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单词 熟义 新义 例句 ‎1.absent adj.缺席的 adj.茫然的,‎ 恍惚的 She looked at the picture in an absent way.‎ ‎2.ache vi.&n.疼痛 vi.渴望 Having left for ages, he was aching for home.‎ ‎3.address n.地址 vt.发表演说 The president will address his speech at 3:00 pm.‎ ‎4.absorb vt吸收 vt专心于,理解 Absorbed in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.‎ I haven’t really had time to absorb everything that he said.‎ ‎5.add v. 增加,加起来 v.补充说,接着说 I would like to add that we are pleased with the test.‎ ‎6.against Prep.逆行,反对,倚靠 Prep.和…接触,在…映衬(背景)下 Now and then he would stop, look at the scraper and try it against his hand before it was sharp enough to cut up the meat and scrape the fish.‎ The picture looks nice against the white wall.‎ ‎7.allow vt.允许 vt.允许有 This diet allows you one glass of wine a day.‎ ‎8.announce vt.宣布 vt.预示,预兆 A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.‎ ‎9.attend vt.出席,参加(婚礼、典礼、会议等)‎ vi.&vt.看护,治疗 The nurse attended ( to ) him day and night.‎ attend a concert听音乐会 attend school上学 attend church做礼拜 attend a lecture听讲座 ‎10.bear n.熊 vt.承受支撑;生(孩子);开(花)结(果)长(叶子);忍受容忍;承担(责任responsibility或费用cost)‎ vt.带有(标记或特征);怀有(某种感情);经得起(考验检查等)‎ He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.‎ The houses bear the marks of bullet holes and the streets are particularly deserted.‎ She bore love to him.她对他怀有爱慕之心。‎ She bears him a grudge.她对他怀恨在心。‎ His work can’t bear close examination.‎ 他的工作经不起仔细检查。‎ Therefore, we should bear in mind his advice. 铭记 ‎11.better adj.&adv 较好的,较好地 vt.改善,优化 A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information.‎ ‎12.blank adj.空白的n.空白 adj.没有表情的,没有兴趣的 The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.‎ ‎13.blue adj.&n.蓝的,蓝色 adj.忧伤的 His songs always make me feel blue.‎ ‎14.build vt.建造,建筑 vi.使增强,使强壮 n.体形,身材 One should receive training to build up one’s confidence.‎ You’re right,Josh. He may have a small build.‎ 不够强壮 ‎15.bridge n.桥 v.架桥于…上;横跨…之上;作为桥梁把…连接起来 vt. 消除隔阂;弥合分歧,代沟等 I will try to pave the way between the worlds and bridge the gap of you.‎ ‎16.cause vt.促使,引起 n.原因,起因 n.事业 Even with a staff of volunteers,Tomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause(事业).‎ ‎17.company n.公司 n.陪伴,同伴 I have no company on the journey.‎ You can make money and enjoy the company of babies and toddlers. 享受…的陪伴 ‎18.cloudy adj.阴的,多云的 adj.不明朗的不清晰的 Who will take his place still remains cloudy.‎ ‎19.coach n.教练 vt.辅导,指导 She coached me in playing football.‎ ‎20.cover v.覆盖,遮盖 n.封面,盖子,掩护(物),掩蔽处 v.掩饰掩盖,行走(一段路程),足以支付,涵盖,涉及,采访,给...上保险 She laughed to cover her anxiety.‎ The Red Army covered 25000 li. ‎ To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time.‎ The library covers varieties of books.‎ Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then.‎ Are the goods covered against fire damage? ‎ 这批货物保了火险吗?‎ ‎21.cross v .跨越,横穿 n.十字 adj.生气的 Don’t be cross with him----After all , he is a child.‎ ‎22.count n.&vt.计算,数 vi.有价值,重要 It is how much you read but what you read that counts.‎ In a good relationship, it’s really the little things that count.‎ ‎23.course n.课程,过程 n.一道菜 The courses vary with seasons.‎ ‎24.damage vt.&n.损坏 n.赔偿金(复数)‎ He claimed $7,000 damages from the taxi company.‎ ‎25.deal vi.处理,解决 n.交易 Having been cheated in a business deal, he was reduced to nothing. 他陷入一无所有的境地 It a deal.好吧,就这么定了。‎ ‎26.desert n.沙漠 vt.抛弃,丢弃 He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.‎ ‎27.develop vt.&vi.发展,开发,研制 vt.冲印,患病 Did you have the films (胶卷) develop?‎ The old man developed a lung cancer.‎ ‎28.divorce vt.与某人离婚 n.离婚 vt.使分离,使脱离 You can’t divorce science from ethical questions. ‎ 道德问题 ‎29.drive vt.驾驶 vt.迫使,驱使 n.驱动力 It is the same instinct that drives people to dress one way at home and another way at work.‎ Even though I am a very positive person, I lost my drive to write.‎ ‎30.deliver vt.运送,接生(小孩)‎ vt.讲话,发表(演讲)‎ The robot doesn’t deliver general answers to questions.‎ ‎31.escape v.逃跑,逃脱,逃避,躲避 n.逃跑 vt.被忘掉,被忽视;vi./n.(气体、液体等)漏出,逸出 ‎ If he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong.‎ Sometimes my old friends’ name escaped me.‎ Do you smell an escape of gas from the pipe?‎ ‎32.encourage vt.鼓励,激励 vt.促进,助长,刺激 Good health encourages clear thinking.‎ ‎33.excuse n.借口vt.原谅 vt.免去义务职责等;准许离开 He was excused from piano practice.‎ If you'll excuse me, I have to make a telephone call.‎ 失陪了,我得去打个电话。‎ ‎34.explode vi.爆炸,爆裂 vt.勃然大怒,大发雷霆 I’m about to explode! He broke his promise again.‎ ‎35.exploit vt.开发,开采,剥削 vt.利用 You must exploit every opportunity to learn English.‎ ‎36.fail vi.失败 vi.(健康、视力)衰退,变弱 William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail.‎ ‎37.fine adj. 美好的,很棒的,晴朗的 n&vt.罚款,‎ The man will get a fine if he parks the car there.‎ ‎38.foreign adj.外国的,外交的 adj不熟悉的 The subject is foreign to all of us.‎ ‎39.freeze vi.结冰 vi.&vt.站住不动;愣住呆住惊呆 When faced with so many options, the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.‎ Freeze! Or I’ll shoot. 不许动!否则我就开枪。‎ ‎40.fresh adj.新鲜的 adj.无经验的 She is quite fresh to the work.‎ ‎41.function n.作用,功能 v.运转,起作用 The sofa in the living room also functions as a bed at night.‎ ‎42.gain vi&vt.获得,赢得 vt.增加(速度,重量)‎ The car gained speed gradually.‎ ‎43.ground n.地面 n.(pl.)根据,理由 He has strong grounds for more money.‎ ‎44.govern vt.管理,控制 vt.影响,支配 The law of supply and demand(供需法则) governs the prices of goods.‎ ‎45.heavy adj.重的,(雨雪)大的 adj.(交通)拥挤的,超出一般量的 Despite the thumbs-up given to the old lady,some argued that attention should be paid to our heavy road traffic.‎ My father is a heavy smoker. 吸烟过量的人;烟瘾大的人 a heavy coffee drinker 大量喝咖啡的人 ‎46.help vt.帮助;有助于;help oneself to sth 自取某物 vi.抑制,控制住;给…盛(饭、菜),倒(酒、饮料)‎ Try not to cough more than you can help since it may cause problems to your lungs. 除非控制不住 I can't help it. 我不由自主,我没办法,我情不自禁 They helped each other to the dish.‎ 他们互相为对方夹菜。‎ ‎47.house n.房子 v.为…提供房屋居住;留…住宿;收藏存放 These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil,now they hold Twitter engineers.‎ to house a friend for the night留宿朋友一夜 The library houses tens of thousands of books.‎ ‎48.ill adj.生病的 adj.&adv 坏的/地 It’s no good speaking ill of others.‎ ill news=bad news ‎49.inspire v.激励,鼓舞 v.启发 His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.‎ ‎50.interest n.兴趣 n.利益,股份,利润 Our family has interests in the business.‎ ‎51.jump vi&n.跳 vi&n.大幅度上涨 Last week the prices of goods jumped.‎ ‎52.kill v.杀死,弄死 v.消磨,打发 How does the man kill time?‎ ‎53.key n.钥匙,答案 adj.关键的 The house structure is a key factor that customers consider.‎ ‎54.land vi.降落,着陆 vt.‎ Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, ‎ ‎ n.陆地 ‎ 谋得(工作等)‎ I’ve watched one friend after another land high -ranking, high -paying Wall Street (华尔街) jobs.‎ 55. last adj.最后的 adj.最不可能……的 He is the last man I want to see.‎ 他是我最不想见的人。‎ 56. lift v.举起,抬起;n.搭便车 n.鼓舞 His report gave us a lift.‎ 57. late adj.&adv.迟到的/地;晚的/地 adj.已故的 She missed her late husband very much.‎ 58. life n.生活,生命 n.生机活力,朝气 The children are full of life.‎ 59. lay vt.放置;产卵;下蛋;布置餐桌 v.砌砖,奠基,打基础 They are laying bricks.‎ The foundations of the house are being laid today.‎ 60. match n.火柴;旗鼓相当的人 vt.般配,与…匹配 She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.‎ 61. measure n.措施,方法 vt.&vi.估量,判定 It’s hard to measure his ability when we haven’t seen his work.‎ 62. multiple v.乘,乘以 vt.成倍增加,迅速增加 We can multiply our chances of success.‎ They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen.‎ 63. make v.制造;使……‎ vt.走完……(路程)‎ We can make 10 more kilometers by nightfall.‎ 64. mean v.意思是,意味着…;打算,意图(to do)‎ adj.小气的,不友好的,脾气坏的 v.对某人而言很重要;对某事认真 Albert said sharply, “Don’t be so mean.”‎ Her son means a lot to her. 儿子对她而言非常重要 ‎£30 means everything to a poor man.‎ He says you’re fired if you’re not back at work on Friday. And I think it he meant it 他是认真的 I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.切身体会了解 65. monitor n.班长;(电脑)显示器;监视器 v.监控 The police had monitored all of his phone calls.‎ 66. mask n.面罩;面具 vt.掩饰 She masked her anger with a smile.‎ 67. mark vt.做标记;留下痕迹;评分n.标记,痕迹,分数 vt.标志着 This speech may mark a change in government policy(政府政策的改变). ‎ The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era.登月标志了一个新纪元的开始。‎ 68. mushroom n.蘑菇;伞菌 vi.(如雨后春笋般)快速增长 We expect the market to mushroom in the next two years.‎ New stadiums and gyms mushroomed all over the area.‎ 69. narrow adj.狭窄的 vt.缩小,使变窄 Parents and children should communicate more to narrow the gap (代沟) between them so that they can understand each other better.‎ 70. note n.笔记 v.注意到 I noted that her hands were dirty.‎ 71. nurse n.护士,保姆 vt.看护,照料 While nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had an interest in medicine (医学).‎ 72. open v.打开,开放adj.开着的,开放的 adj.(问题,议事等)未解决的 They left the matter open(悬而未决).‎ 73. observe vt.观察,观测 v.庆祝,欢度 Do you observe Christmas in China?‎ ‎;遵守 Someone who doesn't observe traffic regulations will sweat.‎ 55. outgoing adj.爱交际的;友好的;外向的 adj.即将卸任的 The outgoing President Obama attended the opening ceremony of the Olympics.‎ 56. operate vi.(机器)运转工作,做手术(on)‎ vt.操作,经营 vi.起作用 The medicine operated quickly.‎ 57. picture n.图画,照片 vt.描绘 I would like to picture my future life in ten years.‎ 58. position n.位置,职位 n.立场,观点 What’s your position on the problem?‎ 59. promise vt.&n.许诺 vt.使有希望,使有可能 The dark clouds promise rain.‎ We are trying to bring along several promising young football players. adj.有希望的,有前途的 60. push v.(用力)推 v.逼迫…使其更努力 Some parents push their children really hard.‎ I need to push myself more at work.‎ 61. put v.放置 v.陈述,表达 ‎“She is a good girl”, the girl’s mother put.‎ It’s hard to put your feelings into words.‎ I think he put it very well in his essay.‎ 62. polish vt.擦亮;磨光 vt.润色 His essay needs polishing.‎ 63. practice n.实践;练习 n.惯例;习惯做法;习俗 It’s standard practice for a company like this one to employ a security officer.安全人员,保安 64. pound n.磅(重量单位);英镑 n.猛击;连续重击 No one can stand continuous pounding on the head.‎ 65. reach vt.到达…,伸出(手或脚等)能够到… ‎ reach out one’s hands 伸出手 v.与…取得联系;延伸,达到(to/into/‎ throughout/‎ beyond)‎ n.可达到的距离,(影响等)所及范围 I’ve been tying all day to reach him on the telephone.‎ The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.‎ 和平的呼声 The northeastern parts reach into the Pannonian basin.帕尼尔盆地 Nintendo(任天堂) set out to reach beyond existing gamers and expand the market.‎ within someone's reach 某人力所能及的;为某人所能理解的;在某人能够得到的范围内 66. read v.阅读 vt.理解,领会 It’s hard to read the expression on his face.‎ I didn’t read mother’s thoughts at that time.‎ 67. respect vt.&n.尊敬,尊重 n.方面;[pl]敬意,问候 I think you are wrong in every respect.‎ Please give my respects to your parents.‎ 68. round Prep.&adv.环绕,围绕,adj.圆形的 n.(游戏、体育)回合,一局,一轮 We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency(自满,沾沾自喜).‎ 69. raw adj.材料未加工的 adj.(食物等)生的;未煮的 These fish are often eaten raw.‎ There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water.‎ 70. reserve v.预定;保留 n.储备 n.(野生生物)保护区 And now this is the only Russian nature reserve for aurochs (欧洲野牛).‎ 71. receive vt.收到 vt.接待,欢迎(宾客等);受(伤、教育等)‎ He was received as an honored guest at the White House.‎ In old China,eighty percents of the children received no formal education.‎ He received severe injuries and nearly lost his life during the Second World War.‎ 55. receipt n.收据;收条 n.接收;收到 I will pay the money on receipt of the goods.‎ 在收到……后 56. review vt.复习 vt.回顾 ‎ n.评论 She reviewed what had happened. ‎ Can I ask someone to remove their negative review?‎ 负面评论 57. repair v.&n.修理 v.补救;弥补 How can I repair the damage I have caused?‎ It will take a long time to repair a broken marriage.‎ I'll try to repair the error I have made.‎ 58. reflect v.映照出;反射(光线、声音等)‎ v.思考;回想反省;反映 I need time to reflect on your offer.仔细考虑,思考 He now has a long time to reflect on what he has done.回想反省 His actions reflect his thoughts.‎ 59. save vt.挽救,节省,储蓄 vt.省去,免去 Setting down clear rules from the start will save arguments (争吵) later on.‎ 60. say vt.说 vt.假定,显示,表明 Say(假定) that war breaks out, what will you do?‎ 61. seat n.座,座位 vt.使就座;‎ 容纳 We can seat 300 in the auditorium(礼堂,观众席).‎ 62. ship n.轮船 v.运送;运输 The birds were shipped to large cities and sold in restaurants.‎ 63. shape n.形状,样式 vt.使具有…形状,塑造 Corals(珊瑚) were shaped into different palms.‎ Appreciate what others bring into your life and how they help shape your life.‎ 64. shoulder n.肩膀 v.承担 Young people should learn to shoulder the blame.‎ 65. shelter n.避难所 vt.保护,庇护 n.躲避风雨的地方 I was wrapped heavily and well sheltered from the freezing and blowing weather.‎ Why don't you seek/take shelter from the rain?避雨 66. sign n.符号;记号 n.迹象,预兆;v.签字,签署 Bearing responsibility for his mistakes is a sign of a man’s maturity.‎ Therefore,students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible.和…签约;报名参加 67. solid adj.固体的,实心的,坚硬的,牢固的 adj.可靠地,可信赖的 The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.‎ My theory is established on the solid basis of facts.‎ 68. stand vi.站立,直立 vt.忍受,n.货摊 The author could not stand living in a wooden house.‎ I found the fish stand surrounded in a sea of customers. 卖鱼的货摊 69. sound n.声音 adj.健全的,健康的,酣睡的 It is important to have a sound body. ‎ With heavy rain falling all night, she had a sound sleep.‎ My wife is a sound sleeper.‎ 70. store n.(大型)百货商店 vt.&n.贮藏,贮存,保存 Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons.‎ Who knows what the future has in store for us?  谁知道未来等待着我们的是什么?‎ 71. strength n.力量,体力 n.长处,优势 A basketball coach must know the strengths and weaknesses (劣势) of his players.‎ 72. subject n.科目,话题 n.试验对象 The subjects of this experiment were men aged 18-35.‎ adj.易受影响的 The child is subject to colds.‎ 55. shoot v.射击;射中 n.嫩芽;新枝 The trees give out new shoots in spring.‎ 56. shot n.射击;开枪/炮 n.重要人物 His father is a big shot in the steel industry.‎ 57. spring n.春天;泉水 v.涌出;涌现 Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.‎ 58. succeed v.成功 v.接替 He will succeed Foley as Speaker of the House. ‎ 美国众议院院长 59. sharp adj.锋利的;锐利的 adv.(…点)整 Please come here at seven o’clock sharp.‎ 60. spare adj.备用的;空余的 v.拨出,抽出 vt.解除(紧张、不安等)‎ Your joke spared her needless embarrassment(尴尬).‎ 61. station n.站台,所,局 v.驻扎 A PLA unit is now stationed at Hong Kong.一支解放军部队 62. treat v.对待 vt.治疗;招待;n.请客、款待 The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has a good reputation.‎ Let’s go out for lunch----my treat.我请客 63. taste v.品尝n.味道 n.鉴赏力;爱好v.体验(快乐悲伤等)‎ While she was in Paris, she developed a taste for fine art.‎ We have tasted the sweets and bitters of life.‎ 64. tie vt.栓,系 vi.打成平手 They tied with the visiting team in the game.客队 65. travel v.旅行 v.行进(从一个地方到另一个地方);被传播 Larry was traveling along 165 north after delivering to one of his customers.‎ Light travels faster than sound.‎ Bad news travels quickly.‎ 66. voice n.声音 vt.说出 Moreover, I will open more channels(频道)for you to voice your opinions and needs.‎ 67. value n.价值,价值观 v.重视,珍视 In his values, he value the conventional cultures of his country.‎ 68. vehicle n.交通工具 n.传播媒介;载体 We must find out the vehicle of the disease at first.‎ 69. walk vi.&n.行走,步行 n.行业 This society welcomes people from all walks of life.‎ 各行各业 70. wear v.穿;戴 v.面带,流露;留(发,须等)‎ I can still remember he was always wearing a smile and willing to help.‎ It is no longer smart to wear long hair and a beard.‎ 71. weigh vt.称重量,称vi.重 vt.考虑;权衡,斟酌 Weigh the advantages and disadvantages before taking action. 权衡利弊 However, this must be weighed against the benefits for city children. ‎ 72. wander vi.漫游,游荡,漫步 vi.走神,神志恍惚,思想开小差 Her thoughts wandered back to her youth.‎ I am so sleepy that my attention is wandering.‎ You might wander from the subject if you don't pay close attention.离题 73. work vi.&n.工作 vi.起作用 n.著作,作品 The medicine works more effectively if you drink some hot water after taking it.‎ Such poets as Shakespeare are widely read ,of whose works, however, some are difficult to understand.‎ 55. wind n.风 v、蜿蜒,上发条 The river winds to the sea.‎ My watch has stopped for I didn't wind it last night.‎ 56. weight n.重量 n.分量,重要性 How much weight will be attached to his decision?‎ 57. will modal v.表将来或意愿 n.遗嘱 What did it say in the will?‎ 58. workshop n.车间;工场 n.研讨班,讲习班 I attended a theater workshop not long ago.‎ 59. undertake vt.承担(任务、工作、责任等);从事 vt.承诺,保证,答应 I can’t undertake that you will make a profit.‎ He undertook to finish the job by Wednesday.‎ 60. run vi. 跑 vt.经营 ‎ vi.(机器等)运转 He has no idea of how to run a business.‎ I can't make this machine run properly.‎ This is unsustainable, in the long run.长远看 61. abuse v.滥用(权利等);谩骂 vt.虐待 She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she is much abused at home.‎ 62. accommodate vt.向…提供膳宿(或住处)‎ vt.容纳 This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests.‎ 63. accompany vt.陪伴,伴随 vt.为……伴奏或伴唱 The wellknown singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr.Moore.‎ 64. account n.账目;银行账户 n.报道,叙述 v.(for)解释,说明;占(比例)‎ There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.‎ Recent work pressure may account for his behaviour.‎ It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents.‎ 65. act v.&n.行动,行为 n.法案 The act is passed by the Congress finally.‎ 66. admit v.承认;允许进入;录取 vt.容纳 The great hall can admit 5, 000 students.‎ 67. acknowledge vt.承认 vt.向…打招呼;致谢 He acknowledged me by lifting his hat.‎ acknowledge a favor答谢所受到的关照 68. affect vt.影响 vt.感动;疾病侵袭 The audience was deeply affected by his lecture.‎ Be careful not to be affected with H7N9.‎ 69. age n.年龄 vt./vi.(使)变老 Fear and anxiety aged her overnight.‎ She's aging rapidly 70. aggressive adj.好斗的;侵略性的 adj.有进取心的 If he wants to succeed, he has to be aggressive.‎ 71. allowance n.允许 n.零用钱 His father gave him an allowance of $1, 000 a year.‎ 72. appetite n.胃口,食欲 n.爱好(for)‎ He has an appetite for music.‎ 73. apply apply for申请;apply to应用于 v.涂,敷 Apply the cream evenly over the skin.‎ 74. arrival n.到达 n.到达的人或物 All stood up to welcome the new arrival.‎ 75. air n.空气;空运 (by air);空中(in the air)‎ v./n.广播;‎ vt.使通风 n.样子,气氛 We’ll be on air in about 3 minutes. 无线电广播的 We air the bedrooms every day. ‎ There was a comfortable air about her room.‎ 55. appreciate v.欣赏;感激 v.意识到 I appreciate that I may be wrong.‎ 56. associate v.与……相联系 adj.副的 He is promoted to be an associate professor.‎ 57. argue v.争论,争辩,辩论 v.说明 This passage is to argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.‎ 58. amount n.量 v.(to)共计达到;相当于 The cost amounted to 200 dollars.‎ What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.‎ 59. alive adj.活着的 adj.(with)充满着(生物或活动的东西)‎ The streets are alive with people.‎ 60. alone adv.单独地,独自一人地 adv.仅仅,只有 She alone was able to answer the question.‎ 61. attach v.系上,附上,贴上(to)‎ v.使隶属,使依恋喜爱…‎ It’s easy to be attached to the children you work with.‎ attach importance/significance/value to...认为…很重要/意义重大/有价值 attachment 依恋;附件 62. approach v.接近,靠近 v.着手处理;n.方法,途径 So how do we approach those difficult problems?‎ In the US, we like take “all or nothing” approach to weight loss. 在美国我们喜欢采用“全部都做或什么都不做”的方法去减肥。‎ 63. appeal v.吸引某人 ‎ (to sb)‎ v.呼吁;上诉 (to)‎ The company is appealing to everyone to save power and water.‎ 64. bar n.棒,长方形的条;酒吧 n.障碍(to)‎ Poor health may be a bar to success in life.‎ 65. back adj.adv.&n.后面 v.使倒退 If you back your car out of the driveway I can get mine in.‎ 66. blanket n.毯子 vt.以厚层覆盖 n.覆盖层 The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.‎ The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow 67. board n.木板,布告牌;n.&v.登上(交通工具)‎ n.委员会;董事会v.在校寄宿 At the meeting of the town planning board, the boy was quite nervous at first and spoke very softly. ‎ 城市规划委员会 The students board during the week and go home at weekends.‎ 68. bless v.保佑,祝福 赋予,赐予(with);‎ Fate blessed him with great talent.‎ He is blessed with eloquence. (被动)有幸拥有…‎ It is more blessed to give than to receive. adj.幸福的 69. buy v.购买 n.相信 I don’t buy her excuse/explanation.‎ 70. business n.商业,交易,生意 n.企业,行业 We’ll let ourselves in trouble if we take over this business. 如果我们接管这家企业,我们会陷入麻烦。Gambling has become the Web’s most profitable business.赌博成为网络最有利可图的行业。‎ 71. capital n.首都/府;资本 adj.大写的 The first letter is usually a capital letter.‎ 72. casual adj.偶然的;随意的 adj.临时的 He was employed as a casual laborer.‎ 73. caution n.谨慎 v.告诫 The teacher cautioned him against being late.‎ 74. chance n.机会 n.冒险 The rope might break but that’s a chance we’ll have to take. take a chance/chances冒险 75. charge v.充电 If the light comes on, the battery (电池) isn’t ‎ v.&n.负责;收费;指控 charging.‎ 55. civil adj.公民的;国内的 adj.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的 He is a civil person.‎ 56. class n.班级 n.等级,阶级 It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not. 专业阶层 57. comb n.梳子 v.梳头 v.彻底搜查 The police combed the woods (树林) for the missing boy.‎ 58. concentrate v.专注,集中注意力于(on)‎ n.浓缩物 I bought some orange concentrate.‎ 59. correspond v.通信 v.符合,相一致(to)‎ This corresponds to what psychologists refer to as (称作) offensive anger.‎ 60. commit v.把…托付给(to);犯(错误、罪行)‎ ‎[被动]被交给;致力于 The old man’s will is committed to the care of the lawyer. 被交给;被托付给 Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Center is committed to physical, emotional and social health.致力于 61. cost v.花费n.费用,成本;代价 v.以牺牲…为代价;付出…代价 Careless driving cost him his life.‎ 62. credit n.信用,信誉;赞扬,赞颂;学分 v.归功于;归因于 ‎ Walt Disney is credited for creating such wonderful things as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.‎ They credited the defeat to poor planning.‎ 63. cushion n.垫子,缓冲物 v.缓冲 Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression.‎ 64. contain v.含有,包含;容纳 vt.抑制 He is too excited to contain his laughter.‎ 65. conduct v.指挥;n.行为举止 v.传导;主持(会议);进行开展(调查)‎ Plastic and rubber won’t conduct electricity, but copper will. 导电 conduct a meeting/survey 66. conclude v.推论出,下结论 v.完成,结束 I will publish my results only when I have concluded my research.‎ 67. catch v.赶上;抓住;捉住,捕获 v.偶然发现,撞见 n.捕鱼量,捕获量 The teacher caught the boy cheating.‎ The chef was caught smoking in the kitchen.‎ a good/huge catch of fish 捕获大量的鱼 annual catch 年捕鱼量 Since 1995, the Pacific catch appeared sharp increase. 从1995年开始太平洋的捕鱼量出现了急剧的增加。 ‎ 68. code n.电码,密码,代码,编号 n.法典,法规,规则,规范 The Code of Federal Regulations ‎ 美国联邦法规法典 dress code 着装要求/某种场合的仪表规范 area code 区号 genetic code 遗传密码 69. dash v.猛冲 n.少许 The flower adds a dash of colour to the room.‎ 70. dawn n.拂晓;vi.破晓,天亮 vi.开始明白,领悟(on)‎ The truth began to dawn on him.‎ 71. desperate adj.不顾一切的 adj.极度渴望的,极想 Ben is desperate to get the job.‎ 72. deposit v.把钱等存入银行 He deposited the book on the desk.‎ Mary deposited the baby in the crib.‎ 玛丽把婴儿放在有围栏的童床上。‎ ‎;交付定金;沉淀 n.存款,定金押金;沉淀物 vt(尤指小心地或准确地)放置,放下;(把硬币)放入(自动售货机)‎ She deposited a quarter and pushed the button.‎ 她往自动售货机投进一次2角5分硬币,然后揿了一下按钮。‎ 55. devotion n.奉献 n.深爱,挚爱 She has always shown her devotion to her children.‎ 56. digest v.消化;n.文摘 v.理解,领悟 I struggle to digest the news.‎ 57. draw v.画;拖;拉 v.推断出 ‎...in many instances(在许多情况下) we also draw inferences about who we are by observing our own behavior.‎ 58. disable vt.使残疾;使丧失活动能力 vt.使(系统或机制)瘫痪;禁用 if you need disable a car alarm 如果你需要禁用汽车报警器 One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the disabled vehicle.‎ 59. do vt.做,干 v.满足需要;足够;合适 I peeled six potatoes. Will that do? ‎ 我剥了6个土豆。够用吗? ‎ Will these shoes do for the wedding?‎ 60. diet n.日常食物,日常饮食 v.选择(或限制)饮食(以增进健康或减肥);节食 No dessert for me, thanks. I’m dieting.‎ 61. easy adj.容易的;舒适的(life)‎ adj.轻松自如的 Make yourself easy about the matter.‎ be easy about sth=be relaxed and confident about sth 62. edge n.边缘;刀刃 v.徐徐移动 Kate edged her chair to me.‎ 63. employ v.雇用 v.利用,使用 The police employed force (武力) to open the door.‎ 64. engaged adj.已订婚的 adj.电话占线的 I can’t get through(打通电话), for her line is engaged.‎ 65. enter v.进入 v.报名参加 He entered his name for an English contest.‎ 66. equal adj.相等的;平等的 adj.胜任的 He is equal to the task.‎ 67. exit v.出去;离去;n.出口 v./n.退场;退出 At the end of the third scene the actress exits. 退场 Sony threatened to make an exit from the plasma market for a good while 退出 68. entry 进入,入口;(词典所列的) 词目,词条 参赛的人或物 The Golden Lion for best film went to an Israeli entry called Lebanon. 本届电影节最佳影片金狮奖颁给一部名为《黎巴嫩》的以色列参赛影片。‎ 69. express v.表达 n.快车;快递 The TWU Express is a shuttle(班车) service.‎ Can I deliver the file by express?‎ 70. enterprise n.公司;企业单位;事业单位 n.事业心;进取心 He got the job because he showed the spirit of enterprise.‎ 71. expose 使显露出来,揭露曝光 ‎1.使面临遭受…;使暴露在(危险或不好的处境)下,无遮蔽无保护 A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.一个明智的母亲从不会置孩子于丝毫可能的危险中。‎ But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.‎ Children should be exposed to good books and music.‎ ‎2.使接触…,使处于…的影响下 55. fancy adj.奇特的;别致的 v.自负地认为 He fancied himself as an authority.‎ 自命不凡,认为自己是…‎ 56. fashion n.时尚,时装 n.方式 He behaves in a peculiar fashion.‎ 57. force vt.强迫 vt.夺取 The policeman forced the knife from the criminal’s hand.‎ 58. fast adj.&adv.快的(地)/迅速的(地)‎ v.禁食,斋戒 In this month, Muslims (穆斯林) from all around the world fast in the daytime.‎ 59. false adj.错误的;虚假的;不真实的 adj.虚伪的;不忠诚的 I hate such false friends.‎ 60. fair adj. 公平的;美丽的,白皙的 n.展览会,博览会,集市 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair ‎ 英特尔国际科技展览会 61. feature n. 特色,特征;容貌(复数);(报纸或杂志的)特写文章或专题节目 v.是…的特色,是…的特征;(书刊)特载;(电影)由…主演 Round-the-clock service features this store.‎ ‎24小时服务是这家商店的特色。‎ a film that features famous actors 由大明星们主演的电影 The magazine is featuring his articles.‎ 这杂志正在特载他的文章。‎ 62. figure n. 外形轮廓体形;数字;人物 v.认为,以为,料想 ‎(that从句)‎ I figure that you’d want your coffee?‎ It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment. 想出,弄明白 63. firm adj.坚固的;稳固的 n.公司,商号 Her husband left the firm for a better position(职位) in a bank.‎ 64. follow v.跟随;跟踪;接下来;听从(建议等)‎ v.理解明白;仿效;随时关注 He spoke with a strong accent, so I found it difficult to follow him.‎ The students followed the example of their teacher.‎ 65. go vi.去,变得 ‎ ‎ go sour 变质 go wrong出错 vi.(机器)运行,运转;(事情的)进展 The machine goes by electricity.‎ That morning, however, the process didn’t go quickly.‎ Everything was going well.‎ The first prize for Biology went to the youngest child in the class. 被给予 66. game ‎ n.游戏,比赛 n.猎物 The large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction. ‎ 67. grade n.年级 v.分等级 Eggs are graded from small to extra large.‎ 68. green adj.绿色的,青的 n.(pl.)绿色蔬;adj.年轻而无经验的;环保的 Greens are vital to our health.‎ A group of green recruits(新手、新兵) will undertake the work.‎ Looking to the future(展望未来), the Government will firm up(落实) their plans for a cleaner, greener, safer Britain.‎ 69. hit v.击中,打击;(风暴、疾病等)袭击,攻击 n.成功;红极一时的事 The film Hero by Zhang Yimou is quite a hit of this year.‎ 70. hungry adj.饥饿的 adj.渴望的 Students are hungry for knowledge.‎ 71. hunt v.追猎;猎杀(鸟兽)‎ vi.搜寻 He is hunting for a good job.‎ 72. issue n.(特别重要或大众关注的)问题;‎ V.发行( ‎ The magazine is issued monthly.该杂志每月发行。‎ I heard that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount.‎ ‎(报刊)的期,号 钞票等),发布(命令),出版(书等) ‎ ‎ 我听说英国的银行发行过两张这个面额的纸币。‎ 55. item n.条款,项目 n.(pl.)商品,物品 Please take out the valuables and fragile items.‎ 56. iron n.铁 vt.用熨斗熨 Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.‎ 57. invite v.邀请 inviting.adj.诱人的 The dishes are really inviting.‎ 58. invent v.发明 v.捏造,虚构 He invented an excuse for his being late.‎ 59. introduce v.介绍 V.引进,采用 The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.‎ 60. job n.工作 n.费力的事[口语]‎ Removing the table is quite a job.‎ 61. just adv.正好,恰好;刚刚;仅仅 adj.公正的 You are a just person.‎ 62. jam n.果酱 n./vt.堵塞 The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours.‎ traffic jam 交通堵塞 63. leave v.离开;留下;把…遗忘某地 v.交由…照管料理;使处于(某种状态),任其…‎ We need to book a table. I’ll leave that to you.‎ Leave it to/with me. I’ll do that.‎ Don’t leave the water running.‎ Wild animals should be left in the wild.‎ 64. keep v. 保持某种状态;保留留下;保管存放 v.(食物等)能保存,保鲜;‎ 管理,经营 The meat will keep overnight.这肉过夜不会坏。‎ How long will this butter keep?这黄油能保存多久?‎ We must eat the grapes. They won’t keep.‎ The coffee shop is well kept.这家咖啡店经营的很好 keep a diary记日记keep a pet养宠物 keep one’s promise守诺keep a secret保密 keep...in mind=bear...in mind 牢记 65. might may的过去式 n.力量,威力 The process sweeps from America to Europe and reaches emerging countries with unsurpassed might. 这股浪潮从美国席卷至欧洲,并以不可比拟的威力影响正在崛起的国家。‎ 66. novel n.小说 adj.新颖的 Some novel proposals were put forward.‎ 67. nature n.自然 n.本质,性质;天性,本性 I think I misunderstood the nature of this event. ‎ 我想我误解了这个活动的性质。‎ The need to be loved inheres in human nature. ‎ 对爱的需求生来即存在于人的本性中。‎ 68. push v.(用力)推 v.逼迫…使其更努力 Some parents push their children really hard.‎ I need to push myself more at work.‎ 69. policy n.政策,方针 n.保险单 This is our best insurance policy.‎ 70. reduce v.减少 v.使陷入(困境);迫使 ‎[常用被动语态]‎ The bad harvests in the last few years reduced the peasants to extreme poverty.‎ 过去几年的庄稼歉收使农民变得极为贫困。‎ Poverty reduced them to begging for a living.‎ 贫困迫使他们乞讨为生。‎ 71. right adj./adv./n.右边的,向右,右边 adj.正确的 ‎ n.权利 She has a right to sell flowers there.‎ 72. realize v.意识到 v.实现 At last, she realized her dream of becoming an actress. 最终,她实现了当演员的梦想。‎ 73. support v./n.‎ v.供养 His meager wage is not enough to support their five ‎ 支持;支撑 ‎ children.‎ 55. strike v./n打击,敲击;罢工 v.给…(某种)印象 Catherine actually struck me as being more suitable for the job.‎ 56. secure adj.安全的,稳固的,可靠的 a~job/income 保护 The dam secured the city from the flood.‎ 这座大坝保护了该城免受洪水的袭击。‎ The troops secured the area before the civilians were allowed to return.‎ 57. staff n.全体职员 v.雇用 He staffed ten computer operators in his firm.‎ 58. slip v./n.滑到 n.纸片 He inserted a slip marking his place in the book. ‎ 他在书中插入纸片,以标明他读到的地方。‎ 59. spell v.拼写 n.一段时间 The fine spell we've been having will bring the crops along very nicely. ‎ 这一段时间的好天气会使作物生长旺盛。‎ 60. stress ‎ n.压力 v.强调 While in the past we stressed aid, now we stress economic cooperation. 我们过去侧重提供援助, 现在强调经济合作。‎ 61. spoil v.毁坏,糟蹋 v.溺爱 Grandparents tend to spoil their grandchildren.‎ 62. star n.星,恒星,明星 v.由……主演 The film stars famous actors and actresses.‎ Catherine stars in that film.主演 63. tap v.轻拍;‎ n.水龙头 v.拔出木头塞子或凿孔让液体流出;开发 They tapped a barrel of cider.(苹果酒)‎ Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, and tap the ocean depths.让我们联合起来去探索星球,治理沙漠,开发海洋深处。‎ 64. tissue n.抽纸 n.(生物学)组织 The blood feeds the body tissue. ‎ 血液滋养着机体组织。‎ 65. track n.足迹;车辙;轮迹;航迹;小路小径 v.跟踪;追踪;掌握(动向等)‎ n.唱片的一首歌 That memorable song is the first track on the “10 Years of Hits” CD. ‎ 这首值得纪念的歌曲是“十年精选”CD的第一首曲目。‎ 66. upset adj..肠胃不适,心烦意乱的,难过的 v.肠胃不适;使心烦意乱 v.弄翻,打翻;打乱,搅乱(计划,安排等)‎ The lifeboat was upset by the waves(海浪).‎ He arrived an hour late and upset our plan.‎ 67. weather n.天气 v..经受风雨,度过难关 Many small firms did not weather the storm of the recession.许多小公司没能经受住这次经济衰退的风波。‎