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A ‎ I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. __________ ‎ He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. __________ ‎ hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was 3. __________ ‎ young, he used to tell me the importance study. 4. __________ ‎ Father knows little about English and other subjects, 5. __________ ‎ but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. __________ ‎ to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. __________ ‎ but also very strict in me. With his help, I’ve made 8. __________ ‎ ‎ great progress. I’ll never to forget what he taught 9. __________ ‎ me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _________ ‎ ‎ ‎ B ‎ We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. ‎ buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. ‎ sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. ‎ one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. ‎ to change it in a few years’ time a bigger 5. ‎ one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. ‎ a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. ‎ big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. ‎ be bad for our eyes. Anyway, we’d better to 9. ‎ make quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ‎ C ‎ Most families in China hoped their single children will 1. ‎ have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. 2. ‎ So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much 3. ‎ homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. 4. ‎ The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No 5. ‎ wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even 6. ‎ ‎ attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many 7. ‎ people already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. 8. ‎ Shouldn’t we draw a lessons from the accidents? Now our 9. ‎ government is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 10. ‎ D ‎ Nowadays, almost every family has TV set, and almost 1. ‎ everyone likes watching TV. TV has become a part of our life. 2. ‎ TV has any advantages, for example, it informs us of the 3. ‎ ‎ latest news which is happening in the world; it can open our 4. ‎ eyes, enlarge our knowledge and also help us to see more 5. ‎ about the world.it also has some disadvantages. People 6. ‎ waste too much time in watching TV and his normal life 7. ‎ and work are affected.To the children who they spend too 8. ‎ much times in watching TV, it can do harm to their sight 9. ‎ and healthy. So we should control the time of watching TV.‎ ‎10. ‎ E ‎ The Huaihe‎ ‎River has been serious polluted. Day and night 1. ‎ millions of tons of waste water is being poured it from 2. ‎ hundreds of factories. The waste water is harmful. At present 3. ‎ there is no fish in it. The river water cannot be drunk. People in 4. ‎ either bank have to dig wells to take drinking water. The Huaihe 5. ‎ River is such dirty and poisonous that people don’t dare swim 6. ‎ in it. Something must be done to stopping the pollution. The 7. ‎ government and the people near the river must try to clear water 8. ‎ as soon as possible. Now special attention has been pay to the 9. ‎ pollution by the government and more scientists. The pollution 10. ‎ will be prevented in the near future. ‎ ‎ F Dear Abby, ‎ How are you? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you. 1. ‎ I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 2. ‎ further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam 3. ‎ for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, 4. ‎ my parents are not happy about it. They are strongly against I 5. ‎ going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me 6. ‎ for a whole year and they are afraid I will feel alone. They can’t 7. ‎ imagine a girl so young living alone. They advise me to studying 8. ‎ in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continue living them. 9. ‎ How can I persuade them to accept the fact that I have grown up? 10. ‎ Best wishes Jane ‎ ‎【参考答案】 ‎ A ‎ ‎1.was →is 2.year→years 3.old→older 4.加of在importance后 5.√ ‎ ‎6.advices→advice 7.good→well 8.in→with 9.去掉to 10.best前加the ‎ B ‎ ‎1.in→into 2.and→but 3.a→the 4. √ 5.time后加for ‎ ‎6.no→ not 7.said→says 8.they→it 9.去掉to 10.quick前加a ‎ C ‎ ‎1.hoped→hope 2.in→with 3.do→are 4.have前加to 5.去掉第二个to 6.√ 7.his→their 8.already→have 9.lessons→lesson 10. making→carrying ‎ D ‎ ‎1. has后加a 2. life→lives 3. any→many 4. which→that 5. √ ‎ ‎6. 在it前加However 7. his→their 8. 去掉they 9. times→time 10. healthy→health ‎ E ‎ ‎1. serious→seriously 2. it前加 into 3. √ 4. in→on 5. take→get ‎ ‎ 6. such→so 7. stopping→stop 8. water前加the 9. pay→paid 10. 去掉more ‎ A ‎ I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________ ‎ England‎ sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. __________ ‎ I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3. __________ ‎ home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. __________ ‎ do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. __________ ‎ I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________ ‎ living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________ ‎ and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________ ‎ interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9. __________ ‎ about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________ ‎ B ‎ ‎ Dear Li Hong, ‎ Next Monday was my birthday. I‘m going 1._______ ‎ to hold a birthday party at the home in the 2._______ ‎ evening. It will start on 7:30. Would you like 3._______ ‎ come? I have also invited some other 4._______ ‎ classmate of ours and some of my friends. 5._______ ‎ I live at Guangming Road. You can taking 6._______ ‎ No 23 or No 45 bus and get up at the end of 7._______‎ Guangming Road‎. Then walk left for 50 metres. 8._______ ‎ It‘s a red house with white door. You can’t 9._______ ‎ miss it. I hope you will go. 10._______ ‎ Yours ever Liu Mei ‎ C ‎ Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ ‎ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ ‎ Guangzhou‎. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____ ‎ but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4 . _____ ‎ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____ ‎ are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____ ‎ writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____ ‎ once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____ ‎ car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 9. _____ ‎ We’re really luck. There are so many ways 10. ____ ‎ we can keep in touch with each other. ‎ D ‎ Charles Dickens, one of the English writer, 1___ ‎ was born in an small town in England. When he was 2____ ‎ twelve, he could go to the school. Two years later, 3___ ‎ he had to work. After work, he often go to the library 4____‎ ‎ to read books. Then he wrote lot of stories. Dickens 5___ ‎ died over a hundred years ago, and people still read 6____ ‎ his books on great interest. 7___ ‎ E ‎ Many years ago a poor man grew an orange tree. 1. ___ ‎ On the tree there were many fine oranges. Some day he found 2. ___ ‎ one of them was so big as a football. He took it 3. ___ ‎ for the king. The king was so happy that he gave the 4. __ ‎ poor man lots money. When a rich man heard of it, 5. ___ ‎ he said for himself, “I’ll take my gold cup to the king 6. __ ‎ and he will give me much money. Next day the king received 7. __ ‎ from the cup. The king was very fond of the cup and he told 8. __ ‎ the rich man,“I have an orange. It’s beautiful than the cup, 9. ___ ‎ so I have decided to give it to you as the reward instead money. 10. __ ‎ ‎ F Have you ever heard from the saying: All work and no 1 __________ ‎ play make Jack a dull boy? What this means is that if you 2 __________ ‎ study all the times you will become a boring person. You 3 __________ ‎ must go out and having fun with your friends, otherwise 4 __________ ‎ you will lose him. No one wants to be friends with the 5 __________ ‎ person who that only works and studies. Perhaps you have 6 __________ ‎ a confidence problem. Please try remember that the work 7 __________ ‎ you do is for yourself rather than for anyone else. You do 8 __________ ‎ not have to compete your classmates. No one can be 9 __________ ‎ happier in studying seven days and seven nights a week. 10 _________ ‎ ‎ ‎ G ‎ ‎ Dear Tracy, ‎ ‎ Although I'm 16 years old,but my father still treats 1 __________ ‎ me as a careless children. He doesn’t value my opinions. 2 __________ ‎ He is very strict with me and often punishes me about 3 __________ ‎ leaving things lying around in the house while he did this 4 __________ ‎ all time. I think he fails to set an example to me to 5 __________ ‎ follow. But he often says:“Doing as I say,not as I do.” 6 __________ ‎ Even worse,he points out my past mistakes to guests, 7 __________ ‎ making me feel hurting. I love my father, but I can’t 8 __________ ‎ bear what he does. I have been tried many times 9 __________ ‎ to talk with he but he never listens. Please, help me. 10 _________ ‎ ‎ Puzzled ‎ H ‎ ‎ Every morning Steve went to work by train. As he 1 __________ ‎ has a long trip, he always buys newspaper. It helps 2 __________ ‎ make the time passing more quickly. One Tuesday 3 __________ ‎ morning, he turned over the sports page. He wanted 4 __________ ‎ to see the report about an important football match 5 __________ ‎ the night before. The report was so interesting that he 6 __________ ‎ forgot to get off at his station. He did not know it unless 7 __________ ‎ ‎ he saw the sea. He got off at the next station, and had to wait 8 __________ ‎ a long time for a train to go back. It was no doubt that he arrived 9 __________ ‎ late at the office. His boss was angry when Sieve told to him 10 _________ ‎ why hewas late. “Work is very important than football! ”. he shouted. ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ A ‎ ‎1.come→been 2.ask→asking 3. when前加and 4.of→to 5. return前加will 6. 去掉back或将return改为go 7.√ 8.travel→traveling 9.interested→interesting 10.it→them ‎ B ‎ ‎1.was→is 2. 去掉to 3.on→at 4. come 前加 to 5.classmate→classmates 6.taking→take 7.up→off 8. √ 9. white前加a 10. go→come ‎ C ‎ ‎1.all→both 2. when改为and或while 3.look→see ‎ ‎ 4. 去掉keep或把we’re改为we 5. telling→tell 6.happened→happening 7. phone前加the 8.sometime→sometimes 9.√ 10.luck→lucky ‎ D ‎ ‎1.writer→writers 2.an→a 3. 去掉the 4. go→went 5. 在lot前加a或将lot改成lots 6.and→but 7.on→with ‎ E ‎ ‎1. √ 2. Some → one 3. so→as 4. for→to 5. lots→lots of 6. for→to 7. Next→The next 8. from 删去 9. beautiful→more beautiful 10. instead→instead of F ‎ ‎1.from —of/about 2.make—makes 3.times—time 4.having—have 5.him—them 6.去掉that 7.try后加to 8.√ 9.compete加against/with 10.happier—happy ‎ G ‎ ‎1.去掉but 2.children→child 3.about→for 4.did→does 5.在all后加the 6.Doing→Do 7.√ 8.hurting→hurt 9.去掉been 10.he→him ‎ H ‎ ‎1. went →goes 2. newspaper前面加 a 3. passing →pass 4. over →to 5. see →read 6. unless →until 7.√ 8. It 改为There 9. 去掉to 10. very →more