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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 专题限时集训(十三) 记叙文 A (2016·南通、扬州、淮安、宿迁、泰州第二次调研) My mum was young when she fell pregnant with me.After I was born it was decided that my father's relatives would __1__ me in Manchester.No one spoke about mum.Eventually, I was shown letters from mum,__2__ that she was a drug addict. All this was running through my head as I arrived in Glasgow on 27 December last year.My sister Leanne, from my mother's side, had __3__ me down on Facebook, and we had been __4__ for a while, but had met only once or twice.Leanne had been brought up by our mother's parents, and had some __5__ with mum throughout her life.She was now living in Canada, but returning for Christmas and __6__ to see all the family together.A big party had been arranged to welcome her back, and everyone would be there, including our __7__. In a very short time my sister and I hatched a __8__.I'd meet my sister as she arrived at Manchester airport, then we'd drive up to Glasgow __9__.Keeping it a surprise gave us a rush.After about a four-hour drive, we were there.I'd __10__ called someone“Mum” before.But there she was. We embraced(拥抱) and were soon __11__.We could hardly get the words out fast enough.Seeing someone so alike looking back at me was the strangest but most __12__ experience.Though a lifetime may have __13__ us, this woman at a party in Glasgow was my mum.She __14__ at me for a second, before giving me a tight hug.All she could say was that she never thought we'd __15__ again. She'd been __16__ of drugs for five years.She told me how she now works for a charity that helps young people __17__ the same problems she had.We now talk regularly, and I feel __18__ she's my mother.That's something I couldn't have even __19__ when the door opened to her at that Christmas party.Life may be short, but it's always __20__ enough to reconcile (和好). 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的母亲是一个吸毒成瘾者,所以法院判决父亲在曼彻斯特的亲 戚来抚养作者。去年圣诞节作者终于和母亲相认,如今他们经常联系,母亲已经成功戒毒五 年了,她现在为一家慈善机构工作以帮助年轻人解决和她遇到的同样的问题,作者为母亲感 到自豪。 1.A.teach B.control C.serve D.raise D [考查动词。“我”出生后,法院判决“我”父亲在曼彻斯特的亲戚来抚养“我”。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 raise 意为“抚养,养育”;teach 意为“教,教授”;control 意为“控制,支配,管理”; serve 意为“服务,服役,任职”。] 2. A.foreseeing B.revealing C.arguing D.promising B [考查动词。最终,“我”看到的妈妈的信件,信中内容表明她是一个吸毒成瘾的人。 reveal 意为“显示,表明,透露,揭露”;foresee 意为“预见,预知,预料”;argue 意 为“争论,辩论”;promise 意为“承诺,保证”。] 3. A.knocked B.tracked C.rolled D.turned B [考查动词。来自“我”母亲那一方的“我”的妹妹琳恩在脸书上搜寻到“我”。 track down 意为“追查到,搜寻到,跟踪找到”; knock down 意为“打倒,撞倒;推倒, 拆掉;降价,减价”;roll down 意为“滚下”;turn down 意为“关小,调低;拒绝”。] 4.A.negotiating B.complaining C.messaging D.searching C [考查动词。我们相互发信息已经有了一段时间,但是只见过一两次面。message 意 为“给……发消息,给……留言”;negotiate 意为“谈判,协商”;complain 意为“抱怨, 投诉”;search 意为“搜寻,搜查,寻找”。] 5.A.contact B.bargain C.fun D.trouble A [考查名词。琳恩由“我”的外祖父母抚养长大,她一生中和妈妈有一些联系。 contact 意为“联系,接触”;bargain 意为“便宜货;交易”;fun 意为“趣事,乐趣”; trouble 意为“麻烦,困难”。] 6.A.reluctant B.afraid C.confident D.desperate D [考查形容词。她现在生活在加拿大,但回来过圣诞节,渴望看到所有的家人团聚在 一起。desperate 意为“极需要的,渴望的”;reluctant 意为“勉强的,不情愿的”;afraid 意为“害怕的,担心的”;confident 意为“坚信的,有信心的”。] 7.A.sister B.father C.mum D.grandparents C [考查名词。为了欢迎她回来,家人安排了一场盛大的派对,每个人都会到场,包括 我们的妈妈。] 8. A.deal B.plan C.trick D.change B [考查名词。“我”的妹妹和“我”很快就策划了一个方案。plan 意为“计划,方 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 案”;deal 意为“协议,交易”;trick 意为“诡计,花招”;change 意为“变化,改变”。] 9.A.in advance B.in turn C.in secret D.in time C [考查介词短语。根据下文的 Keeping it a surprise 可知,当“我”妹妹到达机场 时,“我”去接她,然后我们悄悄地开车去格拉斯哥。in secret 意为“秘密地,暗中”; in advance 意为“提前”;in turn 意为“依次,轮流;转而,反过来”;in time 意为“及 时;最终,最后”。] 10.A.ever B.even C.always D.never D [考查副词。根据上文的 No one spoke about mum 可知,“我”以前从来没有称呼过 某个人“妈妈”。但是她就在那里。] 11.A.looking away B.chatting away C.turning up D.picking up B [考查动词短语。根据下文的 We could hardly get the words out fast enough. 可知,“我们”拥抱之后就闲聊起来了。chat away 意为“闲聊”;look away 意为“把目光 移开,看别的地方”;turn up 意为“开大,调高;出现,露面”;pick up 意为“好转, 改善;捡起;接载;学会”。] 12. A.disturbing B.annoying C.comforting D.frightening C [考查形容词。看到如此相似的某个人回头看着“我”是最奇怪但又是最令人感到安 慰的经历。comforting 意为“安慰的,令人欣慰的”;disturbing 意为“引起烦恼的,令 人不安的”;annoying 意为“令人生气的,令人厌烦的”;frightening 意为“令人惊恐的, 令人害怕的”。] 13.A.separated B.deserted C.ruined D.cheated A [考查动词。尽管我们可能一生都会分开,但是在格拉斯哥的派对上的这位女士就是 “我”的妈妈。separate 意为“分开,分离”;desert 意为“离弃,舍弃”;ruin 意为“毁 坏,摧毁”;cheat 意为“欺骗,作弊”。] 14.A.laughed B.yelled C.stared D.pointed C [考查动词。她和“我”紧紧地拥抱在一起之前,盯着“我”看了一会儿。stare at 意为“盯着看,凝视”;laugh at 意为“嘲笑”;yell at 意为“叫喊,吼叫”;point at 意为“指向,对准”。] 15.A.part B.suffer 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 C.recover D.meet D [考查动词。她说的所有的话都是她从未想到“我们”会再次见面。] 16.A.clean B.aware C.short D.fond A [考查形容词。根据该段后文可推知,她已经五年不再吸毒了。clean 意为“清白的, 没有私藏违禁品(如枪支、毒品)的,无犯罪记录的”,这里意为“不再吸毒的”。] 17.A.discuss B.overcome C.explore D.stress B [考查动词。句意:她告诉“我”她现在是如何为一家慈善机构工作的,该慈善机构 帮助年轻人克服和她遇到的同样的困难。] 18.A.guilty B.embarrassed C.proud D.shocked C [考查形容词。句意:我们现在经常交谈,而且“我”为她是“我”的母亲感到自豪。 proud 意为“骄傲的,自豪的”;guilty 意为“内疚的,有罪的”;embarrassed 意为“尴 尬的,难为情的”;shocked 意为“惊愕的,震惊的”。] 19.A.imagined B.ignored C.questioned D.recalled A [考查动词。当在圣诞节的派对上这扇门向她打开时,那是“我”本来甚至无法想象 的事情。] 20.A.tough B.happy C.simple D.long D [考查形容词。句意:人生可能是短暂的,但足够让人们重修于好。] B (2016·北京丰台一模) My tenth Christmas was one I was not looking forward to.Money was tight.Mom said we were old enough not to count on __21__.Just being together would be enough. We weren't the only family in our small community who would have a __22__ Christmas.But the knowledge that others were going through the same thing didn't __23__much. One night we had a small pity party for each other. “How can I even wear that same old dress one more time?” I __24__. “I know,” said my sister.“I think I might as well give up asking for a __25__.” The next day,mom told us that she had been saving up and shopping around so that we could give the Walters family a Christmas basket. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 “If anyone needs some __26__,it's the Walters.” Mom reminded us. The Walters! They were the strangest people we knew.How could mom be so __27__ with them when our own family didn't have enough? Mom was determined.She packed flour and sugar,a small turkey,some fruits in a basket and asked us to __28__ it to the Walters. I really didn't like to have anything to do with them.Not wanting to be __29__, we left the basket on the doorstep and hid behind a nearby bush. Seeing the Walters gather up their basket,I asked in whisper,“Did they look happy?” “Well,yeah,happy,but mostly they looked like they were thinking,maybe we do belong.” Christmas morning arrived.To my great __30__,I received a fabulous-looking dress.I couldn't believe it's for me.I was about to speak __31__ we noticed Dad ride up atop a new horse.My sister screamed and ran out.She couldn't __32__ to meet her “gift”. “Mom,how did you do all this?” I asked.“We were __33__ for a no -present Christmas.” “Oh,not necessarily __34__ but just helping each other.Mrs.Olsen at the dress shop let me bring your gift home.Dad offered to hang up Mrs.Marshall's tree lights.Mr.Jones had a horse and he was __35__ to know we had someone to love it.” “I thought since you were giving away food to the Walters,we would never have enough.They really don't have anything to give in __36__.” “We are like a big family.Never __37__ who can or who can't give.The most important is that we should listen to our hearts.Perhaps the right gifts will end up with the right families.” Mom always knew __38__.Thinking about the expression on the Walters's faces when they discovered the Christmas basket,I realized their “ __39__ ” feeling was more precious than any of the gifts. That was the Christmas that I learned about the magic of __40__. 本文是一篇记叙文。在即将到来的圣诞节,因为钱紧张,我们都做好了没有礼物的准备, 可是妈妈还是坚持让我们把打包的面粉和糖、一只小火鸡、一些水果放在一个篮子里送给瓦 尔特一家,意想不到的是作者和姐姐在圣诞节都得到了梦寐以求的礼物,这使作者懂得了给 予的魅力。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 21.A.games B.parties C.gifts D.trips C [考查名词辨析。根据常识可知圣诞节到了,该空应该是指礼物,根据“Money was tight.”可知妈妈是说我们都长大了别指望着礼物了,在一起就足够了。下文“We were __33__ for a no-present Christmas.”也有提示。] 22.A.simple B.regular C.grand D.peaceful A [考查形 容词辨析 。根据 “Mom said we were old enough not to count on __21__.”可知我们不是唯一简单过圣诞节的家庭。] 23.A.judge B.help C.cover D.pay B [考查动词辨析。句意:但得知其他人也经历同样的事情并没有太大的帮助。] 24.A.begged B.insisted C.laughed D.complained D [考查动词辨析。根据“How can I even wear that same old dress one more time?” 可知此处是在抱怨“我”怎么能再穿同样的旧衣服。] 25.A.tree B.light C.dress D.horse D [考查名词辨析。根据“I was about to speak __31__ we noticed Dad ride up atop a new horse.”可知姐姐认为还是放弃要匹新马为好。] 26.A.trust B.cheer C.praise D.courage B [考查名词辨析。句意:如果有人需要欢乐的气氛,就是瓦尔特一家。cheer 欢乐(或 幸福)的气氛;trust 信任;praise 表扬;courage 勇气。] 27.A.patient B.strict C.generous D.popular C [考查形容词辨析。根据上文“The next day,mom told us that she had been saving up and shopping around so that we could give the Walters family a Christmas basket.” 可知此处作者是在表达我们家也不富裕妈妈怎么会对他们如此慷慨。generous 慷慨的; patient 耐心的;strict 严格的;popular 受欢迎的。] 28.A.deliver B.award C.show D.lend A [考查动词辨析。根据上文“we could give the Walters family a Christmas basket”可知她把打包的面粉和糖、一只小火鸡、一些水果放在篮子里,并要求我们送到瓦 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 尔特家。deliver 递送,deliver sth.to sb.把某物送给某人;award 奖赏;show 展示;lend 借。] 29.A.excused B.caught C.realized D.recognized D [考查动词辨析。根据“we left the basket on the doorstep and hid behind a nearby bush”可知我们把篮子放在门口,藏在附近的草丛是不想被认出来。recognize 识 别;excuse 原谅;catch 抓住;realize 意识到。] 30.A.relief B.alarm C.fear D.surprise D [考查名词辨析。根据“I couldn't believe it's for me.”可知圣诞节来临,使 “我”感到吃惊的是,“我”收到了非常漂亮的裙子。surprise 吃惊;relief 安慰;alarm 警报;fear 恐惧。] 31.A.since B.when C.after D.before B [考查连词辨析。我正打算说这时我们注意到爸爸骑着一匹新马。be about to do sth.when...为固定句式,意为“正要做某事这时……”。since 自从;after 在……之后; before 在……之前。] 32.A.expect B.intend C.wait D.decide C [考查动词辨析。根据上文“‘I know,’ said my sister.‘I think I might as well give up asking for a __25__ ’.”可知姐姐一直盼望有一匹马,因此她迫不及待要看 看她的礼物。can't wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事。] 33.A.ready B.eager C.known D.responsible A [考查形容词辨析。我们本来准备过一个没有礼物的圣诞节。ready 准备,be ready for 为……做准备;eager 急切的;known 出名的;responsible 负责的。] 34.A.checking B.trading C.hesitating D.quarrelling B [考查动词辨析。根据“Mrs.Olsen at the dress shop let me bring your gift home.Dad offered to hang up Mrs.Marshall's tree lights.”可知此处是表示不是交易 而是互相帮助。] 35.A.proud B.afraid C.happy D.worried C [考查形容词辨析。琼斯先生有一匹马,他很高兴有人喜欢它。] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 36.A.return B.store C.vain D.effect A [考查名词辨析。他们没有什么可以回报的。in return 归还;in store 储藏着, 准备着,即将发生;in vain 徒劳地;in effect 实际上,生效。] 37.A.tease B.forget C.mind D.ignore C [考查动词辨析。根据“We are like a big family.”可知我们就像一个大家庭, 从来不介意谁能给予或谁不能给予。] 38.A.truth B.duty C.dreams D.choices A [考查名词辨析。妈妈一直知道真相。] 39.A.inspiring B.relaxing C.satisfying D.belonging D [考查形容词辨析。想想瓦尔特一家收到礼物的表情,“我”意识到他们所拥有的这 种东西比任何东西都珍贵。inspiring 令人鼓舞的;relaxing 放松的;satisfying 令 人满意的;belonging 所有物。] 40.A.believing B.giving C.forgiving D.communicating B [考查动词辨析。这就是关于圣诞节,“我”所明白给予的秘密。] 【导学号:57732052】 C (2016·福州五校联考) Danny was a senior high school student,who was so crazy to attract girls.He spent 10 hours a day __41__ more than 200 selfies (自拍) trying to find the __42__ one. He would take 10 photos of __43__ before he washed and would go __44__ class secretly three times every hour.At 16,he dropped out of school __45__ he could throw himself into his addiction (瘾),and he ate __46__.He did not leave his house for six months,and when he failed to take the perfect picture,he tried to __47__ himself by taking an overdose (过度用药).His mother,Penny, __48__ to save him,and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become __49__. The 19-year-old,believed to be Britain's first selfie __50__,is now under special treatment __51__.He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has __52__ that achieving perfection is __53__.He told the Sunday 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 Mirror,“I was constantly __54__ the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldn't,I wanted to die.I __55__ my friends,my education,my health and almost my life.The only thing I __56__ about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day.” He expressed his __57__ to the doctors and said their help kept him __58__ and called on others to ask for help __59__ they ended up in hospital. One psychologist at a clinic __60__ Danny was treated said the addiction to taking selfies has now become a mental illness. 本文是一篇记叙文。Danny 是英国第一个患“自拍瘾”的人。他每天要自拍 200 多张照 片,并试图从中找出最完美的一张,如果无法找出,他便想通过过度用药自杀。经过医生的 救治,他成功地戒除了“自拍瘾”。 41.A.taking B.having C.making D.getting A [根据该句中的“selfies(自拍)”可知,Danny 喜欢自拍,每天要花 10 个小时拍 200 多张自拍照。take selfies 为固定搭配,意为“自拍”,故 A 项正确。] 42.A.beautiful B.perfect C.good D.comfortable B [根据第二段倒数第二句中的“take the perfect picture”可以判断,他要在 200 多张的自拍照中找出完美的一张。B 项意为“完美的”,符合语境。A 项意为“漂亮的”;C 项意为“好的”;D 项意为“舒服的”,都与语境不符。] 43.A.others B.his teacher C.himself D.the classroom C [根据第一段第二句中的“selfies(自拍)”可知,他要自拍 10 张照片。故选 C 项。] 44.A.out of B.into C.inside D.away A [根据“secretly”可以判断,Danny 每个小时要秘密地走出教室三次来自拍照片。 go out of class 意为“走出教室”,故选 A 项。] 45.A.as if B.even though C.in case D.so that D [他在 16 岁时辍学,因此他能专注于他的爱好。根据空处前后的句意可知,前后句 为因果关系,so that 意为“因此,因而”,符合语境。A 项意为“仿佛,好像”;B 项意 为“尽管”;C 项意为“以防万一”,都与语境不符。] 46.A.more B.nothing C.everything D.less 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 10 D [根据该句中的“he could throw himself into his addiction(瘾)”可以判断, 他专注于自己的爱好,连饭都吃得很少了。故选 D 项。] 47.A.surprise B.kill C.calm D.thank B [根据空后的“by taking an overdose(过度用药)”及下文的“I wanted to die” 可以判断,他没有拍到完美的照片时,会试图通过过度用药自杀。故选 B 项。] 48.A.decided B.managed C.failed D.succeeded B [他的妈妈 Penny 努力挽救了他的生命。manage to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“设 法完成某事”,故 B 项正确。A 项意为“决定”;C 项意为“失败”;D 项意为“成功”, 都与语境不符。] 49.A.beyond control B.under control C.in order D.out of date A [根据语境可知,他的妈妈强迫他在无法自我控制时向别人求助。A 项意为“无法控 制”,符合语境。B 项意为“在……控制下”;C 项意为“按次序”;D 项意为“过时”,都 与语境不符。] 50.A.winner B.loser C.addict D.killer C [根据上文中的“addiction”可以判断,这位 19 岁的男孩成了英国第一位自拍上瘾 的人。C 项符合语境。A 项意为“获胜者”;B 项意为“失败者”;D 项意为“杀手”,都与 语境不符。] 51.A.at home B.in hospital C.at school D.at work B [根据该句中的“under special treatment”和下文中的“to the doctors”“in hospital”“at a clinic”可知,他正在医院接受特殊的治疗,故 B 项正确。] 52.A.realized B.expected C.imagined D.recognized A [他在七个月里没有给自己拍过一张照片,他已经意识到达到完美是不可能的。A 项 意为“意识到”,符合语境。B 项意为“期望”;C 项意为“想象”;D 项意为“认出”, 都与语境不符。] 53.A.necessary B.possible C.impossible D.unpleasant C [参见上题解析。] 54.A.in need of B.in search of 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 11 C.in want of D.in favor of B [根据第一段第二句中的“trying to find”可以判断,他不断地寻找完美的自拍照。 B 项意为“寻找”符合语境。A、C 项意为“需要”;D 项意为“支持”,都与语境不符。] 55.A.missed B.left C.got D.lost D [“我”失去了朋友、教育、健康,甚至“我”的生命。D 项意为“失去”,符合语 境。A 项意为“错过”;B 项意为“离开”;C 项意为“得到”,都与语境不符。] 56.A.talked B.worried C.dreamed D.cared D [根据语境可知,此处表示他唯一关心的是他要带上手机。care about 为固定搭配, 意为“关心”,符合语境。A 项意为“交谈”;B 项意为“担心”;C 项意为“梦想”,都 与语境不符。] 57.A.happiness B.thanks C.regret D.sadness B [根据该句中的“their help”可知,他对医生表达了他的感谢。express thanks to sb.为固定搭配,意为“向某人表示感谢”,故 B 项正确。A 项意为“幸福”;C 项意为“遗 憾”;D 项意为“悲伤”,都与语境不符。] 58.A.wise B.wealthy C.alive D.patient C [根据语境可知,Danny 向医生表达了他的感谢,并说是医生的帮助使他还活着。C 项意为“活着的”,符合语境。A 项意为“明智的”;B 项意为“富裕的”;D 项意为“有 耐心的”,都与语境不符。] 59.A.before B.until C.while D.after A [Danny 号召他人在被送往医院之前就应当求助。A 项意为“在……之前”,符合语 境。B 项意为“直到”;C 项意为“当……时”;D 项意为“在……之后”,都与语境不符。] 60.A.when B.which C.where D.how C [分析该句结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为“clinic”,空处为关系词,在从 句中作地点状语,故用关系副词 where,故 C 项正确。]