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」 第一部分:昕力(共两节, 20小题, 满分30分) 第-节{共s,J飞题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分} 1-5 BAACB 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 6-10 CBACC 11-15 AABCB 16-20 ACCBB 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分35分) 第-节{共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分} 21-23 BOC 24-26 ADB 27-30 CBDA 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 31一35FBDCA 第三部分: 语言运用(共两节, 满分45分) 第-节:完形填空{共20/J飞题;每题1.5分,满分30分} 36-40 BACCO 41-45 ABADC 46-50 BDABD 第二节{共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分} 51-55 CDCBA 56.a bing 57. marked 58. to 59. However 60. distur 61. were punished where 62. galleries 第四部分写作{共两节,满分40分} 第一节:应用文写作{满分15分) One possible version: Dear Anxiety, 63. internationally 64. has gained 65. |’m sor「y to know that you are experiencing a tough time now. Actuall弘everyone see ms to have one of those pe「iods when they are under great pressure, so there is no need t o worry too much. In my opinion, sharing your feelings with you「 friends is a wise choice as you can 「em ove your negative emotions. Another effective suggestion is that you shOL』 Id take more ph ysical exercise, which can lift your spirit. Also, keep an optimistic attitude towards life abo ut your future. I hope my advice will be of benefit to you. May you get rid of your trouble soon. 第二节:读后续写{满分25分} Yours since「ely Li Hua 1.A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp. Mounting anger mingled with hunger ov erwhelming him, he smashed his paws frantically against the wire fence, thrusting his sharp claws at u s. Panicked as we were, Elli and I squealed at the top of ou『 lungs, waved our fists at him and stamped 「 「 泊头一中2021届高三第一次月考英语答案 」 L heavily on the ground in an attempt to intimidate and scare him away. To ou『 dismay, all these efforts were in vain. This sturdy bear 『elentlessly banged and shoved the wooden posts which were evidently o n the ve『ge of collapsing! This bulky and furious beast within a stone’s th『ow, I flinched back and huddl ed with Elli tightly. Chilly winds whipping ou『 faces, I could hear nothing but the sound of our hea同s thr obbing violently in our chests At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. The gusting wind from the hovering vehicle swept away ou r choking fea『 immediately. Out of the helicopter descended a rope to haul us up. Thrilled yet relieved, w e clutched the rope and eventually landed on the helicopter safe and sound. While overlooking the chu nky bea『 f『om high above, I was amazed to spot this stubborn guy had c『ushed the fence and headed t owa『d OU『 camp for the inviting ga『lic bread. At this once-in-a-lifetime moment, I reached into my back pack and pulled out the camera, photographing that impressive scene. Gazing at his broad back in the melting ice field, I wondered if it was the warmer planet that had forced the bear to hunt for food from t he human regions. 2.A few minutes later; the bear headed back to our camp. Having been a nge『ed by the spray, the bear st a「ted pounding the fence violently. I felt an urge to do something, b吐t my body froze from terror. At this critical moment, Elli ran out of the cabin with a bag of garlic bread. Before I realized her intentions, she tossed the bag across the fence, which landed in a bush fa『 away. At this sight, the bear walked away fr om the fence and sta「ted making its way toward the bush. At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. Two wildlife control workers emerged from the aircraft wea ring counte『-assault overalls. The 旦旦�豆豆of the helicopter sti『「ed the bear, which made a clumsy leap in to the bush and sta「ted crawling toward the forest away from the 『escue wo『kers. I recollected myself a nd managed to snatch some 旦旦旦旦旦二before the bear wholly disappeared into the forest. The worke「sl eft us with some pine-based dete『gent, for its smell is supposed to deter bears. 3. A few minutes later; the bear headed back to our camρ. The odo『 of the food was more tempting t o him than the burn of the peppe『豆旦旦旦l With g『owing fea『, E血and I packed up our camp as quickly as possible. I could clea『ly hea『 the “SMACK" of the bear's enormous paws pushing at the 坠旦旦旦 Elli shout ed at me with he『 shivering voice, ”Why did you need to get close-up 旦旦且旦豆 of a pola『 bear? This fenc e won't keep us 豆豆豆 if that bear tears it down'” At that very moment, the helicopter a『rived. The roa『 of the engine shocked the young bear away fro m the fence. We gratefully 旦旦 towards the helicopter! As we circled the snowy a『ea, I took some mo『e 旦 hotoaraohs of the bea『『acing along with the snow. Gradually, ou『 heartbeats returned to no『mal as we got close「 to the main camp. I looked through the pictu『es I had taken: a little danger was worth the 『e ward of my close-ups of a hung『y, young pola『 bea『l 4. A 危w minutes later; the bear headed back to our camp. The pepper spray hadn’t sca『ed him awa y! The bear crashed both of his giant paws against the fence. I was te『rifled. Then Elli had a genius ide a ”He likes the smell of the b『ead. So, let's give it to him!” she said. She ran over and grabbed the garlic bread. The smell of the food was enchanting. Elli threw the bread right ove『 the fence. It landed in front of the bea『. The bear ate the dough in one gulp. Snap! I took a pictu『e. At that very mome叨t the helicopter arri, fied bea『 away. The wind whipped my hair into my eyes as the helicopter landed. “We could stay now,” Elli said. I was so scared that my stomach hurt. I checked my camera ro川, and my face transformed int o a huge smile.”No;’ l told h町, “Let与pack up camp. We already have a lot of amazing pictures.” 5. A few minutes later, the bea『 headed back to our camp. Then we realized 「 「 」 that the spray had only angered him even more, for he seemed much fiercer this time and violently pushed the fence like mad. My heart raced wildly, not knowing what to do. At this critical moment, E grabbed seve『al pieces of garlic bread and th『ew them over the fence. It worked: The bea『 stopped the attack and ran to the bread. But it wasn’t long before he ate up all the bread and came back again At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. ’Thank goodness we are saved I” Eli cried out. Once the helicopter landed, we got onto it in no time, excited and relieved. When we we『e safe on the helicopter up in the air, 1 was amazed to spot that the bea『 had finally torn down the fence and ran towards the food we left behind. I quickly took out the came「a and photographed the rare scene-we we『e robbed by a polar bear! (续写词 数:153) 昕力原文: Text 1 L W: I saw a photo of you on Facebook with Shell町! She was my best f『iend in sixth grade. I can't believe you know her, too. Did you meet he『 in college? M: No. I met her at a summer writina course we took last vear. She’s great. Text 2 W: I'd like some toast with butter a「d an iced tea, please. M:AII 『ight. $2 fo『 the toast, so your tota I comes to $5.50. W: Actually, I'd also like to O『der a side salad. M: Sure. You『 total will be $8.50. Text 3 M: The Internet isn飞working. I know I paid the bill on time. Did you turn it off? W: No, I didn’t. The lights aren't working, either. I think the cower has been shut off. Text 4 W: I need to make a dish for Ma m ’s pa「ty on Saturday. I also have my sister’s graduation to attend on Friday. I feel st「essed out. M:Don’t foraet we’re also meetina mv m。m fo『lunch on Sundav. Text 5 M: Are there any items that a『e on sale? W: The shelf in the corne『 is 50% off. Most of ou『 winte『jack副s are on that shelf. Our shoe s are also buy one, get one free. Next month. we’re havina our winter sale. so vou can alwavs check back then as well. Text 6 M: Good morning. How can I help you? W: Hello. I need to aet this dress cleaned. I spilled pasta sauce on it last night. It’s silk, so I can’t wash it at home. Do you think it’s ruined? M: Oh, no, I can get that out fo「 you. It will be ready tomorrow mor们ing. W:I’m going to a work event tonight and I need to wear it. Do vou think vou can have it re 「 「 」adv bv this aftern。。n? M: Sure, I can do that for you. Whv don’t vou come back around 4:00 o.m.? W: That's oerfect. Thank vou so much. Text 7 W: Do you know what a smoothie is? M: Sure. A smoothie is fr」it juice mixed with milk or ice cream. W: I just read an article about smoothies. They may not be so good for us afte「 all. M:Why? L W: Well. vou’re likelv c。叫sumina m。re calories and suaar than bv eatina wh。le fruits O『 veaetables. M: This is pretty healthy. I used voau网,a banana. three strawberries. and some milk. W:Acco「ding to the article, drinking a whole smoothie in a few minutes is much worse for you than eating the same ingredients in fifteen mi川tes. M:Why? W: The substance in the fruit and vegetables slows down the time your body processes th e sugar. But when you drink a smoothie, you’II just feel hung「ier later. You should read t he article. M: Thanks. but I'll be stickina with mv mornina smoothie. Text 8 M: Judy, you look sad. What’s up? W: Jack, I just talked to my father. He’s making me quit the play at the Grand Hall. Acting is everything to me, but he doesn’t know that. And he has never asked me what I want. M: Have you ever told him what you just told me? About your strong feelings about act in g? You ever show him that? W: I can’t talk to him that way. M: You are trying to be a good daughter, but you have to talk to him. You have to show hi m who you are and what is in your heart. W: I know what he'll say. He'll iust tell me to out it out of mv mind. M: You need to prove your love of acting with you「 determination. What about the play? W: The show is tomo「『ow night. M: Well. vou have to talk to him before tomorrow niaht. W:lsn’t there an easier wav? M:No. W:Well.1’II trv. Thanks. Text 9 W:The「e's a place in Venezuela where lightning strikes about 200 days a year. M: Are you serious? W: Yep. Locals call it "the Never-Endina Storm of Catatumb。” because the area is near t he Catatumbo River. Scientists found that most of the lightning st「ikes between April and November. NASA named the area "the Liahtnina Caoital of the World” . M: Why does the area get so many sto「ms? W: The Andes Mountains are on one side of the river. and the Caribbean Sea is on the ot h主E豆id_皇_,_Cool mountain winds move into the valley and hit warm sea air, creating the p erfect conditions for lightning. M: Are the people there af「aid of getting hit? W: Most people stay inside at night, but they don’t really worry about it. The chances of bei 「 「 」ng st「uck by lightning are pretty slim. In the U.S., about one out of every 12,000 people get s hit in their lifetime. L M: Yeah, but were talking about an area that gets st「uck by lightning about 80% of the tim e. W: True. This article 明vs that near the Catatumbo River. one in three oeoole aets struck evervvear. M: Wow. That's reallv scarv! I would never ao 。utside if I lived the「e. Text 10 Well, folks, it’s time for the weekly weather report. We have a lot of different kinds of weather coming at us over the next several days. On Monday and 丁uesday, the weathe「 wi II be just as pleasant as it has been lately. Warm days, cooler nights, with a light wind from the ocean coming across the hills: beautiful late summer weather - s。 aet outside and e nj垒卫ill By Tuesday evening, though, the weather will turn. Well be getting the fi 「st of the a utumn rains. The storm system will come down from the north, from the direction of Frem ont. Our area will be hit hardest with rain - we shOl」Id receive up to an inch of rain overnig ht! With the storm, mJch cooler weather will come. You’d better pack your summer clothe s away, because you won't need them for a long time! Bv Fridav mornina. all the wet weat her will have oassed. But the temperatures will d「op even further into the weekend. And si nce Gil「oy is not very close to the sea, we can expect the weathe『 to remain cool fo『 quite s ome time. But if we get lucky, well have hot weather once more befo「e winter. Late Seote mber and ea riv October aenerallv brina a couole of weeks that feel like summer. 「 「