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‎2020届二轮复习 数词用法考点纵览学案 一、概述 数词是表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。由定义进而将数词分为两类:基数词和序数词,前者表示数目的多少,后者表示顺序的先后。‎ 本章首先概述了数词的定义,进而从定义出发,将数词分为基数词和序数词两大类,接着以基数词和序数词分类阐述了数词在句中的作用,然后,以两大类数词为纲,分别介绍了两大数词的用法(包括表示法、特殊用法等)可谓内容详实。最后介绍倍数的表示法(包含倍数的表达、含义及表达法之间的区别)。为了使本章内容更加全面充实,最后介绍了一下特殊数的表达法。本章末尾对数词进行了归纳、提炼并提出学好数词的“点金术”。‎ 此章内容比较简单,线索比较清晰,学起来应该比较容易,关键要把握特殊的含义及用法。相信,在把握好线索,全面了解掌握含义及用法的基础上定能对数词有全新的认识。‎ 二、定义及分类 表示数目多少或顺序先后的词,叫做数词。数词与不定动词很相似,其用法相当于名词或形容词。数词可以分为两种:表示数目多少的词叫做基数词,表示顺序先后的词叫做序数词。‎ 三、在句中的作用 数词的用法相当于名词或形容词,所以在句子中数词能够充当名词和形容词所能充当的成分,如:主语、宾语、表语、同位语、定语、状语。如:‎ It is said that thirteen is an unlucky number.(基数词作主语)‎ The first isn’t the best.(序数词作同位语)‎ It is north two hundred.(基数词作宾语)‎ He is among the first to get to the international airport.(序数词作表语)‎ The visitors in this place of interest are about five thousand.(基数词作表语)‎ Now, he has become the first in the race.(序数词作表语)‎ We, four will look together to solve the problem.(基数词作同位语)‎ Jim, the last, was scolded by his teacher.(序数词作同位语)‎ The kind woman gave the boy five apples.(基数词作定语)‎ I think he is the first person knowing the secret.(序数词作定语)‎ It’s very dangerous to ride two or more.(基数词作状语)‎ The company ranks first among the similar companies.(序数词作状语)‎ 四、两种基本数词的用法 ‎1、基数词的用法 ‎(1)基数词中的1—12是单个的独立的单词,13—19加后缀-teen构成的相应基数,20—90是由2—9加后缀-ty构成的相应基数。在此要注意几个词的拼法,在原有的基数词上少有变化:thirteen、fifteen、eighteen、twenty、thirty、forty、fifty、eighty。‎ ‎(2)表示其他的两位数,十位数与个位数之间需用连字符“—”。‎ ‎(3)百位数与十位数之间,在英国要用and连接,美国一般不用,百位数由1—9加hundred构成,十位与个位数的表示法语两位数表示法相同。‎ ‎(4)千位数由1—9加thousand构成,其后的百、十、个位数的构成法同前。如:one thousand, five hundred and twenty—three ‎(5)“万”及“十万”的表示法,英语中没有“万”这个单位,所以用最靠近它的那个单位thousand表示。如:‎ ‎10000:ten thousand ‎100000: (a/one)hundred thousand ‎58864:fifty—eight thousand eight hundred (and)sixty—four ‎758000:seven hundred and fifty—eight thousand ‎(6)百万以上的数,英美的不同表示法:‎ 汉语中的“亿”到英语中应用million表达,比较:‎ 数字 汉语表示法 英语表示法 英语表示法 ‎106 百万 million million ‎109 10亿 a/one thousand million a billion ‎1012 兆 a billion a trillion ‎1亿:a hundred million ‎90亿:nine thousand million(英)、nine billion(美)‎ ‎(7)多种“零”的表达法 ‎①zero:这是最常见最熟悉不过的一种表示法,多用在表达数学及温度上,如:three degrees below zero、.08=point zero eight(在这种情况下也可用naughty表示,如上述.08也可表示为point naughty eight)‎ ‎②nothing或nil:这种表示法是一种运动比赛说法,常用在比赛场合,如:2:0=two(goals to)nil或two(to)nothing ‎③在电话或数学用语中常把零读作/?u/。‎ ‎(8)表示确切数字时,hundred、thousand、million、billion等只能用单数形式,不可加“s”构成对于复数。如:two hundred、ten million tons of goods。‎ 但表示约数时,如表示“数百、数千、成百上千、成千上万等”且后常跟of连用时,基数词要加-s。如:‎ Hundreds of students rush out of the teaching building.‎ Millions of people in the world die from the disease every year.‎ Hundreds (tens) of thousands of visitors come to visit this park every summer.‎ 注意:①当hundred of、thousand of、million of被several、some、a few、many等修饰时,对应的hundred、thousand、million用单复数均可。如 Many hundred(s) of applicants will be employed in the company.‎ Several million(s) of teachers are sent to the west to teach.‎ ‎②表示“多少人一组或一排或几个人一起”,基数词要用复数形式。如:‎ Please come in in three at a time.‎ In daily life, we like to count things in twos.‎ ‎(9)量词dozen、score、brace、head、gross等表示精确数字时,不用复数形式,但表示不确切数字时要用复数。如:‎ two dozen eggs ten score books three head of cattle dozens of eggs scores of books herds of cattle 下面介绍三个重要量词的用法:‎ dozen的用法:‎ ‎(1)dozen与数词或many连用时,复数不加-s,如:three(many)dozen apples。‎ ‎(2)dozen与of连用,而且dozen前有确切数字修饰“多少打”,dozen不用复数,表示“一打”之意时前用a或one修饰。如:‎ I want five dozen of these pens.‎ two dozen of these people 当dozen所修饰的中心名词被指使代词these、those等修饰或被修饰的词是人称代词宾格时,必须和of连用(如上述两例)。‎ ‎(3)与of连用,dozen前常用复数,其前可用some、many修饰。如:some dozens of men、many dozens of years等。‎ head的用法 对于head表示“头”时,只能用单数(也可将head看作单位词,所以无需用复数),如:fifty head of cattle。‎ score的用法 ‎(1)score直接被基数词修饰,后接名词,如:a/one score boy students、three score teachers。‎ ‎(2)在“基数词+score + of”结构中,of后可接名词(但名词前需有定冠词the或指示代词these、those等修饰),也可接人称代词宾格。如:‎ five score of those employees Two score of them will work together.‎ ‎(3)“score of+复数名词”表示“好几十,许多”。如:(有时,of+复数名词可省略,直接用scores作主语)‎ Scores of patients die from liver cancer.‎ Scores were praised at the meeting.‎ 下面通过一组比较,概括score的用法:‎ two score desks(正)‎ two score of desks(正)‎ two scores desks(误)‎ two scores of desks(误)‎ ‎(10)基数词可用来表示课文、书页、门牌号、房屋、教室等的编号。如:‎ 第四课:Lesson Four 第二页:Page Two 第八行:Line Eight 第五号房间:Room Five 对此应注意两点:①用基数词表示编号顺序时,名词应放在基数词前,名词与基数词的首字母都应大写。②上述结构可用the+序数词+名词代替,如:Lesson Four=the fourth lesson。‎ ‎2、序数词的用法 ‎(1)序数词第1—19的构成方式:除前三个first、second、third形式外,其余序数词的构成由基数词加后缀-th构成,但要注意fifth、eighth、ninth、twelfth的拼法。‎ ‎(2)十位数的构成方法(即以-ty结尾的基数词),将-y改为-i再加-eth,如:twentieth、thirtieth。‎ ‎(3)两位数的基数词时,只需将个位上的基数词1—9变为相应序数词既可,如:twenty—first、fifty—eighth。‎ ‎(4)百、千、万等的序数词由hundred、thousand等加-th构成,如:(one)hundredth、ten thousandth、(one)hundred thousandth、(one)millionth、(one)billionth。‎ 序数词hundredth、thousandth、millionth、billionth之前的“—”只可用one不可用a。‎ ‎(5)多位数的序数词表示法:多位数序数词的后位数如包含1—9时,后位数1—9用序数词,前位数同基数词中间出现零时,用and连接。如:‎ ‎1251st: one thousand two hundred (and) fifty—first ‎1051st: one thousand and fifty—first ‎(6)序数词的缩写形式由阿拉伯数字加相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,如:1st、2nd、3rd、21st、22nd、70th。‎ ‎(7)序数词作被修饰词或是用来修饰被修饰词时,后面的后置定语要用不定式,不可用动名词或是其他形式。如:‎ He is always the first to be present at the meeting.‎ The lady caught the first bus in order to be the first inviter to arrive at the party.‎ ‎(8)序数词一般情况下和定冠词the连用,但有时也可和不定冠词a或an连用,表示“又一个,再一个”,不一定是确切的第几个。如:‎ Please give me a second apple.(再给我一个苹果,可能是第二、三、四、五…个苹果)‎ 五、倍数的表示法 ‎1、倍数的含义 英语中的倍数既可表示增加也可表示减少。‎ ‎①弄清两种说法的不同含义:“增加了…倍”不包括基数,即纯是增加的;而“增加到…倍”或“是原来的…倍”,则包括基数。如:‎ His pay rises four times this month.他这月的工资提高了三倍。‎ 他这月的工资提高4倍或他这月的工资是原来的四倍。‎ ‎②用倍数可表示“减少到…,是原来的…,减少了…”等含义。如:‎ The rate of death has dropped three times.死亡率降低了2/3或死亡率降低到1/3。‎ ‎2、“2倍、3倍”等的表示法 在英语中2倍常用double、twice、duple、two fold、as … again as等表示(但不用two times),表示“增加1倍或为…2倍”。3倍常用three times、triple、treble、threefold表示,译为“增加2倍或增加了3倍,为原来的3倍”,其他的倍数均由基数词+times构成。‎ 下面补充一点关于“用double表示倍数的用法”‎ 表示倍数时,double可用作形容词、限定词、副词、名词或动词。‎ ‎①用作形容词时,后接单数名词。如:‎ an egg with a double yolk He did it with a double purpose.‎ He is paying double dealing.‎ ‎②作为限定词,double用在定冠词、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、名词所有格或从句前。如:‎ I’m double your age.‎ I’ll be double my pay with this new job.‎ We need double the amount we already have.‎ ‎③作为副词,通常用在动词后面。如:‎ Fold the blanket double and lay it on a chair.‎ The big boy had to bend double to hide under the table.‎ ‎④作为名词,double用在定冠词后接of。如:‎ I was paid the double of this amount.‎ ‎⑤作为动词,double既可是及物动词又可是不及物动词。如:‎ The population of the city has doubled this year.‎ Double the number of the bus in order to satisfy the need of the passages.‎ ‎3、倍数的表示法的比较 ‎①A+谓语+X times+as+形容词或副词原级+as B,此结构表示“A是B的X倍或净增加X-1倍,减少X-1/X倍”。如:‎ The hotel is twice as big as that one.这个旅馆是那个旅馆大的2倍(这个旅馆比那个旅馆大1倍)。‎ Jim runs three times as quickly as Tom.吉姆跑的速度是汤姆的3倍(吉姆跑的比汤姆快2倍)‎ This tree is four times as short as that one.这棵树比那棵树短3/4。‎ ‎②A+谓语+X times+形容词或副词比较级+than B,这个结构表示的数为净增加数,表示“A比B(大、长、快等)X倍或A是B的X+1倍”。如:‎ The pencil is twice longer than that pen.这支铅笔比那支钢笔长2倍(这支铅笔是那支钢笔长的3倍)‎ A is twice less than B(A是B的1/3)‎ 要特别注意以上两种结构所表示的含义,千万不可简单的认为上述两种结构完全同等,差别还是很大的,从原级与比较级中叶可看出,下面通过一组比较通过数字直观感受两种结构的差异。‎ The new compass is three times as large as the old one.新校区是老校区的3倍(比老校区打2倍)。‎ The new compass is three times larger than the old one.新校区比老校区大3倍(是老校区的4倍)。‎ ‎③A + be动词+ X times + the size/length/width/breadth of B,这个结构表示“净增加X-1倍,A是B的X倍”,此结构意义同①相同。如:‎ This pair of shoes is twice the size of that pair.这双鞋是那双鞋大小的2倍(比那双鞋大1倍)‎ ‎④(half)as much(many、large)again as结构的含义。‎ half as many/much as是…的半倍 half as many/much again as是…的一倍半 as many/much again as是…的一倍 如:I have half as much money as she has.我有的钱是她有的钱的半倍。‎ ‎ My uncle is half as old again as I.我叔叔的岁数是我的一倍半(我叔叔的岁数比的大半倍)。‎ ‎ The river has as much water again as the lake.河里的水是湖里水的一半。‎ ‎4、特殊的倍数增减表示法 英语中常用by和to两个介词表增减,by表示净增数或净减数(不包括底数);to表示增加或减少到(包括底数)。如:‎ increase by 3/4增加了3/4‎ increase to 3/4增加到3/4‎ ‎①increase(rise、go up、grow)+百分比或倍数表示“增加了百分之几或多少倍”。如:‎ The price of the goods goes up by three times.‎ His play increases by ten percent this month.‎ ‎②increase(rise、go up、grow)+数词+times(或fold)表示“增加到X倍或增加了X-1倍”。如:‎ The speed of the car increases three times (fold).车速增加到3倍或车速增加了2倍。‎ ‎③multiply x times和be multiplied by x times表示“增加了x-1倍”。如:‎ The output of the company multiplies (is multiplied by) five times.这个公司的产量增加了4倍。‎ ‎④increase(rise、go up、grow)+by a factor of+数词表示增加时,表示“增加x-1倍”,表示减少时,意为减少了x-1/x。如:‎ go up by a factor of six增加了5倍 reduce by a factor of six减少了5/6‎ ‎⑤decrease(go down、drop、fall)+by+数词(百分比),本结构中by表示纯减数。如:The cost of the housing falls twenty percent.房价下降了30%。‎ ‎⑥x times + upon(over)表示“超过…x倍或是…的x+1倍”。如:‎ The population of the city is four times upon (over) that of the village.那个城市的人口是那个农村户口的5倍。‎ 六、英语中各种特殊的数 ‎“每隔”与“每逢”的表示法及差别 英语中表示每隔有两种结构:①every+基数词+复数名词 ②every+序数词+单数名词二者意义相同,但应注意:若将这种结构中的数词译成“隔”时,须从数词中减1。如:‎ every three months every third month每3个月(每隔两个月)‎ every eight lines every eighth line每8行(每隔7行)‎ 数学公式、小数、分数、多项式及方根的表示法 ‎1、数学公式的表示法 ‎①加法 ‎5+3=? How much is five plus three? =what’s five and three? =how much is five added to three?‎ ‎5+3=8 five plus three equal(s) /is (are)/make(s)/is (are) equal to eight. =Five added to three is eight.‎ ‎②减法 ‎5-3=? How much is five minus three?‎ ‎5-3=2 Five minus three equals/is/makes two.‎ ‎③乘法 ‎5×3=? How much is five times/multiplied by three?‎ ‎5×3=15 Five times/by/multiplied by/three (makes)/is (are) fifteen.‎ ‎④除法 ‎15÷3=? How much is fifteen divided by three?‎ ‎15÷3=5 Fifteen divided by three is/equals/makes five.‎ 注意:在加减乘除四则混合运算中,加法和乘法的谓语动词可以用单数或复数,减除的谓语动词一般用单数。‎ ‎2、小数的表示法 ‎2.1:two point one ‎0.7:zero(naught)point seven/point seven/decimal seven ‎12.876:one two point eight seven six 注意:对于小数的表达,即使整数部分超过了10也不能用相应的基数词表达,而应一位一位读取,如上例中的12.876不可读成twelve point eight seven six,总之,小数的表达要一一读取相应数字。‎ ‎3、分数表达法 分数表达法的基本原则:分子用基数词表达,而分母用序数词表达,且当分子超过1时,分母序数词需在词后加s。当分子和分母被over或divided by连接时,分子分母均用基数词。如:‎ ‎1/4: a/one fourth/a (one) quarter/one over four/one divided by four ‎3/4: three fourths/three quarters ‎2 3/5: two and three fifth(出现带分数时,整数部分与分数部分用and连接)‎ ‎4、比例的表达法 ‎2:5:the ratio of two to five ‎10:5=2:the ratio of ten to five is/equals two ‎5、大于或小于的表达法 ‎3+8<15:three plus eight is less than fifteen ‎15>3+8:fifteen is greater than three plus eight ‎6、平方、立方及方根的表达 ‎42=16: four squared is sixteen ‎43=64:four cubed is sixty-four ‎24=16:two to the power of four(fourth power)is sixteen 根号下4=2:The square (second) root of four is two.‎ 根号下27的三次方=3:The cube (third) root of twenty-seven is three.‎ ‎7、单项式及多项式的表达 X2:x square(squared)‎ y3:y cube(cubed)‎ ‎24:2(raised)to the fourth power a2+3b=8:a squared and three times b makes eight a3-5b=6:a cubed minus five times b equals six ‎(7+根号16+24/8)—(2×7)=0:seven plus the square root of sixteen,plus twenty-four eighths,minus two times seven,equals zero ‎8、折扣的表达 七八折:twenty-two percent discount 九五折:five percent discount 英美楼层的不同表达法 下面通过一个表比较英国和美国英语中楼层的不同 层数 英语 美语 第一层 ground first 第二层 first second 第三层 second third 在美语中,x层就用x相应的序数词表示,而英语除了第一层用ground表示,其他的x层便用x-1的序数词表示。‎ 在此补充floor、story、storey三个词的用法:‎ ‎①floor表示“层数”,指的是“第几层”,常同on连用。如:‎ He lives on the second floor.‎ ‎②story表示“楼层”时,与storey同义,指的是层数(即多少层),常同基数词连用构成复合词,但不能和on连用。如:‎ I live in a flat of ten stories (storey).‎ I live in a ten-story/storey flat.‎ He lives on the second story.(误)‎ I live in a ten-floor flat.(误)‎ ‎③storeyed是形容词,意为“有…层”,常构成复合词。如:‎ a eighteen-storeyed building a many-storeyed hospital 年代及年月日的表达法 ‎1875年:eighteen seventy-five,eighteen hundred and seventy-five ‎1960s(1960’s)20世纪60年代:nineteen sixties ‎450B.C公元前450年:four fifty B.C ‎476A.D公元476年:four seventy-six A.D ‎87.B.C公元前87年:eighty-seven B.C 在14世纪初期(中期、晚期):in the early(mid、late)fourteenth century 在50年代:in the 50s(50’s),in the fifties ‎3月8号:march (the)eighth或march eight,the eighth(day)of march 年月日的顺序在英式英语中为日月年,美式英语中为月日年。‎ 年龄的表达法 ‎1、确切年龄(即…岁)的表达法 ‎①at the age of+基数词或at+基数词,基数词不再加years old,这种表示法常作状语。如:‎ At the age of eight, he joined a group of child dancers and at seventeen, he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors.‎ ‎②be+基数词,此结构常作后置定语且数词后不能再加years old。如:‎ At that time, he was just a boy of sixteen.‎ ‎③be+基数词+years old,此结构中的years old可省去或将old改为of age。如:‎ He kept on studying English until he was over 70 (years old).‎ Next year, he will be twenty years of age.‎ ‎④aged+基数词,此结构常用后置定语。如:‎ Mr. Smith, an engineer aged 30, works in north China.‎ ‎⑤基数词 +year + old构成合成词。如:‎ She is a twenty-year-old girl.‎ ‎2、大概年龄的表示法 形容词性物主代词+基数词复数,表示“在某人大约…岁时”,在形容词性物主代词后也可加上early,middle或late。如:‎ The old man died in his late eighties.‎ He became the professor in his forties.‎ 注意:英语中的in one’s teens指的是从13岁到19岁这个年龄段因为从thirteen到nineteen几个词都有词根-teen,一般译为“十几岁”或“不到20岁”,所以十几岁不能说in one’s tens。‎ 时刻表示法 英语中的时刻表示法常用两个介词past和to表达,past表示“过了…”,to表示“还差”,不过都应限制在30分钟内。如:‎ fifty past five(误) thirty-five to six(误)‎ ten to five(正) twenty-five past six(正)‎ 对时间的表达法应注意以下几点:‎ ‎①用了a.m或p.m便不能再用o’clock,不能说at 8 o’clock ‎ a.m。a.m和p.m前用数字,不用文字,表示时刻说:8:00a.m,不说出钟点时不用a.m或p.m。‎ ‎②“零点”用zero hours或zero hour表示。‎ 基数词+名词和基数词+名词-ed构成的合成词 ‎1、基数词+名词可以构成复合形容词表示数量,a two-hour meeting。基数词+名词-ed也可构成复合形容词,通常表示人或物的特征,如a three-legged table,a one-eyed boy。‎ a ten-storey building侧重层数 a ten-storeyed building侧重特点 ‎2、这类复合形容词中间均要加连字符,名词用单数,均为前置定语形容词,不可置于名词后作定语或用作表语。如:‎ Mr. Smith lives in a six-room flat.(正)‎ Mr. Smith lives in a six-roomed flat.(正)‎ Mr. Smith lives in a flat six-room.(误)‎ Mr. Smith lives in a flat six-roomed.(误)‎ 注:此种结构“数词+名词+形容词”中间加连字符同2用法相同。如:‎ It is a two-meter-wide desk.(正)‎ It is a desk two meters wide.(正)‎ The desk is two meters wide.(正)‎ It is a desk two-meter-wide.(误)‎ The desk is two-meter-wide.(误)‎