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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Module 6 The Tang PoemsSection Ⅰ Introduction & Reading Pre-reading Li Bai(701-762) is regarded asthe greatest romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and a representative of the high Tang culture. He is best known forthe extravagant imagination and striking Taoist imagery in his poetry. Approximately 1,100 of his poems remain today. Sailing Early From Baidi Town 早发白帝城 We set sail at dawn from Baidi Town under a rosy sky, 朝辞白帝彩云间, One thousandli trip down to Jiangling and back the same day. 千里江陵一日还。 The noisy chatter of apes from the shores followed us all the way, 两岸猿声啼不住, Lightly, our boat skipped past ten thousand green mountains high. 轻舟已过万重山。 Du Fu was a prominent Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty.Along with Li Bai, he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. His greatest ambition was 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 to serve his country as a successful civil servant, but he proved unable to make the necessary accommodations. Meeting Li Guinian in the South 江南逢李龟年 At the home of the Prince of Qi I have often seen you, 歧王宅里寻常见, and in the hall of Cui Jiu, I have heard you sing. 崔九堂前几度闻。 Truly these southlands boast unrivalled scenery, 正是江南好风景, to see you once again when the flowers are falling. 落花时节又逢君。 Section_Ⅰ Introduction & Reading — Prereading [原文呈现] The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry① The TangDynasty②(618~907) was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history. It was a time③ of expansion④. At its high point, the country reached as far as⑤ Siberia (now part of Russia) in the north, Korea in the east and Vietnam in the south. The Tang rulers also controlled the trade route known as the Silk Road⑥ well into presentday⑦ Afghanistan. Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant⑧ and cosmopolitan⑨ culture. Persians⑩, Arabs⑪ and Jews⑫ came to live in Chinese towns, bringing with them their own religions and customs⑬. They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws⑭, and to keep their traditional forms of entertainment such as music and dance, which influenced⑮ the development of Tang culture⑯. But perhaps the biggest foreign influence came from Buddhism⑰,whose origins were in India⑱. At the same time⑲ foreigners who were educated at the Tang court⑳ took the Chinese culture home with them. Soon Japan and Korea were organised on the Tang model, while○21 Chinese influence extended throughout Southeast Asia. [读文清障] ①poetry n.[U][总称]诗歌,诗篇 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 poem n.[C]诗,诗歌 poet n.[C]诗人 ②dynasty/'dInəsti/n.朝;代 ③time n.历史时期,时代 ④expansion/Ik'spænʃn/n.扩张 expand v.扩大,增加 ⑤as far as 远到 ⑥known as the Silk Road 是过去分词短语作定语。 ⑦presentday adj.当代的,当前的 ⑧tolerant/'tɒlərənt/adj.宽容的;容忍的 ⑨cosmopolitan/ˌkɒzmə'pɒlItən/adj.兼容并包的 ⑩Persian/'pɜːʃn/n.波斯人 ⑪Arab/'ærəb/n.阿拉伯人 ⑫Jew/dʒuː/n.犹太人 ⑬bringing with them their own religions and customs 是现在分词短语作伴随状 语。 ⑭governed by their own laws 是过去分词短语作定语。 ⑮influence vt. &n.影响;作用 have an influence on 对……有影响 ⑯which influenced the development ...是非限制性定语从句,which 指代前面整个 主句的内容。 ⑰Buddhism/'bʊdIz m/n.佛教 ⑱whose origins were in India 是非限制性定语从句。 ⑲at the same time 同时 ⑳who were educated at the Tang court 是定语从句,修饰 foreigners。 ○21while 引导时间状语从句。 中国诗歌的黄金时代 [第 1~2 段译文] 唐朝(618~907)是中国历史上最繁盛的朝代之一。这是一个疆域扩张的时期。最鼎盛的 时候,唐朝的疆域北至西伯利亚(现属俄罗斯),东至当时的朝鲜,南到越南。唐朝统治者还 控制着远至现今阿富汗的贸易线路——丝绸之路。 与外国人之间的贸易促成了宽容和包罗万象的文化。波斯人、阿拉伯人和犹太人来到唐 朝定居,带来了他们自己的宗教信仰和风俗习惯。他们被允许居住在由他们自己的法律掌管 的区域,保持着他们自己的传统娱乐项目,比如音乐以及舞蹈,这些也对唐朝文化的发展产 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 生了影响。但是或许影响最为深远的外来文化是起源于印度的佛教。同时在唐朝宫廷受过教 育的外国人将中国文化带回了自己的国家。不久,日本和朝鲜参照了唐朝的统治形式,唐朝 的影响传遍了东南亚。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 Cultural development went hand in hand○22 with technological progress○23. New discoveries were made in astronomy○24, geography and medicine. In 724 Seng Yixing measured○25 the length of the sun's shadow○26 and the altitude○27 of the North Pole. Under Emperor Taizong (627~649) the government opened medical schools where specialist○28 subjects were studied○29. The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared○30 as never before. But it was not just scientific knowledge that could now reach a wider audience○31. Printing also marked○32 the beginning of the golden age of literature — and literature, in the Tang Dynasty, meant poetry. In the beauty of its images○33 and the range of topics, Tang poetry was better than everything that had come before it○34. But how did this happen? There is no single answer to○35 the question. An explosion of talent, and the appearance of new forms were both important. In the“New Style Verse” which appeared during the Tang period○36, each line has five or seven syllables○37, and there are lots of rules which govern○38 the tones○39. But being able to write poetry was also an important qualification for people who wanted to become government officials○40. A good poet had a better chance○41 of getting a good job. So lots of people became interested in○42 poetry. ○22hand in hand 联合地,手拉手地 ○23progress n.&v.进展,发展,前进,进行 ○24astronomy/ə'strɒnəmi/n.天文学 ○25measure v.&n.测量,量;尺寸,措施 make ... to one's measure 依照某人的尺寸做;定做 take some measures to do 采取措施做 ○26shadow/'ʃædəʊ/n.影子,阴影 ○27altitude/'æltIˌtjuːd/n.高度;海拔 at an altitude of 在……的高度 ○28specialist/'speʃəlIst/n.专家 ○29where ... studied 是定语从句,修饰 medical schools。 ○30share/ʃeə/v.分享,共享 n.份;分配额 ○31that 引导定语从句,修饰 scientific knowledge。 ○32mark v.&n.标志着,做标记;记号,符号 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 ○33image n.肖像,图像 ○34that had come before it 是定语从句,修饰 everything。 ○35an/the answer to ...……的答案 ○36which ... period 是定语从句,修饰“New Style Verse”。 ○37syllable/'sIləbl/n.音节 ○38govern v.决定;指导;统治,管理 ○39which govern the tones 是定语从句,修饰 rules。 ○40who wanted to become government officials 是定语从句,修饰 people。 ○41chance n.机会 a chance to do a chance of doing 做……的机会 ○42be/become interested in 对……感兴趣 take an interest in 对……感兴趣 [第 3~4 段译文],科技的进步和文化的发展齐头并进。天文学、地理学和医药学都有 新的发现。公元 724 年,僧一行测量了日影长度和北极高度。唐太宗 627~649 时期,官 府开办了医药学校,进行专科研究。约发明于此时的印刷术意味着知识记载和分享得以实现, 这是史无前例的。印刷术不仅使科学知识的传播遍及各地,而且标志着唐朝的主要文学形式 ——诗歌的黄金时代的到来。 题材广泛、意象优美的唐诗超越了在它之前的所有文学形式。但是唐诗到底是怎样发展 起来的?这个问题的答案不止一个。天才诗人的涌现和新诗歌形式的出现是两个重要因素。 唐朝出现的“新体诗” 格律诗 中,每行五言或七言,对音韵也有严格的规定。若想入朝 当官,能够写诗是必备的条件,能写一手好诗就有更多的机会获取功名。因此很多人都对诗 歌感兴趣。 One of the greatest of the Tang poets was Du Fu (712~770). As a young man he travelled a lot and enjoyed painting and music, as well as○43 writing poetry. But during his lifetime he never became famous; in fact, he thought of himself as○44 a failure○45. It was only in the 11th century that○46 his poetic genius was recognised. Sometimes he is called the “poet of history” or “the mirror of his time” because he paints a realistic○47 picture of the problems of the age in which he lived○48. These include the sufferings○49 of the poor, and the corruption○50 of the rich. He also writes about his own problems, including○51 his son's death. Du Fu is also known for○52 his friendship with Li Bai (701~762), another great poet of the age. The two men met in 744, and although very different○53, they became friends. They each wrote poems 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 to the other. ○43as well as“以及”,相当于 and, in addition to。 ○44think of ... as ... 把……看作…… think of 想起,想出 ○45failure/'feIljə/n.失败者,此处加 a,属于抽象名词具体化,表示“一个失败者”。 ○46It was ... that ...是强调句式。 ○47realistic adj.现实的,现实主义的 ○48in which he lived 是 in which 引导的定语从句,修饰 the age。 ○49suffering/'sʌfərIŋ/n.(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难 ○50corruption/kə'rʌpʃn/n.腐败;堕落 ○51including prep.包括……在内 ○52be known for 因……而著名 be known as 作为……而出名 ○53although very different 是 although 引导的省略了 they were 的让步状语从句。 [第 5 段译文] 杜甫 712~770 是唐朝最伟大的诗人之一。年轻时,杜甫游历过许多地方。他喜欢绘 画、音乐和写诗。但在有生之年他一直没有成名;事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。直到 11 世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。杜甫描绘了他所生活的那个时代的现实画卷,所 以,他有时被称为“诗史”或“时代的镜子”。他的诗描写了劳苦大众的苦难和达官贵人的 腐败。杜甫也抒写了自己的痛苦,包括爱子的夭折。杜甫和另一位伟大诗人李白 701~762 的友谊也为世人所称道。杜甫和李白于 744 年相识,尽管风格迥异,两人仍然成了好朋友, 并互赠诗歌。 Li Bai, the son of a wealthymerchant○54, grew up in Sichuan Province. As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his time○55 in the Civil Service Examination to become a government official, he began a life of travel and poetry, writing more than a thousand poems○56. He used simple, direct language and often chose irregular○57 forms. If Du Fu was a realist○58, then Li Bai was a romantic○59. He wrote about nature and people with the same depth of feeling. Friendship, the human condition, and the pleasures of wine, are his favourite subjects. It is said that○60 he drowned when he fell into a river while○61 trying to○62take hold of○63 the reflection○64 of the Moon. ○54merchant/'mɜːtʃ nt/n.商人 ○55As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his time 是 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 as 引导的原因状语从句;not so ... as ...不如…… ○56writing more than a thousand poems 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。 ○57irregular/I'reɡjʊlə/adj.不规则的;无规律的 regular adj.规则的;有规律的;定期的 ○58realist/'rIəlIst/n.现实主义作家 ○59romantic/rəʊ'mæntIk/n.浪漫主义作家 ○60It is said that ... (=People say that ...) 据说…… ○61while 后省略了 he was。 ○62try to do sth.试图做某事,努力去做某事 try doing sth.尝试着做某事,试着去做某事 ○63take hold of 抓住 get hold of 抓住,握住 ○64reflection/rI'flekʃn/n.倒影 [第 6 段译文] 李白是一位富商的儿子,在四川省长大。因为不如同时代的其他一些年轻人在科举考试 中那么顺利,他便开始了一种游历和诗歌创作的生涯,写了一千多首诗。他使用简单而又明 快的语言,并且经常选用不规则的形式。如果说杜甫是一个现实主义诗人,那么李白就是浪 漫主义诗人。他以同样深厚的情感抒写自然和人物。友谊、人们的生活状况以及饮酒的快乐 是他最喜欢抒写的主题。据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。 Prereading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.part A.an image reflected in a mirror or similar place 2.share B.pain of body or mind 3.acquaintance C.lack of success; act of failing 4.tolerant D. to develop, improve or move forward 5.advance E.accepting of different beliefs and behavior 6.failure F.person who one knows but is not a close friend 7.suffering G.to let sb. have or use sth. that belongs to you 8.reflection H.to separate from sb.; or end a relationship with him 1~5 ________________ 6~8 ________________ 答案:1~5 HGFED 6~8 CBA Leadin Who are the following great poets? In which dynasty did they live? 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 9 1.Li_Bai 2.Du_Fu 3.In_the_Tang_Dynasty. Whilereading Fastreading Skim the passage and match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1 A.Li Bai Para.2 B.Du Fu Para.3 C.Technology and progress Para.4 D.Tang poetry Para.5 E.An exciting culture Para.6 F.A great dynasty 答案:Para.1~Para.6 FECDBA Carefulreading (Ⅰ)Choose the best answers according to the passage. 1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty? A.The Tang rulers controlled it well into presentday Persia. B.The Tang rulers controlled it well into presentday Arabia. C.The Tang rulers controlled it well into presentday Russia. D.The Tang rulers controlled it well into presentday Afghanistan. 2.The biggest foreign influence on the Tang Dynasty came from ________. A.Korea B.Persia C.Japan D.India 3.We can infer from the passage that ________. A.the origins of Buddhism were in India B.many foreigners lived in China in the Tang Dynasty C.the biggest foreign influence came from Europe D.culture and technology were well developed in the Tang Dynasty 4.Lots of people in the Tang Dynasty became interested in poetry because they wanted to ________. A.be famous poets 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 10 B.get a good job in the government C.make more money D.win much respect 5.From the passage we learn that ________. A.Li Bai was successful when he was young B.Li Bai painted a realistic picture of the problems of his age C.Du Fu and Li Bai didn't live in the same time D.Li Bai didn't do well in the Civil Service Examination 答案:1~5 DDDBD (Ⅱ)Complete the following form according to the passage. Main events Para. 1 The Tang Dynasty was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history. It was a time of 1.expansion and the Tang rulers controlled the trade road — 2.the_Silk_Road. Para. 2 It was influenced by 3.the_laws and the traditional forms of entertainment from abroad; it also affected Japan, Korea and many countries throughout southeast Asia. Para. 3 New discoveries were made in astronomy, geography and 4.medicine. The invention of 5.printing marked the beginning of the golden age of literature. Para. 4 A new form of poetry — “6.New_Style_Verse” appeared, in which each line has five or seven syllables. A good poet had a better chance of getting 7.a_good_job. 续表 Main events Para. 5 Du Fu was a poet and painted a realistic picture of the problems of his age, so he is called the 8.“poet_of_history” or “the mirror of his time”. Para. 6 Li Bai was a romantic. He used simple and direct language and often chose 9.irregular_forms. His favorite subjects were often nature and people, especially friendship, the human condition, and the 10.pleasures_of_wine. Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the passage. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 11 1.They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws, and to keep their traditional forms of entertainment such as music and dance, which influenced the development of Tang culture. [句式分析] 本句是一个复合句。主句中,由 and 连接的两个并列不定式作主语补足语, 其中 governed by their own laws 为过去分词短语作 communities 的定语,which 引导一 个非限制性定语从句,代指前面的内容。 [尝试翻译] 他们被允许居住在由他们自己的法律掌管的区域,保持着他们自己的传统 娱乐项目,比如音乐以及舞蹈,这些也对唐朝文化的发展产生了影响。 2.Sometimes he is called the “poet of history” or “the mirror of his time” because he paints a realistic picture of the problems of the age in which he lived. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 杜甫描绘了他所生活的那个时代的现实画卷,所以,他有时被称为“诗 史”或“时代的镜子”。 3.As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his time in the Civil Service Examination to become a government official, he began a life of travel and poetry, writing more than a thousand poems. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 因为不如同时代的其他一些年轻人在科举考试中那么顺利,他便开始了一 种游历和诗歌创作的生涯,写了一千多首诗。 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A The Chinese Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu is often called the sage (圣人) of poetry. Unlike Li Bai, this poet wrote in various styles, and his works were often innovative 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 12 (创新的) in language and subject matter. His poems were also filled with meaning. His innovation was not at all welcome. The readers of his time rarely showed much appreciation for his original and innovative works. The masses in fact hated and scolded them. Like many artists, Du Fu was only recognized for his genius long after his death. Du Fu was born in Luoyang of Henan. Although he came from an influential literary family, his early attempts to gain a position in the government by way of the exam system failed repeatedly. He was 43 years old when he finally managed to hold an official position. This was the time when Emperor Xuanzong was attracted to the beautiful Yang Yuhuan and made her his concubine (妃子), which Du Fu severely criticized in his SongoftheBeautifulLadies. As the emperor got distracted (分心) from important government affairs, some military leaders were becoming too powerful. Du Fu took office in 755, and in the same year a rebel (反叛者) leader An Lushan led his army into the capital of Tang Dynasty. The emperor fled to the west and left the governing of the state to his son. Du Fu and his family took the road north to escape the rebels. The poet left his family and tried to get to the headquarters of the new emperor, but he was caught and held prisoner by the rebels in Chang'an. After order was restored again, Du Fu got back his position in the capital. However, he did not enjoy the favor of the new emperor and was given a minor provincial post. In 759 he finally left this disgraceful position and spent the rest of his life wandering around the country. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了唐朝诗人杜甫的生平。 1.What do we know about Li Bai's poems? A.They were consistent in style. B.They were like the poems of Du Fu. C.They used more complex language. D.They were written in various styles. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。第一段说明,杜甫的诗歌风格多样,这点跟李白的诗歌不同。 由此推断,李白的诗歌风格一致。 2.What can we infer from the third paragraph? A.Du Fu didn't like to be an official. B.Du Fu was not loyal to the emperor. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 13 C.Du Fu became an official in his 30s. D.Du Fu was concerned about government affairs. 解析:选 D 推理判断题。对于唐玄宗和杨贵妃的事情,杜甫在诗歌中加以猛烈抨击, 说明他关心政务。 3.What happened in the late years of Du Fu's life? A.He changed his writing style. B.He wandered around the country. C.He was called back by the emperor. D.He enjoyed his minor provincial post. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。从文章最后一段最后一句可知,杜甫的余生在全国飘零。 4.What is the text mainly about? A.Du Fu's life. B.Du Fu's poetry. C.The rule of Emperor Xuanzong. D.Du Fu's political career. 解析:选 A 主旨大意题。综合全文可知,文章前面对杜甫的诗歌略做介绍, 后面重 点介绍了他的生平。 B Tang Dynasty poets sang for about three centuries in different tones. There were many famous poets living in the Tang period, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin. PoemsoftheTangDynasty edited in the Qing Dynasty is a collection of more than 48,900 poems that were written by over 2,200 poets. But it didn't cover all the poems of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, poems were recited when lovers walked under the moonlight. Poems were also recited when soldiers fought on the battlefield. People recited them in the open air or at temple fairs. Tang Dynasty poets wrote poems to win fame and also to develop their temperament (性情). They poured out deep feelings for their friends and criticized injustice in the world through poems. In the Tang Dynasty scholars had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of high social position but also common people. Poets recited poems, women singers sang poems and other ranks of people, including old women and children, read Tang poems. This atmosphere affected foreigners who visited the country at that time. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 14 As a result, Tang poetry was introduced to some adjacent countries, like Japan and Vietnam. Tang poetry is a most brilliant page in the history of ancient Chinese literature. It's a miracle (奇迹) in the cultural history of mankind. The Tang Dynasty was a powerful empire with a vast territory. It inherited (继承) Chinese civilization that went back to ancient times, was combined with the best of other cultures and adopted the benefits of other nations in the world. Tang poetry wasn't the only spiritual wealth created by the Tang Dynasty people. Philosophy and religion, handwriting and painting, and music and dance all gained new peaks of development. Tang poetry, however, was the jewel in the crown and its greatest achievement. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。通过本文,我们可以更深入地了解唐诗的影响力和其对 世界文化的贡献。 5.We can conclude from the passage that ________. A.only people in the Tang Dynasty created poems B.in total there were four famous poets in the Tang Dynasty C.the Tang Dynasty probably existed for about three centuries D.in the Tang Dynasty most common people were poets 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第一段可推断出 C 项正确。 6.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.Why the poets created poems. B.Some other kinds of spiritual wealth in the Tang Dynasty. C.The significance and influence of the Tang Dynasty. D.The editors of PoemsoftheTangDynasty. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。A 项在第三段中提到了;B、C 两项在最后一段提到了。根据 第一段内容可知,文章没有具体交代 PoemsoftheTangDynasty 这本书是谁编辑的。故选 D 项。 7.The underlined word “adjacent” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”. A.strong B.neighboring C.poor D.rich 解析:选 B 词义猜测题。根据句中的“like Japan and Vietnam”可推测出,adjacent 意为“邻近的”。故 B 项意思相符。 8.What's the best title for the passage? A.The great Tang Dynasty B.Tang Dynasty poetry 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 15 C.Famous poets in the Tang Dynasty D.The development of the Tang Dynasty 解析:选 B 标题归纳题。本文主要叙述了唐诗在当时受欢迎的程度和影响力。故 B 项 最适合作标题。 C I was appreciating my family photos on my computer, admiring my two beautiful babies, when I found a disturbing trend: my laptop was open in almost all the pictures. There was my daughter, 8 months old, playing at my feet while I was typing away on the couch. There was my son and me, with the laptop at my side as I held him in my arms. I'd heard about the Internet addiction before, but always assumed it was something limited to socially challenged guys who played too much WorldofWarcraft (a computer game). Now it seemed that my Internet “habit” is slowly but surely crossing the line. Sometimes I find myself up at midnight, surfing the Web while my family are sleeping. I read news, keep up with friends and write my blog ... just for something to do. It turns out that I'm not the only mama who is addicted to the computer. These moms are contributing to a growing global addiction. There's a movement among psychiatrists (doctors who specialize in mental diseases) to recognize the Internet addiction as an official mental disorder. And a recent Stanford University national survey found that 14 percent of Internet users find it hard to stay away from it for several days at a time; 9 percent try to hide their “unnecessary Internet use” from their loved ones; 8 percent admit they use the Web as a way to escape problems. You're likely not the kind of addict who doesn't bathe and abuses drugs to help her stay “up” for more online time. You may have noticed, though, that going online has become a necessary part of your life, which, at least, means a load of clothes go unwashed. It may also mean you're missing much time with your baby — something you probably do care about. 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。作者通过在日常生活中使用电脑的状况讨论了电脑对人 们生活的影响,尤其是消极影响。 9.From Paragraph 1, we can conclude that ________. A.the author was busy taking care of her babies B.the author's job had something to do with computers C.the author was not good at taking photos of her babies 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 16 D.the author looked after her babies while using the computer 解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句“There was my son and me, with the laptop at my side as I held him in my arms.”可以看出,作者在照看小孩时也在 用着电脑。 10.The author used to think that the Internet addiction is ________. A.using the web at midnight B.keeping up with friends online C.spending too much time online D.being addicted to computer games 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“... always assumed it was something limited to socially challenged guys who played too much WorldofWarcraft (a computer game).”可知 D 项正确。 11.In medical terms, the Internet addiction is ________. A.a personal life habit B.a way to escape problems C.an official mental disorder D.the unnecessary use of the Internet 解 析 : 选 C 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 三 句 “There's a movement among psychiatrists (doctors who specialize in mental diseases) to recognize the Internet addiction as an official mental disorder.”可知 C 项正确。 12.What does the author want to express in the last paragraph? A.Many women still can control their online time. B.The Internet addiction influences housewives' lives a lot. C.Going online has become a necessary part of women's lives. D.Many people don't realize that they are addicted to the Internet. 解析:选 B 段落大意题。文章最后一段讲述的是电脑是如何影响到家庭主妇的生活的。 故 B 项正确。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Easy Ways to Boost Your Confidence Imagine being able to overcome any obstacle that might come your way at work or in relationships. Then try to picture yourself not having to ask for advice or someone's approval every step of the way. __1__ If you are low on confidence, read on because here are four easy ways to boost your confidence. Once you master them, everything in your life will change for the better. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 17 Boost your selfimage. If failure is getting you down, just remember that there is always a solution. __2__ The best way to boost your selfimage after a setback (挫折) is to write down all your accomplishments and star qualities. Make a list and put it on your computer desktop or near where you spend most of your time. You can also make a list of all the things you should be grateful for. __3__ You know your talents and strengths first. Then set your goals to match these. Reject those that are just beyond your skills, abilities, qualifications or experience. This is where you can realistically assess your weaknesses and build on your strengths. Get on the positive thoughts track. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. __4__ Negative thinking may be useful when imagining failure situations, threats, and obstacles. But once you are trapped in negative thoughts, your brain ignores everything else and you only think of failure. The best solution is to build on positive thoughts. Know being confident is an ongoing process. __5__ Keep playing to the best of your ability and your confidence will always be there to support you. A.Set realistic goals. B.Stop playing different roles. C.It isn't a goal that you reach and then stop. D.Why not keep comparing yourself with others? E.This is what selfconfident people do every day. F.So why are they positive thoughts and not negative ones? G.You may have to try again so you should boost your selfimage immediately. 答案:1~5 EGAFC