元中,我们将学 习指示代词指代人。当向别人介绍某人时,常用句型。 (1)This is … That is …用于介绍单个的人(见 Starter Unit 2)。 (2)These are … Those are … 用于介绍两个或两个以上的人。如:These are my grandparents. △this 与 that 还可以用于打电话,(详解见 Starter 篇)。 △询问人时除了用指示代词 this,that,these,those 外,还可以用人称代词,如 she, he, 但要注意答语。 Is this / that ...?的回答用 it 替代 this 和 that。 如 Is this your sister? Yes, it is. 当用人称代词询问人时,回答仍应用人称代词。 如:Is he your brother? Yes, he is. 询问人物时还可用 Who’s this / that? 句型。回答时主语用 it,也可仍用 this 或 that。(详 见 Starter 篇)如: “Who’s this? ”“It’s Diana.”“这位是谁?”“这位是黛安娜。” “Who’s that boy? ”“It’s Jack, my brother.”“那个男孩是谁?”“他是杰克,我的弟弟。” 3. these, those 和 they 的用法 these 这些,是 this 的复数,是指时间和空间离说话人较近的人或物;those(那些)是 that 的复数,指时间或空间上离说话人较远的人或物,通常构成以下句型: These / Those are my / his / her bags. 这些/那些是我的/他的/她的书包。 What are these / those? 这些/那些是什么? They are books(They’re books). 是书。 Are these / those maps? 这/那些是地图吗?Yes, they are. 是的。 No, they aren’t. 不是的。 4. 人称代词 英语中有一类代替具体人名的词叫人称代词。它有一、二、三人称与单数、复数及性别 之分(以后我们会了解到人称代词还有主格与宾格之分,在这里不做解释) 人称代词列表如下: 人称代词 I we you he she it they 作主 的主格 我 我们 你、你们 他 她 它 他们 语 (1)Who’s Kate? 凯特是谁? She’s my friend. 她是我的朋友。 注:she 代替上文中的 Kate,而不能再用 Kate 来重复回答:Kate is my friend. (2)Li Lei is a boy. He’s twelve. 李雷是个男孩,他十二岁。 注:he 代替前句中的李雷。 (3)Look at that bird. It is Polly. 看那只鸟,它是波利。 注:it 代替前句中的 that bird。 (4)Who’s it?(门外有敲门声)谁呀? It’s me. 是我。 人称代词与 be 动词的搭配 人称 完全形式 缩写形式 汉语意思 第一人称 I(单) I am = I’m 我是 we(复) we are = we’re 我们是 第二人称 you you are = you’re 你(你们)是 he he is = he’s 他是 第三 she she is = she’s 她是 人称 it it is= it’s 它是 they they are = they’re 他们是 5. thanks for 表示“对……表示感谢” △thanks for 与 thank you 一样,也是礼貌的用语,在接受别人的帮助,得到别人赞扬, 表示谢意时使用。至于要感谢的内容,可以接在 for 的后面。如: Thanks for the great photo of your family. 谢谢你家庭的精美相片。 句中 great 相当于 good 或 nice,其含义是漂亮的“好的”。 Thanks for your help. 感谢你的帮助。 Thanks for the nice day. 感谢这个好天气。 △我们同样可以说 Thanks for sth. / for doing... 或 Many thanks for sth. / for doing... Thank you very much for coming to my birthday party. 谢谢你来参加我的生日聚会。 6. family 表示“家庭,全家人” △family 与 class(同学们)一样是集合名词,既可以看成单数,也可看成复数,要根 据具体情况而定。指“一个家庭”时,视为一个整体,用作单数名词,谓语动词用单数,如: My family is very large. 我家是个大家庭。 △family 指全体家人时,意思是“家庭成员”,视为复数名词、谓语动词用复数,如: His family are all happy. 他的家人都很高兴。 △family 作家人讲时,不包括说话者本人,应说: my family and I 我的家人和我 7. a photo of...一张……的照片 photo 是“照片”的意思,picture 也可以作“照片”解,所以可代替句中的 photo。picture 除作“照片”解还有“图画”“电影”等别的意思。photo 的复数是直接加-s,构成 photos。 当我们说 a photo / picture of ...时,of 后面的人或物就是照片中的人或物。如: a photo of my parents 一张我父母的照片 a photo of me 我的一张照片 8. Here is my family photo. 这是一张我们全家的照片。 这一句也可以说成 Here is a photo of my family. Here is...可缩写成 Here’s...,这是一个倒 装句。指让对方看一个眼前或手头的东西,也可用于给对方一个手头的东西。这种情景中, 常用句型 Here’s...,这里 Here 一般不用别的词替换。如: Here’s your English book. 你的英语书给你。 Here are pictures of our school. 这些是我们学校的照片。 9. parent 和 parents parent(单数)单指父亲 father 或母亲 mother parents(复数)指双亲 father and mother 例如:My parents love me very much. 我的父母很爱我。 10. See you. 表示“再见”,常用于两个人很快又会再见面的情景。类似的表达还有:See you soon. / See you later. 11. like 与 love △I love them very much. 我非常爱他们。 love 和 like 的意思差不多,都有“喜爱”的意思,但指爱一个人时用 love 和用 like 在 程度上不太一样。love 在爱的程度上要超过 like,like 强调“喜欢”。在喜欢事物时两者区别 不大。如: I love my parents. 我爱我父母。 I like / love my little brother. 我喜欢/爱我小弟弟。 谚语:Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 12. very 与 very much △very much 是个固定短语,表示“非常”,常用来修饰一个表示人的情感的动词,在 句中作状语。如: Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 I like it very much. 我非常喜欢这个东西。 △very 是个副词,可修饰一个形容词或另一个副词,但不能修饰动词。如: The picture is very good. 这幅画很好。 That’s a very good school. 那是所非常好的学校。 13. mother, father 和 dad, mum mother、father 用于正式场合,是子女对父母比较正式的称呼;dad、mum 比较随便亲 切,是口语化的表达方式,特别是孩子比较喜欢用。 14. home, house and family 这组词都有“家”的意思,但是含义上有所不同。 (1)home 指家庭成员在一起生活的地方,如:家、家乡、本国; home 可用作副词,意思是:到家、回到家里、回国。Is he home yet? 他已经回家了吗? (2)house 主要指建筑物、住宅 He stayed at his friend’s house. 他(暂时)住在朋友家里。 (3)family 指家中成员或子女 Tom is the eldest of the family. 汤姆是子女中最大的一个。 15. 学口语,练交际 根据家庭相片介绍家人。 A: Is this your family? B: Yes, it is. A: Is this your grandfather? B: Yes, it is. And this is my grandmother. A: Are these your parents? B: Yes, they are. A: Who’s that man? B: He is my uncle. A: Is that woman your aunt? B: Yes, she is. A: Is the girl your sister? B: No, she isn’t. She is my cousin. 16. family tree 家谱 △制作 family tree 是英语国家的文化传统。我们来看看吉姆·格林,一个普通的美国男 孩的 family tree。 △wife 妻子 husband 丈夫 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 child(孩子单数)--children (复数) 十. 试题解析 [考题]用所给词填空,一个词可反复使用。(注意分清远近,分辨 these 和 those) they those it that these (1)A: Is ________ your brother? B: No, _______ isn’t. It’s my cousin. (2)A: Are ______ your children over there? (the children are not close to A) B: Yes, ________ are. (3)A: Are _______ your glasses? (the glasses are close to A) B: Yes, _________ are. [解析]此题与上题有些类似,但主要考查的还是 Are these / those…句型的运用以及与 其单数句型的比较,由题意和上栏可知答案。 [答案](1)that, it(2)those, they(3)these, they [考题]用适当的人称代词填空。(前后两句人称与数保持一致) (1)My name is Amy. ________ am Amy. (2)Our names are Amy and Gina. ________ are Amy and Gina. (3)His name is Tim. _______ is Tim. (4)Her name is Alice. ______ is Alice. (5)Their names are Tim and Alice. ________ are Tim and Alice. (6)Your name is Li Peng. _______ are Li Peng. (7)Your names are Li Peng and Li Lei. _______ are Li Peng and Li Lei. (8)Its name is Mimi . _________ is Mimi. [解析]此题主要考查人称代词的用法并通过形容词性的物主代词的对比运用,以区分 这两种代词用法上的区别,由上栏和题意可知答案。 [答案](1)I(2)We(3)He(4)She(5)They(6)You(7)You(8)It [考题]I like my cat ________. It’s _______ cute. A. very much, very much B. very much, very C. very, very [解析]句意:我非常喜欢我的猫,它很可爱。由句意可知,like 应当与 very much 搭配表 示“非常喜欢”之意,而 very 则修饰形容词 cute,意为“很可爱”,故答案为 B。 [答案]B [考题]-Where’s my key to the bike, _______? -Oh. Is it in your backpack? A. mother B. father C. mum [解析]句意:妈妈,我的钥匙在哪儿?哦,在你的背包里吗?由句意和上栏可知答案为 C。 [答案]C [考题]-Thanks ________ your help. -That’s all right. A. for B. in C. to [解析]谢谢你的帮助,不用谢。此题主要考查固定结构 thanks for 的用法,故答案为 A。 [考题]Her family _________ very large, and her family _______ all happy. A. are, is B. is, are C. am, is [解析]句意:她家是个大家庭,家人都非常快乐。此题主要考查 family 当“家庭”与“家 人”讲的不同用法,由上栏和题意可知答案为 B。 [考题]Is that a photo _________ an apple? A. in B. at C. of D. on [解析]此题主要考查固定词组 a photo / picture of...的用法,由上栏可知答案为 C。 [考题]Look. Here _______ Kate and Ann. A. be B. is C. are [解析]此题主要考查“Here...”倒装句的用法,句意为:瞧,凯特和安在这儿,安和凯特 相当于 they,她们是复数,故答案为 C。 [考题]His parents ________ teachers of English. A. is B. are C. ’s D. ’re [解析]由上栏可知,parent→parents. parent 表示父亲或母亲,指一个人,复数形式才表示 父母或双亲,故答案为 B。 [答案]B We live in a big ________. After school(放学后),my brother and I often go _______ together. A. house, home B. house, family C. family, home [解析]句意:我和我的家人住在一幢大房子里。每天放学后,我常常与弟弟一起回家。由 题意与上栏要点 6 和 14 可知答案为 A。 [答案]A [考题]两人一组,进行对话,根据相片询问人物关系。 A: Are these your sisters? B: No, ________. A: _____ they your friends? B: Yes, _______. A: ______ those your brothers? B: No, ________. A: ______ your friends? B: Yes, ________. [解析]用 these 来指上面两个,询问这些是你的姐姐/妹妹吗?否定回答,不是。他们是你 的朋友。肯定回答相同方法问下面两个,所以答案由此可知。 [答案]they aren’t; Are; they are; Are; they aren’t; Are they; they are 【模拟试题】(答题时间:90 分钟) I. 按要求写出单词(5 分) 1. he(物主代词)_______ 2. her(主格)_______ 3. don’t(完全形式)_______ 4. are not(缩写)_______ 5. this(反义词)_______ 6. this(复数)_______ 7. that(复数)_______ 8. parent(复数)_______ 9. photo(复数)_______ 10. wife(对应词)_______ II. 用括号内所给代词的适当形式填空(5 分) 1. ______ are the students in Class 3. ______ English teacher is Mr Green. (they) 2. ______ are a new student. ________ books are over there. (you) 3. ______is a Japanese boy. ______ name is Bill. (he) 4. This is Lucy. _______ is a girl. That is ______ desk. (her) 5. ______ is Mimi. _______ English name is Joy. (it) III. 在(II)栏中找出(I)栏的答案(5 分) (I) ( )1. Is he at school today? ( )2. Where is your teacher? ( )3. Is Ann your friend? ( )4. What’s your address? ( )5. Are you in Grade Two? ( )6. Can you spell it? ( )7. What’s your name? ( )8. Are these your pictures? ( )9. Can I see your picture, please? ( )10. What’s his phone number? (II) A.Yes, she is. B. It’s 8455971. C. Sorry, I can’t. D. No, he isn’t. E. OK. Here you are. F. My name is Kate. G. He is at home. H. It’s Fuxing Road, 100036, Beijing. I. No, I’m not. J. Yes, they are. IV. 单项选择(10 分) ( )1. -Are Jack and Mary your friends? -________. A. Yes, they are B. They are C. No, they not D. They aren’t ( )2. -What _______ these in English? -_____ pictures. A. is, It’s B. is, Its C. are, They’re D. are, These are ( )3. This is _______. A. a school’s picture B. a picture of school’s C. a school picture D. a picture of a school ( )4. ______ father looks young. A. Mike and Bill B. Mike’s and Bill C. Mike and Bill’s D. Mike’s and Bill’s ( )5. My family ________ all at home today. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )6. Sam Brown is my uncle. We call him ________. A. Uncle Brown B. Brown Uncle C. Uncle Sam D. Sam Uncle ( )7. They have _______. A. two friends new B. new friends two C. new two friends D. two new friends ( )8. Are ______ Gina’s ______? A. this, pencil case B. that, pencil case C. these, pencil cases D. those, pencils cases ( )9. Thanks _________ your help. A. for B. of C. from D. to ( )10. -What are those? -_____. A. They are my brother books B. They are my brother’s books C. Those are my brother’s book D. It is my brother’s book V. 从下列各组句子中选出表达正确的一个句子(5 分) ( )1. A. This are my sister. B. This is my sisters. C. This is my sister. D. These is my sister. ( )2. A. This isn’t me cousin. B. This is me cousin. C. This aren’t my cousin. D. This isn’t my cousin. ( )3. A. They is my brothers. B. They are my brother. C. They are my brothers. D. These is my brothers. ( )4. A. These is my mother. B. This is my mother. C. This is me mother. D. This are my mother. ( )5. A. Are this your grandmother? B. Is these your grandmother? C. Is these your grandfather? D. Is this your grandfather? VI. 按要求进行句型转换(10 分) 1. This is my friend. (变为复数句) ________________________ 2. Is that your baseball? (变为复数句) ________________________ 3. These computer are new. (变为单数句) ________________________ 4. Are those dictionaries here? (变为单数句) ________________________ 5. It’s my backpack. (变为复数句) ________________________ 6. These are his grandparents.(变为一般疑问句) ________________________ 7. Those are photos. (就画线部分提问) ________________________ 8. Are these school things? (作否定回答) ________________________ 9. The woman teacher is at school. (变为复数句) ________________________ 10. This is a girl student.(变为复数句) ________________________ VII. 连词成句,请注意标点符号(5 分) 1. your, is, sister, Lily, (?) ________________________ 2. are, these, brothers, her, (?) ________________________ 3. the, photos, all, look, at, (.) ________________________ 4. photo, family, my, here, is, (.) ________________________ 5. much, very, love, parents, my, I, (.) ________________________ VIII. 补全对话,每空一词(5 分) A: What’s that 1 ? B: He’s my father? A: 2 that woman? B: 3 my mother. A: 4 that your sister? B: Yes, that’s right. A: 5 her name? B: Cathy. A: How do you 6 it? B: C-A-T-H-Y, Cathy. A: 7 these her friends? B: No, 8 aren’t. A: 9 10 they? B: They are my cousins. 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____ IX. 完形填空(10 分) My name is Jack Hill. My Chinese teacher is Yang Bin. He 1 from Shanghai. He has 2 children, a son and a daughter. 3 are twins. The son is Yang Chen. The 4 is Yang Xi. Mr Yang and his son 5 in Nanjing, but his wife Chao Feng, a doctor, is 6 . Mr Yang’s daughter is in 7 . She is a college (大学)student. Yang Chen and I 8 the same college. We are classmates and we are good 9 . I teach (教)him English and he teaches me 10 . ( )1. A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )2. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )3. A. These B. Those C. They D. Them ( )4. A. son B. daughter C. wife D. twins ( )5. A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )6. A. Shanghai B. from Shanghai C. in Shanghai D. at Shanghai ( )7. A. English B. England C. an English D. an England ( )8. A. go to B. go C. goes D. are going ( )9. A. friend B. friends C. student D. students ( )10. A. China B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French X. 读下面短文,画出家谱图(4 分) This is my friend John Wilson and his family. This is his grandfather. His name is Fritz. This is his grandmother. Her name is Evelyn. This is his mother. Her name is Anna. This is his father. His name is Earl. Earl’s parents are Fristz and Evelyn. These are his sisters, Christie and Carina. Evelyn 1 2 3 4 John Carina 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______ XI. 书面表达(6 分) 写一段文字,介绍你家的主要成员及其职业。 My family _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ 【试题答案】 I. 1. his 2. she 3. do not 4. aren’t 5. that 6. these 7. those 8. parents 9. photos 10. husband II. 1. They, Their 2. You, Your 3. He, His 4. She, her 5. It, Its III. 1-5 DGAHI 6-10 CFJEB IV. 1. A(含 be 动词的一般疑问句的肯定回答。) 2. C(these 指代复数,其代词主格中 they。) 3. D(用 of 表示所有格。) 4. C(表示两者共有的名词所有格。) 5. C(family 此处指代“家庭成员”,是复数含义。) 6. C(uncle 表示称呼语时,其后可接名字。) 7. D(表示“两位新的朋友”。) 8. C(pencil cases 复数形式与 are, these 相符。) 9. A(Thanks for sth. “因某事而表示感谢”。) 10. B(表示“它们是我哥哥的书”。) V. 1-5 CDCBD VI. 1. These are my friends. 2. Are those your baseballs? 3. This computer is new. 4. Is that dictionary here? 5. They’re my backpacks. 6. Are these his grandparents? 7. What are those? 8. No, they aren’t. 9. The women teachers are at school. 10. These are girl students. VII. 1. Is Lily your sister? 或 Is your sister Lily? 2. Are these her brothers? 3. Look at all the photos. 4. Here is my family photo. 5. I love my parents very much. VIII. 1-5 man, Who’s, She’s, Is, What’s 6-10 spell, Are, they, Who, are IX. 1. C(主语是 he, be 动词为 is。) 2. A(由下文 a son and a daughter 可知。) 3. C(指代 a son and a daughter。) 4. B(由上文可知。) 5. D(主语是 Mr Yang and his son.) 6. C(表示“在上海市”。) 7. B(in 此处为表地点的介词,其后接地名。) 8. A(go to the same college 上同一所大学。) 9. B(friends 与 classmates 一致。) 10. B(由短文内容可以判断。) X. 1. Fritz 2. Anna 3. Earl 4. Christie XI. (One possible version) My Family This is my family. It has five people. They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and me. My grandfather and grandmother are old. They do some housework at home. My father is a teacher. He teaches English. My mother is a doctor. I’m a student. I’m in my father’s class.