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人教版PEP 小学四年级下册英语-Unit 5 A Lets talk&Lets learn&Lets play教案

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PEP 小学四年级英语下册 Unit5 My clothes A Let’s talk&let’s learn&let’s play 一、教材分析 1.本单元学习的主题是有关衣服,与实际生活息息相关。用英语这门语言来简单地介绍身边 事物,情境真实输出语言,所以这个单元安排衣服主题的内容,了解学生的现实生活,具有 现实意义。 2.本课通过 Amy 和 Sarah 逛服装店的情景,呈现了五个服装名称的词形和词意,并能表达 自己对于某件衣物的喜好。 3.本课通过体育课结束时 Amy 与老师间对话的情景,学习问答确认衣物主人的句型 Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. Is this John’s? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.名词所有格的表达也是 本节课学习的重点。 二、学情分析 1. 四年级学生经过三年级一年的英语学习,学生学习两级分化较为严重,有些孩子因英语基 础不扎实,不敢开口,也不愿意开口,更不愿意举手回答问题,教师需要一些破冰活动,拉 近和学生之间的距离。 2. 服装名称对学生来说是新知,但与它相关性很强的颜色,大小等形容词在上册教材中已经 有过认知,可以以此为切入点展开对服装名称的学习。四年级的学生已经开始对服装话题感 兴趣了,本课的重点句子 Is this …? Are these ...? 在前面已经学习并操练过,学生能够正确认 读。本课替换服装名称操练学生就能熟练掌握。而名词所有格的表达句型对学生来说是新知, 可以在学生理解后着重操练。三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.听、说、认读五个关于衣物的单词:clothes , hat, pants, skirt, dress. 2.听、说、认读句型:Are these yours?Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和 Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. They are Chen Jie’s. 3.学习表达喜好的句型:I like …. 4.初步了解名词所有格的用法; (二)能力目标 1.能够通过图片、实物、情景等提示听懂单词 clothes , hat, pants, skirt, dress 的意义。 2.能够在具体的语境中听懂所学对话大意,并获取关键信息,完成相关听力练习。 3.能够正确模仿对话的语言、语调朗读对话,并能在情景中恰当运用句型 Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和 Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. They are Chen Jie’s. 进行交际活动。 4.能够运用句型:I like…简单表述自己对衣物的喜好。 (三)情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标 1.建立朴素大方的审美观,养成及时整理个人物品的习惯。了解一些服装的英文名称。 2.通过多种听、说活动,培养学生听关键词的听力策略以及良好的听力习惯,同时,鼓励学 生大胆开口说英语的习惯,培养学生联系生活实际的交际性策略。四、教学重点 1.能够在具体的语境中听懂所学新单词 clothes , hat, pants, skirt, dress 和对话大意,并获取关 键信息,完成相关听力练习。 2.能够正确模仿对话的语音、语调朗读对话,并能在情景中恰当运用句型 Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和 Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. They are Chen Jie’s. 进行交际活动。 五、教学难点 1.学生能正确使用名词所有格; 2.能够在真实的情景中恰当运用句型 Are these yours?Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和 Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s …’s. They are …’s. 进行拓展练习。 六、教学准备课件,衣服实物,自制教具,单词卡片等 七、教学过程英语学习, 四年级英语, 英语基础, clothes, Step 1 Warm-up & Revision ( 2’ ) Greetings. Let’s watch the fashion show.(播放儿童服装走秀视频) Question: Do you like their clothes? T: Today, we’re going to learn Unit5 My clothes. 全班齐读课 题。 (设计意图:愉快的歌曲和衣服走秀视频的冲击,把学生快速带入快乐的英语学习情境,吸 引学生注意力,引出课题,为本课下一步学习做好铺垫。) Step 2 Presentation & practice ( 10’ ) Lead in ( 呈现教具穿着五颜六色的衣物照片) T: I have a friend here. She is Amy. Learn the new ords (教师拿帽子,裙子等实物,以旧带新, 自然拼读) T: What’s this? Ss: A cat. A bag. It’s a hat. T: I like the hat. What about you? Ss: I like the hat. T: Is this yours? (板书教具卡片) Ss: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is. (板书教学卡片) T: It’s Miss Yi’s. (板书卡片) T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a dress. It’s my dress. T: Is this yours? Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s Miss Yi’s. T: What’s this? T: It’s a skirt. Whose (谁的)dress is it? Is it yours? Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s Amy’s. T: What are these? T: They are pants. T: Are these yours? (板书) Ss: No, they aren’t. T: Whose (谁的) pants are these? They are…’s. 它们是…的。 3. Practice (1) Read the words after the tape. (2) Read the patterns: --- Is this yours? ----Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. ---Are these yours? --- Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. (3) Work in groups: Let’s play. Ask and answer ( 开火车)(设计意图:通过实物创设情景, 让学生在具体语境中学习新知,提升学习效果。) Step 3 Listen and match ( 2’ ) 1.This is Mike’s hat. 2. Those are my pants. 3. I like the yellow dress. 4. This is Amy’s skirt. 5. This is a clothes shop. (设计意图: 根据课标听力一级目标要求,呈现图片和句子,通过设计听力练习检测学生是否 已经掌握前面所学新单词。) Step 4 Listen and guess ( 4’ ) Lead in : T: Today, Amy is in the PE class. When the PE class is over, what will happen ? Guess : What clothes are they talking about?(课件展示) Listen and choose :show a video about Amy’s PE class. What are they talking about when the PE class is over?)(播放视频录音 1 遍) They are talking about the (设计意图:通过情景导入对话学习,激发学生“听”的欲望,设计让学生问题猜测,培养学生 的思维能力,同时,设计简单的听力题,培养学生的自信心。) Step5 Listen and choose (从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话)( 2’ ) (Let’s continue listening,and choose the correct answers.) :Amy, are these yours? :______1_________ My shoes are green. ______2_________ A. They’re Chen Jie’s. B. Is this John’s? C. No, they aren’t. : What about this hat? ______3_________ : No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. 1 ._______ 2 .________ 3 .________ (设计意图:适当提高听力难度,培养学生的听力策略,掌握听取关键词的方法。) Step6 Listen 、imitate and practice. ( 8’ ) (过渡语:Now let’s listen to the tape and imitate the conversation.词句可以呈现在幻灯片上,并 注解汉语,强调学生模仿对话中人物的语气语调去读) 1.Read after the tape. 必要时老师示范领读,让学生基本掌握对话语音、语调和语气。 2.Work in pairs . 3.Act out. (分角色朗读表演展示,强调看哪一组模仿的最像,读得最好,并评价奖励。) (设计意图:通过听音模仿、角色扮演,使学生熟练掌握并运用本课句型,培养学生的口头 表达能力。) Step 7 Practice & Extension ( 10’ ) 1.pair work 根据图片,同桌完成对话练习 2.Make a new dialogue. 根据所给情景创编新对话 3. Act out.(Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class) (设计意图:学生通过前面的听说练习,已经基本掌握本节课的核心句式,在此基础上,进一 步运用核心句型进行拓展练习,真正达到学以致用的目的。) Step8 Sum-up( 1’ )Ask one of the Ss what they have learned in this class. Remind the Ss to form good habits of taking care of their belongings. Step9 Homework ( 1’ ) 1.Read the dialogue correctly and fluently. 2.Express actively to your family or friends using the patterns learned in this class. 八、板书设计 Unit 5 My clothes (图片)clothes Is this yours? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. (图片)hat It’s Mike’s. (图片)skirt Are these yours? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t (图片)dress They are Chen Jie’s. (图片)pants I like the green skirt. / I like those pants.