中考英语考点解析1听力 10页

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‎ 听力 一、命题趋势 中考听力试题要求考生能听懂读速适中、句子结构不太复杂的语言材料。其中有单句、对话和短文。要求考生能掌握对话或独白的中心意思及重要细节进而做出分析、推理和判断。听力试题所选材料贴近学生、贴近社会、贴近现实生活。‎ 做好听力试题所具备的技能有:反映能力、识别能力、记忆能力、理解能力、判断推理能力、猜词能力、背景知识等。‎ 其中,识别能力包括对重音、连读、失去爆破、同化、吞音等现象的辨认;记忆能力主要指准确记忆对话所提及的细节如数据、时间、地点、人物等;理解能力指对所听材料主旨大意的归纳与概括;判断推理能力指对材料没有直接表述的信息进行迅速推断得出结论;猜词能力指对听力材料中的关键词进行猜测。另外,背景知识主要包括文化、习俗等。‎ 目前,河北卷听力测试分两节,第一节包含四个大题,均为选择题;第二节为填空题,处在第二卷上。第一节的主要形式有:I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息;II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语;III. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项;IV. 听对话、短文和问题,选择正确答案。两节共计30分。‎ 二、解题技巧 ‎1. 听前掠读,踏好节奏 考生在做听力试题前或在听的过程中,一定要充分利用一切可利用的时间阅读下面的试题,应将几个试题的题干和选项一并掠读一下。先根据几个选项的设置,初步猜测一下所听材料的题材和大致的内容,不能等听完整段材料或在听的过程中才去扫视试题。带着问题听录音的好处在于:当我们不能百分之百听懂所述内容时,如果有备而来,就能集中精力获取至关重要的信息。‎ ‎2. 带题聆听,简要笔记 河北卷的前两个大题不印在试卷上,从第三大题开始,试卷上就有各题的问题和选项。我们一定要带着问题听材料。在听的过程中还应利用箭头、标记、缩写等自己平时所用的自己看得懂的简要符号,记录一些对解题有用的重要数据、信息等。这样做的目的是为了应对那些询问年龄、年月、地点、方位、顺序、价格、钟点等试题。其中,有的试题需要简单计算。‎ 典例1(2007•北京卷-12)‎ How much is the jacket?‎ A. 24 dollars. B. 76 dollars. C. 100 dollars.‎ 听力原文的后半段:‎ Man: May I try on a blue one?‎ Shop assistant: Of course.‎ Man: Oh, it looks nice on me. I’ll take it. How much is it?‎ Shop assistant: 76 dollars.‎ Man: OK. Here’s one hundred.‎ Shop assistant: Thank you. Your change, please 我们有必要随手记录一下这两个数字:$76和$100。尤其是当问题设定为“售货员应该找给顾客多少钱?”时,我们还需要简单计算一下:100-76=24。‎ 答案B 典例2(2004•河北卷-21)‎ How many people are there in this big family?‎ A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10‎ 听力原文:‎ W: Okay, everybody. Please listen. Bob wants to talk to us today about his family. Go ahead, Bob.‎ M: Hello. This is my family. This is Mary. She’s my grandmother. She’s very sweet. Peter is my grandfather. They have two sons, Ron and Simon, and a daughter, Helen. Ron is my father, Simon is my uncle and Helen is my aunt. I love them all. There’re lots of fun. This is my mother, Jane. She’s great. ‎ W: And who is this pretty girl?‎ M: Oh, that’s my sister Susan. She always gets me into trouble.‎ W: And this handsome boy?‎ M: That’s me, of course. ‎ 这篇听力材料难度虽然不大,句子较简短,但人物多而复杂,对于初中生来说要选对并不容易。考生平时应该养成简要记录的习惯。做本题时,我们要把重点放在其中的人物上:当听到Mary时,我们可以随手写个字母M;之后陆续记下P(peter), R(Ron), S(Simon), H(Helen), M(mother), S(sister/Susan), M(me/boy/Bob)。‎ 答案B ‎3. 字里行间,确认暗示 ‎ 典例3(2007•北京卷-2)‎ A B C 听力原文:It can take hundreds of passengers and travel very fast in the air. Before it flies, it has to run a long way on the ground.‎ 飞机、热气球、鸟甚至蝴蝶和风筝等都可以在空中飞。仅听材料的前半截我们无法断定这里所描绘的为何物。我们只有耐心地听完材料,尤其是末尾的“run a long way on the ground”对答案的最终确定起着至关重要的制约作用。我们要学会整合和过滤录音材料中繁杂的信息,要从材料的字里行间寻找线索或暗示。‎ ‎4. 抓住关键,把握主题 无论我们听什么题型的录音材料,听懂其中的每一个词,只要抓住了其中的关键信息即可领悟大意,提取其核心内容,把握材料的中心意思,完成选择正确答案的目的。例如:‎ 典例4(2007•北京卷-1)‎ 听力原文:It’s a part of our body. Each person has got two of them. They are in our faces. People see the world with them. 当我们听到face时,就可以排除A;当我们听到see时,答案自然就出来了。‎ 答案C 典例5(2004•河北卷-6)‎ A. It’s cool today. B. She feels cold.‎ C. She’s nicely dressed. D. She’s wearing too much. ‎ 听力原文:No. 6: Janet, you look cool in that new skirt.‎ 考生只要抓住了材料中的关键词cool(酷;漂亮)和skirt(裙子)就可以排除其他选项。‎ 答案C ‎5. 白捡分数,何乐不为 中考当然很严肃,试题理应严谨、严密、公平、难度适中、区分度较好、题型相对稳定、具有很高的信度与效度。然而命题人有时也会出现考虑不周的情况。‎ ‎ 典例6(2007•河北卷-20)‎ What can they do in the video reading room?‎ ‎ A. They can listen to tapes.‎ ‎ B. They can borrow some books.‎ ‎ C. They can search the Internet.‎ 这道题根本不用听录音稿就可以直接得分。因为题干问的是“他们在视频阅览室能够干什么?”答案当然不是听磁带和借阅图书,而是上网搜索、冲浪。‎ 答案C ‎6.当断则断,主动出击 考生在听力测试中应始终充满信心,高度集中精力。由于没有太多时间考虑,所以敏捷的思维、快速的反映能力以及适当的解题技巧都是必不可少的。考生决不能忧柔寡断、举棋不定,这样会影响下面试题的应答质量。‎ 典例7(2007•北京卷-14)‎ What kind of book can be taken out of the library?‎ A. A dictionary. B. A novel. C. A magazine.‎ 听力原文材料较长,共有189词。但是问题只设了两个,我们无论是听明白了还是没有听明白,都不要着急,联想一下现世生活中的实际情况,我们就应该毫不犹豫地选择C而进入下一个环节。‎ 答案C 三、应试对策 中考听力测试一般都是围绕日常的话题所设置,考查内容较为简单,除坚持日常的训练外,还应该熟悉以下功能项目中常见的交际句型:‎ ‎(一)Greeting and asking about people问候及打听情况 ‎1. 问候、寒暄 Hi! Hello!‎ Good morning/afternoon/evening.‎ How do you do?‎ How are you?‎ How is everything?‎ Glad/Nice/Pleased to meet you.‎ ‎2. 回答 I’m OK.‎ Fine, thanks, and you?‎ Very well, thank you.‎ Just so-so.‎ All right.‎ Not too bad.‎ I’m not feeling myself today.‎ ‎3.寒暄 Best wishes/regards to …‎ Please give my regards/love/best wishes to your parents.‎ Please remember me to your parents.‎ ‎4.告别 I’m afraid I must be leaving now.‎ I think it’s time for us to leave.‎ Glad/Nice meeting you.=Glad/Nice to have met you.‎ See you later. See you tomorrow. See you.‎ Good night. ‎ Good-bye! Bye-bye! Bye!‎ ‎(二)Asking for/Offering help and give thanks请求帮助、提供帮助和答谢 ‎1. 请求帮助 Can you help me?‎ Can I have your help?‎ Would you please do me a favor?‎ Can you give me a hand?‎ ‎2.提供帮助 Would you like me to help you?‎ Shall I help you?‎ What can I do for you?‎ Let me take your bag, will you/may I?‎ Is there anything else I can do for you?‎ ‎3.应答 Yes, please. ‎ Yes, thanks.‎ No, thanks./Thank you.‎ No, thank you. Let me manage.‎ No, thank you all the same.‎ Thanks a lot.‎ That would be nice/fine.‎ Thank you for your help.‎ I appreciate your help.‎ That’s/It’s very nice/kind of you.‎ ‎4.回应感谢 You’re welcome.‎ Don’t mention it.‎ It’s/That’s OK/all right.‎ It’s nothing.‎ Not at all.‎ I’m glad I could.‎ My pleasure./ It's a pleasure. / A pleasure.‎ Anytime.‎ ‎5.请求 Do/Would you mind my opening the door?‎ 若同意,用下列句型回答:‎ No, that's all right.‎ Oh, no, please.‎ No, go ahead, please.‎ Certainly not./Of course not.‎ 若不同意,用下列句型:‎ I'm sorry.‎ Yes, I do mind.‎ Oh, please don't.‎ Better not, please.‎ ‎(三)Asking and showing directions问路和指路 ‎1.问路 Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the post office?‎ Excuse me. Where is the men’s room?‎ How can I get to the railway station?‎ Is this the way to the cinema?‎ ‎2.指路 Go down this street.‎ Turn left at the second crossing.‎ It’s about 300 metres away.‎ Go straight ahead and till you see a monument.‎ ‎ (四)Personal information个人情况简介 ‎1.介绍自己 My name is Tom Smith.‎ I’m from Canada. I’m studying Chinese in Beijing University.‎ I come from France.‎ ‎2. 询问对方 What’s your name? ‎ May I ask your name? ‎ What name shall I say? ‎ Where do you live?‎ What’s your nationality?‎ What do you do?=What’s your job?‎ Are you a teacher?‎ ‎3.介绍他人 This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Wang/Green.‎ May I introduce my friend to you?‎ Let me introduce my classmate.‎ I’d like you to meet my friend, Tom.‎ ‎(五)Asking time and date问时间或日期 ‎1.询问 Excuse me. What day of the week is it today?‎ Excuse me. What day is it today?‎ Excuse me. What’s the date today?‎ Excuse me. What’s the time?‎ Excuse me. What time is it by your watch?‎ ‎2.回答 It’s Sunday.‎ It’s July, 1st.‎ It’s ten (o’clock).‎ It’s five past ten.‎ It’s ten to five. ‎ It’s a half past eleven.‎ It’s a quarter to twelve.‎ ‎(六)Useful expressions at a restaurant饭店用语 ‎1.点菜和饮料 I’d like a cup of coffee.‎ Do you have dry white wine?‎ Have you got chicken?‎ A bowl of tomato noodles would be fine.‎ I’d like your special salad.‎ Same again, please.‎ ‎2.服务生用语 Are you ready to order?‎ May I take your order now?‎ What would you like?‎ May I bring you a salad?‎ ‎3.劝食 Help yourself to some fish.‎ Would you like any thing to drink?‎ Would you like some more beef?‎ Thank you. I’ve had enough.‎ Just a little, please.‎ I’m full. Thank you.‎ ‎ (七)Seeing a doctor就医 ‎1.医生用语 What’s the matter?‎ What seems to be wrong with you?‎ What’s your trouble?‎ Do you have a fever?‎ Have you taken your temperature?‎ Let me take your temperature.‎ How long have you felt like this?‎ Open your mouth, say “Ah…”.‎ Take a deep breath. Now let it out.‎ It’s nothing serious.‎ Take this medicine three times a day.‎ You’d better stay in bed for another two days.‎ Give up smoking and take more exercise.‎ Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.‎ ‎2.患者用语 I feel terrible/bad/awful.‎ I don’t feel well.‎ I’ve got a pain here.‎ I couldn’t fall asleep the whole night.‎ It terribly hurts here.‎ I have a high fever.‎ Is it serious, doctor?‎ I have a running nose.‎ I have a headache/toothache/stomachache.‎ I feel sick today.‎ I ache all over.‎ ‎(八)Shopping购物 ‎1.售货员用语 Can I/we help you?‎ What can I/we do for you?‎ How much/many would you like?‎ What about this one?‎ What color/size/kind would you like?‎ Anything else?‎ Here’s your change.‎ ‎2.顾客用语 May I try it on?‎ It’s too big.‎ It’s too bright on me.‎ Sorry, it’s too expensive.‎ How much is it?‎ What’s the price of it?‎ Just have a look.‎ Show me a smaller one, please.‎ That’s fine. I’ll take it.‎ ‎(九)At the library借阅图书 How long can I keep it?‎ I want to borrow a book on the Long March.‎ If you can’t finish reading it on time, you must come and renew it.‎ You mustn’t make marks in the book.‎ The magazines can’t be taken out.‎ ‎(十)Feelings情感 ‎1.表示兴奋、激动 Really? You don’t say!‎ Oh dear!‎ Is that so?‎ What a surprise!‎ How nice to see you!‎ How surprising!‎ Is this what you expected?‎ It’s exciting!‎ You can’t believe it.‎ It’s unbelievable!‎ ‎2.表示安慰 Don’t worry.‎ Take it easy.‎ It’s all right.‎ It’ll be OK. It’ll be all right.‎ Everything will be fine.‎ It doesn’t matter.‎ Everyone makes mistakes.‎ Think nothing about it.‎ Don’t be excited!‎ ‎3.表示鼓励、祝贺或祝福及回应 Come on! You can do it.‎ Have a nice trip! ‎ Congratulations! ‎ Happy birthday!‎ Thank you./Thanks./Thank you very much./Thanks a lot.‎ Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! ‎ The same to you./Same to you. /You, too.‎ Good luck! ‎ I wish you a good luck/success!‎ Have a good trip!‎ ‎4.表示道歉、遗憾 Sorry/Pardon. I beg your pardon.‎ I’m sorry I’m late.‎ I’m sorry for being late.‎ I’m really sorry.‎ I’m sorry to hear that.‎ Please forgive me.‎ What a pity!‎ It’s a pity that he hasn’t come.‎ ‎5.表示赞同或不赞同 That’s/It’s a good idea.‎ I agree (with you).‎ That’s for sure.‎ Sure. Certainly. Of course.‎ That’s right.‎ Yes, I think so.‎ No way!‎ I don’t think so.‎ Certainly not. Of course not. ‎ I’m afraid not. ‎ ‎6.表示建议、命令 You’d better go at once.‎ I hope you’ll come earlier next time.‎ You must do it again.‎ ‎7.表示邀请及应答 Will you come to my birthday party?‎ Would you like to go with us?‎ Yes, I’d like to.‎ Yes, it’s very kind/nice of you.‎ I’d love to, but I have a lot of homework to do.‎ ‎8.表示意愿和希望 It will snow before long. ‎ I hope so.‎ I hope not.‎ I’m going to have my hair cut.‎ I’d like to have a talk with Mary.‎ I feel like going fishing.‎ I wish to be a teacher in the future.‎ I hope to be back soon.‎ ‎9.表示禁止、警告 You can’t/mustn’t do it again.‎ Look out! Be direful! Take care!‎ Don’t smoke!‎ Don’t be late for class!‎ ‎(十一)Talking about weather谈论天气 What’s the weather like today?‎ How’s the weather in your city?‎ It’s fine/sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.‎ It’s getting warmer and warmer.‎ A fine day, isn’t it?‎ It’s rather cold today.‎ ‎(十二)Making phone calls打电话 Hello! Is Tom in?‎ May I speak to Tom?‎ Is that Tom speaking?‎ Hold on, please.‎ Hello, who is it?‎ May I know who’s calling?‎ Can I take a message for you?‎ Hello. This is Tom speaking.‎ 四、强化训练(略)‎