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一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)‎ ‎1.A person of high ideals is highly respected. What people value is not based on outside _______.‎ A. account B. appearance C. advantage D. appreciation ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】account解释;appearance外貌,外观;advantage优势;appreciation感激。句意:一个拥有崇高理想的人是非常受人尊敬的。人们的看重的不是外在的表现。‎ ‎2.When asked how to be a good manager in the interview, the _______ described good personal characteristics as the necessity to manage a group and get a job well done.‎ A. applicant B. application C. amateur D. agent ‎【答案】A ‎3.His proposal is _______ to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.‎ A. amusing B. apparent C. annoying D. ambiguous ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】amusing有趣的,好玩的,逗人笑的;apparent明显的,显而易见的;annoying令人烦恼的;‎ ambiguous 模棱两可的,暧昧的,含糊的,不明确的。句意:他的建议对于我们来说是显而易见的,你无需要告诉我们相关内容。‎ ‎4.My brother’s plans are very _______; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is 10.‎ A. ample B. aggressive C. ambitious D. abundant ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】ample充足的,充分的;aggressive好斗的;ambitious有雄心的,野心勃勃的;abundant丰富的。句意:我弟弟的计划雄心勃勃,他想在十岁之前掌握英语、法语和西班牙语。‎ ‎5.The language in the company’s statement is highly _______, thus making its staff confused.‎ A. ambiguous B. apparent C. appropriate D. aggressive ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】ambiguous模棱两可的,暧昧的,含糊的,不明确的;apparent明显的,显而易见的;appropriate适当的,合适的;aggressive侵略的,好斗的,咄咄逼人的。句意:公司声明中的措辞非常含糊,因此使得公司员工困惑不解。‎ ‎6.—Why did your brother look so depressed?‎ ‎—His _______ to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight.‎ A. affection B. allocation C. appreciation D. ambition ‎【答案】D ‎7.When I came back home, I wrote him a letter to show my _______ of his thoughtfulness.‎ A. appreciation B. agreement C. appointment D. achievement ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】appreciation欣赏,感激;agreement同意,一致,协议;appointment约会,约定;achievement成就。句意:当我到家的时候,我写给他一封信表达我对他的周全考虑的感激之情。‎ ‎8.—Hello, Jack. Tracy here. It’s about our ________ on Sunday morning. I’m afraid I can’t make it now.‎ ‎—That’s OK, but you need to find another date.‎ A. admission B. application C. agreement D. appointment ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】admission承认,录取;application申请,运用;agreement同意,一致,协议;appointment约会,约定。句意:“你好,杰克,关于星期天早上约会的事,恐怕我不能如约了。”“没关系,你可以另定个日子。”‎ ‎9.From the course of human development, the ultimate aim of the human race is to pursue the spiritual joy based on _______ materials.‎ A. affordable B. alike C. alternative D. ample ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】affordable支付得起的,负担得起的,不太昂贵的;alike相似的,相同的;alternative可替代的,其他的;ample丰富的,足够的。句意:从人类发展历程来看,人类种族最大目标就是追求基于丰富物质生活上的精神快乐。‎ ‎10.Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantage of the _______ Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners’ philosophy.‎ A. ancestor B. ancient C. alternative D. apparent ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】ancient古代的。句意:一些社会学家建议,西方人应该充分利用中国古代的智慧,来弥补西方哲学的不足。‎ ‎11.It doesn’t make any sense for the Prime Minister to _______ a banker to this post. ‎ A. allow B. allocate C. appoint D. admit ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】allow允许,准许;allocate分派,分配;appoint任命;指定admit 承认。句意:任命一位银行家来任这样的职位,对于首相来说没有任何意义。‎ ‎12.The reporter said that the survivors greatly _______ the firefighters’ rescue after the big fire.‎ A. analyzed B. allocated C. appreciated D. accelerated ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】analyze分析;allocate分配,拨出;appreciate欣赏,感激;accelerate加速。句意:那位记者说,火灾的幸存者们非常感激消防队员们的营救。学*科网 ‎13._______ speed and flexibility, China’s anti-ship missile CM-302 also has a greater destructive power than others in the market.‎ A. Absent from B. Apart from C. Among D. According to ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】apart from“除……以外还有”,符合语境。句意:除了速度和灵活性以外,中国的反舰导弹CM-302比起市场上其它反舰导弹更具杀伤力。‎ ‎14.Lack of paid _______ leave makes it hard for many Chinese people to travel at off-peak times. ‎ A. abnormal B. anxious C. annual D. common ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】annual“一年一次的,每年的”,符合语境。句意:带薪年假的缺失使得许多中国人难以避开旅游高峰期去旅游。‎ ‎15.The World Bank discouraged the building of public transport in developing countries, which made the local people’s life _______ but convenient. ‎ A. anywhere B. anything C. anyhow D. anyway ‎【答案】B ‎16.—How old can you guess your new English teacher is?‎ ‎—It’s hard to say. But I guess him to be _______ between 35 and 40.‎ A. anything B. anywhere C. anybody D. anyway ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】anywhere指在某范围内的任何地方,这里指在35岁到40岁之间。句意:“你认为你们的新英语老师多大年纪?”“这很难说,不过我猜他的年龄在35到40之间。”‎ ‎17.Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues _______ with her stories.‎ A. amused B. addicted C. accused D. abused ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】amuse sb. with sth.用……娱乐某人,可以转换成sb. be amused with sth.某人对……感到快乐。本句中形容词短语amused with her storied对her colleagues进行说明。句意:露西很有幽默感,总是用讲故事的方式让他的同事开心。‎ ‎18.For some health experts, these reforms _______  an ambitious and important scaling-up of public healthcare.  A. apply to B. apologize to C. agree to D. amount to ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】amount to“等于,意味着”,符合语境。句意:对于一些医疗专家而言,这些改革意味着对中国公共医疗体系进行雄心勃勃和重要的扩容。‎ ‎19.A job _______ should also include what skills and personal qualities are required.  A. agenda B. analysis C. applicant D. anxiety ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】analysis“分析”,符合语境。句意:就业分析也应当包括必备技能与个人素质。agenda议程;applicant请求者,申请者;anxiety焦虑。‎ ‎20.Finally, I must remind you that you have to _______ the truth of what you have said.  A. ache for B. apply for C. answer for D. act for ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】ache for渴望;apply for 申请;answer for负责;act for代理,代表。句意:最后,我必须提醒你,你必须对你所讲的话的真实性负责任。‎ ‎21.Pro. Smith will give us a report to _______ the world present economic problems.‎ A. affect B. analyze C. announce D. applaud ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎22.Friendships between girls are usually _______ in shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests.‎ A. absorbed B. amused C. addicted D. anchored ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】be anchored in“以……为基础”,符合语境。句意:女生之间的友谊通常是以共享的情感和支持为基础的,但是男生间的友谊却是以共享的活动或兴趣为基础的。‎ ‎23.Nowadays, more Chinese provinces have _______ education reforms that will allow children of migrant workers to sit college entrance exams locally.‎ A. announced B. appreciated C. appointed D. applied ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】announce“宣布”,符合语境。句意:如今,中国很多省市已经公布教育改革方案,允许外来务工人员子女在当地参加高考。‎ ‎24.The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me _______, and I just ignore them.‎ A. annoyed B. adopted C. ashamed D. absurd ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】annoyed烦恼的,气恼的;adopted被收养的,被采用的;ashamed羞愧的;absurd荒谬的。句意:那些看不到我内心世界的少数人是不会让我烦恼的,我只是不去理会他们罢了。‎ ‎25.The analysts _______ the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices  A. aid B. allocate C. allow D. applaud ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】applaud“称赞,赞成”,符合语境。句意:分析家们赞同削减边缘业务,但坚持认为公司必须作出更大牺牲。‎ ‎26.Even though human cloning is causing a large amount of _______, it is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41-year-old saleswoman who cannot have a baby.‎ A. appetite B. apology C. amusement D. anxiety ‎【答案】D ‎ ‎27.Being remembered isn’t the most important thing, _______. It’s what you do when you are here that’s important.‎ A. again B. already C. although D. anyhow ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】again再次;already已经;although虽然;anyhow不管怎样。句意:不管怎样,被别人记住并不是最重要的。重要的是你在这里做了什么。‎ ‎28.Hearing the son paid little attention to the marriage and that he remained occupied with his work, the mother was quite _______ if he could find a girlfriend.‎ A. ambitious B. ambiguous C. abnormal D. anxious ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎ ‎【解析】anxious“忧虑的,焦急的,焦虑的”,符合语境。句意:听到儿子对婚姻不重视,他仍忙于工作,妈妈为他是否能找到女朋友十分焦虑。ambitious有雄心的,野心勃勃的;ambiguous模棱两可的,暧昧的,含糊的,不明确的;abnormal反常的,不正常的,变态的。‎ ‎29.—I think you should phone Jenny and _______ her for what you did.‎ ‎—No way. It is her fault. I’ll never _______ her for what she has done to my parents.‎ A. apologize, forgive B. apologize to, forgive C. forgive, apologize D. apologize to, forgave ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】apologize含义是向……道歉,是不及物动词,后面接介词to;forgive含义是原谅,前面有will修饰,这里用动词原形。句意:“我认为你应该给珍妮打电话向她道歉。”“决不。那是她的错。我绝对不会原谅她对我父母所做的事情。”‎ ‎30.Life is like a cup of tea. It won’t be bitter for a life time but for a short while _______.‎ A. already B. always C. although D. anyway ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】anyway“无论如何,不管怎样”,符合语境。无论如何。句意:生活是一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但是不管怎样是要苦一阵子的。。‎ ‎31.The bike-sharing schemes are aimed to _______ citizens to choose a healthy and green approach to solving the ‎ lack of public transportation.‎ A. apply to B. amount to C. appeal to D. add to ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】appeal to“呼吁”,符合语境。句意:自行车共享方案旨在呼吁公民选择健康的、绿色的方式以解决缺乏公共交通工具的问题。‎ ‎32.Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons can’t be the only preparation for all of the situations that _______ in the working world. ‎ A. absorb B. anchor C. appear D. analyze ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】appear“出现”,符合语境。句意:找到了工作的年轻人可能意识到大学的课程不可能仅仅是为出现在职场中的所有情况做准备的。‎ ‎33.Concerned about the _______ of the strategy, most teenagers are very interested in the novels concerning the Second World War.‎ A. application B. allocation C. acceleration D. abolition ‎【答案】A ‎34.In addition to being used in industry, laser can be _______ operations in the hospital.‎ A. appealed to B. applied to C. added to D. amounted to ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】apply to“运用,应用”,符合语境。句意:除了用于工业中外,镭射还被应用于医院的手术中。‎ ‎35.Have you thought about the problem from every________? You can never be too careful!‎ A. analysis B. angle C. appetite D. angel ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】angle意为“(看问题或情况的)角度”,符合语境。句意:这个问题你从方方面面都考虑过了吗?你越仔细越好!注意:angel天使,天使般的人,守护神;analysis分析,分解;appetite食欲,胃口,欲望,渴望。‎ 二、完形填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)‎ I have a friend who says that every day she tries to do a good deed and not get “found out”. The friend tells a(n) ___1___ story about how this started. The first time she did this was in her student period. She was ___2___ to take a bouquet(束)of flowers into a nursing home and walk out before the receiver can express ___3___.‎ She did it and made a clean escape, saying the receiver looked pleasantly puzzled. Feeling excited, she ___4___ took out her phone, eager to tell her friend the ___5___. Luckily, she prevented herself before she made the ___6___ and put the cell phone away.‎ This is where the exercise took on an unexpected dimension. She ___7___ that when we tell others about the “good deeds” we do, we are getting the ___8___ right there. But, by keeping it ___9___ and not telling anyone, we are training a feeling inside ourselves that she ___10___ “a ray of sunshine inside our hearts”.‎ I tell my students this story every year and ___11___ them to do a good deed and not get ___12___. During our class discussion, a truly thoughtful student ___13___ that my friend should have ___14___ and asked to talk to the receiver of the flowers, letting him know ___15___ the flowers were left for him. The student said that if someone really wanted to help ___16___ people, they should visit them once a week and get to know them.‎ ‎___17___ with the idea, the students asked if we could try this as a class. We found an organization that can help ___18___ students with seniors who need accompanying. ___19___, we are moving forward to try this ___20___, thanks to the student taking this story in a new and powerful direction.‎ 语篇解读:文章通过给作者讲述朋友做好事不让别人知道的故事。鼓励他们做好事而不被发现,然而一个一个真正有思想的学生建议朋友应该回来让赠送者和接受者进行交流,以便了解他们,帮助那些真正孤独的人。‎ ‎1.A. annoying B. amazing C. inspiring D. absurd ‎【答案】C ‎2.A. appointed B. applied C. advocated D. announced ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】根据下文“she did it and made a clean escape, saying the receiver looked pleasantly puzzled.”可知,作者的朋友被委派往疗养院送花。A. appointed被委派;B. applied被应用;C. advocated被提倡;D. announced被宣布。故选A。‎ ‎3.A. ambition B. ambiguity C. concern D. appreciation ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】根据下文“She did it and made a clean escape, ...”可知,干净利落地逃走了,说明:在接受鲜花的人表达感谢之前她就走了。A. ambition雄心,野心,抱负;B. ambiguity模棱两可的话;C. concern关系,关心;D. appreciation感激。故选D。‎ ‎4.A. abruptly B. instantly C. patiently D. apparently ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】根据下文“eager to tell her friend...”可知,作者的朋友立即拿出手机。A. abruptly突然地,意外地;B. instantly立刻;C. patiently耐心地;D. apparently明显地,显而易见地。故选B。学*科网 ‎5.A. appointment B. adventure C. news D. experience ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:她感到很兴奋,立即拿出手机,急切地想把这次经历告诉她的朋友。A. appoinment约会;B. adventure冒险;C. news新闻,消息;D. experience经历。故选D。‎ ‎6.A. decision B. call C. alternative D. comment ‎【答案】B ‎7.A. realized B. doubted C. admitted D. reminded ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】句意:她认识到,当告诉别人我们所做的“好事”时,我们就是想在那儿得到回报。A. realized意识到;B. doubted怀疑;C. admitted承认;D. reminded提醒,使想起。故选A。‎ ‎8.A. suggestion B. allowance C. reward D. chance ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】句意:她认识到,当告诉别人我们所做的“好事”时,我们就是想在那儿得到回报。A. suggestion建议;B. allowance津贴,补助;C. reward回报;D. chance机会。故选C。‎ ‎9.A. simple B. ambiguous C. secret D. valuable ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】根据文章第二段,她选择隐瞒这件事,将这件事保密。keep sth. secret保守秘密。A. simple简单的;B. ambiguous模棱两可的;C. secret秘密的;D. valuable有价值的。故选C。‎ ‎10.A. knew about B. described as C. judged from D. translated into ‎【答案】B ‎11.A. allocate B. allow C. persuade D. encourage ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】作者每年都给学生讲这个故事,并鼓励他们做好事且不被发现。A. allocate v.分派,分配;B. allow允许,准许;C. persuade说服,劝说;D. encourage鼓励。故选D。‎ ‎12.A. discovered B. discouraged C. amazed D. paid ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】根据上文第一段“to do a good deed and not get‘ found out’”可知,此处表示做好事时不被发现。A. discovered被发现的;B. discouraged泄气的;C. amazed惊讶的;D. paid支付。故选A。‎ ‎13.A. commented B. doubted C .agreed D. believed ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】后面是这个学生评论的内容。A. commented评论;B. doubted怀疑;C .agreed同意;D. believed相信。‎ ‎14.A. imagined B. donated C. responded D. returned ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】根据下文“...and talked to the receiver of the flowers, letting him know why the flowers were left for him.”可知,既然要跟接收者交谈,那么就得返回去。A. imagined想象;B. donated捐赠;‎ C. responded回报;D. returned返回。故选D。‎ ‎15.A. how B. when C. why D. where ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】下文讲的是“返回去跟接收者交谈的理由”:告诉他为什么要送花给他的。A. how如何;B. when什么时候;C. why为什么;D. where在哪里。故选B。‎ ‎16.A. disabled B. injured C. healthy D. lonely ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】最后一段的“seniors who need accompanying”是提示,意思是“需要陪伴的老人”,这里暗示出他们很孤独。A. disabled残疾的;B. injured受伤的;C. healthy健康的;D. lonely孤独的。故选D。‎ ‎17.A. Impressed B. Confused C. Satisfied D. Annoyed ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】这位同学的想法给大家留下了深刻的印象,同学们问是否可以以一个班集体为单位尝试这个想法。A. Impressed印象深刻的;B. Confused困惑的;C. Satisfied满意的;D. Annoyed恼怒的。故选A。‎ ‎18.A. combine B. compare C. unite D. match ‎【答案】D ‎19.A. Suddenly B. Occasionally C. Currently D. Strangely ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】根据下文“we are moving forward to...”可知,此处指我们目前正在实施……。A. Suddenly突然;B. Occasionally偶尔,间或;C. Currently目前;D. Strangely奇怪地。故选C。‎ ‎20.A. agreement B. opinion C. arrangement D. task ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】根据上文“with the idea”可知,我们目前正在实施这个想法。A. agreement协议;B. opinion观点,想法;C. arrangement布置,整理;D. task工作,任务。故选B。‎ 三、任务型阅读(请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词)‎ A young person is said to have a behavior disorder when his or her behavior is noticeably different from that expected in the school or community. This can also be stated in simpler terms as a child who is not doing what adults want him to do at a particular time. Children with this disorder often seem to be behaving in different and socially unacceptable ways.‎ Like learning disabilities, behavior disorders are hard to diagnose. There are no physical symptoms in the body that are observable or measurable. Behavior disorders are therefore identified by observing behavior patterns in the child over a period of time. If a child displays some of the following behaviors, he may be labeled with a behavior disorder:‎ ‎◆Aggression and cruelty to people and animals.‎ ‎◆Destruction of property — defacing or damaging things.‎ ‎◆Little sympathy and concern for others.‎ ‎◆Takes no responsibility for behavior. Also lies, cheats and steals easily.‎ ‎◆Disregards rules and regulations.‎ In addition to these general symptoms of a behavior disorder, there are other symptoms characteristic of more specific behavior disorders such as ADHD—this is the inattentive, can’t-sit-still behavior. The attention can’t last long and the behavior is impulsive at times. The child also seems quite distracted and forgetful.‎ ‎ Behavior disorders come from brain injury, child abuse, and shock, etc. There have also been indications that it could be a genetic disorder. The behavior therefore is an involuntary response to these experiences and the child should not be blamed for his behavior. Since the child has problems controlling his behavior, it stands to reason that his performance in school will be affected. A child with a behavior disorder will feel bad about himself and that low self-esteem will be further worsened by the adults around him who do not treat his condition with understanding and willingness to help.‎ Behavior disorders are best dealt with by behavior and psychological treatments. But, as with learning disabilities, accurate diagnosis is important and this must be over a length of time. It is also important in trying to modify the behavior to be clear about what is the behavior you are expecting. Make sure it is a rational expectation. ‎ For example, expecting a three-year-old to sit quietly through a long church service may not be reasonable, or demanding that a six-year-old does extra home work after a long day of school and extra curricular activities may be stretching the child’s concentration and attention too far. Since some behavior disorders result from shocking and upsetting life experiences or brain injury, treatments should include helping the child to resolve and heal emotionally from the experience. The behavior could be corrected through emotional healing. In other words, when a human being is emotionally healthy, that is, can be aware of his intelligence and enthusiasm for life and his loving connectedness to other human beings, he automatically “behaves” rationally.‎ Title: Behavior Disorders Passage outline Supporting (1) ‎ Definition of a Behavior disorder A person may be considered to have a Behavior disorder when he behaves apparently (2) from others.‎ Symptoms of a behavior disorder Being (3) and showing no mercy to animals and other people Tending to do damage to things around him Having little sympathy or concern for others Failing to (4) for what he has done and not being honest ‎ Lacking the awareness of (5) rules and regulations Having difficulty concentrating on something for long Factors ‎ ‎(6)________‎ in Behavior disorders Some outside forces may lead to a Behavior disorder.‎ A genetic disorder giving (7) to a Behavior disorder has also been found.‎ Ways to deal with Behavior disorders Behavior treatment: diagnosing such a disorder (8) and modifying the disordered Behavior in a rational way.‎ Psychological treatment: attaching importance to improving the patient’s emotional (9) , thus, developing a proper self-esteem.‎ Conclusion A Behavior disorder isn’t nearly (10) to diagnose from physical symptoms, but it can be dealt with in Behavior and psychological ways.‎ 语篇解读:一个年轻人说,当他或她的行为有明显的不同于学校或社区的行为时,说明可能他或她有一个行为障碍。这也可以用简单的术语来表述,作为一个孩子,他不是成年人想让他在特定的时间里做什么。有这种障碍的儿童往往表现在不同的和社会不可接受的方式。‎ ‎1.【答案】details ‎【解析】信息归纳题。根据表格下方的内容可知这里是指详细的说明,所以用details。‎ ‎3.【答案】aggressive ‎【解析】信息转换题。根据◆Aggression and cruelty to people and animals.和being可知这里用形容词aggressive。‎ ‎4.【答案】answer ‎【解析】信息归纳题。根据◆Takes no responsibility for behavior. Also lies, cheats and steals easily.可知这里是对……负责,answer for是固定搭配,意思是对……负责,所以用answer。‎ ‎5.【答案】obeying /observing ‎【解析】信息归纳题。根据◆Disregards rules and regulations.可知这里意思是遵守规则,所以用 obeying /observing rules。学*科网 ‎8.【答案】accurately ‎【解析】信息转换题。根据accurate diagnosis is important可知这里用副词accurately。‎ ‎9.【答案】health ‎【解析】信息转换题。根据◆when a human being is emotionally healthy可知这里意思是病人的情绪健康,所以用health。‎ ‎10.【答案】easy ‎【解析】信息归纳题。根据◆There are no physical symptoms in the body that are observable or measurable.可知行为障碍可能不会简单地以物理症状出现,所以用easy。‎