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pep人教版五年级上册英语unit 5单元教学设计

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Unit 5 There is a big bed 一、单元整体分析 本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元,本单元的学习主题是利用There be…句型讨论家居陈设的摆放位置,总共设置了A、B、C三个板块的内容。A、B部分呈现两组情景对话、一些重点词汇和一篇阅读小短文等新知识点,C部分是以讲趣味故事形式巩固或延展知识面。‎ 本单元的学习主题是讨论家居陈设的摆放位置,通过参观张鹏同学的卧室,为学生们展示了一些有关家居摆设的单词,并用一些表示相对位置关系的方位介词来讨论这些家居物品的具体摆放位置,重点呈现核心句型There be,具体包括There is…和There are…。家,是我们从一出生就一直居住的地方,这是每个人最熟悉的场所,把自己家的样子介绍给其他同学,让他们了解自己的居住环境,这个与自己的生活息息相关的话题,可以瞬间激发学生们的浓厚情趣,让他们有话可说,使他们自然而然地把新的知识点融入到自己的真实生活中,并能很快达到内化的程度。‎ 本单元共分六个课时,A、B两部分中的情景对话都是展示重点知识内容即本单元两个核心句型的具体语言环境,Let’s learn 中所教学的重点词汇为学生练习使用关键句型提供多元化的素材,让学生们掌握更多常见的日常家居物品。包括A部分出现的photo, clock, water bottle, bike, plant, 以及B部分出现的in front of, between, behind, above, beside。这些词汇能够拓宽学生们的知识面,增加学生们的词汇量,为提高表达能力打下基础。第五课时的Read and write和Let’s check均是为巩固本单元重点知识而设计的精简训练。第六课时中的情趣故事是学生们最喜欢的板块,通过观看动画课件视频,模仿表演,学生们把本单元学会的新知识融入到虚构的故事情节当中,把故事内容活灵活现的展现在众人面前,让学生们感受着自己的进步、成功与喜悦s。‎ 本单元重点在于讨论日常家居物品的摆放位置,想要学好本单元,学生应该对一些常见家居摆设的英文名称、以及用来表示物体间相对位置关系的介词有一定了解。只有预先了解,才能在对话中进行描述和讨论。教师在教学过程中应充分利用视频、图像、自制PPT课件、词卡等教学工具,通过各种游戏、活动生动展开教学。学生的课前准备和教师对课程的精心设计相结合,最终将取得非常好的教学效果。‎ 二、 单元教学目标 ‎1.知识目标 ‎(1)能够听、说、读、写本单元photo, clock, water bottle, bike, plant, in front of, between, behind, above, beside等10个单词。 ‎ ‎(2)能够听、说、认读本单元there,their,house,lots of,flower,move,dirty,everywhere,mouse,live,nature等11个单词。‎ ‎(3)能够听、说、读、写重点句型:There is…/There are… 。‎ ‎2.能力目标 ‎(1)能够掌握一些常见的日常家居物品的名称,能够准确描述这些物体的相对位置关系,能够在对话时正确使用上述单词。‎ ‎(2)能够理解对话内容,按照正确的语音、语调和意群朗读对话,并能进行分角色饰演。‎ ‎(3)能够掌握字母组合ai和ay在单词中的发音。能够读出含有字母组合ai和ay的简单单词。‎ ‎(4)能够在单线上完成抄写句子活动,做到书写规范。‎ ‎(5)能够区别使用There is…和There are…句型。‎ ‎(6)能够正确理解Mr Jones写给机器人罗宾的电子邮件,能够按照正确的意群即语音、语调朗读邮件。‎ ‎(7)能够表演情景对话和趣味故事。‎ ‎3.情感目标 通过对本单元的学习,让学生养成有序摆放个人物品的好习惯。‎ 三、教学重难点 ‎1.教学重点 ‎(1)能够听、说、读、写本单元photo, clock, water bottle, bike, plant, in front of, between, behind, above, beside等10个单词。‎ ‎(2)能够听、说、读、写重点句型:There is…/There are… 。‎ ‎2.教学难点 ‎(1)能够熟练朗读并运用本单元学习的重点词汇,能够在实际生活中灵活运用句型完成问答交流信息的交际活动。‎ ‎(2)能够准确描述这些物体的相对位置关系。‎ 四、教学方法 针对本单元的教学内容,我准备用歌曲歌谣教学方法烘托课堂气氛,应用对话表演巩固重点短语和重点句型,采用小组合作完成任务方式训练巩固重点句型,充分应用多媒体进行教学活动,声情并茂,立体呈现,鼓励学生积极表演对话情景和故事内容。‎ 五、教学时间 本单元共分六个课时。‎ 第一课时 A. Let’s try Let’s talk ‎ 第二课时 A. Let’s learn Let’s play 第三课时 B. Let’s try Let’s talk ‎ 第四课时 B. Let’s learn Find and say 第五课时 B. Read and write Let’s check 第六课时 A. Let’s spell B. Let’s wrap it up C. Story time 六、知识点拨 There be 句型 There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。there在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义 要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“There be + 名词+ 地点(时间)这一句型。例如:There are some apples in the box. 盒子里有一些苹果。 / There is a plate on the desk. 桌子上有一个盘子。‎ 本单元there be 句型具体包括there is…和there are…两个句型。There be 句型中的be 究竟是is 还是 are 依照“就近原则”来确定,即应和其后紧跟着出现的名词在数上保持一致。 当动词be后紧跟的名词是可数名词的单数形式或不可数名词时,be 应该取单数is;当其后紧跟的名词是可数名词的复数形式时,be用复数are。如:‎ There is a bag on the table.‎ There are some apples in the box.‎ There are four books, two pencils and a ruler in the school bag.‎ There is a ruler, two pencils and four books in the school bag.‎ 第一课时 一、课时内容 教科书第48页: A. Let’s try Let’s talk ‎ 二、课时分析 ‎ 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第一课时,围绕“What is in the room?”这个话题展开内容,为大家展示了There is…这个句型的用法。包括Let’s try和Let’s talk两个板块。本课时是本单元第一课时,是整个单元教学的总基石,对本单元余下的课程学习起着举足轻重的作用, 只有牢固地掌握本课时的学习内容才能为本单元其它课时的学习做好铺垫,打好基础。‎ Let’s try是简单的听力训练,是为Let’s talk部分做铺垫的,以Sarah 和 Mike 参观张鹏的卧室为背景,其设计目的是为学生们展示出本课时、同时也是本单元的核心句型:There is …,让学生对这一新句型形成初步印象。这一部分的听力材料没有涉及本单元的新单词,难度相对而言不太高。学生只要听出关键的句子和词汇,然后在课本上勾选出恰当的图片即可。‎ Let’s talk是Let’s try 的一个变形、延伸练习,在Let’s try的基础上,该部分的背景同样是在参观张鹏的卧室时,Sarah 、Mike 和张鹏之间的对话,并且在对话的左侧给出了一张张鹏卧室的图片,方便学生以图文结合的方式进行学习。本部分的重要句型有:There is a big bed.这里有一张大床。There is a nice photo, too.这儿也有一张好看的相片。教材将There is …句型放在一个完整的对话情境中,方便学生根据当时的语言环境进一步感知该句型的语义,并学习如何正确地使用该句型。与此同时,Let’s talk中出现了本单元的一个新单词photo,教师可以借助该部分的图画,引导学生对photo一词进行初步地认识。对话之后,课本上另外给出一张图片,要求学生能够模仿上面对话中的句式,对这张图片进行基本地描述,进行简单的对话。如:There is a desk in the picture.图片里有一张桌子。There is a plate on the desk.桌子上有一个盘子。这其实是对There is…句型的巩固练习。‎ 图文结合是小学英语教学中非常重要的方式和环节,由于学生年龄的限制和思维的特点,他们对图片这种形象、直观、简单的东西更容易接受,因此图文教学不仅使得教师的教学通俗易懂,更使学生的学习得心应手,这种方式可以说是老师教和学生学的一把利器。本课时我将主要采用图文结合这一方式进行教学,用图片为学生呈现一些日常生活中常见的场景,让学生在熟悉的环境和生动有趣的图片中愉快地进行学习。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1.能够听懂录音中的简单对话。‎ ‎2.能够按照正确的意群、运用正确的语音和语调朗读对话,并进行分角色饰演。‎ ‎3.能够听、说、读、写本单元重要句型:There is…。‎ ‎4.理解photo的含义,并能正确发音。‎ ‎5.能够运用核心句型对自己的卧室进行简单的描述。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1.课时重点 ‎(1)掌握一个新单词:photo。‎ ‎(2)掌握一个重要句型:There is …。‎ ‎2.课时难点 会听、说、读、写核心句型:There is …,并能对该句型进行准确运用。‎ 五、教学准备 教师课前精心制作PPT课件,准备与本课时有关的教学挂图。‎ 六、教学过程 ‎1.课前热身 T:Good morning, boys and girls.‎ Ss:Good morning, Miss/Mr….‎ T:It’s a nice day, how are you today?‎ Ss:We are fine, thank you. And you?‎ T:I’m fine, too. OK, now please say after me. Can you play the pipa?‎ Ss:Can you play the pipa?‎ T:Yes, I can.‎ Ss:Yes ,I can.‎ T:Can you do any kung fu?‎ Ss:Can you do any kung fu?‎ T:No, I can’t.‎ Ss:No, I can’t.‎ 设计意图:以轻松、随意的方式开始本节课,同时带领学生复习了上一单元学习的重点句型,让学生放松心情,在愉悦的气氛中进行下面的学习。‎ ‎2.导入 ‎ ‎(1)语言导入 T:Boys and girls, do you have your own bedroom?‎ Ss:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ T:What can you see in your bedroom?‎ S1: I can see a desk and a computer in my bedroom.‎ S2:I can see a TV and a chair in my bedroom.‎ S3: I can see many books and some pictures in my bedroom.‎ T:Remember Zhang Peng? Do you know what is in Zhang Peng’s bedroom?‎ Ss:No, I don’t.‎ T:No problem, Sarah and Mike are in his room now, please listen to the tape and tick what is in the room.‎ 设计意图:通过几年的英语学习,学生对张鹏很熟悉,但对张鹏的卧室却从没有涉及过,用一个未知但却很贴近生活的话题引起学生的兴趣,使下面的课程能更好地展开。‎ ‎(2)播放录音,做听力练习。‎ 请同学们根据所听到的录音内容,完成教科书第48页的听力练习。教师播放录音之前,提醒学生注意听录音中出现的物体名称,这是完成此次听力训练的关键。‎ 设计意图:该听力材料中没有涉及到本单元的新单词,旨在要求学生们通过听关键词汇和关键句子选出正确答案,同时引出本单元的核心句型,让学生对即将学习的新句型做初步感知。‎ 附:A Let’s try听力材料 Sarah and Mike are in Zhang Peng’s bedroom. What is in the room? Listen and tick.‎ Zhang Peng: Let’s play computer games, Mike?‎ ‎ Mike: OK, but where is the computer?‎ Zhang Peng: There is a computer in my bedroom.‎ ‎ Mike: Great! Sarah, can you play computer games?‎ ‎ Sarah: Yes, I can. Let’s go.‎ 答案:左图 ‎3. 新课呈现 ‎ ‎(1)教学Let’s talk 中的对话 ‎①用PPT展示课本48页Let’s Talk 中的图片,师生共同就该图片进行简单的对话讨论。‎ T:This is Zhang Peng’s bedroom, what can you see in the picture?‎ S1:I can see a desk.‎ S2:I can see a computer.‎ S3:I can see a bed.‎ S4:I can see a window.‎ S5:I can see a door.‎ S6:…….‎ T:Very good. Can you see Zhang Peng in the room?‎ Ss:Yes, we can see a picture of Zhang Peng.‎ T:It’s Zhang Peng’s photo.‎ 教师边说边点击图片上张鹏的照片,同时板书单词photo。‎ T:Read after me, please. Photo,照片,Photo。‎ Ss:Photo,照片,Photo。‎ T:Photo, p-h-o-t-o, Photo.‎ Ss:Photo, p-h-o-t-o, Photo.‎ 教师板书:There is a photo.这儿有一张照片。‎ ‎ There is…有…‎ 教师就there 一词进行简单说明:there读作/ ðeə(r)/,在本单元中无实际意义,常用于there be句型中。并带领学生朗读there一词。‎ 接下来,教师用同样的句型“There is a …”描述图片中的其它物品,学生跟读。‎ T:There is a computer. (教师板书:There is a computer.)‎ Ss:There is a computer.‎ T:There is a desk. (教师板书:There is a desk.)‎ Ss:There is a desk.‎ T:There is a bed. (教师板书:There is a bed.)‎ Ss:There is a bed. ‎ T:There is a door. (教师板书:There is a door.)‎ Ss:There is a door.‎ T:What else is in the room? 房间里还有什么?‎ S1:There is a chair in the room. 房间里有一把椅子。‎ 设计意图:借助图片, 从学生已经学过的内容“What can you see?”出发,引出本单元的一个新单词photo,同时引出本课时的重点句型“There is a…”,让学生在形象直观中课时进入新的知识学习中。‎ ‎②播放课本48页中的教学录音,学生跟读,提醒学生注意模仿录音中的语音和语调,同时注意录音中出现的“There is…”句型,之后再请学生翻译这段对话。翻译时注意两个核心句子:There is a big bed./There is a nice photo, too.‎ Sarah:Your room is really nice! 你的房间真好!‎ Zhang Peng:Thanks. 谢谢。‎ ‎ Mike:There is a big bed. 这儿有一张大床。‎ Zhang Peng:Yes. I like my bed. 是的,我喜欢我的床。‎ ‎ Mike:There is a nice photo, too. 这儿还有一张好看的照片。‎ ‎ Sarah:Wow! You look cool! 哇!你看起来真酷!‎ Zhang Peng:Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Let’s play! 谢谢你。我的电脑在桌子上,我们玩儿吧!‎ 设计意图:五年级学生经过三年的英语学习已经有了一些朗读基础,同时这个年纪的孩子拥有很强的语言模仿能力,跟读录音进一步训练学生的英语发音,让学生在具体的语言情景中体会英语的魅力。同时翻译句子也考查了学生对本段对话的理解程度,使学生真正理解对话内容。‎ ‎③再次播放课文录音,学生跟读。之后教师领读,学生跟读。最后请学生自读,并指名几位同学在全班进行分角色对话表演。‎ 设计意图:带领学生反复朗读对话语句,熟练掌握各种英语句型的朗读要领,培养学生们养成良好的朗读习惯,提高学生勇敢说英语的积极性。‎ ‎(4)巩固练习。‎ ‎①教师拿出课前准备好的课本48页左下角的挂图,学生看图片对图片内容进行描述。‎ T:What is in the picture?(教师板书:What is in the picture?)‎ S1:There is a desk in the picture.(教师板书:There is a desk in the picture.)‎ T:What is on the desk?(教师板书:What is on the desk?)‎ S2:There is a computer on the desk.‎ S3:There is a plate on the desk.(教师板书:There is a plate on the desk.)‎ S4:There is a schoolbag on the desk.‎ T:What is on the plate?(教师板书:What is on the plate?)‎ S5:There is a banana on the plate.‎ S6:There is an apple on the plate. (教师板书:There is an apple on the plate.)‎ T:You are so clever. Now, please follow me. There is a desk in the picture.‎ Ss:There is a desk in the picture.‎ T:There is a plate on the desk.‎ Ss:There is a plate on the desk.‎ T:There is an apple on the plate.‎ Ss:There is an apple on the plate.‎ 教师在此过程中提醒学生注意几个方位的短语in the picture ,on the desk, on the plate,为后面学习其它表示方位的单词和短语打下一个良好的基础。领读几遍之后,教师请学生翻译黑板上的几个There is…句型,在翻译时注意引导学生先翻译后面表示位置的短语,再翻译句子前半部分,如There is a desk in the picture.在翻译时应先翻译in the picture,再翻译There is a desk。‎ 设计意图:对本课时的核心句型There is…进行集中汇总,带领学生反复朗读,同时告诉学生对这一类句子在翻译时应注意的问题。‎ ‎②教师用课件出示下列图片,学生看图片,编对话,并表演对话。‎ S1:What can you see in the picture?‎ S2:I can see a desk, a book, many pens and a cup.‎ S1:What is on the picture?‎ S2:There is a book on the desk. There is a clock on the desk. (桌子上有一个闹钟。)There is a cup on the desk. There is a photo on the desk.(桌子上有一张照片。)‎ ‎4.巩固操练 ‎(1)教师出示一段对话,学生仿照例子编造新的对话。‎ ‎——What is in the picture?‎ ‎——There is a desk.‎ ‎——What is on the desk?‎ ‎——There is a schoolbag.‎ ‎——What is in the bag?‎ ‎——There is a pencil-box.‎ ‎——What is in the pencil-box?‎ ‎——There is a ruler.‎ ‎(2)学生小组合作,用There is …句型介绍教室里的物体。之后老师指名几位学生面向全班进行介绍。在学生进行汇报时,老师适时地将学生所描述的句子写在黑板上,在汇报完毕后一一进行点评,对错误的句子进行纠错处理,提醒学生以后不犯类似错误。对于句子表述正确的学生要及时予以表扬。‎ S1:There is a computer in the classroom.‎ S2:There is a TV in the classroom.‎ S3:There is a blackboard in the classroom.‎ S4:There is a basketball in the classroom.‎ S5:There is a big desk in the classroom.‎ ‎……‎ 设计意图:以小组合作的形式运用There is…句型进行对话练习,并请学生进行班级汇报,考查了学生对该句型的掌握程度。教师及时对学生的表述予以评价,查漏补缺,批评与表扬相结合,能很好地调动学生的积极性。‎ ‎(3)教师将学生分为每两个人一组,小组成员中的一人用There is…句型描述出一个画面,另外一名学生根据语言描述画出相对应的图片,并根据所画的图片,重新用语言对图片进行描述。‎ 设计意图:抓住学生对图片很感兴趣的心理,用“语言描述——画图——语言重新描述”这一有趣的方式继续练习本课时的核心句型。‎ ‎5.课堂小结 ‎ T:Boys and girls, Let’s look back this class. Which new word do you remember?‎ Ss:photo T:Excellent! What new sentences do you learn today?‎ Ss:There is a big bed.‎ There is a nice photo, too.‎ There is a desk in the picture.‎ There is a plate on the desk.‎ There is an apple on the plate.‎ 七、课堂作业 ‎ Ⅰ.英汉互译。‎ ‎1.照片__________________ 2. 这儿有一张照片。_________________ ‎ ‎3. There is a plate on the desk. _________________ ‎ ‎4. There is a big bed. __________________‎ ‎5. There is a nice photo, too. __________________‎ Ⅱ. 单项选择。‎ ‎( ) 1. ----What is in the picture?‎ ‎ ----_________ a plate in the picture.‎ ‎ A. There is B. there is C. There are ‎ ‎( ) 2. There _____ a big bed ‎ A. do B. is C. does ‎ ‎( ) 3. Your room is _____ nice.‎ ‎ A. really B. real C. much ‎( ) 4. Sarah and Mike are in ________ bedroom.‎ ‎ A. Zhang Peng B. Zhang Peng’s C. Zhang Pengs’‎ ‎( ) 5. ‎ ‎ A.friendly B.friends C.friend ‎ Ⅲ. 连词成句。‎ ‎1. really,your,nice,is,room ‎ ______________________________.‎ ‎2. a,there,bed,big,is ‎ ______________________________. ‎ ‎3. is,my,on,computer,the,desk ‎ ‎______________________________. ‎ ‎4. is,a,there,photo,nice,too ‎ ______________________________. ‎ ‎5. plate,is,a,the,on,there,desk ‎ ______________________________. ‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅳ. 选择正确答语。‎ ‎( ) 1. What is in the room? A. I’d like some hamburgers and juice.‎ ‎ ( ) 2. Where is your school bag? B. There is a photo in the room.‎ ‎ ( ) 3. What would you like? C. It is on the desk.‎ ‎ ( ) 4. Can you play basketball? D. My favourite drink is water.‎ ‎ ( ) 5. What is your favourite drink? E. Yes, I can.‎ Ⅴ. 读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。‎ I’m Miss Green. This is my desk. There is a photo of me on the desk. There is a computer on the desk, too. I work with it. There is a box on the desk. In the box there is a toy bear, my mother give it to me.‎ ‎( ) 1. There is a photo on the desk.‎ ‎( ) 2. There is a computer in the box.‎ ‎( ) 3. There is a box on the desk.‎ ‎( ) 4. There is a toy in the box.‎ ‎( ) 5. There is a photo, a box and a computer on the desk.‎ ‎ ‎ 答案:Ⅰ. 1.photo 2.There is a photo. 3.桌子上有一个盘子。 ‎ ‎4.这儿有一张大床。 5.这儿还有一张好看的照片。‎ Ⅱ.1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.我喜欢滑稽可笑的老师。‎ Ⅲ. 1. Your room is really nice. 2. There is a big bed. 3. My computer is on the desk.‎ ‎4. There is a nice photo, too. 5.There is a plate on the desk. ‎ Ⅳ. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D Ⅴ. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 八、板书设计 Unit 5 There is a big bed Class 1‎ photo 照片 There is a photo.这儿有一张照片。‎ There is a door.‎ What is in the picture? There is a desk in the picture.‎ What is on the desk? There is a plate on the desk.‎ What is on the plate? There is an apple on the plate.‎ 第二课时 一、课时内容 教科书第49页: A. Let’s learn Let’s play ‎ 二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第二课时,包括Let’s learn 和 Let’s play两部分。通过第1课时的学习,学生们已经对本单元的核心句型:There is…有了初步地认识和了解,并且能够运用这一句型对物体进行简单地描述了。在此基础上,本课时将继续对There is…这一句型进行深入地讲解和学习,总共分成两部分。‎ 第一部分Let’s learn,其设计目的是用图文结合的方式,给学生们具体、形象地展示出本单元的五个关于日常物体的单词及短语,分别是:clock/plant/photo/water bottle和bike,这几个词和短语要求学生们会听、会说、会读、会写。我们可以看到,图片里在钟表、照片、植物、水瓶和自行车这五个物体旁边都对应给出了它们的英文单词,形象直观地告诉了学生每个单词的含义,图文结合的方式更有利于学生对单词的理解和记忆,而且图片对于孩子们更有吸引力,让孩子们不会觉得特别枯燥乏味。本课时继续采用学生们在上节课中已经熟悉的张鹏的卧室图片,学生在看到这一图片时会感到比较亲切。学习完这几个单词之后,学生应进一步对这些单词进行实际应用,具体来说,就是用There is…句型对这些物体进行简单地描述。比如:There is a clock in the room./There is a photo on the wall./There is a water bottle on the desk..‎ 第二部分Let’s play,以分角色进行对话的形式继续对There ‎ is…句型的运用进行练习,同时要求句子中要用到在第一部分中所学到的几个新单词和短语。在这一部分的练习中,学生们所说的句子应从简单到复杂。例如:A同学说“There is a clock in my room.我的房间里有一个钟表。”B同学说“There is a clock and a plant in my room.我的房间里有一个钟表和一盆植物。”C同学说“There is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room.我的房间里有一个钟表,一盆植物和一张照片。”在练习中,教师应提醒学生们注意,英语中同时出现几个并列名词时,and放在最后一个词的前面。‎ 本课时以单词教学为主要任务和目标,单词教学在小学英语教学中占有举足轻重的地位,针对这个学龄段的学生贪玩好动的个性特点,我准备在教学过程中设计多种游戏活动,为学生提供更多英语对话场景,让所有学生都参与到课堂活动中,在各种活动中体会英语这种语言的魅力。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1.学生能够听、说、读、写本单元5个家居物品类的单词和词组:clock / photo / bike / plant和water bottle。能够运用There is…句型对这些物体进行简单地描述。‎ ‎2.能够正确听、说、朗读There is a clock in the room./There is a photo on the wall./There is a water bottle on the desk..等句子。‎ ‎3.能够听懂、会说、会表演对话中的内容,并能将这些对话在实际生活中加以准确生动地运用。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1.课时重点 ‎(1)掌握五个新单词和短语:clock / photo / bike / plant和water bottle。‎ ‎(2)能够熟练运用以上5个新单词和词组,并且用There is…句型对这些物体的位置进行简单地介绍。‎ ‎2.课时难点 能够听懂、会说、会表演对话中的内容,并能将这些对话在实际生活中加以准确生动地运用。五、教学准备 教师课前精心制作PPT课件,准备好录音设备,各种词卡和图卡。‎ 六、教学过程 ‎1.课前热身 T:Everybody is here?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ T:What do you have on Tuesdays?‎ Ss:We have Chinese, math, English, music and Science.‎ T:What class do you like?‎ S1:I like English, because our English teacher is very kind.‎ S2:I like science ,because our science teacher is very funny, I like funny teachers.‎ S3:I like music, because I can sing songs.‎ T:Wish you have a good time. ‎ Ss:Thank you.‎ 设计意图:从学生所上的课程着手,既复习了第二单元所学的知识,又了解了学生们的喜好,拉近师生距离。同时,学生们有话可说,为即将开始的新课打下良好铺垫。‎ ‎2.导入 ‎ ‎(1)教师用PPT展示教科书第48页Let’s talk 中的图片,指着图片中的照片 T:What is on the wall?‎ Ss:There is a photo.‎ T:How to spell photo?‎ Ss:p-h-o-t-o T:What else is in the picture?‎ S1:There is a desk in the picture.‎ S2:There is a computer on the desk.‎ S3:There is a big bed in the picture.‎ S4:There is a window in the picture.‎ 设计意图:带领学生复习本单元第一课时所学的一个单词photo和一个重要句型There is…,以复习旧识来引出新知。‎ ‎(2)请学生用所学的There is…句型对教室里的摆设进行描述。‎ 设计意图:以眼前的实际场景为描述对象,让学生边观察边练习说话,现学现用所学知识点。‎ ‎3. 新课呈现 ‎ ‎(1)教学Let’s learn ‎①教学新单词 教师用课件展示教科书第49页Let’s learn 中的插图 教学单词clock 教师指着图片中的钟表,说:“What’s this?”学生回答:“钟表。”教师说:“Yes, it is a clock. c-l-o-c-k, clock.”(教师板书:clock 钟表)There is a clock in the room.(教师板书:There is a clock in the room..)‎ 教学单词plant 教师请一名学生模仿刚才的教学方式,师生配合共同教学该单词。‎ 学生指着图片中的植物,问:“What’s this?”其他学生回答:“植物。”教师说:“Yes, it is a plant. p-l-a-n-t, plant” (教师板书:plant 植物)There is a plant in the room. (教师板书:There is a plant in the room.)‎ 教学单词bike 教师指着图片中的自行车,全班学生共同提问并回答:“What’s this? 自行车”教师回答:“Yes, it is a bike. b-i-k-e, bike(教师板书:bike 自行车)There is a bike in the room. (教师板书:There is a bike in the room.)‎ 教学单词bottle及其短语water bottle 教师拿出准备好的教具——一个瓶子,提问:“What’s this?”学生回答:“瓶子。”教师说:“Yes, it’s a bottle. b-o-t-t-l-e, bottle.”(教师板书:bottle 瓶子)教师指着图片中的水瓶说:“There is a water bottle.”( 教师板书:There is a water bottle in the room.)‎ ‎ 水瓶 复习单词photo 教师指着图片中的照片,问:“What’s this in English?”学生回答:“It’s a photo.”教师说:“Spell it, please.”学生:“p-h-o-t-o, photo.”(教师板书:photo 照片 There is a photo in the room.)‎ ‎②朗读新单词 T:Boys and girls, look at the blackboard, please. Read these new words with me.‎ ‎ clock,钟表,clock.‎ Ss:clock,钟表,clock.‎ T:clock,clock, 钟表 Ss:clock,clock, 钟表 T:plant, 植物, plant.‎ Ss:plant, 植物, plant.‎ T:plant, plant, 植物 Ss:plant, plant, 植物 T:bike,自行车,bike.‎ Ss:bike,自行车,bike.‎ T:bike, bike, 自行车.‎ Ss:bike, bike, 自行车.‎ T:bottle,瓶子,bottle Ss:bottle,瓶子,bottle T:water bottle,水瓶,water bottle.‎ Ss:water bottle,水瓶,water bottle.‎ T:water bottle,water bottle,水瓶。‎ Ss:water bottle,water bottle,水瓶。‎ T:photo,照片,photo.‎ Ss:photo,照片,photo.‎ T:photo, photo, ,照片 Ss:photo, photo, ,照片 设计意图:在教学完单词的拼写和词意之后,通过反复朗读,教会学生们读单词。‎ ‎③学生自由读单词,查漏补缺,自我检查还有没有不会读的单词。教师在教室内巡视,及时给学生提供帮助。‎ ‎④座位处于同一列的学生为一组,以开火车的形式读单词,每名学生读两个,要求反应要快,发音要准。教师可以给每个小组计时,看哪个小组读的最准、最快。‎ 设计意图:以小组竞赛的方式再次巩固单词发音,寓教于乐。‎ ‎⑤教师带领学生朗读板书的句子。‎ T:There is a clock in the room.‎ Ss:There is a clock in the room.‎ T:There is a plant in the room.‎ Ss:There is a plant in the room.‎ T:There is a bike in the room.‎ Ss:There is a bike in the room.‎ T:There is a water bottle in the room.‎ Ss:There is a water bottle in the room.‎ T:There is a photo in the room.‎ Ss:There is a photo in the room.‎ 设计意图:将新单词放在本单元重点句型There is…中来读,体会这些单词的具体运用环境,同时为下面描述图片打下基础。‎ ‎⑥用所学There is…句型描述张鹏房间的摆设。‎ 教师将板书内容遮住,请学生看图片描述张鹏卧室里的摆设。‎ T:What is Zhang Peng’s room like?‎ S1:There is a clock in the room.‎ T:Or we can say There is a clock on the wall.‎ S2:There is a photo on the wall, too.‎ S3:There is a plant in the room.‎ S4:There is a water bottle on the desk.‎ S5:There is a bike in the room.‎ T:What else is in the room?‎ S6:There is a desk in the room.‎ T:Very good. Anything else?‎ S7:There is a computer on the desk.‎ S8:There is a chair in the room.‎ ‎……‎ 设计意图:即学即用。在学习完新单词的音形义之后,马上将它们运用到实际的语言情境中去,既重新巩固了这些单词的发音,又练习了对单词的实际运用,一举两得。‎ ‎⑦教师请学生将教科书翻到第49页,看Let’s learn 中图片旁边张鹏说的话,尝试将未说完的内容补充完整。‎ 学生:This is my room. There is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle, a bike in the room.‎ 教师板书学生所说的这句话,重点指出:在英语中,当同时出现几个并列关系的名词时,往往在最后一个名词之前用and衔接起来。因此上面这句话应表述为:This is my room. There is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle and a bike in the room.‎ 教师可当堂给出几个例句:I have bread, eggs, potatoes and an apple for breakfast.‎ Zhang Peng, Sarah and Mike are in the same class.‎ 请学生将下列句子翻译成英文:1.我的房间里有一张桌子和一把椅子。‎ ‎ 2.教室里有一个篮球、一个足球和一把琵琶。‎ 参考答案:There is a desk and a chair in my room.‎ ‎ There is a basketball, a football and a pipa in the classroom.‎ 设计意图:本课时的学习任务之一是学会表述There is a_____, a______ and a _______. 这一句子结构。通过学生描述提出问题,然后解决问题,最后再练习该知识点,为下面教学Let’s play做了充足的准备。‎ ‎(2)教学Let’s play ‎①教师用课件出示Let’s play部分的插图和对话内容,请三名学生朗读并翻译对话。‎ S1:There is a clock in my room. 我的房间里有一个钟表。‎ S2:There is a clock and a plant in my room. 我的房间里有一个钟表和一盆植物。‎ S3:There is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room. 我的房间里有一个钟表,一盆植物和一张照片。‎ ‎②教师就该环节的设计意图对学生进行简单解释。可以说:本课时的Let’s play以一组对话的形式向大家展示了如何在一个There is…句型中描述多个物体,就像我们刚才练习的那样,大家要注意在最后一个名词前加and。‎ ‎③教师将学生分为3人一组,练习朗读Let’s play中的对话。朗读熟练之后,小组成员合作模仿教科书上的句型再编一组对话,熟读之后在全班进行对话表演。‎ 对话范例1:‎ S1:There is a water bottle on the desk.‎ S2:There is a water bottle and a plate on the desk.‎ S3:There is a water bottle, a plate and a computer on the desk.‎ 对话范例2:‎ S1:There is a banana on the plate.‎ S2:There is a banana and a pear on the plate.‎ S3:There is a banana, a pear and an apple on the plate.‎ ‎④教师用课件出示以下单词:clock,photo,plant,flower,bike,water bottle,bed,basketball,football,desk,computer,chair,bag,book。要求学生参照课本Let’s play中的句型,并使用给出的单词进行对话。‎ 设计意图:请学生们为动画配音,使学生们实现自我能力表现价值的最佳时机,学生们摩拳擦掌,兴奋不已,都在为做好最佳配音积极努力地做准备。‎ ‎(6)表演对话 ‎①还是二人一组,分别记忆对话内容,练习脱稿对话表演。‎ ‎②小组脱口秀表演。‎ 请每组学生到台前进行表演。教师适时进行评价。最后评出优胜小组。‎ 设计意图:学生们的表现欲是很强烈的,一定要给每一位学生展示自己的聪明才智的机会,并且对于每位参与表演的学生,都要给予适当的肯定和赞许。‎ ‎4.操练 ‎ ‎(1)快闪图片说单词。‎ 教师利用多媒体,利用快闪功能,展示大量与日常家居摆设相关的图片,每快闪一张图片,就请学生们快速说出对应的单词。可以用拉火车形式练习,也可以小组比赛抢答。‎ 设计意图:这是熟悉生词的一种强化训练,要求学生们集中注意力,没看到一幅图片,就能迅速做出反应。学生们很喜欢这种游戏活动,既直观又实惠,还可以让优等生带动差等生,最终达到共同熟练掌握单词的效果。‎ ‎(2)抢读单词。‎ 教师将全班学生分为若干小组,然后依次出示一些单词卡片或图片,学生举手抢答,最先举手的学生起立读出该单词并说出中文含义,也可以将该单词拼读出来,读对说对拼对的给小组加分,最后得分最多的为优胜组。‎ ‎5.课堂小结 ‎ T:Boys and girls, let’s look back this class. First, we learn some new words, they are…‎ Ss:clock , plant, bike, water bottle.‎ 教师手指板书的句子 T:Read these sentences.‎ Ss:There is a clock in the room.‎ There is a plant in the room.‎ There is a bike in the room.‎ ‎ There is a water bottle in the room.‎ There is a photo in the room.‎ 七、课堂作业 ‎ Ⅰ.汉译英。‎ ‎ 1. 钟表_______ 2. 照片________ ‎ ‎3. 植物________ 4. 自行车________ 5. 水瓶________‎ Ⅱ.选择正确答案。‎ ‎1.There is a clock, a water bottle ________ a plant in the picture.‎ ‎ A.or B. and C. may ‎2.——What is in your room?‎ ‎ ——________ a desk and a chair in my room.‎ ‎ A.There is B.There are C.There be ‎3.——________________‎ ‎ ——I can see a cat and a dog.‎ ‎ A. What is in the picture? B.What can you see in the picture?‎ ‎ C. Where is the cat and the dog?‎ ‎4.——What is in the classroom?‎ ‎ ——There is ______ in the classroom.‎ ‎ A. students B.desks C. a teacher ‎5. There is a fish ________ the water。‎ ‎ A. in B. under C. in Ⅲ.根据情景提示,选择合适的一项。‎ ‎1.假如你看到一个人不知为什么很着急,你想帮他,可以说:_______‎ ‎ A. What can I do for you? B. How are you? C. How old are you?‎ ‎2.班上要举行英语派对了,你想询问对方能为派对表演什么节目,可以说:_______‎ ‎ A. What would you like? B. What can you do? C. What is in the party?‎ ‎3.同学搬新家了,你想知道他的房间装饰怎么样,可以说:_______‎ ‎ A.Where is your house? B. What is in the classroom? C. What is in your room?‎ ‎4.朋友要到你家去做客,你想为对方准备一些吃的和喝的,那么你不可以问:_______‎ ‎ A.What would you like to eat? B. What’s your favourite food?‎ ‎ C. What can I do for you?‎ ‎5.如何表达“狗的旁边有一只猫”? _______‎ ‎ A.There is a dog beside the cat. B. There is a cat beside the dog.‎ ‎ C. There is a dog behind the cat.‎ Ⅳ.按要求完成下列句子。‎ ‎1. I would like some bananas for dinner.(对画线部分进行提问)‎ ‎_____________________________________‎ ‎2. Sarah’s favourite food is sandwich. (对画线部分进行提问)‎ ‎ _____________________________________‎ ‎3. I have English and maths on Fridays.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ _____________________________________‎ ‎4. Do you like apples?(给出肯定和否定回答)‎ ‎ _____________________________________‎ ‎5. I have English and maths on Fridays. (对画线部分进行提问)‎ ‎_____________________________________‎ Ⅴ.读短文,回答下列问题。‎ I’m Wu Yifan, I’m a student. We will have an English party next Tuesday. I can clean the classroom for the party. What can Mike do? He can do some kung fu. What can Sarah do? She can sing English songs. What can Chen Jie do? She can play the pipa. What about Zhang Peng? He can draw cartoons for the party. My English teacher Miss White will dance for the party. We will have a good time.‎ ‎1.What can Wu Yifan do for the party?‎ ‎___________________________________‎ ‎2.What can Mike do for the party?‎ ‎___________________________________‎ ‎3. What can Miss White do for the party?‎ ‎___________________________________‎ ‎4.What can Chen Jie do for the party?‎ ‎___________________________________‎ ‎5. Who can sing English songs for the party?‎ ‎___________________________________‎ 答案:Ⅰ. 1. clock 2. photo 3. plant 4. bike 5. water bottle Ⅱ. 1.B 2.A 3. B 4. C 5. C Ⅲ. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B Ⅳ. 1.What would you like for dinner?‎ ‎2. What is Sarah’s favourite food?‎ ‎3. Do you have English and maths on Fridays?‎ ‎4. Yes, I do. No, I don’t.‎ ‎5. What do you have on Fridays?‎ Ⅴ.1. He can clean the classroom for the party. ‎ ‎2. He can do some kung fu for the party.‎ ‎3. She can dance for the party. ‎ ‎4. She can play the pipa for the party.‎ ‎5. Sarah.‎ 八、板书设计 Unit 5 There is a big bed Class 2‎ clock 钟表 There is a clock in the room.‎ plant 植物 There is a plant in the room.‎ bike 自行车There is a bike in the room.‎ bottle 瓶子 There is a water bottle in the room.)‎ ‎ 水瓶 photo 照片 There is a photo in the room.‎ 第三课时 一、课时内容 教科书第51页: B. Let’s try Let’s talk ‎ 二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第三课时,围绕核心句型There are…展开内容。包括Let’s try和Let’s talk二个板块。 ‎ Let’s try是听力训练,是为Let’s talk部分做铺垫的,是为让学生初步感知新句型而设计的。教师在开始听力训练之前,可以先带领学生复习A部分所出示的There is…这一句型,然后阅读指令语,着重指出其中的三个复数名词pictures、flowers和toys,让学生对即将听到的听力内容有所推测。 ‎ Let’s talk是围绕B部分核心句型There are…而展开的一个对话场景,依然延续了A部分中Mike、Sarah参观张鹏家这一背景,通过他们三人之间的对话,呈现了There are…here,There are…in…的句型,让学生在参观完张鹏的卧室之后,又看到了张鹏家客厅的摆设——许多图片,许多植物,等等。对话之后设计了一个自主练习,目的是让学生仿照对话中的表达方式,同时观察Let’s talk中的对话配图,用There are…和There is…句型继续讨论张鹏家客厅的其它陈设,比如两只小狗,两把椅子,许多书,一台电视机,一个书架等,通过这种对话练习,实现灵活运用新学句型,同时综合练习了A部分已学句型There is…,将本单元的两个主要句型在同一对话场景中展示出来,形成A、B两部分教学内容的整合,让学生在一个比较宏观的背景中体会这两个句型的相同点以及不同之处。‎ 本课时是本单元B部分的首课时,是对A部分所学话题和知识点的深入,在整个单元中起推进与拓展的作用,重点掌握用There are…句型来描述家居陈设。对话中呈现了三个There are…句型,加深了学生对该句型的认知度,接下来的自主练习,学生们看图片继续描述张鹏家客厅的陈设,从听对话到主动参与对话,从而达到熟练运用新句型There are…、巩固复习已学句型There is…的目的,‎ 本课时在情景对话中学习重点单词和重点句型,教师在讲授新课时应首先帮助学生们理解情景对话内容,明白什么时候运用什么句型。我准备借助于网络教学资源,把对话内容以动画形式呈献给大家,声形并茂,如身临其境,同时采用分组表演对话内容的方式来调动学生参与教学活动的积极性,满足孩子们的表现欲望,增强学习英语的自信心。为学生们多创设情景游戏,帮助学生通过多种训练方式,达到熟练掌握本课时重点单词和重点句型的目的。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1.能够初步掌握单词front 及其短语in front of ‎2.能够听、说、认读单词:grandparent/their/house/lot/lots of/flower ‎3.能够听、说、读、写重点句型:There are…‎ ‎4.能够用重点句型There are…来描述房间内的陈设。‎ ‎5.能够听懂、会说、会表演对话中的内容,并且在真实情境中灵活运用所需核心句型进行日常对话交流。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1.重点 ‎(1)正确理解front及其短语in front of的含义及用法。‎ ‎(2)能够听、说、读、写重点句型:There are…‎ ‎(3)能够用重点句型There are…来描述房间内的陈设。‎ ‎(4)能够正确区别使用There is…和There are…句型。‎ ‎2.难点 能够听懂、会说、会表演对话中的内容,并且在真实情境灵活运用所需核心句型进行日常对话交流。‎ 五、教学准备 教师课前精心制作PPT课件以及微课视频,准备好录音设备,自制词卡与图卡。‎ 六、教学过程 ‎1.课前热身 T:Good morning, boys and girls.‎ Ss:Good morning, Miss/Mr...‎ T:(教师用课件出示教科书第49页Let’s learn中的插图,遮住图片中的单词)Look at the picture of Zhang Peng’s bedroom, what can you see in the picture?‎ S1:I can see a clock,a photo, a plant.‎ S2:I can see a water bottle,a bike.‎ T:Wonderful. What is in the room?‎ S1:There is a clock in the room.‎ S2:There is a photo in the room.‎ S3:There is a plant in the room.‎ S4:There is a water bottle in the room.‎ S5:There is a bike in the room.‎ T:Well, there is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle and a bike in the room.‎ Ss:Yes, there is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle and a bike in the room.‎ T:This is a nice room, I like it very much.‎ 设计意图:温故知新。在学习新句型之前,复习A部分中的已学句型。‎ ‎2.导入 ‎ ‎(1)复习巩固已学单词。‎ 首先,教师拿出写有clock,photo,plant,water bottle,bike的单词卡片以及与这些单词对应的图片,打乱顺序,请学生将词卡与正确的图片搭配起来。然后,朗读单词——指名读,学生领读,全体齐读。‎ 设计意图:让学生动手搭配词卡与图片,在调动学生积极性之余考查了他们对单词含义的掌握情况。朗读单词练习了单词的发音。‎ ‎(2)对话导入 T:(教师拿着词卡或图片)There is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle and a bike in Zhang Peng’s bedroom, what about the living room? Let’s go and have a look.‎ ‎(3)教学Let’s try。‎ ‎ ①教师带领学生阅读并分析教科书第51页的指令语,着重指出pictures,flowers和toys这三个复数名词。‎ ‎②教师播放听力录音,学生听录音,选择答案。‎ ‎③师生核对答案。教师再次播放录音,学生跟读并翻译听力内容。‎ 附:Let’s try听力材料 ‎ Mike:This picture is pretty.‎ ‎ Sarah: Yes. I like it, too.‎ Zhang Peng:Let’s go to the living room. There are some nice pictures there.‎ Mike﹠Sarah:OK.‎ 答案:Some pictures.‎ ‎3. 新课呈现 ‎ ‎(1)教学Let’s talk ‎①教师用课件出示Let’s talk 中的插图。师生共同讨论。‎ T:This is Zhang Peng’s living room. What is in the living room?‎ S1:There is a book shelf in the living room.(教师板书:There is a book shelf in the living room. 客厅里有一个书架。)‎ S2:There is a TV in the living room.(教师板书:There is a TV in the living room.‎ ‎ 客厅里有一台电视。)‎ S3:There is a dog in the living room.‎ T:How many dogs ?‎ Ss:Two.‎ T:Yes, so we can say there are two dogs in the living room, or there are dogs in the living room.(教师板书:There are (two)dogs in the living room.)‎ T:Can you see anything else?‎ S1:I can see two chairs.‎ T:Very good,we can say“There are (two) chairs in the living room”,too.(教师板书:There are (two) chairs in the living room. 客厅里有(两把)椅子。 )‎ S2:I can see four plants in the living room.‎ T:There are many plants in the living room.(教师板书:There are many plants in the living room.客厅里有许多盆植物。)Can you see books in the picture?‎ Ss:Yes,there are many books in the living room.(教师板书:There are many books in the living room.客厅里有许多书。)‎ T:Now please look at the blackboard, read these sentences with me.‎ ‎ There are (two) dogs in the living room.‎ Ss:There are (two)dogs in the living room.‎ T:There are (two) chairs in the living room.‎ Ss:There are (two) chairs in the living room.‎ T:There are many plants in the living room.‎ Ss:There are many plants in the living room.‎ T:There are many books in the living room.‎ Ss:There are many books in the living room.‎ T:There is a TV in the living room.‎ Ss:There is a TV in the living room.‎ T:There is a book shelf in the living room.‎ Ss:There is a book shelf in the living room.‎ 朗读完句子后,教师可以这样说:“同学们,请注意一下这些句子中被重点标出的几个词,这些句子都使用了一个共同的句型——There ‎ be…句型。不同之处在于,当描述“有一个…”时,用There is a …,后面跟单数名词,即There is a+单数名词;当被描述的对象不只一个时,用There are…,并且后面跟的名词必须是复数形式,也就是There are +复数名词。”‎ ‎②播放动画课件,观看情景对话。‎ 打开多媒体,点击动画课件视频,播放对话情景,请学生们观看Mike,Sarah 和张鹏是如何对话的。播放视频前,请学生注意对话中出现的There are…句型。‎ ‎③教师讲解重点词句。‎ 词汇:grandparent 意为“祖父,祖母,外祖父,外祖母”。Grandparents则为“祖父母,外祖父母”。‎ their 形容词性物主代词,“他们的,它们的,她们的”‎ house 房屋,房子,住宅 flower 花朵 so many 如此多,那么多。后面跟可数名词复数形式。例如:so many pictures,so many flowers,so many books front 意为“正面”,常用于短语“in front of ”中,意思是“在…前面”。例如:‎ There is a dog in front of the cat. 猫前面有一只狗。 ‎ There are two dogs in front of the cat. 猫前面有两只狗。‎ It is in front of the house. 它在房子的前面。‎ lots of 许多,大量。‎ 重点句型:There are so many pictures here. 这儿有如此多的图片。‎ ‎ There are so many plants here, too. 这儿还有如此多的植物。‎ ‎ There are lots of flowers in it. 在花园里有许多花。‎ 设计意图:对于学生来说,无论是新结识的词汇还是句型,都需要老师给以明确的讲解与告知。本课时需要学生会听、说和认读的单词、短语比较多,在听完对话后就其中的重点词句进行讲解,能及时为学生排忧解难,帮助学生更准确地理解对话内容。‎ ‎④教师再次播放对话视频或录音,学生听对话并跟读。‎ ‎⑤指名三位同学朗读对话,并翻译对话内容。教师从旁对学生朗读和翻译中出现的问题及时予以纠正。‎ Zhang Peng:This is the living room. 这是客厅。‎ ‎ Mike:Wow!There are so many pictures here. 哇!这儿有这么多画。‎ Zhang Peng:Yes. My father can draw very well. 是的。我爸爸画画非常好。‎ ‎ Sarah:There are so many plants here, too. 这儿还有这么多植物。‎ Zhang Peng:They’re my grandmother’s plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it. 那些植物是我奶奶的。在我爷爷奶奶的房子前面有一个花园。花园里有许多花。‎ ‎ Sarah:Cool!太棒了!‎ 设计意图:朗读并翻译对话,考查了学生对对话内容的理解是否到位,朗读熟练了就会无意间记住很多重点句型,为学生们把书本知识内化为自己的知识奠定了很好的基础。‎ ‎(2)分角色配音朗读、表演对话。‎ 教师再次播放对话课件,学生三人一组分角色记忆对话内容,进行动画配音、表演比赛,最后评出优胜小组给与奖励。‎ 设计意图:这是给学生们展示自己才艺的机会,学生们积极踊跃,争先恐后,把静态的知识演变为动态的情景,主动参与到教堂活动中,成为课堂的小主人。‎ ‎(3)教师再次用课件出示Let’s talk 中的对话配图,遮住板书内容,进行说话训练。‎ T:What is in Zhang Peng’s living room?‎ S1:There is a book shelf in the living room.‎ S2:There is a TV in the living room.‎ S3:There are dogs in the living room.‎ S4:There are chairs in the living room. ‎ S5:There are many plants in the living room.‎ S6:There are many books in the living room.‎ ‎4.操练 ‎ ‎(1)教师用课件出示一些日常家居物品,学生看图片,说出对应的英文名称,并写到黑板上。例如:‎ desk chair clock photo plant flower bike bag book water bottle ‎ ‎(2)教师假设以上物体都摆放在教室内,请几名学生用所学知识对教室里面有什么进行描述。‎ 学生描述:There is a desk in the classroom.‎ ‎ There is a chair in the classroom.‎ ‎ There is a clock in the classroom.‎ There is a photo in the classroom.‎ There is a plant in the classroom.‎ There is a flower in the classroom.‎ There is a bike in the classroom.‎ There is a bag in the classroom.‎ There is a book in the classroom.‎ There is a water bottle in the classroom.‎ ‎(3)教师将(1)中的几个单词如desk,plant,flower,book变为复数形式,请一名学生重新对教室的陈设进行描述。‎ 学生描述:There are desks in the classroom.‎ ‎ There is a chair in the classroom.‎ ‎ There is a clock in the classroom.‎ There is a photo in the classroom.‎ ‎ There are plants in the classroom.‎ ‎ There are flowers in the classroom.‎ There is a bike in the classroom.‎ There is a bag in the classroom.‎ ‎ There are books in the classroom.‎ There is a water bottle in the classroom.‎ 设计意图:以上三个操练环节是顺次衔接下来的,目的是为了让学生对已学句型There is…和There are…进行明确区分,避免错误和混淆。‎ ‎(4)快速看图说话。‎ 教师用课件展示一些日常家居用品图片,有的以单个数量出现,有的以多个数量出现。学生看图片,迅速用所学句型There is…和There are…对所看到的进行描述。此练习强调学生反应速度要快。‎ 设计意图:通过上面的反复练习,学生对新句型已经有了一定程度的掌握,快速看图说话练习强调速度要快,描述要准,难度相对增大,考查了学生对新句型的熟练程度。‎ ‎(5)给下列单词分家。‎ There is a There are desk chair clocks photos plants flowers bikes bag book water bottles windows doors ‎ 教师也可把活动中给出的单词换成图片,让学生先看图片说单词,然后再把图片进行分类。‎ 设计意图:学习完There are…句型之后,很多学生经常忘记将句型中的单词变为复数形式,这种错误屡见不鲜。此练习意在让学生进一步明确There is…和There are…句型的不同应用。‎ ‎(6)请学生用There is…和There are…句型,仿照教科书中学习的对话内容描述自己的房间。可以用自我介绍的形式来描述,也可以用小组合作对话的形式进行展示。‎ 设计意图:结合新学习的重点句型,选择自己平时最熟悉的生活场所为描述对象,激发学生们的积极踊跃的英语表达兴趣,引发学生们认真回忆、重现自己的房间摆设,锻炼学生们学以致用,即学即用,实现学习英语的真实价值观。‎ ‎5.课堂小结 ‎ T:Boys and girls , we learn some new words and sentences this class. Look at the blackboard please. There are some important sentences on the blackboard. Let’s read them together. Pay your attention to the red words.‎ T/Ss:There are (two) dogs in the living room. ‎ There are (two) chairs in the living room. ‎ There are many plants in the living room. ‎ There are many books in the living room. ‎ There is a book shelf in the living room. ‎ There is a TV in the living room. ‎ T:We learn some new words and phrases, too. They are: grandparent,their,house,flower,so many,in front of .Make sure you know their meanings.‎ 七、课堂作业 ‎ Ⅰ.选出不同类的一项。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. clock B. photo C. bikes ‎( ) 2. A. living room B. bedroom C. class ‎( ) 3. A. dog B. cat C. flower ‎( ) 4. A. grandparent B. mother C. teacher ‎( ) 5.A. many B. lots of C. some Ⅱ.选出正确的一项。‎ ‎( ) 1.There_____ a bag on the desk.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. be ‎( ) 2.There ______ some eggs on the plate.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. be ‎( ) 3.There are lots of ______ in the garden.‎ ‎ A. flowers B. flower C. a flower ‎( ) 4.My grandma and grandpa are my _______ .‎ ‎ A. parents B. grandparents C. grandparent ‎( ) 5.There are ______ plants here.‎ ‎ A. so many B. so much C. very much Ⅲ.读问句,选择相对的答语。‎ ‎( ) 1. Do you like your classroom?‎ ‎( ) 2. Is this your schoolbag?‎ ‎( ) 3. How many plants are there in your living room?‎ ‎( ) 4. Where is your water bottle?‎ ‎( ) 5. What is in your bedroom?‎ A. There is a desk, a photo of me, a chair and a computer.‎ B. It is on the desk.‎ C. Four.‎ D. Yes, this is.‎ E. Yes, I do.‎ Ⅳ.连词成句。‎ ‎1. is,photo,in,there,a ,my,room ______________________________ .‎ ‎2.is,there,a,pretty,front,in,my,grandparents’,of,house,garden ‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________ .‎ ‎3. are,many,pictures,there,here ______________________________ .‎ ‎4. is,this ,living room,the _____________________________ .‎ ‎5. it,in,are,lots,flowers,of,there ______________________________.‎ Ⅴ.阅读短文,选择正确答案。‎ ‎ This is a photo of my house. There is a big tree and some flowers in front of my house. There is a lake behind the house. There are some ducks on the lake,and there are many fish in it. My bedroom is on the third floor. There are some pictures on the wall. There is a desk in my room. There is a photo of me and a computer on the desk. There is a plant behind the computer.‎ ‎( ) 1. In front of my house, there is ________ .‎ ‎ A. some flowers B. a big tree C. a big tree and some flowers ‎( ) 2. The pictures are _____ the wall.‎ ‎ A. in B. under C. on ‎( ) 3. There is ___________ on the desk.‎ ‎ A. a computer B. a plant C. a computer and a plant ‎( ) 4. The plant is ________ .‎ ‎ A. in front of the computer B. behind the computer C. under the desk ‎( ) 5. Where are the fish?‎ ‎ A. The fish are on the lake.‎ ‎ B. The fish are in the lake.‎ ‎ C. I don’t know.‎ 答案:Ⅰ. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.C Ⅱ. 1.E 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A ‎ Ⅲ. 1.will be 2.our 3.Sometimes 4.strict 5.friendly Ⅳ. 1.There is a photo in my room.‎ ‎2.There is a pretty garden in front of my grandparents’ house.‎ ‎3.There are many pictures here.‎ ‎4.This is the living room.‎ ‎5.There are lots of flowers in it.‎ Ⅴ. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 八、板书设计 Unit 5 There is a big bed Class 3‎ 重点单词:‎ front 正面 in front of 在…前面 重点句型:‎ There is a book shelf in the living room. 客厅里有一个书架。‎ There is a TV in the living room. 客厅里有一台电视。‎ There are (two) dogs in the living room. 客厅里有(两只)狗。‎ There are (two) chairs in the living room. 客厅里有(两把)椅子。‎ There are many plants in the living room. 客厅里有许多盆植物。‎ There are many books in the living room. 客厅里有许多书。‎ There is a+单数名词 There are +复数名词 第四课时 一、课时内容 教科书第52页: Let’s learn Find and say 二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第四课时,包括Let’s learn 和Find and say两部分。其中,Let’s learn是Find and say的基础,Find and say是对Let’s learn部分的实际运用,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。‎ 第一部分Let’s learn是基础板块,以单词教学为主要任务和目标,呈现了五幅图片、五个单词和一组问答句型,旨在让学生学会听、说、读、写5个表示物体相对位置关系的介词和介词短语,分别是:in front of/beside/between/behind/above。这五张图片每张图片对应一个单词,描述球和狗的不同位置关系。第一幅图描述的是球在狗的前面,引出in front of这一介词短语,含义是“在…前面”,in front of the dog,意思是“在狗的前面”。第二幅图展示的是球在狗的旁边,对应单词是beside,翻译为“在…旁边”,“在狗的旁边”就是beside the dog。第三幅图画的是一个球在两只狗的中间,引出单词between,翻译为“在…中间”,“在两只狗的中间”就是between two dogs。第四幅图为我们展示的是球在狗的后面,对应单词behind,“behind the dog”含义就是“在狗的后面”。最后一幅图的内容是球在狗的上面(球和狗不接触),对应的单词是above,“above the dog”就翻译为“在狗的上面”。一组问答句型是:Where is the ball?(球在哪儿?) It’s in front of the dog.(它在狗的前面。)要求学生把本课时的5个表示相对位置关系的单词灵活运用到这组简单的问答句中。‎ 第二部分Find and say 是拓展训练板块,呈现了一幅插图和一个陈述句,其设计用意在于让学生使用Let’s learn中学习的5个表示物体相对位置关系的介词和短语以及介词in和on,综合本单元前面学习的There is…和There are…句型对这一图片进行具体地描述。例如图片里有一座房子,一棵大树,可以表示为There is a house and a tree。房子里有两把椅子,可以用There are two chairs in the house来描述。通过这一部分的看图说话练习,既考查了学生的观察能力,又训练了学生对本课时乃至本单元的新单词比如bike/photo/between/behind/in front of等的使用,同时还让学生进一步熟悉用There is…和There are…这两个句型进行日常对话。 ‎ 本课时要求重点掌握5个表示物体相对位置关系的介词和介词短语,以及一组问答句型来描述物体的相对位置关系。我准备充分运用多媒体的多种功能,充分展示相关的重点词句和图片,课前做好PPT课件,为学生设计几个模拟情境,帮助他们把学习的新知识及时运用到实际中,争取让每位学生都能够准确描绘自己身边的事物。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1.能够听、说、读、写5个表示物体相对位置关系的介词和短语:in front of,beside,between,behind,above,并能正确使用这几个单词和短语。‎ ‎2.能够听、说、读、写句型:There is a… in/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above…‎ ‎ There are…in/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above…‎ ‎3.能够在情景中运用句型There is…There are…描述某处有某物 四、课时重难点 ‎1.课时重点 ‎(1)能够听、说、读、写5个表示物体相对位置关系的介词和短语:in front of,beside,between,behind,above,并能正确使用这几个单词和短语。‎ ‎(2)能够听、说、读、写句型:There is a… in/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above…‎ ‎ There are…in/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above… ‎ ‎2.课时难点 能够在情景中运用句型There is…There are…描述某处有某物 五、教学准备 教师课前精心制作PPT课件,准备与本课时相关的词卡和图卡,教学中会用到的实物。‎ 六、教学过程 ‎1.课前热身 教师用课件出示以下图片:一个钟表,两个水瓶,一辆自行车,三盆植物,一张照片。‎ T:What can you see, boys and girls?‎ Ss:I can see a clock, two water bottles, a bike, three plants and a photo.(教师板书:a clock, two water bottles, a bike, three plants,a photo)‎ T:Now please make a sentence with one of them. Make a sentence like this: There is a clock on the wall.‎ S1:There are two water bottles on the desk.(教师板书:There are two water bottles on the desk.)‎ S2::There is a bike in the room. (教师板书:There is a bike in the room.)‎ S3:There are three plants under the desk.(教师板书:There are three plants under the desk.)‎ S4:There is a photo on the wall.‎ T:What does in mean?‎ Ss:在…里。‎ T:What does on mean?‎ Ss:在…上。‎ T:What does under mean?‎ Ss:在…下面。‎ 设计意图:复习前面课时中学习的两个主要句型There is…There are…,同时通过复习以前学习的几个表示方位的介词on/in/under,为本课时即将学习的重要内容打下铺垫。‎ ‎2.导入 ‎ ‎(1)歌曲导入 教师播放本单元的主题曲《A photo of me》,学生听歌曲。‎ A photo of me 一张我的照片 Beside the big plant, 在这盆大植物旁边,‎ What can you see? 你能看见什么?‎ Above the big clock, 在这个大钟表的上方,‎ There’s a photo of me. 有一张我的照片。‎ Beside the big plant, 在这盆大植物旁边,‎ What can you see? 你能看见什么?‎ Between the two windows, 在两个窗户中间,‎ There’s a photo of me. 有一张我的照片。‎ 设计意图:通过播放本单元主题曲,让学生在复习已学知识的同时,预先感知即将学习的新知识。听过歌曲之后学生会产生很多疑问,带着疑问去学习能够做到有的放矢,目标更加明确。‎ ‎(2)语言导入。‎ 教师用课件出示单元主题曲中的这几句歌词:Beside the big plant,Above the big clock,Between the two windows T:Beside, above, between, what do they mean? Let’s go and have a look.‎ ‎3. 新课呈现 ‎ ‎(1)教学Let’s learn ‎ ‎①教学本课时新单词 教师拿出准备好的一个有盖的盒子和一个小玩具熊,先将玩具熊放入盒子里面,问学生:Where is the bear?学生回答:It is in the box.然后将盒子盖好盖,把玩具熊放在盒子的上面,问学生:Where is the bear?学生回答:It is on the box.‎ 教学单词front及其短语in front of 教师把玩具熊放在盒子前面,问学生:Where is the bear?学生回答:It is in front of the box.‎ 设计意图:单词front及其短语in front of 在上一课时的教学中已经出现过,在此教师可以根据学生的总体掌握情况进行适当讲解。‎ 教学单词beside 教师把玩具熊放在盒子的旁边,自问自答:Where is the bear?It is beside the box.同时板书beside 在旁边 beside the box 在盒子旁边 教学单词between 教师另外拿出一个盒子,把玩具熊放在两个盒子中间,请学生提问:Where is the bear?教师回答:It is between the two boxes.同时板书between 在…中间 between the two boxes 在两个盒子中间 教学单词behind 教师把玩具熊放在盒子后面,学生提问:Where is the bear?教师回答:It is behind the box.同时板书behind。然后教师问:What does behind mean? Can you guess? 学生根据两个物体之间的位置关系作出推测并回答:在后面。教师板书:在…后面 behind the box 在盒子后面 教学单词above 教师手捧玩具熊,双手停留在盒子上方,教师提问:Where is the bear?学生回答:在盒子上方。教师用英文回答:Yes, it is above the box.同时板书:above 在…上面。将玩具熊放在盒子上,自问自答:Where is the bear? It is on the box.教师此时向学生讲解on 和above的区别:on 指的是面与面相接触的“在上面”,above强调不接触的“在上面”,可翻译成“在…上方”。‎ 设计意图:通过不断变换两个物体之间的位置关系,为学生讲授本课时的五个重要单词。实物教学是英语课堂上常用的教学方式之一,更加形象直观,更能引发学生参与课堂的兴趣。‎ ‎②朗读单词 T:Boys and girls, please look at these new words on the blackboard. Read them with me, please.‎ ‎ front,f-r-o-n-t,front Ss:Front,f-r-o-n-t,front T:Front,front,正面。‎ Ss:Front,front,正面。‎ T:In front of ,In front of 在前面。‎ Ss:In front of ,In front of 在前面。‎ T:Beside,b-e-s-i-d-e,beside Ss:Beside,b-e-s-i-d-e,beside T:Beside,beside,在旁边 Ss:Beside,beside,在旁边 T:Between,b-e-t-w-e-e-n,between Ss:Between,b-e-t-w-e-e-n,between T:Between,between,在中间。‎ Ss:Between,between,在中间。‎ T:Behind,b-e-h-i-n-d,behind Ss:Behind,b-e-h-i-n-d,behind T:Behind,behind,在后面。‎ Ss:Behind,behind,在后面。‎ T:Above,a-b-o-v-e,above Ss:Above,a-b-o-v-e,above T:Above,above,在上面。‎ Ss:Above,above,在上面。‎ 设计意图:教学完单词的形和义之后巩固单词发音。‎ ‎③教师用课件依次出示本课时Let’s learn 中的五幅插图,遮住文字部分,进行问答练习。‎ 出示第一幅图 T:Where is the ball?‎ Ss:It is in front of the dog.(教师板书:It is in front of the dog.)‎ T:Translate it.‎ Ss:它在狗的前面。‎ 出示第二幅图,将学生按男女分为两大组,男生提问,女生回答。‎ Boys:Where is the ball?‎ Girls:It is beside the dog.(教师板书:It is beside the dog.)‎ 出示第三幅图,师生问答 Ss:Where is the ball?‎ T:It is between two dogs. (教师板书:It is between two dogs.)‎ 教师板书:between two dogs,同时再列出几个含有between的短语:between two cats,between the doors,between the door and the window提醒学生between后常跟表示两者的名词或代词。‎ 出示第四幅图,女生提问男生回答。‎ Girls:Where is the ball?‎ Boys:It is behind the ball.(教师板书:It is behind the ball.)‎ 出示第五幅图 T:Where is the ball?‎ Ss:It is above the ball. (教师板书:It is above the ball.)‎ 设计意图:借助教科书中的插图再次熟悉本课时五个单词,同时熟练使用本课时的一组问答句型。‎ ‎④师生共同朗读③中板书的5个句子,或者男生朗读句子,女生翻译句子。之后交换,女生朗读句子,男生翻译句子。‎ It is in front of the dog. 它在狗的前面。‎ It is beside the dog. 它在狗的旁边。‎ It is between two dogs. 它在两只狗中间。‎ It is behind the ball. 它在狗的后面。‎ It is above the ball. 它在狗的上面。‎ 设计意图:反复朗读是英语学习的必要方法之一。带领学生熟练朗读对话语句,熟练掌握各种英语句型的朗读要领,培养学生们好的朗读习惯,为今后的学习打下良好的基础。‎ ‎(2)教学Find and say ‎①教师用课件出示教科书Find and say中的配图,师生共同讨论图片。‎ T:What is in the picture?‎ S1:There is a house in the picture.‎ S2:There is a dog in the picture.‎ S3:There is a bike in the picture.‎ S4:There is a tree in the picture.‎ S5:There is a cat in the picture.‎ S6:There are two chairs in the picture.‎ S7:There are two people in the picture.‎ T:Where is the bike?‎ Ss:It is in front of the window.‎ T:Yes. We can say “There is a bike in front of the window”.(教师板书:There is a bike in front of the window.)‎ Where is the tree?‎ Ss:It is in front of the house.‎ T:So, “There is a tree in front of the house”.(教师板书:There is a tree in front of the house.)‎ Where is the cat?‎ Ss:It is behind the door.‎ T:There is a cat behind the door.(教师板书:There is a cat behind the door.)‎ Where is the dog?‎ Ss:It is under the tree.‎ T:There is a dog under the tree.(教师板书:There is a dog under the tree.)‎ Where is the chairs?‎ Ss:It is in the house.‎ T:There is a chair in the house. (教师板书:There is a chair in the house.)‎ Where are the two people?‎ Ss:They are under the tree.‎ T:There are two people under the tree. (教师板书:There are two people under the tree.)‎ 设计意图:学生们通过看图画,与教师进行问答练习,复习巩固了已经学习过的There is…There are…句型,同时在教师的引导下,将本课时所学的五个表示物体相对位置关系的介词和介词短语综合运用到There be句型中,做到多个知识点的融会贯通,综合使用。‎ ‎②朗读①中所板书的重点句型。首先教师领读,然后指名学生读,教师注意纠正学生发音,进行朗读点拨。一名学生领读,其他学生跟读。最后全体学生齐读。‎ 设计意图:各种朗读方式相结合,巩固熟练本部分的重要句型。‎ ‎4.操练 ‎ ‎(1)Where is the ruler?‎ 教师将学生分为两人一组,每组同学准备一个直尺和一个文具盒,仿照Let’s learn 中的图片,将直尺和文具盒不停变换位置,同时进行问答练习。‎ ① Where is the ruler? It is in front of the pencil box.‎ ② Where is the ruler? It is beside the pencil box.‎ ③ Where is the ruler? It is behind the pencil box.‎ ④ Where is the ruler? It is above the pencil box.‎ 设计意图:学生自己动手不停变换两个物体的位置,同时练习Let’s learn 中的一组问答对话,在游戏中学习。‎ ‎(2)学生全体起立,教师发出指令,学生按照老师的指令做出相应动作。教师设计的指令中要穿插使用各种不同的方位介词,比如:Stand behind your chair./Stand between two desks.‎ ‎ /Stand on your chair./ Stand in front of your desk.‎ 设计意图:听指令做动作,让学生动起来,活跃了课堂气氛,在轻松愉悦中考查了学生对几个方位介词及其短语的理解。‎ ‎(3)教师用课件出示几个描述物体间相对位置的句子,学生读句子,根据描述画一画。 ‎ ‎ There is a water bottle on the desk.‎ ‎ There is a cat in front of the house.‎ ‎ There are two dogs behind the tree.‎ ‎ The bird is above the house.‎ ‎ The chair is between two desks.‎ 设计意图:变常用的“看图片,写句子”为“看句子,画图画”。推陈出新,既丰富了教学方法,也更能引起学生的兴趣。‎ ‎(4)Where am I?‎ 教师将学生分成五人一组,一名学生站中间,其前后左右各站一名学生,这几名学生按前后左右依次被命名为A、B、C、D。站在正中间的学生以自问自答的形式对自己的位置进行描述,在练习过程中其他小组成员监督这名学生表述是否准确。小组成员依次轮流站在正中进行练习。‎ Where am I? I am in front of B.‎ Where am I? I am behind A.‎ Where am I? I am beside C/D.‎ Where am I? I am between A and B.‎ Where am I? I am between C and D.‎ 设计意图:该活动是对Let’s learn中的一组问答句型的延伸演练。‎ ‎(5)教师再次播放本单元主题歌曲《A photo of me》,学生跟唱。‎ 设计意图:以歌曲结束本节课的授课环节,学生第二次听这首歌,会有不同的体会和感受。‎ ‎5.课堂小结 ‎ T:Boys and girls, Let’s look back this class. What English words do you remember?‎ Ss:in front of,beside,between,behind,above…‎ T:Excellent! What new sentences do you learn today?(教师手指板书,引导学生回答)‎ Ss:It is in front of the dog.‎ It is beside the dog.‎ It is between two dogs.‎ It is behind the ball.‎ It is above the ball.‎ There is a bike in front of the window.‎ There is a tree in front of the house.‎ There is a cat behind the door.‎ There is a dog under the tree.‎ There are two people under the tree.‎ 七、课堂作业 ‎ Ⅰ.英汉互译 ‎1.在…前面 ____________ 2.球在狗的后面。 ___________________‎ ‎3.房子旁边有一棵树。____________________‎ ‎4.The ball is between two dogs.______________________________‎ ‎5.在床的上方有一张照片。________________________________‎ Ⅱ.选出正确的一项。‎ ‎( )1. ______ a pen and two pencils.‎ ‎ A. There is B. There are C. There be ‎( )2.______ two pencils and a pen.‎ ‎ A. There is B. There are C. There be ‎( )3.There is a tree ______ the house.‎ ‎ A. in front of B. in C. on ‎( )4.The bag is under the desk, the desk is _____ the bag.‎ ‎ A. above B. on C. in front of ‎( )5.There ____ some water ____ the bottle.‎ ‎ A. are,in B. is,in C. is,on Ⅲ.连词成句。‎ ‎1. is , front , in , of , ball , the , dog , the ‎ ________________________________________.‎ ‎2. a , there , tree , is , the , behind , house ‎ ________________________________________.‎ ‎3. are , trees , there , of , lots , in , park , the ‎ ________________________________________.‎ ‎4. wall , on , is , photo , there , a , me , the , of ‎ ________________________________________.‎ ‎5. water , some , there , water bottle , is , the , in ‎ ________________________________________.‎ Ⅳ.看图片,仿照例句,照要求写句子。‎ 例句:There is a table in the picture.‎ ‎1.用in front of 描述图片中的物体。‎ ‎_____________________________ ‎ ‎2.用beside描述图片中的物体。‎ ‎ _____________________________ ‎ ‎3.用between描述图片中的物体。‎ ‎ _____________________________ ‎ ‎4.用under描写图片中的物体。‎ ‎_____________________________‎ ‎5.用on 描述图片中的物体。‎ ‎ _____________________________‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅴ.阅读短文,补全句子。‎ My favourite room is my classroom. It is very big, and it is very clean and beautiful. There are many plants and a desk beside the window. There are lots of books on the desk. On the wall there are some pictures. There are photos of students behind the door. I like my classroom very much.‎ 1. My classroom is ___________ .‎ 2. There are many ______ beside the window.‎ 3. On the desk there are many _______ .‎ 4. There are some picture __________.‎ 5. Where are the photos?_____________________________.‎ 答案:Ⅰ. 1. in front of 2. The ball is behind the dog.‎ ‎ 3.There is a house beside the tree.‎ ‎4.球在两只狗中间。‎ ‎5.There is a photo above the bed.‎ Ⅱ. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B Ⅲ.1.The dog is in front of the ball.‎ ‎ 2.There is a tree behind the house.‎ ‎ 3.There are lots of trees in the park.‎ ‎ 4.There is a photo of me on the wall.‎ ‎ 5.There is some water in the water bottle.‎ Ⅳ. 1. There is a table in front of the trees.‎ ‎2. There is a chair beside the table.‎ ‎3. There are many flowers between the trees.‎ ‎4. There are many leaves under the trees.‎ ‎ 5. There is a guitar on the chair.‎ Ⅴ.1.very clean and beautiful 2.plants 3. books 4.on the wall ‎ ‎ 5.The photos are behind the door.‎ 八、板书设计 Unit 5 There is a big bed Class 4‎ a clock, two water bottles, a bike, three plants,a photo There are two water bottles on the desk.‎ There is a bike in the room.‎ There are three plants under the desk.‎ beside 在旁边 beside the box 在盒子旁边 between 在…中间 between the two boxes 在两个盒子中间 behind在…后面 behind the box 在盒子后面 above 在…上面 above the box 在盒子上面 between two dogs between two cats between the doors between the door and the window It is in front of the dog.‎ It is beside the dog.‎ It is between two dogs.‎ It is behind the ball.‎ It is above the ball.‎ There is a bike in front of the window.‎ There is a tree in front of the house.‎ There is a cat behind the door.‎ There is a dog under the tree.‎ There are two people under the tree.‎ 第五课时 一、课时内容 教科书第53-54页:B. Read and write Let’s check.‎ 二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第五课时,围绕There is…和There are…这两个句型展开内容。包括Read and write和Let’s check.两个板块。‎ Read and write是阅读训练板块,是在学习完A和B重点单词以及重点问答对话句型等两大板块之后,精心设置的灵活运用的拓展板块。阅读内容是以一封电子邮件的形式呈现的有关吴一凡的美术老师Mr Jones向机器人Robin求救的描述。通过阅读电邮,我们了解到Mr Jones 刚刚搬进一栋旧房子里,房间里面又脏又乱,铅笔、蜡笔、图片、照片扔的到处都是,甚至还有老鼠!他因此赶紧向机器人Robin 发邮件请求帮助。通过这封电子邮件展示了以下几个重点句型:There are pencils and crayons on the floor./There are pictures and photos everywhere./I see a mouse behind my computer.等。‎ 阅读短文后面设置了两个训练板块,第一个是通过阅读日记内容,判断哪一幅图片是Mr Jones的房间,在对应的图片上画对号;第二个训练板块是请学生们运用There is…和There are…句型写出三个句子,描述自己的房间。第一个训练板块是针对学生对电邮内容的理解程度而专门设计的,第二个板块是将阅读训练与写作训练相结合,这是训练小学生写作功底的重要方式之一。‎ ‎ Let’s check.是一个听力训练,共有两个听力板块,第一个是要求学生根据听到的内容选择所听到的内容并将对应的图片圈出来,第二个是要求学生重新听取录音内容,并且根据所听到的内容补全句子。这个板块的精心设置,证明在小学阶段学习英语,并不是简单的了解,而是要求学生们不仅要懂得其语句意思,还要听懂英语内容,因此,教师和学生对这种听力板块的题型设计都要引起足够的重视,学生们在日常学习中要注意多参与听力训练活动。‎ 本课时要求学生们能够通过阅读短文内容,完成与短文内容相关的训练,以及能够根据自己所听到的内容,圈出正确的图片,并且能够根据所听到的内容正确补充句子。这是学生们对学到的重点词句的灵活运用的实践检验的具体方式。相信学生们在学会完成训练之后,一定是意犹未尽,为了能够让学生们充分发挥自己的运用能力,除了准备好一些相关的多媒体课件,我特意为学生们准备了更多集中训练方式,以备课堂上让学生们尽情地练习应用。让学生们在课堂中尽可能多地了解、练习多种训练题型,能够开阔学生们的视野,以备今后再遇到类似的题型,不会感觉陌生,并且能够运用自如,对任何题型都能够轻松解决。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1.会听、说、认读单词:move,dirty,everywhere,mouse,live,nature ‎2.能够借助于图片提示,读懂并理解电子邮件《An email to Robin》的内容。‎ ‎3.能够把短文内容翻译成正确的汉语意思。‎ ‎4.能够正确完成阅读短文后面的两个训练题。‎ ‎5.能够独立完成听力训练。‎ ‎6.能够灵活运用本单元所学知识,解决实际问题。‎ ‎7.对电子邮件的写作格式有初步了解。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1.重点 ‎(1)1.能够借助于图片提示,读懂并理解电子邮件《An email to Robin》的内容。能够正确完成阅读短文后面的两个训练题。‎ ‎(2)能够独立完成听力训练。‎ ‎2.难点 ‎(1)能够灵活运用本单元所学知识,读懂与本单元相关的阅读短文。‎ ‎(2)能够听懂与本单元相关的对话内容,并完成相关的训练。‎ 五、教学准备 多媒体课件,录音机与录音磁带,自制PPT课件,课件内容包括与本单元有关的四个听力训练,以及三个阅读短文训练。‎ 六、教学过程 ‎1.课前热身 ‎(1)播放英语歌曲“A photo of me”‎ ‎(2)把全班分成两大组,对译重点单词和句子。‎ Ss1:Beside, beside——‎ Ss2:在旁边;plant,plant——‎ Ss1:植物;above,above——‎ Ss2:在上面;photo,photo——‎ Ss1:照片;beside,beside——‎ Ss2:在旁边。photo,photo——‎ Ss1:照片;Beside the big plant ——‎ Ss2:在这盆大植物旁边;What can you see——‎ Ss1:你能看见什么;Above the big clock——‎ Ss2:在这个大钟表上方;There’s a photo of me——‎ Ss1:有一张我的照片;Between the two windows ——‎ Ss2:在两个窗户中间;There’s a photo of me——‎ Ss1:有一张我的照片。‎ ‎……‎ 设计意图:本单元的重点句型就是A和B两部分中的重点词句,到现在为止已经全部学完,本课时的主要内容是灵活运用本单元的重点词句,解决实际问题,因此,在授课之前,首先通过播放本单元主题曲一起复习这些重点内容,是非常必要的。同时也带动后进的学生重新复习一遍,为本节课能够读懂短文和能够听懂录音内容,做好铺垫。‎ ‎2.导入 ‎ ‎(1)播放几组图片,请学生二人一组,到前台为图片配音。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎①S1:Where is the ball?‎ S2:It is in front of the dog.‎ ‎②S1:Where is the ball?‎ S2:It is beside the dog.‎ ‎③S1:What is in the picture?‎ S2:There are four dogs in the picture.‎ ‎④S1:Where is the ball?‎ S2:It is above the dog.‎ ‎⑤S1:Where is the dog?‎ S2:It is behind the ball.‎ 设计意图:把前面学过的知识,以看图配音游戏形式在课堂中呈现出来,学生们不会产生乏味、厌烦情绪,相反,因为这些都是刚刚学过的内容,学生们会兴趣高昂,积极参与,积极展示,表现欲很强烈,因此效果肯定事半功倍。‎ ‎(2)语言导入 T:Boys and girls, Do you know Mr Jones? ‎ Ss:Yes.‎ T:Who is he? ‎ Ss:He is Wu Yifan’s art teacher.‎ T:Very good. He sends a email to Robin, the robot. Do you know why?‎ Ss:No, I don’t.‎ T:OK. Now let’s go to read the email.‎ Ss:Great!‎ 设计意图:对与邮件内容相关的话题进行问答讨论,自然引出新课。‎ ‎ 3. 新课呈现 ‎ ‎(1)教学《An email to Robin》‎ ‎①打开多媒体,点击网络教育资源包,播放与本课时有关系的课件, 请学生们观看课件,并认真听录音。‎ ‎②老师讲解短文中的疑难问题。‎ To:robin@urfriend.cn,这是收件人的电子邮件地址。‎ From: jones@art.cn,这是发件人的电子邮件地址。‎ Dec.是12月,其完整形式是December,20th是指20号。‎ moved读作/mu:vd/, 是动词move的过去式,意为“搬家”。常用短语:move into 搬进…‎ dirty读作/ˈdɜ:ti/,形容词,意为“肮脏的”。例句:The room is dirty.房间很脏。‎ everywhere 读作/ˈevriweə(r)/,副词,意为“处处,到处”。‎ mouse 读作/maus/,名词,意为“老鼠”。‎ live 读作/lɪv/,动词,意为“居住”,常用短语:live in 住在…‎ nature 读作/ˈneɪtʃə(r)/,名词,意为“自然界,大自然”。‎ 设计意图:本课时这封电子邮件中涉及到了几个需要学生会认读的单词,教师首先帮助学生们解决疑难问题,扫清阅读障碍,化难为易,让学生们读起来更加顺畅简便,感觉阅读并不是很难的事情,从而增强了自信心,为完成阅读训练做好铺垫工作。‎ ‎(2)朗读短文。‎ 播放录音,学生们跟读;老师领读,学生们跟读;请学生代表领读;同桌互相朗读。‎ 设计意图:中国有一句俗语,就是“书读百遍,其义自现”,对于阅读理解英语短文,也是同样的道理。‎ ‎(3)教师指名一名学生借助图片内容,把这封电子邮件翻译成汉语,教师给以适当的纠正。‎ An email to Robin 一封给罗宾的电子邮件 Dear Robin, 亲爱的罗宾,‎ I am Yifan’s art teacher. 我是一凡的美术老师。‎ I just moved into an old house. 我刚搬进一所旧房子里。‎ The rooms are dirty. 房间很脏。‎ There are pencils and crayons on the floor. 地上有铅笔和蜡笔。‎ There are pictures and photos everywhere. 到处都是图画和照片。‎ Oh, no! 噢,不!‎ I see a mouse behind my computer! 我看见一只老鼠在我的电脑后面。‎ Please help me. 请帮帮我。‎ I live near the nature park. 我住在自然公园附件。‎ Please hurry! 请快点!‎ Mr Jones 约翰先生 设计意图:阅读短文时,首先要理解其正确的汉语意思,把汉语意思都搞清楚了,再解答任何有关短文内容的问题,就可以迎刃而解了。‎ ‎(4)学生独立完成教科书第53页的阅读短文训练题。‎ ‎①完成阅读训练一。‎ 老师把训练题目要求讲明白。‎ Which is Mr Jones’ room? 哪一个是约翰先生的房间?画出正确的图片。‎ 请学生们再次认真阅读日记短文,根据短文内容对号入座,在与短文内容相符合的图片右上角打对勾。‎ 参考答案:第一幅图。‎ ‎②教师巡视并及时指导。等到所有的学生都做完了,教师请几名学生代表说出自己的判断结果,请判断全部正确的学生举手示意,教师请两名判断有误的学生讲一讲自己判断错误的原因及想法,及时予以纠正。‎ 设计意图:在学生们完全理解阅读短文内容的基础上,让学生独立完成阅读训练,由于是循序渐进的过程,相信绝大多数学生是可以顺利完成这样的训练,如果有个别接受新知比较困难的学生,教师可单独辅导。‎ ‎③完成阅读训练二。‎ 老师把训练题目要求讲明白。‎ What is in your room? Write three sentences. 你的房间里有什么?写出三个句子。‎ 参考答案:‎ 1. There is a desk in my room.‎ 2. There are some pictures on the wall.‎ 1. There is a clock, a photo, a computer and a big bed in my room.‎ 设计意图:训练二其实是阅读短文之后的写作训练。将阅读与写作相结合是小学英语写作教学中常用的手法之一。学生在深入理解短文内容之后,趁热打铁,仿照短文中的句子结构开始写作练习,使得平时较为棘手的写作变得简单,学生接受起来比较快。‎ ‎(5)完成教科书第54页的听力训练。‎ ‎①听力训练一,听录音,勾出符合所听内容的图片,划掉不符合录音描述的图片。‎ 在此教师应提醒学生正确答案不止一个,在听录音的过程中应重点听表示日常家居用品的单词。请学生们认真听录音,录音读两遍,然后,学生们根据自己听到的内容勾选出正确的,划去错误的。‎ ‎②听力训练二,再次听录音,把句子补充完整。‎ 请学生们继续听录音,然后根据自己听到的内容,认真书写出答案。要求书写要规范整齐。‎ ‎③师生共同核对答案。教师可在此播放录音,每播放一句教师跟读一句,并进行翻译,以便让学生彻底听懂录音内容。之后还可以让学生跟读录音。‎ 附:Let’s try听力材料 Wu Yifan:In my room there is a desk. On the desk there is a plant. Above the desk there are two photos. Beside the desk there is a bed.‎ 答案:√√√ × √‎ ‎ 1. plant 2. photos ‎ 设计意图:听力训练很多情况下没有必要把每个单词、每句话都听清楚,只需听出重点词和重点句就能够完成听力训练。教师应该在每次听力训练中告诉学生哪些是关键词,必须要听明白,抓住重点往往是制胜的关键。‎ ‎4.操练 ‎ T:Boys and girls. Do you want to do more listening exercises by yourself?‎ Ss:Yes!‎ T:OK. Let’s finish the next listening exercises, together.‎ Ss:Great!‎ ‎(1)分组练习听力训练。‎ 将全班分成二人一组,老师把课前打印好的听力材料和训练题卡分发给每一组的两个学生,发给其中一位学生听力材料,负责按照要求朗读听力材料;再发给另一位学生听力题卡,该学生负责根据对方朗读的听力内容,完成听力题卡中的选项要求。‎ 等学生们全部完成之后,老师请学生代表汇报完成听力训练的过程与结果。‎ 之后,老师再分发给学生们第二套听力训练材料与听力题卡,交换分发对象,即原来负责朗读听力的学生改为负责完成听力题卡,原来负责完成听力题卡的学生改为负责朗读听力材料。‎ 等学生们全部完成之后,老师再次请学生代表汇报完成听力训练的过程与结果。‎ 第一套听力材料:‎ 根据听力材料,在横线上填上合适的词。‎ I have a nice room. It is big and clean. There is a desk, a bed and a chair in the room. On the desk there is a computer and some books. There is a photo of my family above the bed. There are two plants beside the window. Oh, there is a basketball under my bed. I like my bedroom very much.‎ 第一套听力题卡:‎ I have a __________room. It is __________ and__________. There is a desk in the room, on the desk there is a _________ and some _________. There is a photo of my family _______________. There are two plants _________ the window.‎ 参考答案:nice ,big,clean,computer,books,above the bed,beside 第二套听力材料:‎ Wu Yifan,Sarah,Mike,Zhang Peng and I are in the same group. I am behind Wu Yifan, I am between Saran and Mike, I am in front of Zhang Peng.‎ 第二套听力题卡:‎ Where am I? I am _________ Wu Yifan. I am _________ Sarah and Mike. I am ______________ Zhang Peng.‎ 参考答案:behind,between,in front of 设计意图:给学生们在课堂中创造一对一的听力训练,这是听力训练的最佳方法。这样可以做到在同一时间全班有一半的学生在练习朗读听力材料,这些学生们可以感受到听力的语速和发音效果,还有一半的学生感受到听录音选择正确选项的领悟过程。学生一对一进行听力训练,可以做到让每一位学生注意力集中,听力任务相互交替完成,使得学生们真领悟听力材料与听力题卡之间的紧密联系。同时这种与传统的听录音进行听力训练完全不同的新方法更能调动学生积极参与教学,提高教学效率。‎ ‎(2)阅读短文,完成文后的习题。‎ This is a photo of Robin’s bedroom. The room is big and clean. You can see there is a big desk in ‎ his room. There are some pictures on the wall. The bed is near the desk. There is a bike behind the door. The basketball is under the desk. What is on the desk? There is a computer and some books. Robin works with it. There are some flowers near the window. Do you like Robin’s room?‎ ‎1. What is in Robin’s room?‎ ‎_______________________________________‎ ‎2. Where are the pictures?‎ ‎ ________________________________________‎ 3. What is behind the door?‎ ‎________________________________________‎ 4. What is on the desk?‎ ‎________________________________________‎ 5. Where is the basketball?‎ ‎________________________________________‎ 参考答案:‎ 1. There is a desk, some pictures a bed, a bike, a basketball, a computer, some books and some flowers.‎ 2. The pictures are on the wall.‎ 3. There is a bike behind the door.‎ 4. There is a computer and some books.‎ 5. The basketball is under the desk.‎ 设计意图:在课堂上,给学生们更多的练习机会,帮助学生们熟悉有关阅读和听力训练的题型,让学生们自我感知熟能生巧的道理,逐步养成自己寻找机会,多参与训练活动,快速提高自己的英语应对能力。 ‎ ‎5.课堂小结 ‎ T:Boys and girls, What do we learn today?‎ S1:I learn how to finish reading exercises.‎ S2:I learn some new words, they are move, dirty, everywhere, mouse, live, nature.‎ S3:I learn how to finish the listening exercises.‎ S4:I know listen carefully and then finish it.‎ ‎……‎ 七、课堂作业 ‎ Ⅰ.听录音,为下列问题选出正确答案。‎ ‎( ) 1. What would Sarah like to eat?‎ A. She would like to eat some noodles.‎ B. She would like to eat a hamburger.‎ C. She would like to eat some beef.‎ ‎( ) 2. What is Sarah’s art teacher like?‎ A. She is young and pretty.‎ B. She is strict.‎ C. She is kind and funny.‎ ‎( ) 3. What can Zhang Peng do for the party?‎ A. He can dance for the party.‎ B. He can sing for the party.‎ C. He can do some kung fu for the party.‎ ‎( ) 4. Where is the basketball?‎ A. It is beside the door.‎ B. It is above the door.‎ C. It is behind the door.‎ ‎( ) 5. What is in the picture?‎ A. There is a photo in the picture. ‎ B. There are two plants and a photo in the picture.‎ C. There is a desk, a photo and two plants in the picture.‎ Ⅱ.连词成句。‎ ‎1. are the dirty rooms ‎____________________________________‎ ‎2. pencils crayons are on there floor and the ‎___________________________________________________‎ ‎3. everywhere are and photos pictures there ‎___________________________________________________‎ ‎4. a see my mouse I behind computer ‎___________________________________________________‎ ‎5. is there some books a and computer desk the on ‎___________________________________________________‎ Ⅲ.将下列句子按正确的顺序排列。‎ A. Dear Robin, I am Wu Yifan’s are teacher.‎ B. The rooms are dirty.‎ C. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer!‎ D. Please help me. I live near the nature park.‎ E. There are pencils and crayons on the floor, there are pictures and photos everywhere.‎ F. I just moved into an old house.‎ Ⅳ.阅读短文,回答下列问题。‎ ‎ I like my school very much. It is clean and beautiful. There are many trees in front of the classrooms. There are lots of flowers under the trees. There are 24 classrooms in my school. My classroom is on the second floor. In my classroom, you can see 25 desks . There are many pictures on the wall, some students can draw very well.‎ ‎1.Where are the trees?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎2.Where are the flowers?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎3.How many classrooms in the school?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎4.What is in my classroom?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎5.What is the school like?‎ ‎ __________________________________ ‎ Ⅴ.阅读短文,回答下列问题。‎ ‎ Welcome to my house! This is the living room. There is a TV in it. There are some photos of my family on the wall. Between the photos there is a big clock. There is a book shelf beside the window, many books are on it. My bedroom is on the second floor. It is a nice room. It is big and ‎ clean.‎ ‎1.What is in the living room?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎2.Where is the clock?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎3.Where is the book shelf?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎4.What is my bedroom like?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ ‎5.Do you like my house? Why?‎ ‎ __________________________________‎ 答案:Ⅰ. 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C ‎ Ⅱ. 1. The rooms are dirty.‎ ‎ 2. There are pencils and crayons on the floor.‎ ‎ 3. There are photos and pictures everywhere.‎ ‎ 4. I see a mouse behind my computer.‎ Ⅲ. A F B E C D ‎ Ⅳ. ‎ 1. The trees are in front of the classrooms.‎ 2. The flowers are under the trees.‎ 3. There are 24 classrooms in the school.‎ 4. There are desks and pictures in my classroom.‎ ‎5. It is clean and beautiful. ‎ Ⅴ. 1.There is a TV, some photos, a big clock, a book shelf and many books in the living room.‎ ‎2.The clock is between the photos.‎ ‎3.The book shelf is beside the window.‎ ‎4.It is big and clean.‎ ‎5.Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(原因略)‎ 附听力材料:‎ ‎1.——What would you like to eat for lunch, Mike?‎ ‎ —— I’d like some noodles. What about you, Sarah?‎ ‎ —— I’d like a hamburger, chicken hamburger.‎ ‎2. —— Who is your art teacher, Sarah?‎ ‎ —— Miss Green.‎ ‎ —— What is she like?‎ ‎ —— She is young and pretty.‎ ‎3.—— We will have a party next week. What can you do, Zhang Peng?‎ ‎ —— I can do some kung fu.‎ ‎4.—— Where is the new basketball?‎ ‎ —— It is behind the door.‎ ‎5.——What can you see in the picture?‎ ‎ ——I can see a desk, a photo and two plants.‎ 八、板书设计 Unit 5 class 5‎ ‎1.阅读训练答题要领:认真阅读数遍,解决疑难词句,理解整篇文章大大概意思,对照短文内容,回答相关问题。‎ ‎2.听力训练答题要领:集中注意力,认真聆听录音内容,联系学过的重点知识,以所听到的内容为依据,精心完成听力训练各个选项或填空等习题。‎ 第六课时 一、课时内容 教科书第50页:Let’s spell,第54页:Let’s wrap it up 第55页:C. Story time 二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第六课时,包括A部分的Let’s spell, B部分的Let’s wrap it up 和C部分的Story time三个板块。‎ ‎ 第50页A部分的Let’s spell是围绕含有字母组合ai和ay的单词所设计的版块,共分为四个小版块。第一个小版块是Read, listen and chant,呈现了八幅图片和八个对应的单词。这八个单词分为两大组,一组都含有字母组合ai,在单词中的发音为/eɪ/,另一组都含有字母组合ay,在单词中的发音也是/eɪ/。第二个板块是Listen,read and circle,呈现了12个单词,其特点都是含有字母组合ai或者ay。第三个板块是Listen,write and say,呈现的是三幅图片和三个要求补充单词的句子,而且这些需要补充填写的单词也都是第一、二个换环节中出现过的单词。第四个小版块是Choose one sentence from above and write,是请学生抄写第三个板块中的一句话。总之,整页内容都是围绕着含有字母组合ai和ay的单词展开的,目的是让学生们真实感受英语单词中的读音规则,帮助学生在理解掌握字母读音规则的基础上,能够正确拼读类似结构的陌生单词,逐步提高学生们的朗读能力。语音教学在小学英语学习中占有举足轻重的地位,语言有三个方面,即语音、语法、词汇。语音是语言教学的基础,语法和词汇都是通过语音得到体现的。英语是一种拼音文字,学生掌握了字母和字母组合的发音规律,在大脑里建立字母与其发音之间一一对应的关系,就能够见词能读,听音会写,无需死记硬背,学习效率成倍增长。可以说,学好发音是十分重要的一步。在英语学习中,单词的记忆是学习的一个重难点,利用字母组合和发音规律可以巧妙学习英语单词,达到事半功倍的效果。教学生读出ai和ay在单词中的发音/ei/并不难,关键在于引导 学生学会总结和归纳该字母组合的发音,进而正确拼读含有字母组合ai和ay的单词。‎ 第54页的Let’s wrap it up是There is…和There are…句型的归纳总结,共分两个小板块。第一个小版块是match and write,呈现的是There is…和There are…两个句型,五福图片 和四个表示物体间相对位置关系的介词,要求学生们根据图片所展示物体的单复数情况,选择正确的There be 句型以及恰当的介词,用直线将这三部分内容连接起来。通过这个连线活动,让学生们明确There is…和There are…句型的区别。‎ 第55页的Story time,呈现了五幅情景图,讲述的是一个空易拉罐被随便仍掉之后,到处“旅行”的故事。通过学习这个故事,告诉大家“要遵守社会公德,不能乱丢垃圾”的道理。学生们在学习完故事之后,要树立保护环境,人人有责的观念。‎ 本课时训练项目比较多,因此,老师提前充分备课是关键。首先要充分运用网络教学资源包,以动画形式呈现课文内容,声形并茂,直观易懂。精心制作PPT课件即相关微视频,设置几种游戏活动,让学生在40分钟课堂内,即学即练,有的放矢,学以致用,只有经过充足的训练、纳入、消化、吸收,才能够逐步内化为自己的知识。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1.能够正确朗读含有字母组合ai和ay的单词。‎ ‎2.能够根据其发音规则准确朗读含有这两种字母组合的陌生单词。‎ ‎3.能够根据读音拼写出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词。‎ ‎4.能够掌握There is…和There are…的使用规则。‎ ‎5.能够正确理解故事情节内容。能够参照图片内容,进行配音对话表演。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1.重点 ‎(1)能够正确朗读含有字母组合ai和ay的单词。‎ ‎(2)能够掌握There is…和There are…的使用规则。‎ ‎(3)能够正确理解故事情节内容。‎ ‎2.难点 ‎(1)能够根据字母组合ai和ay的发音规则准确朗读含有这两种字母组合的陌生单词。‎ ‎(2)能够根据读音拼写出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词。‎ ‎(3)能够参照图片内容,进行配音对话表演。‎ 五、教学准备 老师准备教学资源包里的相关视频,精心制作的PPT课件,相关的微视频,制作词卡、句卡和图卡。‎ 六、教学过程 ‎1.课前热身 ‎(1)播放英语歌曲“A photo of me”‎ 播放录音,学生齐唱歌曲。‎ A photo of me ‎ Beside the big plant, ‎ What can you see? ‎ Above the big clock, ‎ There’s a photo of me. ‎ Beside the big plant, ‎ What can you see? ‎ Between the two windows, ‎ There’s a photo of me. ‎ ‎(2)把全班分成两大组,对译重点单词和句子。‎ Ss1:Beside, beside——‎ Ss2:在旁边;plant,plant——‎ Ss1:植物;above,above——‎ Ss2:在上面;photo,photo——‎ Ss1:照片;beside,beside——‎ Ss2:在旁边。photo,photo——‎ Ss1:照片;Beside the big plant ——‎ Ss2:在这盆大植物旁边;What can you see——‎ Ss1:你能看见什么;Above the big clock——‎ Ss2:在这个大钟表上方;There’s a photo of me——‎ Ss1:有一张我的照片;Between the two windows ——‎ Ss2:在两个窗户中间;There’s a photo of me——‎ Ss1:有一张我的照片。‎ 设计意图:这是本单元的最后一课时,组织学生们通过对译的形式,把A和B部分的重点词句在短时间内复习一遍,以加深印象,加以巩固。‎ ‎2.导入 ‎ ‎(1)播放卡通动画短片,以动画形式展示一部分含有字母组合ai和ay的单词。‎ ‎(2)语言导入。‎ T:Boys and girls. What’s the same letters can you see in these words?‎ Ss:I see the same letters “ai” and “ay”.‎ T:Do you want to learn how to spell them?‎ Ss:Yes.!‎ T:OK. Let’s look at some pictures and words.‎ Ss:Great!‎ 设计意图:通过播放卡通动画,让学生们观看卡通字母ai、ay找朋友的小短片,调动学生们的积极性,激发学生们的学习兴趣,快速把学生们带入学习英语的氛围中。‎ ‎3. 新课呈现 ‎ ‎(1)学习Let’s spell中的Read,listen and chant。‎ ‎①播放PPT课件,呈现教科书第50页Read,listen and chant.‎ 学生们观看图片和单词,自读单词。‎ ‎②教师自编句子,逐句呈现课本上的8个单词。‎ 教师板书:It’s a rainy day, I paint a rainbow when wait for the bus. 今天是个下雨天,在等公交车的时候我画了一条彩虹。‎ Today is Monday, it is my mother’s birthday, on the way to school, I say “happy birthday, mum.” 今天是星期一,是我妈妈的生日,在去学校的路上,我说:“生日快乐,妈妈。”‎ ‎③教师领读以上两句话,学生跟读。提醒学生重点注意句子中含有字母组合ai和ay的单词,体会这两组字母组合的发音。‎ 设计意图:自编句子帮助学生更快的记忆这几个单词,通过跟读能使学生们很快感受并且掌握字母组合ai和ay的读音规则。‎ ‎④请学生代表说出字母组合ai、ay在这些单词中的发音,学生们一致认为它们这些单词中发音相同,并且都读/ei/音。老师对学生们的正确回答给以肯定,并且及时表扬孩子们很聪明。‎ ‎⑤继续播放PPT课件,展示更多的含有这两种字母组合的单词,请学生们试着拼读这些单词:day,May,may,play,lay,mail,fail,tail,aim,train,gain。‎ ‎⑥请学生代表领读这些单词。提醒学生们感受字母组合ai和ay 在这些单词中的发音规律。‎ 师生共同归纳读音规则:字母组合ai、ay在单词中常发/eɪ/这个音。‎ ‎⑦教师播放歌谣录音,学生听歌谣并跟唱,再次感受字母组合ai和ay在单词中的发音。‎ I cannot wait. 我不能等了。‎ I cannot wait. 我不能等了。‎ My birthday is on Monday. 星期一是我的生日。‎ I cannot wait. 我不能等了。‎ I cannot wait. 我不能等了。‎ It’s going to be a fun day. 那天将会是晴朗的一天。‎ 设计意图:学生们通过自己的拼读、感受、领悟过程,自发总结出字母组合ai和ay的发音规则,这是学生们自己感悟出来的规律,因此学生们一旦掌握了这种读音规则,就不容易忘记了。‎ ‎(2)完成教科书第50 Listen, read and circle中的听力训练。‎ ‎①打开录音机,播放听力内容,请学生们按照自己所听到单词的顺序标出号码。‎ 附 听力材料:Listen,write and say.‎ ‎1.always 2. wait 3. paint 4. say ‎②老师领读这些单词;请学生代表领读;同桌相互领读,再多添加几个类似的单词:day,May,may,play,lay,mail,fail,tail,aim,train,gain。‎ ‎③四人一组,练习用拆引发拼读这些单词。‎ 例如:p-l-ay /pleɪ /; l-ay /leɪ/; m-ai-l /meɪl / ai-m /eɪm/ g-ai-n /geɪn/‎ ‎④展示PPT课件,快速播放这些单词,做快闪朗读游戏。‎ ‎⑤二人一组,练习快速朗读每张词卡中的单词。‎ 设计意图:通过一系列的练习,目的是让学生们能够掌握字母组合ai和ay在单词中的发音,并且能够根据读音规则,会拼读类似含有ai和ay这两种字母组合的陌生单词,这是本环节学习的最终目的。‎ ‎(3)完成教科书第50页的Look,listen and write中的听力训练。‎ ‎①播放听力录音,根据所听内容,请学生独立完成填写单词补全句子的训练题。‎ 附听力材料: ‎ ‎1.Today is a rainy day.‎ ‎2.Let’s paint a rainbow.‎ ‎3.Today is Monday.‎ ‎②师生共同核对答案。教师着重指出注意句子第一个单词首字母大写。‎ ‎③三人一组,每人朗读一句话,互相纠正朗读中出现的问题。‎ ‎④选择自己喜欢的一句话,抄写在第50页最下面的横线上。‎ 设计意图:这个训练,要求学生们不仅知道单词的读音、汉语意思,还得要求学生们必须会写、会用。‎ ‎(3)学习Let’s wrap it up.‎ ‎①用PPT课件展示两组句子,请学生们读一读,并翻译成汉语意思。‎ There is a book. (这儿)有一本书。‎ There is a cat. (这儿)有一只猫。‎ There is some water. (这儿)有一些水。‎ There is some milk. (这儿)有一些牛奶。‎ There are many books. (这儿)有许多书。‎ There are some flowers. (这儿)有一些花。‎ There are lots of photos. (这儿)有许多照片。‎ ‎②引导学生观察上面这些句子,注意红色的单词,总结出There is…和There are…句型的使用规则。通过共同讨论后得出:There is 后跟的都是单数名词或者不可数名词;There are后跟的都是复数名词。‎ ‎③请学生自行写出几个分别含有There is和There are 的句子,并在全班进行朗读。其他学生听句子,依照得出的结论判断句子表述是否准确。教师板书几个描述准确的句子。‎ ‎④请学生领读这些句子,然后全班学生齐读。‎ ‎⑤教师用课件展示以下两组句子,请学生注意每句话中的红色字体。‎ There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。‎ There is a cat behind the door. 门后面有一只猫。‎ There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些水。‎ There is some milk in the cup. 杯子里有一些牛奶。‎ There are many books on the desk. 桌子上有许多书。‎ There are some flowers in the garden. 花园里有一些花。‎ There are lots of photos on the wall. 墙上有许多照片。‎ ‎⑥以各种方式朗读以上几句话,发现规律:都属于There be句型,并且每句话后半部分都有表示位置的介词短语。‎ ‎⑦师生共同总结There be句型的使用规则:‎ 当动词be后紧跟的名词是可数名词的单数形式或不可数名词时,be 应该取单数is;当其后紧跟的名词是可数名词的复数形式时,be用复数are。具体可以表示为:There is +可数名词单数/不可数名词(+时间/地点);There are +可数名词复数(+时间/地点)。‎ ‎⑧完成训练一Match and write.‎ 学生自主完成连线。师生共同核对答案,请学生解释答题原因。‎ 第一幅图片与There is 相连,因为图片展示的是一只猫,a cat,是可数名词的单数形式。‎ 第二幅图片与There are 相连,因为图片上画的是两张照片,two photos,是可数名词的复数形式。‎ 第三幅图片与There is 相连,因为图片上是一个水瓶,a water ‎ bottle,是可数名词的单数形式。‎ 第四幅图片与There are相连,因为图片上画着两盆植物,two plants,属于可数名词的复数形式。‎ 第五幅图与There is 相连,因为画的是一个闹钟,a clock,是可数名词的单数形式。‎ 设计意图:学生逐个解释作答原因,加深对There be 句型使用规则的印象。‎ ‎⑨完成训练二Complete the sentences 请学生们根据上一环节中的连线情况将本环节的两个句子补充完整。参考答案:‎ There is a water bottle beside the table.‎ There is a clock behind/beside the table.‎ There are two photos above/beside the table.‎ There are two plants beside/behind the table.‎ ‎(4)学习C Story time ‎①教师用课件依次展示Story time 中的五幅情景图,遮住文字部分,师生共同进行看图说话。‎ 出示第一幅图片,教师提示学生说出图片主要想传递的信息是:河边的草坪上扔着一个易拉罐,一只小鸟和小熊看到了 出示第二幅图片,师生共同讨论得出图片所表达的主要信息是:小熊没有把易拉罐捡起来丢进垃圾桶,而是踢着易拉罐玩耍起来。‎ 出示第三幅图片,得出:兔子和小猴看着从空中飞过来的易拉罐。‎ 出示第四幅图片,讨论后得出,图片描述的是:易拉罐飞入河里,正掉进两条鱼中间。‎ 出示第五幅图片,图片所传递的主要信息是:Zoom 把易拉罐扔进了垃圾桶里。‎ ‎②教师用课件展示每幅图的文字部分,和学生一起学习故事情节。‎ 老师首先进行疑难、重点讲解:‎ There is a can beside the river. 河边有一个易拉罐。can,在这里不是情态动词“能”,而是名词“易拉罐”。beside,在旁边。beside the river,在河边。‎ naughty,意思是“淘气的,顽皮的”。‎ kick,意思是“踢”。‎ The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.易拉罐从兔子和猴子头顶飞过。flies,是fly的第三人称单数形式。over,在此不是“结束”的意思,而是介词“在…上面”。‎ The can falls between two fish.易拉罐掉在两条鱼中间。fall,含义是“落下”。between two ‎ fish,在两条鱼中间。‎ 设计意图:通过教师讲解,既为学生指出本部分的重要知识点,又解决了学生们阅读故事中可能遇到的障碍。‎ ‎③教师播放故事录音,学生听录音,试着跟读对话。学生能自读故事之后,教师指名学生用英文复述故事的大概内容。师生共同讨论故事情节,归纳出读完这个小故事后的心得体会:要注意保护环境,不乱丢垃圾,要有社会公德心。‎ ‎④教师将学生分为8人一组,分角色朗读对话内容。小组练习完毕后,分别请每个小组在课堂上公开进行分角色讲故事竞赛,要求学生尽量脱离课本进行对话。教师提醒学生本环节是故事学习,因此小组在进行对话时要注意模仿讲故事应有的语调和感情。‎ 设计意图:在学习完故事中的知识点之后,通过分角色朗读故事来培养学生说英语、用英语的能力。‎ ‎4.操练 ‎(1)教师用课件出示下列含有字母组合ai和ay的单词,请学生根据发音提示,结合所学ai和ay的发音规律,读出这些单词。‎ p-ai-d /p-__-d/ , r-ai-se /r-__-z/ , s-ai-l/s-__-l/ , t-ai-l/t-__-l/, b-rain/b-r__n/, p-ai-n/p-__-n/, g-ai-n/g-__-n/, s-ai-lor/s-__-lə/, p-ay/p-__/, r-ay/r-__/, h-ay/h-__/, l-ay/l-__/‎ 设计意图:这里出示的单词是学生在教科书上没有学习过的陌生词汇,学习完本课时的语音知识后,学生应该能根据语音提示读出这些单词。‎ ‎(2)重新播放完整的动画故事,请学生们分角色朗读故事,并表演故事。‎ ‎①播放录音,学生跟读。‎ ‎②请学生们8个人一组,分别扮演故事里的角色,练习表演故事情节。‎ ‎③以组为单位,请学生们到前台进行表演。评出优胜小组,颁发小奖品,给以表扬和鼓励。‎ 设计意图:引导学生们把课本当作剧本,鼓励学生们扮演故事里的角色,把课文中静态的图片与文字,活灵活现的表现成动态,调动了学生的积极性,同时活跃了课堂气氛。‎ ‎5.课堂小结 ‎ 教师:同学们,今天我们一共学习了三方面内容。第一是字母组合ai和ay在单词中的发音问题,它们都发什么音?‎ 学生:/ei/‎ 教师:第二个内容是There be ‎ 句型中be的确定规则——当动词be后紧跟的名词是可数名词的单数形式或不可数名词时,be 应该取单数is;当其后紧跟的名词是可数名词的复数形式时,be用复数are。第三个知识点是通过读一个易拉罐到处旅游的小故事,我们明白了一个道理:保护环境,人人有责。‎ 七、课堂作业 ‎ Ⅰ.汉译英 ‎1.河边有一个易拉罐。_____________________________‎ ‎2.易拉罐掉在两条鱼中间。_____________________________‎ ‎3.门后面有一个篮球。_____________________________‎ ‎4.桌子前面有一只猫。_____________________________‎ ‎5.在床的上方有两张照片。_____________________________‎ Ⅱ.选择合适的单词或词组填在下列句子中,每个单词或词组只能用一次。‎ today paint lots of rainy Monday say rainbow birthday ‎1.____ is a ____ day.‎ ‎2.Let’s ____ a ____.‎ ‎3.Today is Sunday, tomorrow is _____.‎ ‎4.Today is my mother’s _______, I ____ “happy birthday, mum”.‎ ‎5.There are _______ flowers in the garden.‎ Ⅲ.连词成句。‎ ‎1.have , my , in , garden , grandparents , a , of , front , house , their ‎_________________________________________.‎ ‎2. a , a , clock , photo , and , is , there , my , in , room ‎_________________________________________.‎ ‎3. so , there , many , pictures , are , here ‎_________________________________________.‎ ‎4. the , beside , bed , is , table , there , a ‎_________________________________________.‎ ‎5. it , there , many , flowers ,pretty , are , in ‎_________________________________________.‎ Ⅳ. 情景交际,将正确的字母编号写到横线上。‎ ‎1.询问对方的房间是什么样的,可以说:_______‎ ‎ A.What is in your room? B. What is in your classroom? C. Where is your room?‎ ‎2. 如果你想说“多么漂亮的图片啊!”,该说:______‎ A. What a nice picture! B. Come on! C. What a nice photo!‎ ‎3. 如果你想说“到处都是铅笔和蜡笔”,应该说:_____‎ A. You look cool! B. There are pencils and crayons everywhere. C. The rooms are dirty.‎ ‎4. 如果你想说 “它们是我祖父母的植物”时,应该说_____‎ A. They’re my grandparents’ plants. B. They’re my grandparents plants. ‎ C. They’re my grandmother’s plants. ‎ ‎5. 如果你想说 “房子前面有一棵树”时,应该怎么说_____ ‎ A. There is a tree behind the house. B. There is a tree in front of the house.‎ C. There is a house in front of the tree.‎ Ⅴ.阅读短文,判读正(T)误(F)。‎ Dear Robin,‎ I am Yifan’s art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer!‎ Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry!‎ Mr Jones ‎ ( ) 1.The rooms are not clean.‎ ‎ ( ) 2.There is a mouse in front of the computer.‎ ‎ ( ) 3.There are many pictures and photos. ‎ ‎ ( ) 4.Mr Jones’ house is beside the nature park.‎ ‎ ( ) 5. Mr Jones need Robin’s help.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案:Ⅰ. 1.There is a can beside the river.‎ ‎2.The can falls between two fish.‎ ‎3.There is a basketball behind the door.‎ ‎4.There is a cat in front the table.‎ ‎5.There are two photos above the bed.‎ Ⅱ. 1.Today, rainy 2. paint, rainbow 3.Monday ‎ ‎4. birthday, say 5. lots of Ⅲ. 1.My grandparents have a garden in front of their house.‎ ‎2.There is a photo and a clock in my room.‎ ‎3.There are so many pictures here.‎ ‎4.There is a table beside the bed.‎ ‎5.There are many pretty flowers in it. ‎ Ⅳ. 1.A 2.A 3.B 4. A 5. B Ⅴ. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 八、板书设计 第六课时 It’s a rainy day, I paint a rainbow when wait for the bus. 今天是个下雨天,在等公交车的时候我画了一条彩虹。‎ Today is Monday, it is my mother’s birthday, on the way to school, I say “happy birthday, mum.” 今天是星期一,是我妈妈的生日,在去学校的路上,我说:“生日快乐,妈妈。”‎