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⒛II山东省日照市中考英语试卷 一、听力 略 二、单项选择 (共 ‘小题,计 15分 ) 21. -lDo you know_ˉ ____——lnall standing there? -I only know hcls flom__ˉ _̄_ˉ Europcan count1y. ( ) A. a: all B. 山e; t11cC, the: a D。 a; tllc 22, Thc buildings in thc old lnarkct havc bccn puIlcd do、 vn to rnakc________for a ncw park in our clty. ( ) A.roo1nB。 placc C. arca D, ground 23. -Thc cost offood and clod1ing is going up ncarly cvcry day· -I/cs, d〕 c pricc ofvcgctablcs is rnuch_______ˉ dlan bcforc。 ( ) A· 09Cnsivc B, highcr C。 high D. chcapcr 24, I likc houscs ncar thc scasidc, butI don℃ havc cnough llloncy to buy______— —· ( ) A.it B.tllis C.山 at D.one 25. -Am Ilatc? -No。 Thc spcakcr hasju哎 a血vcd。 Youivc_____n°thlllg.( ) A.caught B。 missed C。 got D. lo哎 26.Idon℃ 1ikc wcstcm bod.I sc1dom catit __Igoto MacDonald wi由 my daughtcr,( ) A.if B. whcn C。 as D, unlcss 27.-lllly dldll℃ Maγ ∞c mc wavc(挥 手 )to kr? -shc in thc Othcr dircction. ( ) A。 looked B. has lookcdC. was looking D. is looking 28. I stoppcd1aughing、 vhen I rcalizcd1ny fathcr、 vas about it. ( ) A.crazyB. schous C.carc1iL11 D. spcciaI 29. -That must bc卜Ⅰr, John. -No,k bc hm。 I saw Ⅱm oIfat dle arport halfan hour ago.( ) A. may not B。 musm℃ c。 call℃ D。 neeth℃ 30. TIle volunteer teachers Ⅱ1thc⋯ a1arcas arc ~ˉ co11ege students. ( ) A.mainly B。 ncarly C. c1cady D, 1ifccIy 31.-Do汐ukˉllOw Lunch in Heacn(天 堂午餐 )? -An onlinc mox/· lC.Ijust_____ˉ it yes妃rday and I wab movcd to tcars.( ) A。 watchcd B.wⅡ watching C.wil1watchD.have watchcd 32. I______——smoking in thc end, bccausc itis not a1lowcd in pubⅡ cindoor placcsin our coun缸 y now. ( ) A, gavc OJ:)(∶ B. gavc up C。 gavc in D. gave away 33.Thanks~ˉ ˉ̄ __——̄ your hclp,or、vc couldn’ t flnish thc、 vork~__~ˉ —̄—̄ such a rainy day,( ) A, to; in B. to; on C. to; in D. 钇r; on 34, I’rn uscd to hi1n emaⅡ s instcad of hhn lcttcrs. ( ) A.scnd: wHtc B.scnd; w1∶ iung C. scnding: whting D.scnding; wcrc 35. I donit know , butI guess he1nay bc a】 cacher。 ( ) A. wh狨 is hc B.how hc docs⒒ C, what he does D。 what docs hc do 三、完形填空 (共 1小题,计 10分 )阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所 给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 An cight-ycar-old chⅡ d hcard hcr parcnts talking about hcr1ittlc brothcr. /`l1shc knc、 v was J1at hc was vcr`sick and thcy、vere (36) ___ˉ ˉ̄ J̄ ′vhCn sbe hcard11cr dad say to hcr tcarR" motllcr."On1y a miraclc(奇 迹 )ca11皿vc lllm now",曲 c li仗 lc gkI hu“ cd to tllc chcmisrs (药 店 )(37)____p⒒ hcr pockct moncy in hand。 "What do you、 vant? "asked the chen〕 ist, "My1itt1e brothcr is rca1ly, rca11y sick and I、 vant to buy a miraclc。 Hc11as so111cd1ing bad gro、ving insidc11is hcad and my daddy says only a miraclc can savc hhn。 " "Wcdon℃ (38) n1iraclcs hcrc, child。 I】1n sony. ’thc chcn1ist said, looking(39) at thc1ittlc glr1. In the shop lx,as a、 vcⅡ-drcsscd customcr. He asked thc littlc gir△ "What kind ofrniraclc docs your brothcr (40) _____— —? " ’lI don’ t kno、v, "shC rCphcd. "Hcls rca1ly sick and Inotllmy says hc nccds a (n) (41)~ˉˉ̄ˉ̄ -· :ut1ny daddy can’ t (42)~ˉˉ̄ _̄_ˉ it’ s° I have brought a11111y pocket money。 ’i "Ho、v much do you havc? "askcd thc1nan, "Onc dollar and clcvcn ccnts, "shc answcrcd quicdy. "We11,what a∞ incidcncc(巧合 ),"smⅡ ed tlle man."A dollar and eleven cents tllc(43) pricc ofa nliraclc f`Dr your littIc brotllcr。 " That rnan、vas Dr Carlton Annstrong, a doctor. Thc opcration、 vas con1p1ctcd for Ⅱcc and it 、vasn℃ long (44) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ˉ̄ thC litt1c brothcr、 vas homc and、vc11again. Thc htdc girl、vas happy. shc kncw cxacdy ho、 v rnuch thc rniraclc cost,¨ one doⅡ ar and c1cvcn cents.¨ p1us (力 口) the (45) ~ ofa little chⅡ d. 36. A。 poor B. hopchl C. nclvous D. kind 37. A. of B。 shout C. on D. witll 38, A.send B.preparc C. se1l D.provide 39, A. hclpnllly 40.A.prefcr 41. A. changc 42, A. savc 43. A. samc 44. A. bc允 rc 45. A. 1ovc B, sadly B, suggcst B. education B, spare B.cxact B,whcn B.clcvcrncss C. happily C. carc C.operation C. suppolt C. propcr C.until C. couragc I). coldly D。 nccd D. toy D. anbrd I). ncccssaγ D。 atcr 1). intcrcst. 四、阅读理解 (共 3小题,计 30分 )阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 s丫AGE RRIssi器嚣 dax【 ces:T蛤 幽 钾回←t`嵌 ;亡 ′1′’↑e$o衮旷 D镢 c卺 L各LlxlC(薮圃 l呐 狂 扌犯·‘ 愈皤黢 R龋 豳 曲 g犭 v仓 IK¤1λ×阝R钐宙¤△es i瑟 络氓 |诹豁 T甘 t鼬ξ塞 茳蜜 氽喊 y$曦 球晦e搬 惫胺蚺 饣it坛忿t豫☆】 。 龋郄 鼬 dw婚 s;弼 戴 确 器s 珞、vε $睨 敏c营渡tC◇魏 各n遘 △冲 ;丈玄d饿浅'炷 o狻gC奄$ “溆 : λ lO菸戆^冫9; 3香 p豫≈Ju溶寺蕊$-ˉ 2蕊 P;息ce:Ξ披嗜玄盔盔裘确 守食铲C。 1s5,Xi抵 ·掂 9礴讠e,X讠 C缸搬 瑟Ⅸ 薮 oct 】eΣ : 吞葚心每↓-4258 CoXCERT F0狂 klIs莰疼:A们¤◆预 ◇FCk哆 $i守 s◇f也i露e赏 心玟璁珞矮亡碎t;翳馊t钾眨逸CIa嗡 豸撬森》 黾 猃 仓:∷ 3番 p锊 ^Ⅱ 母 :g母 p拟 J多钮 扌 】6 P钮c⒍ 蕊,£k忖xi碱盱硷器i谗 `′ 汪¢扳鬯豫秦£污妯 心甘 了e宝 :慈 5贽一晷285 变X¤¤¤T10`s 玉Jtt sLon· :s】 如 絷 $c蜣该铽 娥 bv色 :砌 X蕊 io逄缸 辍 l·j嘟 厣 茁 露 ◇扌 钮 爸W钣 V豳 谳 ζ 艋 `抵 冬猢 黝 ˇTk 妯 恝漆 惫强 e驳缸 ˉ 畲it诲聂 猢背 镫 ade∶避 芒钿如 t,◇瑟茁 C愆女恩es各 各玄、1e Ⅱ 邋 ¢ §。 泌 勰 ˉ 5:◇ ◇ p馋,J宙 筏e】 孬一 J溆 e蕊 9 j冫 ;a奋磴:伞 :】蘑 `杰 ;宓爻 `◇ 鸭 Lu 了艹 劬 9艾一£妁 2 o濉 g凵⒖sΞ息 p茁kaps yok孓 锅诳 拄鼯 婶 裰¤砍 ^旺 鸭吏鼙鬻 y子《受晒F”、燧∮◇波d;k toim卩 oI¢ 阝讧 b;螺 :P骁碑s I、⒕w湘屺 1锒e lt31念跤妗:心苫 驳◇g to pr守 s态妄◇喊 狡笆¤J&“L‘取零j1~Fo埝 摭瘢 峦c氵g茁·w寻馥 神峦邸 y̌嗾 W咬IC皈守钮众 C◇螫睽如汗o贽 用》S0各 46, Hoxv can you gcttickcts ifyou、vant to、vatch u1c Russian dance? A.At tlle tickct window. B, At Bci zhan Theatre. C. Tlrough tickct hotlincs and、 vcbsitcs, D. In Xichcng District。 47. How long docsthc Kitc sho、 v1ast? A。 Four days. B。 Thrcc days。 C.Fivc days。 D。 Tbro days。 48. Ifyou wantto rclax yoursclf on thc cvening ofJune16, you can only choosq A. Rus蚯 all dallccs B。 Folk mu“ c C.Kitc show D. Onlhe blog dass 49. Ifyou1ikc thc Kitc show, you should caⅡ 。 A.6606-4258 B,6559-8285. C6491 -2902 D,6941 -2902 50. Which ofthc following is not right? ~ A. Thc kitcs on cxhibition arc rnadc in traditional Chincsc styIc. B.Thc concclt is about Chhcsc f0lk music, C. If you arc14ycars old, you can’ t choose thc Onlinc blog c1asscs. D. You can stalt your onhne blog class on Junc8, B Eveγ year OIl my b汛 lldγ ,岔om tllc0mc1ttlmed12,a white叩ldellh(栀 子 花 )wⅡ 国 lt to my housc. It did not comc with a card or notc of any kind, but I lovcd thc bcauty and swcct smell oftllc f【 owcr. And I ncvcr stoppcd imaging who thc givcrrnight bc. My rnothcr hclpcd1nc to imaginc. Shc’ d ask n1c ifI had donc somcthing kind for anyonc. Pcrhaps thc ncighbor I’ d hclped carη /hcavy bags hr, or one ofrny classmates、 vho I hclpcd thc lcssons、 Vith. As a teenager, u1ough, I had1norc 血nd1inking thatit rnight bc a boy Ilikcd at school, Whcn I was I7, a boy brokc my hcart and I cricd mysclfto slccp. 、Vhcn I、 vokc up in thc moming, thcrc、″as a1ncssagc On my mi1△ or, "If we let sadness go, happincss wⅡ l surcly come to you。 "Ithought aboutthosc、vords for a long tlmc. ′氵V11cn I flna11Ⅴ 、vcntto gctthc gIass clcancr, mⅤ mothcr kncv`cvel△ /thinfI、Ⅳas aⅡ ri售Iht a彡Iain. onc1nond1bcforc I士inishcd high school, my士 athcr lcft us壬 orcvcr, I Iost intcrcst in all the cc1cbrating activitics such as thc class play, taking photos、 vith classmatcs bcforc lcaving thc high school whcrc I had stLIdicd forthrcc years。 ~Ald1ough rny rnother、 vas very sad, shc stil1cncouraged mc to tnkc partin a11thosc. shc、 Ⅳantcd hcr chⅡ d to havc a scnsc thatthcrc、 vas sti1l bcau” in the 免cc ofbad luck,justlkc thc galdcniaˉ lovcly, strong and pelfcct. My1nothcr dicd10days aRcr I、vas rnanncd. I was26. That、 vas thc ycar gardcnias stopped con11ng. 51. Frolll thc agc of~___ˉ ~̄, tllC Writcr bcgan to rcccivc a gardcnia cvcγ ycar on hcr bilthday. A17 B12 C26 D.10 笼 .W腕 t caIl we血 fer(推断 ) fTom the mdcrlhcd seIltence h Paragraph3? A。 MoJ1cr was dcvcr. B. I was still sad. C。 Thc glass was dlb/. D. MothCr rcaⅡ y undcrstood mc. 53. Thc、vritcr1ost intercst in activitics bcforc lcaving high school bccausc_______' A, n。 a。wers Were sentto hcr B. a boy broke her hear C。 hcr兔tllcr dlcd D.tllcrc w“ no bcau″ in hCl h1fi:; 54. In fact it、 vas who scntthc nowcrs. A。 血e writeΓ s免thcr B.tlle writcrs m。 ther C。 a boy classmatc D. onc ofthc ncighbors 55.Thc passagc mainly taks about . A. mothcrs1。 vc B, thc writc尸 s bad luck C, teenagers’ problcms whⅡ c groll,ing up D, ho、v to pacc dificultIes。 C Ho、v can you buy a rncalfor1unch、 vithout any lnoncy in your pockct? studcnts in Class9, Gradc8at Mountain and Lakc Midd1c SchooIin Chcngdu, sichuan, havc thcir、 vays. Thcy givc out¤rrs(传单 ),dlaw portlaits(人 物 素描 ) aI1d wolk凼 w缸 tcrs, Thc class,wOrking in cight groups,1:inishcd thc activity.Expcricncing IΙ 免允r scvcn Hours, on March18,"I found sttldents、 vastc thcir food in the dinLng haⅡ ,"d1e class teacher,Dcng Guiyong said, "so Ihc1dd〕 is activity to hclp thcm undcrstand ho、 v hard itis to1nakc moncy, " Jiang Yao, 15, and his group1mcmbcrs stood in thc streets giving out nycrs for about b″o hours and gotthc rnoney forthe△ lunch, Then they、vorked as、vaitcrs in a pizza restaurant clcaning tllc a。 。r; and toⅡ cts and gc优 ing bod Rr gucsts, "Wc、 Vcrc busy a11along, so、ve、VCrc tcnobly cxhaustcd aItcr d1c dayts hard、 vork. "said Jiang. "Xl/c cach got a pizza as a prizc, which tastcd much bcttcrthan onc I ate、 vith my parcnts bcbrc。 " 玑hcn Xic Niis group didn℃ 1nakc any Inoncy in山 rcc hours, thc mcmbcrs bccamc ncR/ous about thcir1unch。 Thc14ycaro1d girl came up、vith the idea of drax△ ·lng poJⅡ aits to seⅡ , ’ I sold four poltlaits and onc tourist cvcn paid us I00,van允 r his portrait, "said Xic. Xic rcaⅡ zcd that hfc is rcaⅡ y hard. 灬淝c havc to xNzork hard to gct曲 e moncy to pay壬 or cvcn a silllple mea1. "》 【ic said, "We must value the happy li1o today. " ‘ ^ on top ofmaking rnoncy, cach group、 vas askcd to do atlcast壬ivc good dccds duhng d1c scvcn hours. smdcnts hclpcd thc old cross thc road, gavc dircctions to tourists and tLlrncd in a lost bus c盯d. 56. Fronn thc tcachcr’ s、vords, 、vc Can sCc d1at thc stLIdcnts . A. usua11y、vastc允 od in d1cir daⅡ y li11c B. rcaⅡ zc li1℃ is rcally not casy C. kno、 v it’s hard to Inakc moncy D. have tlleir Own ways to get允od witllout moncy 57. Thc undcrIincd word"cxhaustcd"in Paragraph3mcans~ˉ ~ˉ___. A。 happy B, crazy C. tircd D。 boring 58. h ordcrto m瓦ke1noney, 山e stt【dents havc donc a1l cxccpt . A。 hclp thc old cross thc road B, givc Out±lycrs C.dlaw po1打 缸“ D。 Wolk as w缸 tcls 59. Thc ptllPosc ofthis activity is to~ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ . A. lct tllc stLldcnts gct foOd B. hclp thc smdcnts lcann to valuc thcir todayls li】 ℃ C. hclp pcoplc in nccd D. give d1e smdcnts a chancc to lcaIIlto、 vork 6o. u,llatls thc bcst titlc for thc passagc? ~ A. Lifc Is Rcally Hald B. ICs Good To Bc A Voluntccr C。 IIow To work For PcopIc D, Experiencing Life For seven Hours. 五、词汇运用 (共两节,计 ⒛分)第一节单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示,写出下列句子 中单词的完全形式。(共 10小题,计 10分 ) 61. Thousands ofv~ˉ ___ˉ-c° mcto our chy£ or sightsccing cvc。 /ycar. 62. Ifyou、 Ⅳantto keep6t, you nced to cat h~ and take1nore exercisc. 63. Augustis thc c__~ˉˉ̄ J̄nond1ofthc ycar, 64.Thc littlc girl lookcd vcry w~bccausc shc lost hcr way. 65. I got up latc this rnoming, so IleR home、 v~having brcakfast. 甾 .Thc dog noating(漂流 ) oll曲e∞a was found alld ca血 cd to (安 全 ) in thc clld aJ〔i[cr the ealthquake. 67.Motllcr always sγ s you call℃ (相 信 ) aⅡ tl△at pcopk泷 y online. 68.Havc you gotthc____(最新的 ) ncws about tllc dIi政ing and driving in Bc刂 ing? 69.Japallese pcopk ar廴 ___(教 ) how to prcp盯 c for c狂hqu酞cs岔om all carll,鸭 e. 70.Sincc la哎 ycar, tllc9squarc Dlaγ h凼 bccome_____(流 彳亍自勺)onlIllc, ∞pC0al~ among young pcoplc. 第二节用方框内所给音讯的适当形式填空。(共 1小题,计 10分 ) someone, moVe, car由 l, student, 血 g, vounε , answcr, whcn, with, a旺 rv I took叩 my frstjob as a teacller。 The(71)___血 my class were about血 teen or scvcntccn ycars old,only scvcral ycars (72)~_ than me.h fact,some ofthem Iooked o1der and seemedInorelke grOMups.And some of曲 em even ddn℃ listcn to me(73) 血dass。 Tlae c1assroom was on thc sccond Ⅱoor and⒒ was dL℃ ctly above thc strcct.Onc day,I was wnting on由 c blackbo删 (74) I hcard a sudden changc in the noisc bchind rnc. Thcrc was a1nan s切 nding in the roolll、 Vith half an app1e in his hand. He looked (75) , "Ⅵ11o tlrc、 vd1is? "hc shoutcd, looking around thc c1ass. "I bcg your pardon? "I said。 ’l (76)~ˉˉ̄ˉ̄— thrC、v this applc Out oftllc、 vindo、 v。 ’thC said, ’ Itlanded on Iny ca1. l’ "Who thre、v ala applc Out ofthc、 vindo、v? "I shoutcd to thc c1ass,孔 cfc was no(77) . "I wantthc Onc、vho d1rc、v this. "said thc n〕 an, "I、 `i1l bc waiting outsidc1or you. "And thcn hc lca, slamming(捐垦) tllc door. Thcre was sil。。ncc and I wcnt on (78) tllc lcsson. Atu1c cnd。 fcvely lesson, as thc bcⅡ rang, usuaⅡ y thc class wcrc aⅡ gone bebre it flnished (79) ______— ’ lCaving rllc saying"That’ s all for today, "to an clllp0/room. This tiIllc, 、vhen thc bc1l wcntforthc cnd ofthc1csson, no one (80) . ’lThatls all for today, "I said, llYou go irst, sir. "said one ofthe boys. It1nadc a nicc change, be△ 1g flrst out. 六、阅读表达 (共 1小题,计 5分)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题 . Wc arc all asked to makc a spccch at so1nc pointin1i1℃ , butrnost of us don’ t do a vcly good job.This altlclc gl△ ·cs us somc suggcbtions on how to makc an cxccllcnt spccch. UsuaⅡy peoplc arc of、cn a岔aid oflnaking a speech in pubhc. You get ncⅣ ous, you壬orgct what you wantto say, you talk too long, and you gct your audicncc borcd, Latcr you daink, "Thank Goodncss!卩 s over.Ilmjust not good狨 pub1ic spcaking,I hopc I will ncvcr havc to do tllat agau1. " Chccr up ! It docsnlt havc to bc that hard, Hcrc arc somc silnplc stcps to makc prcparations.Firsuy,ask yoursclfd1c purposc ofyour spccch.Why are you spcaking? sccondly, collect“ many facts杰 you call on your mbJect.Thirdly,叩 cnd cnough0mc o呜all讫ing your matcrial so that your spccch is clear and easy to bllow. Usc as rnany cxamplcs as possiblc, and use p忆 tures,chalts and graphs(图 苏乏) iftlley help m狄 c your points de盯 er。 Lastly,never folget your audiencc. Trcat your audicncc xvith rcspcct。 Thcy、vn1bc thankml。 Just rcmcmbcr!Bc prcparcd.Xmow yoursu句 Cct and your au山 cncc.Bc bHcf.say what you havc to say and tllcn stop.And be youself.Let yot】 l pcrsonal” (个性 ) come tlrough so th扯 you makc pcrsc,11ω pe‘on∞ntact-联 系 )w油 your audi∞ ce. Ifyou fo11ow tlacsc si11亠 plc stcps, you wⅡ l sce that you don】 t havc to be afraid。 f spc洫 g in pubhc. h fact,vournaVfmdthe exDeⅡ ence so eniovable thatⅤ ouvoh】 lateerto make Fnore s° eeches! Havc a1ry and ice what happcns。 81. Thc sccond paragraph lllainly tc1l us 眨.What血ould you do when you arc prcpanng a spcccl△ ? (至少列出三个建议 ) 83.The undcrlincd plrase"BeorieP h paragaph4meanβ 84. Translatc thc undcrhned sentencc in thc last paragraph into Chincsc. 85.请给短文拟定一个适当的英文标题。____ 七、习作 (共两节,计 ⒛ 分 ) 86.因 为交通拥挤,今早我又迟到了 . I、vas late again d1is n1orning~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ _ the hcavy traⅡ k. 87.经过一天的努力,他们终于扑灭了森林大火 . Aftcr a day`hard、 Ⅳork, tllcy~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ ̄tllc forcst fIrc at last. 88.该动身了,飞机 — 小时后起飞 . hmc sct。n1 sincc】 bc plane硒△Ⅱ talcc ofin an hour。 89.休息会吧,我太累了,不能再走了. Lcfs have a rest, I’m 0rcd wak any fMher。 90.如果父母读读自己孩子的微博,就能更好地了解他们的想法 . ~ parents can rcad thcir childrcnls n1icroblogs, tI1cy~ kn0、vd1cir thoughts bctter. 第二节情景表达 (共 1题,计 10分 ) 目前,我市正在争创省级文明城市,但社会仍然存在着一些类似如图所示的不良现象 , 这与文明城市的要求相去甚远.作为一名中学生,在 日常生活中,我们应该干什么?不应该 干什么?对此,校学生会拟举行以"how to t,c a civⅡ izcd studcnr为 主题的英语作文比赛,请 你结合下图反映的内容,写一篇 80词左右的短文参赛 . 注意:1.至少叙述三条 日常生活中我们应该普遍遵守的文明行为 ; 2.文中不要出现你的真实姓名和学校名称 ; 3,文章的开关 己给出,不计入总词数 . How To Bc A Civilizcd smdcnt As wc all kIlow, our ci″ is cⅡ aung a civilizcd ci” _____·