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‎2017中考人机对话情景问答模拟练习题 ‎1. 上星期天李华在红星电影院看了电影《音乐之声》。‎ Q1: When and where did Li Hua see the film The Sound of Music? ---He saw it at the Red Star Cinema last Sunday.‎ Q2: What did he think of it? ---He thought it was wonderful.‎ ‎2. 史密斯先生已经离开伦敦约三个月了,他将于一周后返回。‎ ‎ Q1: How long has Mr. Smith been away from London? ---He’s been away from London for about 3months.‎ ‎ Q2: When will he come back? ---He’ll come back in a week.‎ ‎3. 王先生的业余爱好是集邮。自2000年以来,他已收集了3000多枚邮票。‎ Q1: What is Mr. Wang’s hobby? ---His hobby is collecting stamps.‎ Q2: How many stamps has he collected since2000? ---He has collected more than 3000 stamps since 2000.‎ ‎4. 你喜欢看电影,每个月去看一次电影。‎ Q1: What do you like doing? ---I like watching films.‎ Q2: How often do you go to the cinema? ---I go to the cinema once a month.‎ ‎5. 昨天你去市中心逛街,买了一本字典。‎ Q1: Where did you go shopping yesterday? ---I went shopping in the centre of the city yesterday.‎ Q2: What did you buy? ---I bought a dictionary.‎ ‎6. 下午你打算去一家服装店,因为你要买一件外套和一条裤子。‎ Q1: Where do you plan to go in the afternoon? ---I plan to go to a clothes shop.‎ Q2: Why do you go there? ---Because I want to buy a coat and a pair of trouses.‎ ‎7. 我昨晚做饭时不小心打破了一个碗,但妈妈并没有责备我,下次我会小心的。‎ Q1: What happened to you when you were making dinner yesterday? ---I broke a bowl. ‎ Q2: What will you do next time? ---I will be careful next time.‎ ‎8. 我们昨天在市中心广场举行了一次慈善演出,我们想为贫困地区的孩子募捐一些书和衣服。‎ Q1: What did you do yesterday at the centre square? ---We had a charity show.‎ Q2: What did you want to do for the children in poor areas? ---We want to raise some books and clothes for the children.‎ ‎9. 汤姆住在阳光镇,坐地铁到北京市中心大约40分钟。‎ Q1: Where does Tom live? ---Tom lives in Sunshine Town.‎ Q2: How long is it to the centre of Beijing by underground? ---About forty minutes.‎ ‎10. 昨晚在我去看电影的路上看到了一个交通事故,有一人死亡三人受伤。‎ Q1: What did you see on your way to the cinema? --- I saw a traffic accident.‎ Q2: What was the result? --- One man was killed and three men were hurt in that accident.‎ ‎11. 上星期天那幢大楼发生了火灾,我正好经过,立即冲进去把一个80多岁的老太太拉了出来。‎ Q1: What happened to that building last Sunday? ---That building was on fire last Sunday.‎ Q2: What did you do? ---I rushed into the building and helped an 80-year-old grandma out.‎ ‎12. 昨天我们去世界公园游览了,里面有100多个来自世界各地名胜的模型,同学们玩得很开心,‎ 希望下次能再去。‎ Q1: What did you see in the world park? ---I saw many models of places of interest from more than 100 countries. ‎ Q2: What is the feeling of all the students? --- They had a good time.‎ ‎13. 妈妈经常在除夕夜和全家人包饺子。‎ Q1: What does your mother often do with the whole family? ---She often makes dumplings with the whole family. ‎ Q2: When does she do it? ---On New Year's Eve.‎ ‎14. 那个新飞机场是去年建成的,建这个机场花了大约三年时间。‎ Q1: When is the new airport set up? ---The new airport was set up last year.‎ Q2: How long has it been built? ---It takes about three years.‎ ‎15. 我的电脑出故障了,我得请人明天修一下。 ‎ Q1: What has happened to you? ---Something is wrong with my computer. /There is something wrong with my computer.‎ Q2: How will you deal with the problem?---I'll ask someone to repair it tomorrow./I will have my computer repaired tomorrow.‎ ‎16. 今天是9月9号,明天是教师节。‎ Q1: What’s the date today? ---It’s September the 9th. / The 9th of September./It is the ninth of September.‎ Q2: What festival is it tomorrow? --- Teachers’ Day./ Tomorrow will be Teachers’ Day. ‎ ‎17. 我是三年级二班的学生,住在学校附近的第九街。‎ Q1: Which class and which grade are you in? ---I am in Class 2, Grade 3. / Class 2, Grade 3.‎ Q2: Where do you live? ---I live in the Ninth Street near the school. / Near the school, in the Ninth Street.‎ ‎18. 昨天我们和二中的足球队打了一场比赛,最后我们2:3输掉了这场比赛,我们感到很沮丧。‎ Q1: What is the result of the match? ---We lost the match. ‎ Q2: What was the feeling of you? ---We felt very sad.‎ ‎19. 昨天我在公园里遇到了一个老朋友,我停下来和他谈了很长时间,我们谈得很开心。‎ Q1: Who did you meet in the park yesterday? ---I met an old friend. ‎ Q2: How did you feel after a long talk? ---We felt very happy.‎ ‎20. 还有一个星期我们要进行期末考试了,这几天我正在努力复习。‎ Q1: When will you have your final exam? ---Next week.‎ Q2: What are you busy doing these days? ---I am reviewing for texts.‎ ‎21. 我们国家最重要的传统节日是春节,那时我们会走亲访友。‎ Q1: Which is your most important traditional festival in your country?‎ ‎---The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival. / It’s the Spring Festival.‎ Q2: How do you celebrate it? ---We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.‎ ‎22. 我家离学校大约五公里,因此我经常乘公交车上学。‎ Q1: How far is it from your home to the school? ---It’s about five kilometers from my home to the school.‎ Q2: How do you usually go to school? ---I usually go to school by bus. / I usually take a bus to school.‎ ‎23. 我姓布朗,我的电话号码是64574874.‎ Q1: What is your family name? ---My family name is Brown.‎ Q2: What’s your telephone number? ---My telephone number is 64574874. /My number is 64574874.‎ ‎24. 我奶奶80岁了,她的身体依然健康。‎ Q1: What’s the age of your grandmother? ---My grandmother is 80 years old. /Her age is 80.‎ Q2: How is she doing? ---She is still healthy.‎ ‎25. 城市的空气越来越污染,我们应该乘公交车出行。‎ Q1: What do you think of the air in our city? ---Air pollution is more and more serious in our city.‎ Q2: What suggestion can you offer? --- We should take a bus when going out./ We should take buses when going out.‎ ‎26. 我更喜欢旅游,旅游能使我放松身心。‎ Q1: Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? ---I prefer going on a trip. / Go on a trip.‎ Q2: How do you feel when traveling? --- I feel relaxed when traveling. /I am relaxed when traveling.‎ ‎27. 我喜欢听流行音乐,最喜欢听周杰伦的歌曲。‎ Q1: Which music style do you like? --- I like pop music. ‎ Q2: Who is your favourite singer? ---Jay Chou is my favourite singer. My favourite singer is Jay Chou.‎ ‎28. 我爸爸送我一台Ipad, 用起来很方便。‎ Q1: What present have you got? --- My father gave me an Ipad. / An Ipad from my dad.‎ Q2: How do you find the present? ---I find it convenient and useful. ‎ ‎29. 我的圣诞礼物是一张明信片,上面有一只可爱的大熊猫。‎ Q1: What is your Christmas gift? --- My Christmas gift is a postcard./ A postcard. ‎ Q2: What does it look like? ---There is a lovely panda on that card. /There is a cute panda on it.‎ ‎30. 我班有49个学生,其中22个男生。‎ Q1: How many students are there in your class? ---There are forty-nine students in my class. ‎ Q2: How many girl students? ---There are twenty-seven girl students in our class. ‎ ‎31. 我一般早上6:30起床,早饭吃面包,喝牛奶。‎ Q1: What time do you get up? ---I usually get up at six o’clock. ‎ Q2: What do you have for breakfast? ---For breakfast I usually eat some bread and drink some milk. / Bread and milk. ‎ ‎32. 我喜欢阅读,尤其是中国历史的书籍。‎ Q1: What’s your hobby? ---My hobby is reading. /I like reading best. ‎ Q2: What kind of book do you prefer? --- I prefer to read books on/ about Chinese history. ‎ ‎33. 美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。‎ Q1: Which city is the capital of America? --- The capital of America is Washington D.C.‎ Q2: Which city is the biggest in America? ---New York city is the biggest city in America. / New York ‎ ‎33. 我最喜欢的季节是冬天,可以堆雪人。‎ Q1: What’s your favourite season? ---My favourite season is winter./ I like winter best.‎ Q2: What can you do in winter? ---I can make a snowman.‎ ‎34. 我的宠物狗很聪明,它认识回家的路。‎ Q1: How do you like your dog? ---My dog is smart/ clever. ‎ Q2: Why do you think so? ---Because it can find its way back home. / Because it can find its way home.‎ ‎35. 我经常饭后散步,有利于健康。‎ Q1: What do you usually do after supper? ---I usually go out for a walk after supper. ‎ Q2: What benefits can it bring to you? ---It’s good for my health. / It’s good for my body. ‎ ‎36. 我最喜欢的花是玫瑰,它代表着爱。‎ Q1: Which flower do you like best? --- I like the rose best. / I like the rose very much.‎ Q2: What does it stand for? --- It stands for love. ‎ ‎37. 你喜欢看电影,每月看一次电影。‎ Q1: What hobby do you have? --- I like watching movies. /Watching movies. ‎ Q2: How often do you go to the cinema? --- I go to the cinema once a month. ‎ ‎38. 昨天你去市中心逛街,你买了一本字典。‎ Q1: Where did you go shopping yesterday? ---I went shopping in the city centre yesterday. ‎ Q2: What did you buy? --- I bought a dictionary.‎ ‎39. 我最喜欢打篮球,经常在星期六打篮球。‎ Q1: What’s your favourite sport? ---My favourite sport is playing basketball./I like playing basketball best. ‎ Q2: When do you usually play it? ---I usually play it on Saturdays. ‎ ‎40. 我家有3口人,爸爸、妈妈还有我。‎ Q1: How many people are there in your family? ---There are three people in my family. / There are three.‎ Q2: Who are they? ---They are my father, my mother and I.‎ ‎41. 我明天去买花,送给英语老师。 ‎ Q1: What are you going to do on Sunday? ---I’m going to buy some flowers. /I am going to shop for flowers.‎ Q2: Who will you buy them for? --- For my English teacher. / I will buy them for my English teacher.‎ ‎42. 这瓶牛奶变质了,我上星期买的。‎ Q1: What’s wrong with this bottle of milk? --- It has gone bad. / It has turned bad./ It has become bad.‎ Q2: When did you buy it? --- I bought it last Saturday. / I bought the milk last Saturday.‎ ‎43. 轮到我打扫房间了,我要先擦窗户。‎ Q1: Whose turn is it to clean the room? --- It is my turn to clean the room. ‎ Q2: What will you do first? --- I will clean the windows first. ‎ ‎44. 我明天去图书馆借书,借一本有关电脑方面的杂志。‎ Q1: What are you going to do tomorrow? ---I am going to borrow a book from the library. ‎ Q2: Which kind of book do you want to borrow? ---I want to borrow a magazine about computer.‎ ‎45. 我在学校门口,我和Lucy一块去放风筝。‎ Q1: Where are you? --- I am at the school gate. ‎ Q2: What are you going to do? --- Fly a kite with Lucy. I am going to fly kites with Lucy.‎ ‎46. 我暑假将去香港旅游,在那里旅游一周。‎ Q1: What are you going to do for summer holidays? --- I am going to visit Hong Kong for summer holidays.‎ ‎ Q2: How long will you stay there? --- I’ll stay there for a week. / One week. ‎ ‎47. 我的父亲是老师,他教书20多年了。 ‎ Q1: What does your father do? --- He is a teacher. ‎ Q2: How long has he been teaching? --- He has been teaching for twenty years.‎ ‎48. 我想买一双鞋,是六码的。 ‎ Q1: Can I help you? ---Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes. ‎ Q2: What size do you want? --- I am size six./Size six. ‎ ‎49. 我在听天气预报,明天有雪。‎ Q1: What are you doing now? ---I am listening to the weather report. ‎ Q2: How is the weather tomorrow? ---It’s going to snow tomorrow. ‎ ‎50. 张老师和学生在操场上打篮球。‎ Q1: Where are Mr. Wang and his students? ---They are on the playground.‎ Q2: What are they doing? ---They are playing basketball.‎