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小学6年级英语教案:第16讲 状语从句综合复习3

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辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级:六年级 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 状语从句综合复习 教学内容 ‎1.掌握并列连词与从属连词的用法;‎ ‎2.掌握状语从句的用法;‎ TR可根据本次课的需要,选择不同的互动探究方法,如:预习、复习上节课内容、或通过案例分析、趣味故事进行新课导入)‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节设计时间在15分钟。‎ 本次课为复习课,我们可以通过较为轻松的氛围开始,建议互动探索部分选用一些热身游戏进行,比如猜谜、绕口令、嘴巴手指不一样等;也可以进行与本单元相关的知识性游戏,如分拆单词链或组单词等,把前几次课学过的单词进行复习。‎ ‎(TR根据本次课内容,可分为1. 新课或专题讲解; 2. 典型例题; 3. 习题巩固三个模块)‎ ‎【教学建议】 ‎ 此环节教案预期时间60分钟。‎ ‎1. 侧重学生的薄弱从句进行复习;‎ ‎2. 把握状语从句的从属连词与时态;‎ ‎3. 复习课更侧重于学生对内容的吸收度,建议采用‘以教代学’或‘相互PK’的互动方式进行。‎ 状语从句 状语从句用来修饰主句中的动词,副词和形容词的从句叫状语从句。根据其含义状语从句可分为时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句, 原因状语从句,结果状语从句,比较状语从句,目的状语从句,让步状语从句。‎ ‎1. 时间状语从句 ‎(1)时间状语从句常用when, as, while, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as等连词来引导。例如:‎ It was raining hard(rain hard 下大雨) when got to school yesterday.‎ While he was doing his homework, the telephone rang.‎ As he walked along(沿着走) the lake, he sang happily.‎ He had learned a little Chinese before he came to China.‎ After he finished middle school, he went to work in a factory.‎ ‎(2)在时间状语从句里,通常不用将来时态,用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如:‎ I’ll ring you up as soon as I get to New York.‎ I will tell him everything when he comes back.‎ He won’t believe it until he sees it with his own eyes.‎ ‎(3)在带有till或until引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句里,如果主句用肯定式,其含义是“一直到……时”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。如果主句用否定式,其含义是“直到……才……”, “在……以前不……”, 谓语动词可用瞬间动词。例如:‎ The young man read till the light went out(熄灭).‎ Let’s wait until the rain stops.‎ ‎ We won’t start until Bob comes.‎ ‎ Don’t get off(从下来) until the bus stops.‎ ‎【Till是指直到某一特定事件发生的时候,而在那个时刻之后,该事情或状况仍将持续。 Until是指直到某一特定事件发生的时候,而讲话的人在自己心里认为,在那个时刻之后,该事情或该状况将中止(不怎么可能持续)。固定组合里from morning till night,till/until是不能替换的,】‎ ‎2. 条件状语从句 ‎(1)条件状语从句通常由if, unless引导。例如:‎ What shall we do if it snows tomorrow?‎ Don’t leave the building unless I tell you to.‎ ‎(2)在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如:‎ I’ll help you with your English if am free tomorrow.‎ He won’t be late unless he is ill.‎ ‎(3)“祈使句 + and (or)+ 陈述句” 在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。例如:‎ Hurry up, or you’ll be late. =If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.‎ Study hard and you will pass the exam. =If you study hard, you will pass the exam.‎ ‎3. 原因状语从句 ‎(1)原因状语从句通常由because, since, as引导。例如:‎ He didn’t come to school because he was ill.‎ As it is raining, we shall not (不得;不应该)go the zoo.‎ Since you can’t answer the question, I’ll ask someone else.‎ ‎(2)because表示直接原因,语气最强。Because引导的原因状语从句多放在主句之后。回答由why提出的问题,只能用because。As和since语气较弱,一般用来表示明显的原因。由as和since引导的原因状语从居多放在句首。例如:‎ ‎------Why aren’t going there?‎ ‎------Because I don’t want to.‎ As he has no car, he can’t get there easily.‎ Since we have no money, we can’t buy it.‎ ‎(3)because和so不能同用在一个句子里。‎ ‎4. 结果状语从句 ‎(1)结果状语从句由so…that, such…that, so that引导。例如:‎ He is so poor that he can’t buy a bike for his son.‎ She is such a good teacher that everybody likes her.‎ My pencil fell under the desk, so that I couldn’t see it.‎ ‎(2)so…that语such...that可以互换。例如:‎ 在由so...that引导的结果状语从句中,so是副词,与形容词连用。其结构是: “...so + 形容词(副词)+ that + 从句”。例如:‎ He was so glad that he couldn’t say a word.‎ The hall is so big that it can hold 2,000 people.‎ Mother lives so far away that we hardly ever(几乎不,从来不) see her.‎ 在由such…that引导的结果状语从句中,such是形容词,它修饰的可以是单数或复数可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;名词前面可以带形容词,也可不带。如果是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an。例如:‎ It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.‎ He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.(天花板)‎ He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term.‎ ‎ 有时上述两种结构是可以互换的。例如:‎ It was such a wonderful film that all of us wanted to see it again.‎ ‎=The film was so wonderful that all of us wanted to see it again.‎ It is such an important match that nobody wants to miss it.‎ ‎=The match is so important that nobody wants to miss it.‎ ‎(3)如果名词前由many, much, little, few等词修饰时,只能用so, 不用such。例如:‎ Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.‎ He has so little time that he can’t go to the cinema(去看电影) with you.‎ ‎5. 比较状语从句 比较状语从句通常由as…as, 比较级 + than…等连词引导。例如:‎ Tom runs faster than John does.‎ This classroom is as big as that one.‎ ‎6. 目的状语从句 ‎(1)目的状语从句通常由 so that, in order that(为了,以便)引导。例如:‎ We started early so that we could catch the first train.‎ He studies hard so that he could work better in the future.‎ We used the computer in order that we might save time.‎ ‎(2)so that既可引导目的状语从句,又可引导结果状语从句。区别这两种从句的办法有两个:1)目的状语从句里往往带有情态动词can, could, may, might等。2)从意思上看,目的状语从句往往表示的目的很明确。例如:‎ Speak clearly so that they may understand you. (目的状语从句)‎ Jack is badly ill so that he has to rest. (结果状语从句)‎ ‎7. 让步状语从句 ‎(1)让步状语从句通常由although, though等连词引导。例如:‎ Though he is young, he knows a lot.‎ Although I am tired, I must go on working.‎ ‎(2)although(though)不能用在同一个句子中。例如:‎ 我们不能说:Though it was raining hard, but he still went out.‎ 应该说:Though it was raining hard, he still went out.或It was raining hard, but he still went out.‎ ‎8. 地点状语从句 ‎ 地点状语从句常常由where来引导。例如:‎ ‎ Go where you like.‎ ‎ Where there is a will, there is a way.‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;‎ 2. 相互交换批改,或通过优先选择等互动方式讲解练习,表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题,并订正在错题集上;‎ I. Choose the best answer. ‎ 1. Call a taxi, ______ you won’t be able to catch a plane.‎ A. and B. or C. because D. so 2. ‎______ human beings _____animals can live without air.‎ A. Both…and B. Either…or C. Neither...nor D. Not only…but also 3. The girl is only eight, _____ she can do some washing herself.‎ A. though B. but C. or D. so 4. Work harder, ______ you will make great progress.‎ A. but B. or C. so D. and ‎ 5. The war was over about a few years ago, ______ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with.‎ A. or B. and C. but D. so 6. I enjoy the popular dance “hip-hop”. But ________ my father _______ my mother likes it.‎ A. both…and B. not only …but also ‎ C. either…or D. neither…nor 7. The doctors tried their best to save the patient’s life, ______ failed.‎ A. or B. so C. but D. because 8. ‎______ it was late at night, Dr Smith was still working.‎ A. If B. Because C. Though D. As 9. They didn’t start the work ______ their teacher came back.‎ A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if 10. Tom jumped into a hole ______ he saw the tiger.‎ A. while B as soon as C. until D. if 11. I don’t mean that the problem can’t be solved, ______ I agree that there are still some difficulties.‎ A. if B. so C. though D. since 12. Bob spends a lot of money on books ____ he is not rich.‎ A. if B. though C. when D. because 13. He asked me ________ my office was.‎ A. what B. where C. which D. when 14. There is an exciting football match at 2:30 tomorrow morning,______ I am too tired.‎ A. and B. or C. so D. but ‎ 15. I will tell him all about it ______ he gets here.‎ A. as soon as B. since C. until D. though 1. I wonder ______ we will have any new subjects next term.‎ A. that B. when C. whether D. why 2. His talk was ______ dull ______ we all got bored.‎ A. as …as B. very…that C. so…as D. so…that 3. I am getting fatter and fatter, ______I have decided to go on a diet and do more exercise to keep me fit.‎ A. as B. though C. because D. so 4. We all stood on the chairs ______ we could see the actors clearly.‎ A. because B. before C. after D. so that 5. We didn’t go back home _______the rain stopped. Instead, we stayed at school, watching TV.‎ A. until B. till C. before D. after ‎ 6. The mouse ran into the hole _______it was caught.‎ A. when B. as C. before D. as soon as 7. It was some time _______ we realized the truth.‎ A. when B. until C. since D. before 8. Stand over there_______ you will be able to see it better.‎ A. or B. while C. but D. and 9. ‎______you call me to say you are not coming, I will see you at the theatre.‎ A. Though B. Whether C. Until D. Unless 10. I do every single bit of housework______ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.‎ A. since B. while C. when D. as 11. ‎---I think George doesn’t really care for TV plays. ‎ ‎--- Right, ____ he still watches the program.‎ A. and B. but C. or D. so 12. We will have the football match with Class Two _____ it rains heavily.‎ A. if B. as C. unless D. after 13. Students were under heavy pressure ______ they prepared for the city’s senior entrance examination in June. ‎ A. when B. since C. as D. so ‎ 14. ‎“Murry is very strong, ______ has a very good feel for the ball. He is intelligent (才智技高的) and tactic master. (战术大师)The other players are very tough, too.” Roger Federer commented. (评论)‎ A. and B. but C. though D. or ‎30. Learning English well is not a easy thing, ______we have to work hard. Nothing comes easier.‎ A. and B. but C. though D. or READING ‎ A The weather is something no one can control. It affects everyone ─ rich or poor, young or old in every part of the world. Maybe that is 1 there are so many expressions about the weather, especially about 2 . Sometimes, when you 3 rain, you do not get any. Other times, you get rain when you don’t want it. Take a baseball game for example. A sudden rain storm can stop an exciting game, forcing the players and the 20,000 persons watching the game to run for 4 . If the game can not continue, people who bought tickets are given “rain checks.” These are 5 tickets that will let them see a 6 game for free. “Rain check” now means second chance at something. Often, a rain check has little to do with rain.‎ Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage ‎( ) 1. A. what B. where C. why D. when ‎( ) 2. A. weather B. could C. sky D. rain ‎( ) 3. A. need B. control C. get D. like ‎( ) 4. A. cover B. umbrella C. building D. home ‎( ) 5. A. beautiful B. special C. expensive D. single ‎( ) 6. A. better B. larger C. later D. earlier B ‎ Do you love American country music? If you do, come to Nashville. It’s the home of American country music.‎ ‎ Nashville is the capital of the state of Tennessee. Here you don’t have to go to the big auditoriums(音乐厅)enjoy the country music. In the open-air restaurants or on the streets, you can always hear the beautiful and sweet sounding folk music. All the singers are young and they play their guitars while they sing. The songs they sing are so touching (动人) that, if you listen attentively, you can feel they are singing with their souls(灵魂) rather than their voices.‎ ‎ Shops selling music records and tapes can found everywhere in Nashville. Many records are made by famous singers and they are sent to many countries all over the world.‎ ‎ The folk songs most of the singers sing come from the rural areas in the southern United States. The songs often describe those day-to-day situations and the feeling of the country people. They often sing in praises of heroism(英雄)and true love.‎ Answer the questions ‎1. Is Nashville a village or a capital city?‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Where can you go to enjoy country music?‎ ‎ We can go to the auditoriums _______________________________ or on the streets.‎ ‎3. What do young singers do while they sing?‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________.‎ ‎4. How are the folk songs?‎ ‎ They are ________________________________________________.‎ ‎5. What can be found everywhere in Nashville?‎ ‎ Shops selling ____________________________________________.‎ 6. ‎ Do the folk songs describe many topics?‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ 答案:1. It’s a capital city.‎ ‎2…the open-air restaurant…‎ ‎ 3. They play their guitars.‎ ‎ 4. …touching.‎ ‎ 5. …music records and tapes.‎ ‎ 6. Yes, they do.‎ ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ ‎1. 总结状语从句分类及常用连词: 时间状语从句  when, whenever, while, as, before, after, since, till, once(一旦) 地点状语从句  where, wherever 原因状语从句  because, since, as, for, now that(既然,由于)etc. (et cetera,等于and so on) 目的状语从句  in order that(为了,以便), so that, that, etc. 结果状语从句  so…that, so that, such…that, that, etc. 条件状语从句  if, unless, as(so)long as, etc. 让步状语从句  though, although, even if, even though, however, whatever, as, etc. 比较状语从句  as…as, so…as, than, etc. 方式状语从句  as, as if, as though, etc.‎ ‎2. 引导学生用对‘标黄’的状语从句造句;‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ ‎1. 规定学生在限定的时间内完成;‎ ‎2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎4.对本节课积分高的学生可以考虑相应减少作业量;‎ ‎5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ 1. Work harder, _______ you’ll make greater progress.‎ A. but B. and C. or D. so ‎2. Is Li Ping ’s mother a nurse _________ a doctor?‎ A. and B. or C. but D. nor ‎3. He doesn’t stop training himself ____ he was hurt in his ankle.‎ A. though B. since C. but D. because ‎4. My mother asked me _________ I had emailed to my father or not.‎ A. if B. that C. whether D. but ‎5. You will end up in hospital ________ you don’t give up smoking.‎ A. until B. as C. unless D. if ‎6. The boy had no schooling at all, __________ he didn’t know how to write.‎ A. and B. or C. but D. so ‎7. This is really huge amounts of money, _______ it is much less than we need.‎ A. so B. but C. and D. or ‎8. Get up early and do exercise every day, _______ you won’t have a strong body.‎ A. but B. for C. and D. or ‎9. You will certainly succeed in your experiment _______ you give it up.‎ A. unless B. if C. until D. after ‎10. Excuse me, ________ can you tell me the way to the Wild Life Zoo?‎ A. or B. and C. so D. but ‎11. The cyclist held his raincoat tightly ______ the wind couldn’t blow it away.‎ B. so B. because C. when D. so that ‎12. Her grandpa is still in good health __________ he is over eighty.‎ A. because B. as soon as C. though D. until ‎ ‎13. Be careful, ________ you will fall from the chair.‎ A. and B. or C. but D. so ‎ ‎14. You’d better tell your father the truth ________ he comes back.‎ A. until B. though C. so that D. as soon as ‎15. The passage is hard to understand _______ there are no new words in it.‎ A. when B. unless C. because D. though ‎16. With the help of the Internet, we can learn what _____ people around the world are doing.‎ A. another B. the other C. other D. the others ‎17. ____ of the answers is right. Have a third try.‎ A. All B. Both C. Neither D. Either ‎18. “Call a taxi ____ it rains. It’s such a long way and so late,” Mr. Fang said to his son.‎ A. though B. as C. because D. if ‎ ‎19. I chose Shanghai ______ it is an international city and I thought it had more opportunities than other small cities.‎ A. because B. so C. if D. but ‎20. ______you have been to South Africa twice, please tell us something about the country.‎ A. Since B. Although C. Unless D. When II. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.‎ My aunt is going to get married this Sunday. We are very e_________ about her wedding. Everyone in the family wants to dress up in nice clothes. But my aunt is sure to be the m_______ beautiful one at the wedding. She p________ to wear a long white wedding dress in the morning, a red Chinese dress in the afternoon and a short pink dress in the evening. It is popular for a bride (新娘) to wear several dresses at the wedding. The groom (新郎) plans to wear a black suit and a red tie all day at f__________. But the bride would like to wear a Chinese dress in the afternoon, so the groom is going to wear a red Tang costume (唐装) in the afternoon then. Red is the f_________ colour for the Chinese, and it means good l___________. The groom wants to live a happy life with his bride forever. There will be many kinds of d____________ food at the wedding, too. Everyone in the wedding will have a wonderful time. ‎ 答案:1. excited 2. most 3. plans 4. first 5. favourite 6. luck 7. delicious ‎ ‎【预习思考】‎ 请用以下句型造句;‎ 句型 中文 例句 ² would like/love to do sth. ‎ ² would like sb to do sth. ‎ ‎“愿意、乐意做某事”‎ ‎“想要某人做某事”‎ ‎ ‎ ² had better(not) do sth. ‎ ‎“最好(不)做某事”‎ ² would rather(not) do sth.‎ ‎“宁愿(不)做某事”‎ ² Remember/forget doing sth. ‎ ² Remember/forget to do sth. ‎ ‎“记得(忘记)做过某事”‎ ‎“记得(忘记)要去做某事”‎ ‎ ‎ ² Sb’s job/ dream/ wish is to do sth.‎ ‎“某人的职责/梦想/愿望是去做什么”‎ ² make/ have / let sb. (not) do sth. ‎ ‎“使/让某人做某事”‎ ² ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.‎ ‎“叫/告诉某人做某事”‎ ² Sb spend......on sth. ‎ ² Sb spend(s)......(in) doing sth. ‎ ‎“某人花费时间/金钱在...上面”‎ ‎“某人花费时间/金钱做某事”‎ ‎ ‎ ² Sth cost(s) sb(宾格) some money ‎“某物花费某人多少钱”‎ ² Sb pay(s) some money for sth/sb. ‎ ‎“某人支付了多少钱买某物或给某人”‎